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// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

/** A configuration containing flags required for Apple platforms and tools. */
@SkylarkModule(name = "apple", doc = "A configuration fragment for Apple platforms.", category = SkylarkModuleCategory.CONFIGURATION_FRAGMENT)
public class AppleConfiguration extends BuildConfiguration.Fragment {
     * Environment variable name for the xcode version. The value of this environment variable should
     * be set to the version (for example, "7.2") of xcode to use when invoking part of the apple
     * toolkit in action execution.
    public static final String XCODE_VERSION_ENV_NAME = "XCODE_VERSION_OVERRIDE";
     * Environment variable name for the apple SDK version. If unset, uses the system default of the
     * host for the platform in the value of {@link #APPLE_SDK_PLATFORM_ENV_NAME}.
     * Environment variable name for the apple SDK platform. This should be set for all actions that
     * require an apple SDK. The valid values consist of {@link Platform} names.
    public static final String APPLE_SDK_PLATFORM_ENV_NAME = "APPLE_SDK_PLATFORM";

     * Rule classes that need a top level transition to the apple crosstool if static configurations
     * are being used.
     * <p>This list must not contain any rule classes that require some other split transition, as
     * that transition would be suppressed by the top level transition to the apple crosstool. For
     * example, if "apple_binary" were in this list, the multi-arch transition would not occur.
    public static final ImmutableList<String> APPLE_CROSSTOOL_RULE_CLASSES_FOR_STATIC_CONFIGS = ImmutableList
            .of("objc_library", "objc_binary", "experimental_objc_library");

     * Rule classes that need a top level transition to the apple crosstool.  Dynamic configurations
     * must be in place until these can be used - for static configurations, use
    public static final ImmutableList<String> APPLE_CROSSTOOL_RULE_CLASSES = ImmutableList.of("apple_binary",
            "apple_dynamic_library", "apple_static_library", "apple_watch_extension_binary",
            "experimental_objc_library", "ios_extension_binary", "ios_test", "objc_binary", "objc_library");

    private static final DottedVersion MINIMUM_BITCODE_XCODE_VERSION = DottedVersion.fromString("7");

    private final DottedVersion xcodeVersion;
    private final DottedVersion iosSdkVersion;
    private final DottedVersion iosMinimumOs;
    private final DottedVersion watchosSdkVersion;
    private final DottedVersion watchosMinimumOs;
    private final DottedVersion tvosSdkVersion;
    private final DottedVersion tvosMinimumOs;
    private final DottedVersion macosXSdkVersion;
    private final String iosCpu;
    private final String appleSplitCpu;
    private final PlatformType applePlatformType;
    private final ConfigurationDistinguisher configurationDistinguisher;
    private final ImmutableList<String> iosMultiCpus;
    private final ImmutableList<String> watchosCpus;
    private final ImmutableList<String> tvosCpus;
    private final AppleBitcodeMode bitcodeMode;
    private final Label xcodeConfigLabel;
    private final boolean enableAppleCrosstool;
    private final String xcodeToolchain;
    private final Label defaultProvisioningProfileLabel;

    AppleConfiguration(AppleCommandLineOptions appleOptions, @Nullable DottedVersion xcodeVersion,
            DottedVersion iosSdkVersion, DottedVersion watchosSdkVersion, DottedVersion watchosMinimumOs,
            DottedVersion tvosSdkVersion, DottedVersion tvosMinimumOs, DottedVersion macosXSdkVersion) {
        this.iosSdkVersion = Preconditions.checkNotNull(iosSdkVersion, "iosSdkVersion");
        this.iosMinimumOs = Preconditions.checkNotNull(appleOptions.iosMinimumOs, "iosMinimumOs");
        this.watchosSdkVersion = Preconditions.checkNotNull(watchosSdkVersion, "watchOsSdkVersion");
        this.watchosMinimumOs = Preconditions.checkNotNull(watchosMinimumOs, "watchOsMinimumOs");
        this.tvosSdkVersion = Preconditions.checkNotNull(tvosSdkVersion, "tvOsSdkVersion");
        this.tvosMinimumOs = Preconditions.checkNotNull(tvosMinimumOs, "tvOsMinimumOs");

        this.macosXSdkVersion = Preconditions.checkNotNull(macosXSdkVersion, "macOsXSdkVersion");

        this.xcodeVersion = xcodeVersion;
        this.iosCpu = Preconditions.checkNotNull(appleOptions.iosCpu, "iosCpu");
        this.appleSplitCpu = Preconditions.checkNotNull(appleOptions.appleSplitCpu, "appleSplitCpu");
        this.applePlatformType = Preconditions.checkNotNull(appleOptions.applePlatformType, "applePlatformType");
        this.configurationDistinguisher = appleOptions.configurationDistinguisher;
        this.iosMultiCpus = ImmutableList
                .copyOf(Preconditions.checkNotNull(appleOptions.iosMultiCpus, "iosMultiCpus"));
        this.watchosCpus = (appleOptions.watchosCpus == null || appleOptions.watchosCpus.isEmpty())
                ? ImmutableList.of(AppleCommandLineOptions.DEFAULT_WATCHOS_CPU)
                : ImmutableList.copyOf(appleOptions.watchosCpus);
        this.tvosCpus = (appleOptions.tvosCpus == null || appleOptions.tvosCpus.isEmpty())
                ? ImmutableList.of(AppleCommandLineOptions.DEFAULT_TVOS_CPU)
                : ImmutableList.copyOf(appleOptions.tvosCpus);
        this.bitcodeMode = appleOptions.appleBitcodeMode;
        this.xcodeConfigLabel = Preconditions.checkNotNull(appleOptions.xcodeVersionConfig, "xcodeConfigLabel");
        this.enableAppleCrosstool = appleOptions.enableAppleCrosstoolTransition;
        this.defaultProvisioningProfileLabel = appleOptions.defaultProvisioningProfile;
        this.xcodeToolchain = appleOptions.xcodeToolchain;

     * Returns the minimum iOS version supported by binaries and libraries. Any dependencies on newer
     * iOS version features or libraries will become weak dependencies which are only loaded if the
     * runtime OS supports them.
    @SkylarkCallable(name = "ios_minimum_os", structField = true, doc = "The minimum compatible iOS version for target simulators and devices.")
    public DottedVersion getMinimumOs() {
        // TODO(bazel-team): Deprecate in favor of getMinimumOsForPlatformType(IOS).
        return iosMinimumOs;

    @SkylarkCallable(name = "minimum_os_for_platform_type", doc = "The minimum compatible OS version for target simulator and devices for a particular "
            + "platform type.")
    public DottedVersion getMinimumOsForPlatformType(PlatformType platformType) {
        switch (platformType) {
        case IOS:
            return iosMinimumOs;
        case TVOS:
            return tvosMinimumOs;
        case WATCHOS:
            return watchosMinimumOs;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled platform: " + platformType);

     * Returns the SDK version for ios SDKs (whether they be for simulator or device). This is
     * directly derived from --ios_sdk_version.
     * @deprecated - use {@link #getSdkVersionForPlatform()}
    public DottedVersion getIosSdkVersion() {
        return getSdkVersionForPlatform(Platform.IOS_DEVICE);

     * Returns the SDK version for a platform (whether they be for simulator or device). This is
     * directly derived from command line args.
    @SkylarkCallable(name = "sdk_version_for_platform", doc = "The SDK version given a platform.")
    public DottedVersion getSdkVersionForPlatform(Platform platform) {
        switch (platform) {
        case IOS_DEVICE:
        case IOS_SIMULATOR:
            return iosSdkVersion;
        case TVOS_DEVICE:
        case TVOS_SIMULATOR:
            return tvosSdkVersion;
        case WATCHOS_DEVICE:
            return watchosSdkVersion;
        case MACOS_X:
            return macosXSdkVersion;
        throw new AssertionError();


     * Returns the value of the xcode version, if available. This is determined based on a combination
     * of the {@code --xcode_version} build flag and the {@code xcode_config} target defined in the
     * {@code --xcode_version_config} flag. Returns null if no xcode is available.
    @SkylarkCallable(name = "xcode_version")
    public DottedVersion getXcodeVersion() {
        return xcodeVersion;

     * Returns a map of environment variables (derived from configuration) that should be propagated
     * for actions pertaining to the given apple platform. Keys are variable names and values are
     * their corresponding values.
    @SkylarkCallable(name = "target_apple_env")
    public Map<String, String> getTargetAppleEnvironment(Platform platform) {
        ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> mapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();

     * Returns a map of environment variables that should be propagated for actions that build on an
     * apple host system. These environment variables are needed by the apple toolchain. Keys are
     * variable names and values are their corresponding values.
    @SkylarkCallable(name = "apple_host_system_env", doc = "Returns a map of environment variables that should be propagated for actions that "
            + "build on an apple host system. These environment variables are needed by the apple "
            + "toolchain. Keys are variable names and values are their corresponding values.")
    public Map<String, String> getAppleHostSystemEnv() {
        DottedVersion xcodeVersion = getXcodeVersion();
        if (xcodeVersion != null) {
            return getXcodeVersionEnv(xcodeVersion);
        } else {
            return ImmutableMap.of();

     * Returns a map of environment variables that should be propagated for actions that require
     * a version of xcode to be explicitly declared. Keys are variable names and values are their
     * corresponding values.
    public Map<String, String> getXcodeVersionEnv(DottedVersion xcodeVersion) {
        return ImmutableMap.of(AppleConfiguration.XCODE_VERSION_ENV_NAME, xcodeVersion.toString());

     * Returns a map of environment variables (derived from configuration) that should be propagated
     * for actions pertaining to building applications for apple platforms. These environment
     * variables are needed to use apple toolkits. Keys are variable names and values are their
     * corresponding values.
    public Map<String, String> appleTargetPlatformEnv(Platform platform) {
        ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();

        String sdkVersion = getSdkVersionForPlatform(platform).toStringWithMinimumComponents(2);
        builder.put(AppleConfiguration.APPLE_SDK_VERSION_ENV_NAME, sdkVersion)
                .put(AppleConfiguration.APPLE_SDK_PLATFORM_ENV_NAME, platform.getNameInPlist());


     * Returns the value of {@code ios_cpu} for this configuration. This is not necessarily the
     * platform or cpu for all actions spawned in this configuration; it is appropriate for
     * identifying the target cpu of iOS compile and link actions within this configuration.
    @SkylarkCallable(name = "ios_cpu", doc = "The value of ios_cpu for this configuration.")
    public String getIosCpu() {
        return iosCpu;

     * Gets the single "effective" architecture for this configuration's {@link PlatformType} (for
     * example, "i386" or "arm64"). Prefer this over {@link #getMultiArchitectures(PlatformType)} only
     * if in the context of rule logic which is only concerned with a single architecture (such as in
     * {@code objc_library}, which registers single-architecture compile actions).
     * <p>Single effective architecture is determined using the following rules:
     * <ol>
     * <li>If {@code --apple_split_cpu} is set (done via prior configuration transition), then that is
     *     the effective architecture.
     * <li>If the multi cpus flag (e.g. {@code --ios_multi_cpus}) is set and non-empty, then the first
     *     such architecture is returned.
     * <li>In the case of iOS, use {@code --ios_cpu} for backwards compatibility.
     * <li>Use the default.
     * </ol>
    @SkylarkCallable(name = "single_arch_cpu", structField = true, doc = "The single \"effective\" architecture for this configuration (e.g. i386 or arm64) "
            + "in the context of rule logic which is only concerned with a single architecture "
            + "(such as in objc_library, which registers single-architecture compile actions). ")
    public String getSingleArchitecture() {
        if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(appleSplitCpu)) {
            return appleSplitCpu;
        switch (applePlatformType) {
        case IOS:
            if (!getIosMultiCpus().isEmpty()) {
                return getIosMultiCpus().get(0);
            } else {
                return getIosCpu();
        case WATCHOS:
            return watchosCpus.get(0);
        case TVOS:
            return tvosCpus.get(0);
        // TODO(cparsons): Handle all platform types.
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled platform type " + applePlatformType);

     * Gets the "effective" architecture(s) for the given {@link PlatformType}. For example,
     * "i386" or "arm64". At least one architecture is always returned. Prefer this over
     * {@link #getSingleArchitecture} in rule logic which may support multiple architectures, such
     * as bundling rules.
     * <p>Effective architecture(s) is determined using the following rules:
     * <ol>
     * <li>If {@code --apple_split_cpu} is set (done via prior configuration transition), then
     * that is the effective architecture.</li>
     * <li>If the multi-cpu flag (for example, {@code --ios_multi_cpus}) is non-empty, then, return
     * all architectures from that flag.</li>
     * <li>In the case of iOS, use {@code --ios_cpu} for backwards compatibility.</li>
     * <li>Use the default.</li></ol>
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code --apple_platform_type} is set (via prior
     *     configuration transition) yet does not match {@code platformType}
    public List<String> getMultiArchitectures(PlatformType platformType) {
        if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(appleSplitCpu)) {
            if (applePlatformType != platformType) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        String.format("Expected post-split-transition platform type %s to match input %s ",
                                applePlatformType, platformType));
            return ImmutableList.of(appleSplitCpu);
        switch (platformType) {
        case IOS:
            if (getIosMultiCpus().isEmpty()) {
                return ImmutableList.of(getIosCpu());
            } else {
                return getIosMultiCpus();
        case WATCHOS:
            return watchosCpus;
        case TVOS:
            return tvosCpus;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled platform type " + platformType);

     * Gets the single "effective" platform for this configuration's {@link PlatformType} and
     * architecture. Prefer this over {@link #getMultiArchPlatform(PlatformType)} only in cases if in
     * the context of rule logic which is only concerned with a single architecture (such as in {@code
     * objc_library}, which registers single-architecture compile actions).
    @SkylarkCallable(name = "single_arch_platform", doc = "The platform of the current configuration. This should only be invoked in a context where "
            + "only a single architecture may be supported; consider mutli_arch_platform for other "
            + "cases.", structField = true)
    public Platform getSingleArchPlatform() {
        return Platform.forTarget(applePlatformType, getSingleArchitecture());

     * Gets the current configuration {@link Platform} for the given {@link PlatformType}. Platform
     * is determined via a combination between the given platform type and the "effective"
     * architectures of this configuration, as returned by {@link #getMultiArchitectures}; if any
     * of the supported architectures are of device type, this will return a device platform.
     * Otherwise, this will return a simulator platform.
    // TODO(bazel-team): This should support returning multiple platforms.
    @SkylarkCallable(name = "multi_arch_platform", doc = "The platform of the current configuration "
            + "for the given platform type. This should only be invoked in a context where multiple "
            + "architectures may be supported; consider single_arch_platform for other cases.")
    public Platform getMultiArchPlatform(PlatformType platformType) {
        List<String> architectures = getMultiArchitectures(platformType);
        switch (platformType) {
        case IOS:
            for (String arch : architectures) {
                if (Platform.forTarget(PlatformType.IOS, arch) == Platform.IOS_DEVICE) {
                    return Platform.IOS_DEVICE;
            return Platform.IOS_SIMULATOR;
        case WATCHOS:
            for (String arch : architectures) {
                if (Platform.forTarget(PlatformType.WATCHOS, arch) == Platform.WATCHOS_DEVICE) {
                    return Platform.WATCHOS_DEVICE;
            return Platform.WATCHOS_SIMULATOR;
        case TVOS:
            for (String arch : architectures) {
                if (Platform.forTarget(PlatformType.TVOS, arch) == Platform.TVOS_DEVICE) {
                    return Platform.TVOS_DEVICE;
            return Platform.TVOS_SIMULATOR;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported platform type " + platformType);

     * Returns the {@link Platform} represented by {@code ios_cpu} (see {@link #getIosCpu}.
     * (For example, {@code i386} maps to {@link Platform#IOS_SIMULATOR}.) Note that this is not
     * necessarily the effective platform for all ios actions in the current context: This is
     * typically the correct platform for implicityly-ios compile and link actions in the current
     * context. For effective platform for bundling actions, see
     * {@link #getMultiArchPlatform(PlatformType)}.
    // TODO(b/28754442): Deprecate for more general skylark-exposed platform retrieval.
    @SkylarkCallable(name = "ios_cpu_platform", doc = "The platform given by the ios_cpu flag.")
    public Platform getIosCpuPlatform() {
        return Platform.forTarget(PlatformType.IOS, iosCpu);

     * Returns the architecture for which we keep dependencies that should be present only once (in a
     * single architecture).
     * <p>When building with multiple architectures there are some dependencies we want to avoid
     * duplicating: they would show up more than once in the same location in the final application
     * bundle which is illegal. Instead we pick one architecture for which to keep all dependencies
     * and discard any others.
    public String getDependencySingleArchitecture() {
        if (!getIosMultiCpus().isEmpty()) {
            return getIosMultiCpus().get(0);
        return getIosCpu();

     * List of all CPUs that this invocation is being built for. Different from {@link #getIosCpu()}
     * which is the specific CPU <b>this target</b> is being built for.
    public ImmutableList<String> getIosMultiCpus() {
        return iosMultiCpus;

     * Returns the label of the default provisioning profile to use when bundling/signing an ios
     * application. Returns null if the target platform is not an iOS device (for example, if
     * iOS simulator is being targeted).
    public Label getDefaultProvisioningProfileLabel() {
        return defaultProvisioningProfileLabel;

     * Returns the bitcode mode to use for compilation steps. Users can control bitcode mode using the
     * {@code apple_bitcode} build flag.
     * @see AppleBitcodeMode
    @SkylarkCallable(name = "bitcode_mode", doc = "Returns the bitcode mode to use for compilation steps.", structField = true)
    public AppleBitcodeMode getBitcodeMode() {
        return bitcodeMode;

     * Returns the label of the xcode_config rule to use for resolving the host system xcode version.
    public Label getXcodeConfigLabel() {
        return xcodeConfigLabel;

     * Returns the unique identifier distinguishing configurations that are otherwise the same.
     * <p>Use this value for situations in which two configurations create two outputs that are the
     * same but are not collapsed due to their different configuration owners.
    public ConfigurationDistinguisher getConfigurationDistinguisher() {
        return configurationDistinguisher;

    public String getOutputDirectoryName() {
        List<String> components = new ArrayList<>();
        if (!appleSplitCpu.isEmpty()) {
        if (configurationDistinguisher != ConfigurationDistinguisher.UNKNOWN) {

        if (components.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        return Joiner.on('-').join(components);

    /** Returns the identifier for an Xcode toolchain to use with tools. */
    @SkylarkCallable(name = "xcode_toolchain", doc = "Identifier for the custom Xcode toolchain to use in build or None if not specified.", allowReturnNones = true, structField = true)
    public String getXcodeToolchain() {
        return xcodeToolchain;

    /** Returns true if {@link AppleCrosstoolTransition} should be applied to every apple rule. */
    public boolean isAppleCrosstoolEnabled() {
        return enableAppleCrosstool;

     * Loads {@link AppleConfiguration} from build options.
    public static class Loader implements ConfigurationFragmentFactory {
        public AppleConfiguration create(ConfigurationEnvironment env, BuildOptions buildOptions)
                throws InvalidConfigurationException, InterruptedException {
            AppleCommandLineOptions appleOptions = buildOptions.get(AppleCommandLineOptions.class);
            XcodeVersionProperties xcodeVersionProperties = getXcodeVersionProperties(env, appleOptions);

            DottedVersion iosSdkVersion = (appleOptions.iosSdkVersion != null) ? appleOptions.iosSdkVersion
                    : xcodeVersionProperties.getDefaultIosSdkVersion();
            // TODO(cparsons): Look into ios_minimum_os matching the defaulting behavior of the other
            // platforms.
            DottedVersion watchosSdkVersion = (appleOptions.watchOsSdkVersion != null)
                    ? appleOptions.watchOsSdkVersion
                    : xcodeVersionProperties.getDefaultWatchosSdkVersion();
            DottedVersion watchosMinimumOsVersion = (appleOptions.watchosMinimumOs != null)
                    ? appleOptions.watchosMinimumOs
                    : watchosSdkVersion;
            DottedVersion tvosSdkVersion = (appleOptions.tvOsSdkVersion != null) ? appleOptions.tvOsSdkVersion
                    : xcodeVersionProperties.getDefaultTvosSdkVersion();
            DottedVersion tvosMinimumOsVersion = (appleOptions.tvosMinimumOs != null) ? appleOptions.tvosMinimumOs
                    : tvosSdkVersion;
            DottedVersion macosxSdkVersion = (appleOptions.macOsXSdkVersion != null) ? appleOptions.macOsXSdkVersion
                    : xcodeVersionProperties.getDefaultMacosxSdkVersion();
            AppleConfiguration configuration = new AppleConfiguration(appleOptions,
                    xcodeVersionProperties.getXcodeVersion().orNull(), iosSdkVersion, watchosSdkVersion,
                    watchosMinimumOsVersion, tvosSdkVersion, tvosMinimumOsVersion, macosxSdkVersion);

            return configuration;

        private void validate(AppleConfiguration config) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
            DottedVersion xcodeVersion = config.getXcodeVersion();
            if (config.getBitcodeMode() != AppleBitcodeMode.NONE && xcodeVersion != null
                    && xcodeVersion.compareTo(MINIMUM_BITCODE_XCODE_VERSION) < 0) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException(
                        String.format("apple_bitcode mode '%s' is unsupported for xcode version '%s'",
                                config.getBitcodeMode(), xcodeVersion));

        public Class<? extends BuildConfiguration.Fragment> creates() {
            return AppleConfiguration.class;

        public ImmutableSet<Class<? extends FragmentOptions>> requiredOptions() {
            return ImmutableSet.<Class<? extends FragmentOptions>>of(AppleCommandLineOptions.class);

         * Uses the {@link AppleCommandLineOptions#xcodeVersion} and {@link
         * AppleCommandLineOptions#xcodeVersionConfig} command line options to determine and return the
         * effective xcode version properties. Returns absent if no explicit xcode version is declared,
         * and host system defaults should be used.
         * @param env the current configuration environment
         * @param appleOptions the command line options
         * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the options given (or configuration targets) were
         *     malformed and thus the xcode version could not be determined
        private static XcodeVersionProperties getXcodeVersionProperties(ConfigurationEnvironment env,
                AppleCommandLineOptions appleOptions) throws InvalidConfigurationException, InterruptedException {
            Optional<DottedVersion> xcodeVersionCommandLineFlag = Optional.fromNullable(appleOptions.xcodeVersion);
            Label xcodeVersionConfigLabel = appleOptions.xcodeVersionConfig;

            return XcodeConfig.resolveXcodeVersion(env, xcodeVersionConfigLabel, xcodeVersionCommandLineFlag,

     * Value used to avoid multiple configurations from conflicting. No two instances of this
     * transition may exist with the same value in a single Bazel invocation.
    public enum ConfigurationDistinguisher {
        /** Split transition distinguisher for {@code ios_extension} rule. */
        /** Split transition distinguisher for {@code ios_application} rule. */
        /** Split transition distinguisher for {@code ios_framework} rule. */
        /** Split transition distinguisher for {@code apple_watch1_extension} rule. */
        /** Distinguisher for {@code apple_binary} rule with "ios" platform_type. */
        /** Distinguisher for {@code apple_binary} rule with "watchos" platform_type. */
        /** Distinguisher for {@code apple_binary} rule with "tvos" platform_type. */
         * Distinguisher for the apple crosstool configuration.  We use "apl" for output directory
         * names instead of "apple_crosstool" to avoid oversized path names, which can be problematic
         * on OSX.

        private final String fileSystemName;

        private ConfigurationDistinguisher(String fileSystemName) {
            this.fileSystemName = fileSystemName;

         * Returns the distinct string that should be used in creating output directories for a
         * configuration with this distinguisher.
        public String getFileSystemName() {
            return fileSystemName;