Java tutorial
// Copyright 2009 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import; import; import; import; import jcifs.smb.ACE; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; class SmbAclBuilder extends AbstractSmbAclBuilder { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(SmbAclBuilder.class.getName()); /** * The security ACEs for this file. */ private final ACE[] securityAces; /** * True if this file has any inherited ACEs. */ private final boolean hasInheritedAces; /** * Returns true if the associated {@link ACE} could be inherited by * containers from which files will eventually inherit permissions. * Note that we exclude NO_PROPAGATE ACEs, since those ACEs would never get * propagated to a regular file. We exclude CONTAINER_INHERIT ACEs, since * they would never actually get inherited by a file. We also exclude ACEs * INHERITED from up the chain. */ protected static Predicate<ACE> isContainerInheritAce = new Predicate<ACE>() { @Override public boolean apply(ACE ace) { int mask = ACE.FLAGS_OBJECT_INHERIT | ACE.FLAGS_INHERITED | ACE.FLAGS_NO_PROPAGATE; return (ace.getFlags() & mask) == ACE.FLAGS_OBJECT_INHERIT; } }; /** * Returns true if the associated {@link ACE} could be inherited by regular * files. We exclude CONTAINER_INHERIT ACEs, since they would never actually * get inherited by a file. We also exclude ACEs INHERITED from up the chain. */ protected static Predicate<ACE> isObjectInheritAce = new Predicate<ACE>() { @Override public boolean apply(ACE ace) { int mask = ACE.FLAGS_OBJECT_INHERIT | ACE.FLAGS_INHERITED; return (ace.getFlags() & mask) == ACE.FLAGS_OBJECT_INHERIT; } }; /** * Returns true if the associated {@link ACE} is INHERITED by a container. * We include only OBJECT_INHERIT ACEs, since they are the only ones that * could actually get inherited by a file. We exclude NO_PROPAGATE ACEs * since they could not propagate beyond this container onto a file. */ protected static Predicate<ACE> isContainerInheritedAce = new Predicate<ACE>() { @Override public boolean apply(ACE ace) { int mask = ACE.FLAGS_OBJECT_INHERIT | ACE.FLAGS_INHERITED | ACE.FLAGS_NO_PROPAGATE; return (ace.getFlags() & mask) == (ACE.FLAGS_OBJECT_INHERIT | ACE.FLAGS_INHERITED); } }; /** * Returns true if the associated {@link ACE} is INHERITED. */ protected static Predicate<ACE> isInheritedAce = new Predicate<ACE>() { @Override public boolean apply(ACE ace) { return (ace.getFlags() & ACE.FLAGS_INHERITED) == ACE.FLAGS_INHERITED; } }; /** * Returns true if the associated {@link ACE} is explicit for this * node, not inherited from another node. */ protected static Predicate<ACE> isDirectAce = new Predicate<ACE>() { @Override public boolean apply(ACE ace) { return (ace.getFlags() & ACE.FLAGS_INHERITED) == 0; } }; /** * Creates an {@link SmbAclBuilder}. * * @param file the {@link SmbFileDelegate} whose {@link Acl} we build. * @param propertyFetcher Object containing the required properties. */ SmbAclBuilder(SmbFileDelegate file, AclProperties propertyFetcher) throws IOException { super(file, propertyFetcher); // Get the security ACEs on the file, if not already available. // Also determines if any of those ACEs are inherited. securityAces = file.getSecurity(); this.hasInheritedAces = securityAces != null && Iterables.any(Arrays.asList(securityAces), isInheritedAce); } @Override public Acl getAcl() throws IOException { return getAcl(securityAces, isDirectAce, ""); } @Override public boolean hasInheritedAcls() { return hasInheritedAces; } @Override public Acl getContainerInheritAcl() throws IOException { return getAcl(securityAces, isContainerInheritAce, "Inheritable Directory"); } @Override public Acl getFileInheritAcl() throws IOException { return getAcl(securityAces, isObjectInheritAce, "Inheritable File"); } @Override public Acl getInheritedAcl() throws IOException { // We filter ACEs on containers differently, since we want to exclude // ACE.FLAGS_CONTAINER_INHERIT only ACEs (like List Folder Contents), // and ACE.FLAGS_NO_PROPAGATE ACEs from the ACL. // Note that at the file level, the ACE.FLAGS_OBJECT_INHERIT and the // ACE.FLAGS_CONTAINER_INHERIT bits seem to have been stripped off, // inherited ACEs have only the ACE.FLAGS_INHERITED bit set. if (hasInheritedAces) { return getAcl(securityAces, (file.isDirectory() ? isContainerInheritedAce : isInheritedAce), "Inherited"); } else { return null; } } @Override public Acl getShareAcl() throws IOException { // SmbFile.getShareSecurity with true argument attempts to resolve // the SIDs within each ACE form. return getAcl(file.getShareSecurity(true), Predicates.<ACE>alwaysTrue(), "Share"); } private Acl getAcl(ACE[] aces, Predicate<ACE> predicate, String type) throws IOException { if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "{0} ACEs for {1}: {2}", new Object[] { type, file, Arrays.toString(aces) }); } List<ACE> fileAllowAces = new ArrayList<ACE>(); List<ACE> fileDenyAces = new ArrayList<ACE>(); checkAndAddAces(aces, fileAllowAces, fileDenyAces, predicate); Acl acl = getAclFromAceList(fileAllowAces, fileDenyAces); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "{0} ACL for {1}: {2}", new Object[] { type, file, acl }); return acl; } /** * Gets the Allow and Deny ACEs from the {@code securityAces} and * adds them to the repective list if they pass the {@code predicate}. * * @param securityAces * @param aceList List where the allow ACEs are to be added. * @param aceDenyList List where the deny ACEs are to be added. * @param predicate decides whether to add the ACE or not. * @throws IOException */ @VisibleForTesting void checkAndAddAces(ACE[] securityAces, List<ACE> aceList, List<ACE> aceDenyList, Predicate<ACE> predicate) throws IOException { if (securityAces == null) { LOGGER.warning("Cannot process ACL because of null ACL on " + file); return; } for (ACE ace : securityAces) { if (predicate.apply(ace)) { checkAndAddAce(ace, aceList, aceDenyList); } } } }