Java tutorial
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; /** Handles all thread-related state and debugging tasks. */ final class ThreadHandler { /** The state of a thread that is paused. */ private static class PausedThreadState { final long id; final String name; final Debuggable debuggable; /** The {@link Location} where execution is currently paused. */ final Location location; /** Used to block execution of threads */ final Semaphore semaphore; PausedThreadState(long id, String name, Debuggable debuggable, Location location) { = id; = name; this.debuggable = debuggable; this.location = location; this.semaphore = new Semaphore(0); } } /** * The state of a thread that is stepping, i.e. currently running but expected to stop at a * subsequent statement even without a breakpoint. This may include threads that have completed * running while stepping, since the ThreadHandler doesn't know when a thread terminates. */ private static class SteppingThreadState { /** Determines when execution should next be paused. */ final ReadyToPause readyToPause; SteppingThreadState(ReadyToPause readyToPause) { this.readyToPause = readyToPause; } } /** * If true, all threads will pause at the earliest possible opportunity. New threads will also be * immediately paused upon creation. * * <p>The debugger starts with all threads paused, until a StartDebuggingRequest is received. */ private volatile boolean pausingAllThreads = true; /** A map from identifiers of paused threads to their state info. */ @GuardedBy("this") private final Map<Long, PausedThreadState> pausedThreads = new HashMap<>(); /** A map from identifiers of stepping threads to their state. */ @GuardedBy("this") private final Map<Long, SteppingThreadState> steppingThreads = new HashMap<>(); /** All location-based breakpoints (the only type of breakpoint currently supported). */ private volatile ImmutableMap<SkylarkDebuggingProtos.Location, SkylarkDebuggingProtos.Breakpoint> breakpoints = ImmutableMap .of(); /** * True if the thread is currently performing a debugger-requested evaluation. If so, we don't * check for breakpoints during the evaluation. */ private final ThreadLocal<Boolean> servicingEvalRequest = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> false); /** * Threads which are not paused now, but that are set to be paused in the next checked execution * step as the result of a PauseThreadRequest. * * <p>Invariant: Every thread id in this set is also in {@link #steppingThreads}, provided that we * are not in a synchronized block on the class instance. */ private final Set<Long> threadsToPause = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet(); /** Mark all current and future threads paused. Will take effect asynchronously. */ void pauseAllThreads() { pausingAllThreads = true; } /** Mark the given thread paused. Will take effect asynchronously. */ void pauseThread(long threadId) throws DebugRequestException { synchronized (this) { if (!steppingThreads.containsKey(threadId)) { String error = pausedThreads.containsKey(threadId) ? "Thread is already paused" : "Unknown thread: only threads which are currently stepping can be paused"; throw new DebugRequestException(error); } threadsToPause.add(threadId); } } void setBreakpoints(Collection<Breakpoint> breakpoints) { Map<SkylarkDebuggingProtos.Location, SkylarkDebuggingProtos.Breakpoint> map = new HashMap<>(); for (SkylarkDebuggingProtos.Breakpoint breakpoint : breakpoints) { if (breakpoint.getConditionCase() != SkylarkDebuggingProtos.Breakpoint.ConditionCase.LOCATION) { continue; } // all breakpoints cover the entire line, so unset the column number SkylarkDebuggingProtos.Location location = breakpoint.getLocation().toBuilder().clearColumnNumber() .build(); map.put(location, breakpoint); } this.breakpoints = ImmutableMap.copyOf(map); } /** * Resumes all threads. Any currently stepping threads have their stepping behavior cleared, so * will run unconditionally. */ void resumeAllThreads() { threadsToPause.clear(); pausingAllThreads = false; synchronized (this) { for (PausedThreadState thread : ImmutableList.copyOf(pausedThreads.values())) { // continue-all doesn't support stepping. resumePausedThread(thread, SkylarkDebuggingProtos.Stepping.NONE); } steppingThreads.clear(); } } /** * Unpauses the given thread if it is currently paused. Also unsets {@link #pausingAllThreads}. If * the thread is not paused, but currently stepping, it clears the stepping behavior so it will * run unconditionally. */ void resumeThread(long threadId, SkylarkDebuggingProtos.Stepping stepping) throws DebugRequestException { // once the user has requested any thread be resumed, don't continue pausing future threads pausingAllThreads = false; synchronized (this) { threadsToPause.remove(threadId); if (steppingThreads.remove(threadId) != null) { return; } PausedThreadState thread = pausedThreads.get(threadId); if (thread == null) { throw new DebugRequestException(String.format("Unknown thread %s: cannot resume.", threadId)); } resumePausedThread(thread, stepping); } } /** Unpauses a currently-paused thread. */ @GuardedBy("this") private void resumePausedThread(PausedThreadState thread, SkylarkDebuggingProtos.Stepping stepping) { pausedThreads.remove(; ReadyToPause readyToPause = thread.debuggable.stepControl(DebugEventHelper.convertSteppingEnum(stepping)); if (readyToPause != null) { steppingThreads.put(, new SteppingThreadState(readyToPause)); } thread.semaphore.release(); } void pauseIfNecessary(Environment env, Location location, DebugServerTransport transport) { if (servicingEvalRequest.get()) { return; } PauseReason pauseReason; Error error = null; try { pauseReason = shouldPauseCurrentThread(env, location); } catch (ConditionalBreakpointException e) { pauseReason = PauseReason.CONDITIONAL_BREAKPOINT_ERROR; error = Error.newBuilder().setMessage(e.getMessage()).build(); } if (pauseReason == null) { return; } long threadId = Thread.currentThread().getId(); threadsToPause.remove(threadId); synchronized (this) { steppingThreads.remove(threadId); } pauseCurrentThread(env, location, transport, pauseReason, error); } /** Handles a {@code ListFramesRequest} and returns its response. */ ImmutableList<SkylarkDebuggingProtos.Frame> listFrames(long threadId) throws DebugRequestException { synchronized (this) { PausedThreadState thread = pausedThreads.get(threadId); if (thread == null) { throw new DebugRequestException( String.format("Thread %s is not paused or does not exist.", threadId)); } return thread.debuggable.listFrames(thread.location).stream().map(DebugEventHelper::getFrameProto) .collect(toImmutableList()); } } SkylarkDebuggingProtos.Value evaluate(long threadId, String statement) throws DebugRequestException { Debuggable debuggable; synchronized (this) { PausedThreadState thread = pausedThreads.get(threadId); if (thread == null) { throw new DebugRequestException( String.format("Thread %s is not paused or does not exist.", threadId)); } debuggable = thread.debuggable; } // no need to evaluate within the synchronize block: for paused threads, debuggable is only // accessed in response to a client request, and requests are handled serially // TODO(bazel-team): support asynchronous replies, and use finer-grained locks try { Object result = doEvaluate(debuggable, statement); return DebuggerSerialization.getValueProto("Evaluation result", result); } catch (EvalException | InterruptedException e) { throw new DebugRequestException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Evaluate the given expression in the environment defined by the provided {@link Debuggable}. * * <p>The caller is responsible for ensuring that the associated skylark thread isn't currently * running. */ private Object doEvaluate(Debuggable debuggable, String expression) throws EvalException, InterruptedException { try { servicingEvalRequest.set(true); return debuggable.evaluate(expression); } finally { servicingEvalRequest.set(false); } } /** * Pauses the current thread's execution, blocking until it's resumed via a * ContinueExecutionRequest. */ private void pauseCurrentThread(Environment env, Location location, DebugServerTransport transport, PauseReason pauseReason, @Nullable Error conditionalBreakpointError) { long threadId = Thread.currentThread().getId(); PausedThreadState pausedState = new PausedThreadState(threadId, Thread.currentThread().getName(), env, location); synchronized (this) { pausedThreads.put(threadId, pausedState); } SkylarkDebuggingProtos.PausedThread threadProto = getPausedThreadProto(pausedState, pauseReason, conditionalBreakpointError); transport.postEvent(DebugEventHelper.threadPausedEvent(threadProto)); pausedState.semaphore.acquireUninterruptibly(); transport.postEvent(DebugEventHelper.threadContinuedEvent(threadId)); } @Nullable private PauseReason shouldPauseCurrentThread(Environment env, Location location) throws ConditionalBreakpointException { long threadId = Thread.currentThread().getId(); if (pausingAllThreads) { return PauseReason.ALL_THREADS_PAUSED; } if (threadsToPause.contains(threadId)) { return PauseReason.PAUSE_THREAD_REQUEST; } if (hasBreakpointMatchedAtLocation(env, location)) { return PauseReason.HIT_BREAKPOINT; } // TODO(bazel-team): if contention becomes a problem, consider changing 'threads' to a // concurrent map, and synchronizing on individual entries synchronized (this) { SteppingThreadState steppingState = steppingThreads.get(threadId); if (steppingState != null && steppingState.readyToPause.test(env)) { return PauseReason.STEPPING; } } return null; } /** * Returns true if there's a breakpoint at the current location, with a satisfied condition if * relevant. */ private boolean hasBreakpointMatchedAtLocation(Environment env, Location location) throws ConditionalBreakpointException { // breakpoints is volatile, so taking a local copy ImmutableMap<SkylarkDebuggingProtos.Location, SkylarkDebuggingProtos.Breakpoint> breakpoints = this.breakpoints; if (breakpoints.isEmpty()) { return false; } SkylarkDebuggingProtos.Location locationProto = DebugEventHelper.getLocationProto(location); if (locationProto == null) { return false; } locationProto = locationProto.toBuilder().clearColumnNumber().build(); SkylarkDebuggingProtos.Breakpoint breakpoint = breakpoints.get(locationProto); if (breakpoint == null) { return false; } String condition = breakpoint.getExpression(); if (condition.isEmpty()) { return true; } try { return EvalUtils.toBoolean(doEvaluate(env, condition)); } catch (EvalException | InterruptedException e) { throw new ConditionalBreakpointException(e.getMessage()); } } /** Returns a {@code Thread} proto builder with information about the given thread. */ private static SkylarkDebuggingProtos.PausedThread getPausedThreadProto(PausedThreadState thread, PauseReason pauseReason, @Nullable Error conditionalBreakpointError) { SkylarkDebuggingProtos.PausedThread.Builder builder = SkylarkDebuggingProtos.PausedThread.newBuilder() .setId( .setLocation(DebugEventHelper.getLocationProto(thread.location)); if (conditionalBreakpointError != null) { builder.setConditionalBreakpointError(conditionalBreakpointError); } return; } }