Java tutorial
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * An output formatter that outputs a protocol buffer representation * of a query result and outputs the proto bytes to the output print stream. * By taking the bytes and calling {@code mergeFrom()} on a * {@code Build.QueryResult} object the full result can be reconstructed. */ public class ProtoOutputFormatter extends AbstractUnorderedFormatter { /** * A special attribute name for the rule implementation hash code. */ public static final String RULE_IMPLEMENTATION_HASH_ATTR_NAME = "$rule_implementation_hash"; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static final ImmutableSet<Type<?>> SCALAR_TYPES = ImmutableSet.<Type<?>>of(Type.INTEGER, Type.STRING, BuildType.LABEL, BuildType.NODEP_LABEL, BuildType.OUTPUT, Type.BOOLEAN, BuildType.TRISTATE, BuildType.LICENSE); private boolean relativeLocations = false; protected boolean includeDefaultValues = true; protected void setDependencyFilter(QueryOptions options) { this.dependencyFilter = OutputFormatter.getDependencyFilter(options); } @Override public String getName() { return "proto"; } @Override public void setOptions(QueryOptions options, AspectResolver aspectResolver) { super.setOptions(options, aspectResolver); this.relativeLocations = options.relativeLocations; this.includeDefaultValues = options.protoIncludeDefaultValues; } @Override public OutputFormatterCallback<Target> createPostFactoStreamCallback(final OutputStream out, final QueryOptions options) { return new OutputFormatterCallback<Target>() { private Builder queryResult; @Override public void start() { queryResult = Build.QueryResult.newBuilder(); } @Override public void processOutput(Iterable<Target> partialResult) throws IOException, InterruptedException { for (Target target : partialResult) { queryResult.addTarget(toTargetProtoBuffer(target)); } } @Override public void close(boolean failFast) throws IOException { if (!failFast) {; } } }; } @Override public OutputFormatterCallback<Target> createStreamCallback(OutputStream out, QueryOptions options, QueryEnvironment<?> env) { return createPostFactoStreamCallback(out, options); } private static Iterable<Target> getSortedLabels(Digraph<Target> result) { return Iterables.transform(result.getTopologicalOrder(new TargetOrdering()), EXTRACT_NODE_LABEL); } @Override protected Iterable<Target> getOrderedTargets(Digraph<Target> result, QueryOptions options) { return options.orderOutput == OrderOutput.FULL ? getSortedLabels(result) : result.getLabels(); } /** Converts a logical {@link Target} object into a {@link Build.Target} protobuffer. */ @VisibleForTesting public Build.Target toTargetProtoBuffer(Target target) throws InterruptedException { Build.Target.Builder targetPb = Build.Target.newBuilder(); String location = getLocation(target, relativeLocations); if (target instanceof Rule) { Rule rule = (Rule) target; Build.Rule.Builder rulePb = Build.Rule.newBuilder().setName(rule.getLabel().toString()) .setRuleClass(rule.getRuleClass()); if (includeLocation()) { rulePb.setLocation(location); } Map<Attribute, Build.Attribute> serializedAttributes = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Attribute attr : rule.getAttributes()) { if ((!includeDefaultValues && !rule.isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified(attr)) || !includeAttribute(rule, attr)) { continue; } Object flattenedAttributeValue = flattenAttributeValues(attr.getType(), getPossibleAttributeValues(rule, attr)); Build.Attribute serializedAttribute = AttributeFormatter.getAttributeProto(attr, flattenedAttributeValue, rule.isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified(attr), /*encodeBooleanAndTriStateAsIntegerAndString=*/ true); rulePb.addAttribute(serializedAttribute); serializedAttributes.put(attr, serializedAttribute); } postProcess(rule, rulePb, serializedAttributes); Environment env = rule.getRuleClassObject().getRuleDefinitionEnvironment(); if (env != null && includeRuleDefinitionEnvironment()) { // The RuleDefinitionEnvironment is always defined for Skylark rules and // always null for non Skylark rules. rulePb.addAttribute(Build.Attribute.newBuilder().setName(RULE_IMPLEMENTATION_HASH_ATTR_NAME) .setType(ProtoUtils.getDiscriminatorFromType(Type.STRING)) .setStringValue(env.getTransitiveContentHashCode())); } ImmutableMultimap<Attribute, Label> aspectsDependencies = aspectResolver .computeAspectDependencies(target, dependencyFilter); // Add information about additional attributes from aspects. for (Entry<Attribute, Collection<Label>> entry : aspectsDependencies.asMap().entrySet()) { Attribute attribute = entry.getKey(); Collection<Label> labels = entry.getValue(); if (!includeAspectAttribute(attribute, labels)) { continue; } Object attributeValue = getAspectAttributeValue(attribute, labels); Build.Attribute serializedAttribute = AttributeFormatter.getAttributeProto(attribute, attributeValue, /*explicitlySpecified=*/ false, /*encodeBooleanAndTriStateAsIntegerAndString=*/ true); rulePb.addAttribute(serializedAttribute); } if (includeRuleInputsAndOutputs()) { // Add all deps from aspects as rule inputs of current target. for (Label label : aspectsDependencies.values()) { rulePb.addRuleInput(label.toString()); } // Include explicit elements for all direct inputs and outputs of a rule; // this goes beyond what is available from the attributes above, since it // may also (depending on options) include implicit outputs, // host-configuration outputs, and default values. for (Label label : rule.getLabels(dependencyFilter)) { rulePb.addRuleInput(label.toString()); } for (OutputFile outputFile : rule.getOutputFiles()) { Label fileLabel = outputFile.getLabel(); rulePb.addRuleOutput(fileLabel.toString()); } } for (String feature : rule.getFeatures()) { rulePb.addDefaultSetting(feature); } targetPb.setType(RULE); targetPb.setRule(rulePb); } else if (target instanceof OutputFile) { OutputFile outputFile = (OutputFile) target; Label label = outputFile.getLabel(); Rule generatingRule = outputFile.getGeneratingRule(); GeneratedFile.Builder output = GeneratedFile.newBuilder() .setGeneratingRule(generatingRule.getLabel().toString()).setName(label.toString()); if (includeLocation()) { output.setLocation(location); } targetPb.setType(GENERATED_FILE); targetPb.setGeneratedFile(; } else if (target instanceof InputFile) { InputFile inputFile = (InputFile) target; Label label = inputFile.getLabel(); Build.SourceFile.Builder input = Build.SourceFile.newBuilder().setName(label.toString()); if (includeLocation()) { input.setLocation(location); } if (inputFile.getName().equals("BUILD")) { Set<Label> subincludeLabels = new LinkedHashSet<>(); subincludeLabels.addAll(aspectResolver == null ? inputFile.getPackage().getSubincludeLabels() : aspectResolver.computeBuildFileDependencies(inputFile.getPackage(), BuildFileDependencyMode.SUBINCLUDE)); subincludeLabels.addAll(aspectResolver == null ? inputFile.getPackage().getSkylarkFileDependencies() : aspectResolver.computeBuildFileDependencies(inputFile.getPackage(), BuildFileDependencyMode.SKYLARK)); for (Label skylarkFileDep : subincludeLabels) { input.addSubinclude(skylarkFileDep.toString()); } for (String feature : inputFile.getPackage().getFeatures()) { input.addFeature(feature); } input.setPackageContainsErrors(inputFile.getPackage().containsErrors()); } for (Label visibilityDependency : target.getVisibility().getDependencyLabels()) { input.addPackageGroup(visibilityDependency.toString()); } for (Label visibilityDeclaration : target.getVisibility().getDeclaredLabels()) { input.addVisibilityLabel(visibilityDeclaration.toString()); } targetPb.setType(SOURCE_FILE); targetPb.setSourceFile(input); } else if (target instanceof FakeSubincludeTarget) { Label label = target.getLabel(); SourceFile.Builder input = SourceFile.newBuilder().setName(label.toString()); if (includeLocation()) { input.setLocation(location); } targetPb.setType(SOURCE_FILE); targetPb.setSourceFile(; } else if (target instanceof PackageGroup) { PackageGroup packageGroup = (PackageGroup) target; Build.PackageGroup.Builder packageGroupPb = Build.PackageGroup.newBuilder() .setName(packageGroup.getLabel().toString()); for (String containedPackage : packageGroup.getContainedPackages()) { packageGroupPb.addContainedPackage(containedPackage); } for (Label include : packageGroup.getIncludes()) { packageGroupPb.addIncludedPackageGroup(include.toString()); } targetPb.setType(PACKAGE_GROUP); targetPb.setPackageGroup(packageGroupPb); } else if (target instanceof EnvironmentGroup) { EnvironmentGroup envGroup = (EnvironmentGroup) target; Build.EnvironmentGroup.Builder envGroupPb = Build.EnvironmentGroup.newBuilder() .setName(envGroup.getLabel().toString()); for (Label env : envGroup.getEnvironments()) { envGroupPb.addEnvironment(env.toString()); } for (Label defaultEnv : envGroup.getDefaults()) { envGroupPb.addDefault(defaultEnv.toString()); } targetPb.setType(ENVIRONMENT_GROUP); targetPb.setEnvironmentGroup(envGroupPb); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(target.toString()); } return; } private static Object getAspectAttributeValue(Attribute attribute, Collection<Label> labels) { Type<?> attributeType = attribute.getType(); if (attributeType.equals(BuildType.LABEL)) { Preconditions.checkState(labels.size() == 1, "attribute=%s, labels=%s", attribute, labels); return Iterables.getOnlyElement(labels); } else { Preconditions.checkState(attributeType.equals(BuildType.LABEL_LIST), "attribute=%s, type=%s, labels=%s", attribute, attributeType, labels); return labels; } } /** Further customize the proto output */ protected void postProcess(Rule rule, Build.Rule.Builder rulePb, Map<Attribute, Build.Attribute> serializedAttributes) { } /** Filter out some attributes */ protected boolean includeAttribute(Rule rule, Attribute attr) { return true; } /** Allow filtering of aspect attributes. */ protected boolean includeAspectAttribute(Attribute attr, Collection<Label> value) { return true; } protected boolean includeRuleDefinitionEnvironment() { return true; } protected boolean includeRuleInputsAndOutputs() { return true; } protected boolean includeLocation() { return true; } /** * Coerces the list {@param possibleValues} of values of type {@param attrType} to a single * value of that type, in the following way: * * <p>If the list contains a single value, return that value. * * <p>If the list contains zero or multiple values and the type is a scalar type, return {@code * null}. * * <p>If the list contains zero or multiple values and the type is a collection or map type, * merge the collections/maps in the list and return the merged collection/map. */ @Nullable @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Object flattenAttributeValues(Type<?> attrType, Iterable<Object> possibleValues) { // If there is only one possible value, return it. if (Iterables.size(possibleValues) == 1) { return Iterables.getOnlyElement(possibleValues); } // Otherwise, there are multiple possible values. To conform to the message shape expected by // query output's clients, we must transform the list of possible values. This transformation // will be lossy, but this is the best we can do. // If the attribute's type is not a collection type, return null. Query output's clients do // not support list values for scalar attributes. if (SCALAR_TYPES.contains(attrType)) { return null; } // If the attribute's type is a collection type, merge the list of collections into a single // collection. This is a sensible solution for query output's clients, which are happy to get // the union of possible values. // TODO(bazel-team): replace below with "is ListType" check (or some variant) if (attrType == Type.STRING_LIST || attrType == BuildType.LABEL_LIST || attrType == BuildType.NODEP_LABEL_LIST || attrType == BuildType.OUTPUT_LIST || attrType == BuildType.DISTRIBUTIONS || attrType == Type.INTEGER_LIST || attrType == BuildType.FILESET_ENTRY_LIST) { ImmutableList.Builder<Object> builder = ImmutableList.<Object>builder(); for (Object possibleValue : possibleValues) { Collection<Object> collection = (Collection<Object>) possibleValue; for (Object o : collection) { builder.add(o); } } return; } // Same for maps as for collections. if (attrType == Type.STRING_DICT || attrType == Type.STRING_DICT_UNARY || attrType == Type.STRING_LIST_DICT || attrType == BuildType.LABEL_DICT_UNARY) { Map<Object, Object> mergedDict = new HashMap<>(); for (Object possibleValue : possibleValues) { Map<Object, Object> stringDict = (Map<Object, Object>) possibleValue; for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : stringDict.entrySet()) { mergedDict.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } return mergedDict; } throw new AssertionError("Unknown type: " + attrType); } }