Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Google, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** The renaming editor reorganizes the project's hierarchy. */ @AutoFactory(implementing = Editor.Factory.class) public class RenamingEditor implements Editor, InverseEditor { private static final CharMatcher FILE_SEP_CHAR_MATCHER =; private static final Joiner FILE_SEP_JOINER = Joiner.on(File.separator); private static final Splitter FILE_SEP_SPLITTER = Splitter.on(File.separator); private static final java.lang.reflect.Type MAP_TYPE = new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() { }.getType(); private final FileSystem filesystem; private final String editorName; private final Map<Pattern, String> regexMappings; private final boolean useRegex; RenamingEditor(@Provided FileSystem filesystem, @Provided Gson gson, String name, EditorConfig config) { this.filesystem = filesystem; this.editorName = name; if (config.mappings() == null) { throw new MoeProblem("No mappings object found in the config for editor %s", editorName); } regexMappings = mappingsFromConfig(gson, config); this.useRegex = config.useRegex(); } /** Preprocesses the mappings from the given {@link EditorConfig}. */ private static Map<Pattern, String> mappingsFromConfig(Gson gson, EditorConfig config) { Map<String, String> mappings = gson.fromJson(config.mappings(), MAP_TYPE); ImmutableMap.Builder<Pattern, String> regexMappingsBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (String mapping : mappings.keySet()) { regexMappingsBuilder.put(Pattern.compile(config.useRegex() ? mapping : Pattern.quote(mapping)), mappings.get(mapping)); } return; } /** * Returns a description of what this editor will do. */ @Override public String getDescription() { return "rename step " + editorName; } @Override public InverseEditor validateInversion() throws InvalidProject { if (useRegex) { // TODO(cgruber): Work out how to soft-land this change. // throw new InvalidProject( // "Editor type %s is not reversable if use_regex=true", EditorType.renamer); } return this; } /** * Recursively copies files from src to dest, changing the filenames as specified * in mappings. * * @param srcFile the absolute path of a file to rename and copy or a dir to crawl * @param srcFolder the absolute root of the from folder being crawled * @param destFolder the absolute root of the to folder receiving renamed files */ @VisibleForTesting void copyDirectoryAndRename(File srcFile, File srcFolder, File destFolder) throws IOException { if (filesystem.isDirectory(srcFile)) { File[] files = filesystem.listFiles(srcFile); for (File subFile : files) { copyDirectoryAndRename(subFile, srcFolder, destFolder); } } else { // "/srcFolder/path/to/file" -> "path/to/file" String relativePath = srcFolder.toURI().relativize(srcFile.toURI()).getPath(); File renamedFile = new File(destFolder, renameFile(relativePath)); filesystem.makeDirsForFile(renamedFile); filesystem.copyFile(srcFile, renamedFile); } } /** * Returns the filename according to the rules in mappings. * * @param inputFilename the filename to be renamed, relative to the root of the codebase * * @return the new relative filename * @throws MoeProblem if a mapping for inputFilename could not be found */ String renameFile(String inputFilename) { for (Pattern searchExp : regexMappings.keySet()) { Matcher matcher = searchExp.matcher(inputFilename); if (matcher.find()) { String renamed = matcher.replaceFirst(regexMappings.get(searchExp)); // Erase leading path separators, e.g. when the rule "dir" -> "" maps // "dir/filename.txt" to "/filename.txt". return FILE_SEP_CHAR_MATCHER.trimLeadingFrom(renamed); } } throw new MoeProblem("Cannot find a rename mapping that covers file %s. " + "Every file needs an applicable renaming rule.", inputFilename); } /** * Copies the input Codebase's contents, renaming the files according to this.mappings and returns * a new Codebase with the results. * * @param input the Codebase to edit * @param options a map containing any command line options such as a specific revision */ @Override public Codebase edit(Codebase input, Map<String, String> options) { File tempDir = filesystem.getTemporaryDirectory("rename_run_"); try { copyDirectoryAndRename(input.path().getAbsoluteFile(), input.path().getAbsoluteFile(), tempDir.getAbsoluteFile()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MoeProblem(e, "Failed to copy %s to %s", input.path(), tempDir); } return Codebase.create(tempDir, input.projectSpace(), input.expression()); } @Override public Codebase inverseEdit(Codebase input, Codebase referenceFrom, Codebase referenceTo, Map<String, String> options) { File tempDir = filesystem.getTemporaryDirectory("inverse_rename_run_"); inverseRenameAndCopy(input, tempDir, referenceTo); return Codebase.create(tempDir, referenceTo.projectSpace(), referenceTo.expression()); } private void inverseRenameAndCopy(Codebase input, File destination, Codebase reference) { Set<String> renamedFilenames = Utils.makeFilenamesRelative(filesystem.findFiles(input.path()), input.path()); Map<String, String> renamedToReferenceMap = makeRenamedToReferenceMap( Utils.makeFilenamesRelative(filesystem.findFiles(reference.path()), reference.path())); for (String renamedFilename : renamedFilenames) { String inverseRenamedFilename = inverseRename(renamedFilename, renamedToReferenceMap); copyFile(renamedFilename, inverseRenamedFilename, input.path(), destination); } } private void copyFile(String inputFilename, String destFilename, File inputRoot, File destRoot) { File inputFile = new File(inputRoot, inputFilename); File destFile = new File(destRoot, destFilename); try { filesystem.makeDirsForFile(destFile); filesystem.copyFile(inputFile, destFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MoeProblem(e, "%s", e.getMessage()); } } /** * Walks backwards through the dir prefixes of renamedFilename looking for a match in * renamedToReferenceMap. */ private String inverseRename(String renamedFilename, Map<String, String> renamedToReferenceMap) { List<String> renamedAllParts = FILE_SEP_SPLITTER.splitToList(renamedFilename); for (int i = renamedAllParts.size(); i > 0; i--) { String renamedParts = FILE_SEP_JOINER.join(renamedAllParts.subList(0, i)); String partsToSubstitute = renamedToReferenceMap.get(renamedParts); if (partsToSubstitute != null) { return renamedFilename.replace(renamedParts, partsToSubstitute); } } // No inverse renaming found. return renamedFilename; } /** * Returns mappings (renamed path, original/reference path) for all paths in the renamed/input * Codebase. */ private Map<String, String> makeRenamedToReferenceMap(Set<String> referenceFilenames) { // Use a HashMap instead of ImmutableMap.Builder because we may put the same key (e.g. a // high-level dir) multiple times. We may want to complain if trying to put a new value for a // dir (i.e. if two different reference paths are renamed to the same path), but we don't now. HashMap<String, String> tmpPathMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (String refFilename : referenceFilenames) { String renamed = this.renameFile(refFilename); LinkedList<String> renamedPathParts = Lists.newLinkedList(FILE_SEP_SPLITTER.split(renamed)); LinkedList<String> refPathParts = Lists.newLinkedList(FILE_SEP_SPLITTER.split(refFilename)); // Put a mapping for each directory prefix of the renaming, stopping at the root of either // path. For example, a renaming a/b/c/file -> x/y/file creates mappings for each dir prefix: // - x/y/file -> a/b/c/file // - x/y -> a/b/c // - x -> a/b while (!renamedPathParts.isEmpty() && !refPathParts.isEmpty()) { tmpPathMap.put(FILE_SEP_JOINER.join(renamedPathParts), FILE_SEP_JOINER.join(refPathParts)); renamedPathParts.removeLast(); refPathParts.removeLast(); } } return ImmutableMap.copyOf(tmpPathMap); } }