Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ITypeBinding; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IVariableBinding; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Modifier; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Builds the graph of possible references between types and searches for * possible cycles. * * @author Keith Stanger */ public class ReferenceGraph { private final Map<String, ITypeBinding> allTypes; private final OuterReferenceResolver outerResolver; private final NameList whitelist; private final NameList blacklist; private SetMultimap<String, Edge> edges = HashMultimap.create(); private List<List<Edge>> cycles = Lists.newArrayList(); public ReferenceGraph(TypeCollector typeCollector, OuterReferenceResolver outerResolver, NameList whitelist, NameList blacklist) { this.allTypes = typeCollector.getTypes(); this.outerResolver = outerResolver; this.whitelist = whitelist; this.blacklist = blacklist; } public List<List<Edge>> findCycles() { constructGraph(); runTarjans(); return cycles; } private void constructGraph() { addFieldEdges(); addSubtypeEdges(); addSuperclassEdges(); addOuterClassEdges(); // TODO(kstanger): Capture edges should be added before subtype edges. addAnonymousClassCaptureEdges(); } private void addEdge(Edge e) { if (!e.getOrigin().getKey().equals(e.getTarget().getKey())) { edges.put(e.getOrigin().getKey(), e); } } private void addFieldEdges() { for (ITypeBinding type : allTypes.values()) { for (IVariableBinding field : type.getDeclaredFields()) { ITypeBinding fieldType = getElementType(field.getType()); if (!whitelist.containsField(field) && !whitelist.containsType(fieldType) && !fieldType.isPrimitive() && !Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) // Exclude self-referential fields. (likely linked DS or delegate pattern) && !type.isAssignmentCompatible(fieldType) && !BindingUtil.isWeakReference(field) && !BindingUtil.isRetainedWithField(field)) { addEdge(Edge.newFieldEdge(type, field)); } } } } private ITypeBinding getElementType(ITypeBinding type) { if (type.isArray()) { return type.getElementType(); } return type; } private void addSubtypeEdges() { SetMultimap<String, String> subtypes = HashMultimap.create(); for (ITypeBinding type : allTypes.values()) { collectSubtypes(type.getKey(), type, subtypes); } for (String type : allTypes.keySet()) { for (Edge e : ImmutableList.copyOf(edges.get(type))) { Set<String> targetSubtypes = subtypes.get(e.getTarget().getKey()); Set<String> whitelistKeys = Sets.newHashSet(); IVariableBinding field = e.getField(); for (String subtype : targetSubtypes) { ITypeBinding subtypeBinding = allTypes.get(subtype); if ((field != null && field.isField() && whitelist.isWhitelistedTypeForField(field, subtypeBinding)) || whitelist.containsType(subtypeBinding)) { whitelistKeys.add(subtype); whitelistKeys.addAll(subtypes.get(subtype)); } } for (String subtype : Sets.difference(targetSubtypes, whitelistKeys)) { addEdge(Edge.newSubtypeEdge(e, allTypes.get(subtype))); } } } } private void collectSubtypes(String originalType, ITypeBinding type, Multimap<String, String> subtypes) { for (ITypeBinding interfaze : type.getInterfaces()) { subtypes.put(interfaze.getKey(), originalType); collectSubtypes(originalType, interfaze, subtypes); } if (type.getSuperclass() != null) { subtypes.put(type.getSuperclass().getKey(), originalType); collectSubtypes(originalType, type.getSuperclass(), subtypes); } } private void addSuperclassEdges() { for (ITypeBinding type : allTypes.values()) { ITypeBinding superclass = type.getSuperclass(); while (superclass != null) { for (Edge e : edges.get(superclass.getKey())) { addEdge(Edge.newSuperclassEdge(e, type, superclass)); } superclass = superclass.getSuperclass(); } } } private void addOuterClassEdges() { for (ITypeBinding type : allTypes.values()) { if (outerResolver.needsOuterReference(type.getTypeDeclaration()) && !BindingUtil.hasNamedAnnotation(type, "WeakOuter") && !BindingUtil.isWeakOuterAnonymousClass(type)) { ITypeBinding declaringType = type.getDeclaringClass(); if (declaringType != null && !whitelist.containsType(declaringType) && !whitelist.hasOuterForType(type)) { addEdge(Edge.newOuterClassEdge(type, declaringType)); } } } } private void addAnonymousClassCaptureEdges() { for (ITypeBinding type : allTypes.values()) { if (type.isAnonymous()) { for (IVariableBinding capturedVar : outerResolver.getInnerFields(type.getTypeDeclaration())) { ITypeBinding targetType = getElementType(capturedVar.getType()); if (!targetType.isPrimitive() && !whitelist.containsType(targetType) && !BindingUtil.isWeakReference(capturedVar)) { addEdge(Edge.newCaptureEdge(type, capturedVar)); } } } } } private void runTarjans() { Set<String> seedTypes = edges.keySet(); if (blacklist != null) { seedTypes = Sets.newHashSet(seedTypes); Iterator<String> it = seedTypes.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (!blacklist.containsType(allTypes.get( { it.remove(); } } } List<List<String>> stronglyConnectedComponents = Tarjans.getStronglyConnectedComponents(edges, seedTypes); for (List<String> component : stronglyConnectedComponents) { handleStronglyConnectedComponent(makeSubgraph(edges, component)); } } private void handleStronglyConnectedComponent(SetMultimap<String, Edge> subgraph) { // Make sure to find at least one cycle for each type in the SCC. Set<String> unusedTypes = Sets.newHashSet(subgraph.keySet()); while (!unusedTypes.isEmpty()) { String root = Iterables.getFirst(unusedTypes, null); assert root != null; List<Edge> cycle = runDijkstras(subgraph, root); if (shouldAddCycle(cycle)) { cycles.add(cycle); } for (Edge e : cycle) { unusedTypes.remove(e.getOrigin().getKey()); } } } private boolean shouldAddCycle(List<Edge> cycle) { if (blacklist == null) { return true; } for (Edge e : cycle) { if (blacklist.containsType(e.getOrigin())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Runs a version of Dijkstra's algorithm to find a tight cycle in the given * strongly connected component. */ private List<Edge> runDijkstras(SetMultimap<String, Edge> graph, String root) { Map<String, Edge> backlinks = Maps.newHashMap(); Set<String> visited = Sets.newHashSet(); List<String> toVisit = Lists.newArrayList(root); outer: while (true) { List<String> visitNext = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String source : toVisit) { visited.add(source); for (Edge e : graph.get(source)) { String target = e.getTarget().getKey(); if (!visited.contains(target)) { visitNext.add(target); backlinks.put(target, e); } else if (target.equals(root)) { backlinks.put(root, e); break outer; } } } toVisit = visitNext; } List<Edge> cycle = Lists.newArrayList(); String curNode = root; while (!curNode.equals(root) || cycle.size() == 0) { Edge nextEdge = backlinks.get(curNode); cycle.add(nextEdge); curNode = nextEdge.getOrigin().getKey(); } return Lists.newArrayList(Lists.reverse(cycle)); } private static SetMultimap<String, Edge> makeSubgraph(SetMultimap<String, Edge> graph, Collection<String> vertices) { SetMultimap<String, Edge> subgraph = HashMultimap.create(); for (String type : vertices) { for (Edge e : graph.get(type)) { if (vertices.contains(e.getTarget().getKey())) { subgraph.put(type, e); } } } return subgraph; } }