Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2018 The Error Prone Authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree; import com.sun.source.tree.IdentifierTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MemberSelectTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree; import com.sun.source.tree.Tree; import com.sun.source.util.TreeScanner; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind; /** * Looks for hashCode implementations which are inconsistent with equals. * * @author (Graeme Morgan) */ @BugPattern(name = "InconsistentHashCode", summary = "Including fields in hashCode which are not compared in equals violates " + "the contract of hashCode.", severity = WARNING, tags = StandardTags.FRAGILE_CODE, providesFix = ProvidesFix.REQUIRES_HUMAN_ATTENTION) public final class InconsistentHashCode extends BugChecker implements ClassTreeMatcher { public static final String MESSAGE = "hashCode includes the fields %s, which equals does not. Two instances of this class " + "could compare equal, but have different hashCodes, which violates the hashCode " + "contract."; /** Non-static methods that we might expect to see in #hashCode, and allow. */ private static final Matcher<ExpressionTree> HASH_CODE_METHODS = instanceMethod() .onDescendantOf("java.lang.Object").named("hashCode").withParameters(); /** Non-static methods that we might expect to see in #equals, and allow. */ private static final Matcher<ExpressionTree> EQUALS_METHODS = anyOf( instanceMethod().onDescendantOf("java.lang.Object").named("getClass"), instanceEqualsInvocation()); @Override public Description matchClass(ClassTree tree, VisitorState state) { ClassSymbol classSymbol = getSymbol(tree); MethodTree equalsDeclaration = null; MethodTree hashCodeDeclaration = null; for (Tree member : tree.getMembers()) { if (!(member instanceof MethodTree)) { continue; } MethodTree methodTree = (MethodTree) member; if (hashCodeMethodDeclaration().matches(methodTree, state)) { hashCodeDeclaration = methodTree; } else if (equalsMethodDeclaration().matches(methodTree, state)) { equalsDeclaration = methodTree; } } if (equalsDeclaration == null || hashCodeDeclaration == null) { return Description.NO_MATCH; } // Build up a map of methods to the fields they access for simple methods, i.e. getters. // Not a SetMultimap, because we do want to distinguish between "method was not analyzable" and // "method accessed no fields". Map<MethodSymbol, ImmutableSet<Symbol>> fieldsByMethod = new HashMap<>(); for (Tree member : tree.getMembers()) { if (!(member instanceof MethodTree)) { continue; } MethodTree methodTree = (MethodTree) member; if (!methodTree.equals(equalsDeclaration) && !methodTree.equals(hashCodeDeclaration)) { FieldAccessFinder finder = FieldAccessFinder.scanMethod(state, classSymbol, methodTree); if (!finder.failed()) { fieldsByMethod.put(getSymbol(methodTree), finder.accessedFields()); } } } FieldAccessFinder equalsScanner = FieldAccessFinder.scanMethod(state, classSymbol, equalsDeclaration, fieldsByMethod, HASH_CODE_METHODS); FieldAccessFinder hashCodeScanner = FieldAccessFinder.scanMethod(state, classSymbol, hashCodeDeclaration, fieldsByMethod, EQUALS_METHODS); if (equalsScanner.failed() || hashCodeScanner.failed()) { return Description.NO_MATCH; } ImmutableSet<Symbol> fieldsInHashCode = hashCodeScanner.accessedFields(); ImmutableSet<Symbol> fieldsInEquals = equalsScanner.accessedFields(); Set<Symbol> difference = new HashSet<>(Sets.difference(fieldsInHashCode, fieldsInEquals)); // Special-case the situation where #hashCode uses a field containing `hash` for memoization. difference.removeIf(f -> Ascii.toLowerCase(f.toString()).contains("hash")); String message = String.format(MESSAGE, difference); // Skip cases where equals and hashCode compare the same fields, or equals compares none (and // so is probably checking reference equality). return difference.isEmpty() || fieldsInEquals.isEmpty() ? Description.NO_MATCH : buildDescription(hashCodeDeclaration).setMessage(message).build(); } /** * Scans a method to find which fields are accessed from it. Fails if instance methods not * matching {@code acceptableMethods} are found: that is, it's optimised for simple getters. */ private static final class FieldAccessFinder extends TreeScanner<Void, Void> { private final Matcher<ExpressionTree> acceptableMethods; private final Map<MethodSymbol, ImmutableSet<Symbol>> knownMethods; private final ImmutableSet.Builder<Symbol> accessedFields = ImmutableSet.builder(); private final VisitorState state; private final ClassSymbol classSymbol; // We bail out if we got any unknown method calls to avoid reporting false positives. private boolean failed = false; private static FieldAccessFinder scanMethod(VisitorState state, ClassSymbol classSymbol, MethodTree methodTree) { return scanMethod(state, classSymbol, methodTree, ImmutableMap.of(), Matchers.nothing()); } private static FieldAccessFinder scanMethod(VisitorState state, ClassSymbol classSymbol, MethodTree methodTree, Map<MethodSymbol, ImmutableSet<Symbol>> knownMethods, Matcher<ExpressionTree> acceptableMethods) { FieldAccessFinder finder = new FieldAccessFinder(state, classSymbol, knownMethods, acceptableMethods); methodTree.accept(finder, null); return finder; } private FieldAccessFinder(VisitorState state, ClassSymbol classSymbol, Map<MethodSymbol, ImmutableSet<Symbol>> knownMethods, Matcher<ExpressionTree> acceptableMethods) { this.state = state; this.classSymbol = classSymbol; this.knownMethods = knownMethods; this.acceptableMethods = acceptableMethods; } @Override public Void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree tree, Void unused) { MethodSymbol symbol = getSymbol(tree); if (symbol != null) { if (knownMethods.containsKey(symbol)) { accessedFields.addAll(knownMethods.get(symbol)); } else if (!symbol.isStatic() && !acceptableMethods.matches(tree, state)) { failed = true; } } return super.visitMethodInvocation(tree, null); } @Override public Void visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree tree, Void unused) { ExpressionTree receiver = getReceiver(tree); if (receiver == null || receiver.toString().equals("this")) { Symbol symbol = ((JCFieldAccess) tree).sym; handleSymbol(symbol); } return super.visitMemberSelect(tree, null); } @Override public Void visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree tree, Void unused) { Symbol symbol = getSymbol(tree); handleSymbol(symbol); return super.visitIdentifier(tree, null); } private void handleSymbol(Symbol symbol) { if (symbol.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD && !symbol.isStatic() && symbol.owner.equals(classSymbol)) { String name =; if (name.equals("this") || name.equals("super")) { return; } accessedFields.add(symbol); } } private ImmutableSet<Symbol> accessedFields() { return; } public boolean failed() { return failed; } } }