Java tutorial
// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Parser for WORKSPACE files. Fills in an ExternalPackage.Builder */ public class WorkspaceFactory { public static final String BIND = "bind"; private static final Pattern LEGAL_WORKSPACE_NAME = Pattern.compile("^\\p{Alpha}\\w*$"); // List of static function added by #addWorkspaceFunctions. Used to trim them out from the // serialized list of variables bindings. private static final ImmutableList<String> STATIC_WORKSPACE_FUNCTIONS = ImmutableList.of("workspace", "__embedded_dir__", // serializable so optional "__workspace_dir__", // serializable so optional "DEFAULT_SERVER_JAVABASE", // serializable so optional PackageFactory.PKG_CONTEXT); private final Package.Builder builder; private final Path installDir; private final Path workspaceDir; private final Mutability mutability; private final boolean allowOverride; private final RuleFactory ruleFactory; private final ImmutableMap<String, BaseFunction> workspaceFunctions; private final ImmutableList<EnvironmentExtension> environmentExtensions; // Values from the previous workspace file parts. // List of load statements private ImmutableMap<String, Extension> parentImportMap = ImmutableMap.of(); // List of top level variable bindings private ImmutableMap<String, Object> parentVariableBindings = ImmutableMap.of(); // Values accumulated up to the currently parsed workspace file part. // List of load statements private ImmutableMap<String, Extension> importMap = ImmutableMap.of(); // List of top level variable bindings private ImmutableMap<String, Object> variableBindings = ImmutableMap.of(); /** * @param builder a builder for the Workspace * @param ruleClassProvider a provider for known rule classes * @param mutability the Mutability for the current evaluation context */ public WorkspaceFactory(Package.Builder builder, RuleClassProvider ruleClassProvider, ImmutableList<EnvironmentExtension> environmentExtensions, Mutability mutability) { this(builder, ruleClassProvider, environmentExtensions, mutability, true, null, null); } // TODO(bazel-team): document installDir /** * @param builder a builder for the Workspace * @param ruleClassProvider a provider for known rule classes * @param environmentExtensions the Skylark environment extensions * @param mutability the Mutability for the current evaluation context * @param installDir the install directory * @param workspaceDir the workspace directory */ public WorkspaceFactory(Package.Builder builder, RuleClassProvider ruleClassProvider, ImmutableList<EnvironmentExtension> environmentExtensions, Mutability mutability, boolean allowOverride, @Nullable Path installDir, @Nullable Path workspaceDir) { this.builder = builder; this.mutability = mutability; this.installDir = installDir; this.workspaceDir = workspaceDir; this.allowOverride = allowOverride; this.environmentExtensions = environmentExtensions; this.ruleFactory = new RuleFactory(ruleClassProvider, AttributeContainer.ATTRIBUTE_CONTAINER_FACTORY); this.workspaceFunctions = WorkspaceFactory.createWorkspaceFunctions(allowOverride, ruleFactory); } /** * Parses the given WORKSPACE file without resolving skylark imports. * * <p>Called by from //src/tools/generate_workspace. */ public void parse(ParserInputSource source) throws BuildFileContainsErrorsException, InterruptedException { parse(source, null); } @VisibleForTesting public void parse(ParserInputSource source, @Nullable StoredEventHandler localReporter) throws BuildFileContainsErrorsException, InterruptedException { // This method is split in 2 so WorkspaceFileFunction can call the two parts separately and // do the Skylark load imports in between. We can't load skylark imports from // generate_workspace at the moment because it doesn't have access to skyframe, but that's okay // because most people are just using it to resolve Maven dependencies. if (localReporter == null) { localReporter = new StoredEventHandler(); } BuildFileAST buildFileAST = BuildFileAST.parseBuildFile(source, localReporter); if (buildFileAST.containsErrors()) { throw new BuildFileContainsErrorsException(Label.EXTERNAL_PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER, "Failed to parse " + source.getPath()); } execute(buildFileAST, null, localReporter); } /** * Actually runs through the AST, calling the functions in the WORKSPACE file and adding rules * to the //external package. */ public void execute(BuildFileAST ast, Map<String, Extension> importedExtensions) throws InterruptedException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(ast); Preconditions.checkNotNull(importedExtensions); execute(ast, importedExtensions, new StoredEventHandler()); } private void execute(BuildFileAST ast, @Nullable Map<String, Extension> importedExtensions, StoredEventHandler localReporter) throws InterruptedException { Environment.Builder environmentBuilder = Environment.builder(mutability).setGlobals(BazelLibrary.GLOBALS) .setEventHandler(localReporter); if (importedExtensions != null) { Map<String, Extension> map = new HashMap<String, Extension>(parentImportMap); map.putAll(importedExtensions); importMap = ImmutableMap.<String, Extension>copyOf(importedExtensions); } else { importMap = parentImportMap; } environmentBuilder.setImportedExtensions(importMap); Environment workspaceEnv = environmentBuilder.setPhase(Phase.WORKSPACE).build(); addWorkspaceFunctions(workspaceEnv, localReporter); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> binding : parentVariableBindings.entrySet()) { try { workspaceEnv.update(binding.getKey(), binding.getValue()); } catch (EvalException e) { // This should never happen because everything was already evaluated. throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } if (!ast.exec(workspaceEnv, localReporter)) { localReporter.handle(Event.error("Error evaluating WORKSPACE file")); } // Save the list of variable bindings for the next part of the workspace file. The list of // variable bindings of interest are the global variable bindings that are defined by the user, // so not the workspace functions. // Workspace functions are not serializable and should not be passed over sky values. They // also have a package builder specific to the current part and should be reinitialized for // each workspace file. ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> bindingsBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); Frame globals = workspaceEnv.getGlobals(); for (String s : globals.getDirectVariableNames()) { Object o = globals.get(s); if (!isAWorkspaceFunction(s, o)) { bindingsBuilder.put(s, o); } } variableBindings =; builder.addEvents(localReporter.getEvents()); if (localReporter.hasErrors()) { builder.setContainsErrors(); } localReporter.clear(); } private boolean isAWorkspaceFunction(String name, Object o) { return STATIC_WORKSPACE_FUNCTIONS.contains(name) || (workspaceFunctions.get(name) == o); } private static boolean isLegalWorkspaceName(String name) { Matcher matcher = LEGAL_WORKSPACE_NAME.matcher(name); return matcher.matches(); } /** * Adds the various values returned by the parsing of the previous workspace file parts. * {@code aPackage} is the package returned by the parent WorkspaceFileFunction, {@code importMap} * is the list of load statements imports computed by the parent WorkspaceFileFunction and * {@code variableBindings} the list of top level variable bindings of that same call. */ public void setParent(Package aPackage, ImmutableMap<String, Extension> importMap, ImmutableMap<String, Object> bindings) throws NameConflictException, InterruptedException { this.parentVariableBindings = bindings; this.parentImportMap = importMap; builder.setWorkspaceName(aPackage.getWorkspaceName()); // Transmit the content of the parent package to the new package builder. builder.addEvents(aPackage.getEvents()); if (aPackage.containsErrors()) { builder.setContainsErrors(); } for (Rule rule : aPackage.getTargets(Rule.class)) { try { // The old rule references another Package instance and we wan't to keep the invariant that // every Rule references the Package it is contained within Rule newRule = builder.createRule(rule.getLabel(), rule.getRuleClassObject(), rule.getLocation(), rule.getAttributeContainer()); newRule.populateOutputFiles(NullEventHandler.INSTANCE, builder); if (rule.containsErrors()) { newRule.setContainsErrors(); } builder.addRule(newRule); } catch (LabelSyntaxException e) { // This rule has already been created once, so it should have worked the second time, too throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } } @SkylarkSignature(name = "workspace", objectType = Object.class, returnType = SkylarkList.class, doc = "Sets the name for this workspace. Workspace names should be a Java-package-style " + "description of the project, using underscores as separators, e.g., " + " should use com_github_bazelbuild_bazel. Names must " + "start with a letter and can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores.", parameters = { @Param(name = "name", type = String.class, doc = "the name of the workspace.") }, useAst = true, useEnvironment = true) private static final BuiltinFunction.Factory newWorkspaceFunction = new BuiltinFunction.Factory("workspace") { public BuiltinFunction create(boolean allowOverride, final RuleFactory ruleFactory) { if (allowOverride) { return new BuiltinFunction("workspace", FunctionSignature.namedOnly("name"), BuiltinFunction.USE_AST_ENV) { public Object invoke(String name, FuncallExpression ast, Environment env) throws EvalException, InterruptedException { if (!isLegalWorkspaceName(name)) { throw new EvalException(ast.getLocation(), name + " is not a legal workspace name"); } String errorMessage = LabelValidator.validateTargetName(name); if (errorMessage != null) { throw new EvalException(ast.getLocation(), errorMessage); } PackageFactory.getContext(env, ast).pkgBuilder.setWorkspaceName(name); Package.Builder builder = PackageFactory.getContext(env, ast).pkgBuilder; RuleClass localRepositoryRuleClass = ruleFactory.getRuleClass("local_repository"); RuleClass bindRuleClass = ruleFactory.getRuleClass("bind"); Map<String, Object> kwargs = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of("name", name, "path", "."); try { // This effectively adds a "local_repository(name = "<ws>", path = ".")" // definition to the WORKSPACE file. builder.externalPackageData().createAndAddRepositoryRule(builder, localRepositoryRuleClass, bindRuleClass, kwargs, ast); } catch (InvalidRuleException | NameConflictException | LabelSyntaxException e) { throw new EvalException(ast.getLocation(), e.getMessage()); } return NONE; } }; } else { return new BuiltinFunction("workspace", FunctionSignature.namedOnly("name"), BuiltinFunction.USE_AST) { public Object invoke(String name, FuncallExpression ast) throws EvalException { throw new EvalException(ast.getLocation(), "workspace() function should be used only at the top of the WORKSPACE file"); } }; } } }; private static BuiltinFunction newBindFunction(final RuleFactory ruleFactory) { return new BuiltinFunction("bind", FunctionSignature.namedOnly(1, "name", "actual"), BuiltinFunction.USE_AST_ENV) { public Object invoke(String name, String actual, FuncallExpression ast, Environment env) throws EvalException, InterruptedException { Label nameLabel; try { nameLabel = Label.parseAbsolute("//external:" + name); try { Package.Builder builder = PackageFactory.getContext(env, ast).pkgBuilder; RuleClass ruleClass = ruleFactory.getRuleClass("bind"); builder.externalPackageData().addBindRule(builder, ruleClass, nameLabel, actual == null ? null : Label.parseAbsolute(actual), ast.getLocation(), ruleFactory.getAttributeContainer(ruleClass)); } catch (RuleFactory.InvalidRuleException | Package.NameConflictException | LabelSyntaxException e) { throw new EvalException(ast.getLocation(), e.getMessage()); } } catch (LabelSyntaxException e) { throw new EvalException(ast.getLocation(), e.getMessage()); } return NONE; } }; } /** * Returns a function-value implementing the build rule "ruleClass" (e.g. cc_library) in the * specified package context. */ private static BuiltinFunction newRuleFunction(final RuleFactory ruleFactory, final String ruleClassName, final boolean allowOverride) { return new BuiltinFunction(ruleClassName, FunctionSignature.KWARGS, BuiltinFunction.USE_AST_ENV) { public Object invoke(Map<String, Object> kwargs, FuncallExpression ast, Environment env) throws EvalException, InterruptedException { try { Package.Builder builder = PackageFactory.getContext(env, ast).pkgBuilder; if (!allowOverride && kwargs.containsKey("name") && builder.targets.containsKey(kwargs.get("name"))) { throw new EvalException(ast.getLocation(), "Cannot redefine repository after any load statement in the WORKSPACE file" + " (for repository '" + kwargs.get("name") + "')"); } RuleClass ruleClass = ruleFactory.getRuleClass(ruleClassName); RuleClass bindRuleClass = ruleFactory.getRuleClass("bind"); Rule rule = builder.externalPackageData().createAndAddRepositoryRule(builder, ruleClass, bindRuleClass, kwargs, ast); if (!isLegalWorkspaceName(rule.getName())) { throw new EvalException(ast.getLocation(), rule + "'s name field must be a legal workspace name"); } } catch (RuleFactory.InvalidRuleException | Package.NameConflictException | LabelSyntaxException e) { throw new EvalException(ast.getLocation(), e.getMessage()); } return NONE; } }; } private static ImmutableMap<String, BaseFunction> createWorkspaceFunctions(boolean allowOverride, RuleFactory ruleFactory) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, BaseFunction> mapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); mapBuilder.put(BIND, newBindFunction(ruleFactory)); for (String ruleClass : ruleFactory.getRuleClassNames()) { if (!ruleClass.equals(BIND)) { BaseFunction ruleFunction = newRuleFunction(ruleFactory, ruleClass, allowOverride); mapBuilder.put(ruleClass, ruleFunction); } } return; } private void addWorkspaceFunctions(Environment workspaceEnv, StoredEventHandler localReporter) { try { workspaceEnv.setup("workspace", newWorkspaceFunction.apply(allowOverride, ruleFactory)); for (Map.Entry<String, BaseFunction> function : workspaceFunctions.entrySet()) { workspaceEnv.update(function.getKey(), function.getValue()); } if (installDir != null) { workspaceEnv.update("__embedded_dir__", installDir.getPathString()); } if (workspaceDir != null) { workspaceEnv.update("__workspace_dir__", workspaceDir.getPathString()); } File jreDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("java.home")); workspaceEnv.update("DEFAULT_SERVER_JAVABASE", jreDirectory.getParentFile().toString()); for (EnvironmentExtension extension : environmentExtensions) { extension.updateWorkspace(workspaceEnv); } workspaceEnv.setupDynamic(PackageFactory.PKG_CONTEXT, new PackageFactory.PackageContext(builder, null, localReporter, AttributeContainer.ATTRIBUTE_CONTAINER_FACTORY)); } catch (EvalException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } } private static ClassObject newNativeModule(ImmutableMap<String, BaseFunction> workspaceFunctions, String version) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> builder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>(); for (String nativeFunction : Runtime.getFunctionNames(SkylarkNativeModule.class)) { builder.put(nativeFunction, Runtime.getFunction(SkylarkNativeModule.class, nativeFunction)); } for (Map.Entry<String, BaseFunction> function : workspaceFunctions.entrySet()) { builder.put(function.getKey(), function.getValue()); } builder.put("bazel_version", version); return SkylarkClassObjectConstructor.STRUCT.create(, "no native function or rule '%s'"); } static ClassObject newNativeModule(RuleClassProvider ruleClassProvider, String version) { RuleFactory ruleFactory = new RuleFactory(ruleClassProvider, AttributeContainer.ATTRIBUTE_CONTAINER_FACTORY); return WorkspaceFactory.newNativeModule(WorkspaceFactory.createWorkspaceFunctions(false, ruleFactory), version); } static { SkylarkSignatureProcessor.configureSkylarkFunctions(WorkspaceFactory.class); } public Map<String, Extension> getImportMap() { return importMap; } public Map<String, Object> getVariableBindings() { return variableBindings; } }