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// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * A dependency of a configured target through a label.
 * <p>For static configurations: includes the target and the configuration of the dependency
 * configured target and any aspects that may be required, as well as the configurations for
 * these aspects.
 * <p>For dynamic configurations: includes the target and the desired configuration transitions
 * that should be applied to produce the dependency's configuration. It's the caller's
 * responsibility to construct an actual configuration out of that. A set of aspects is also
 * included; the caller must also construct configurations for each of these.
 * <p>Note that the presence of an aspect here does not necessarily mean that it will be created.
 * They will be filtered based on the {@link TransitiveInfoProvider} instances their associated
 * configured targets have (we cannot do that here because the configured targets are not
 * available yet). No error or warning is reported in this case, because it is expected that rules
 * sometimes over-approximate the providers they supply in their definitions.
public abstract class Dependency {

     * Creates a new {@link Dependency} with a null configuration, suitable for edges with no
     * configuration in static configuration builds.
    public static Dependency withNullConfiguration(Label label) {
        return new NullConfigurationDependency(label);

     * Creates a new {@link Dependency} with the given configuration, suitable for static
     * configuration builds.
     * <p>The configuration must not be {@code null}.
     * <p>A {@link Dependency} created this way will have no associated aspects.
    public static Dependency withConfiguration(Label label, BuildConfiguration configuration) {
        return new StaticConfigurationDependency(label, configuration,
                ImmutableMap.<AspectDescriptor, BuildConfiguration>of());

     * Creates a new {@link Dependency} with the given configuration and aspects, suitable for
     * static configuration builds. The configuration is also applied to all aspects.
     * <p>The configuration and aspects must not be {@code null}.
    public static Dependency withConfigurationAndAspects(Label label, BuildConfiguration configuration,
            Iterable<AspectDescriptor> aspects) {
        ImmutableMap.Builder<AspectDescriptor, BuildConfiguration> aspectBuilder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>();
        for (AspectDescriptor aspect : aspects) {
            aspectBuilder.put(aspect, configuration);
        return new StaticConfigurationDependency(label, configuration,;

     * Creates a new {@link Dependency} with the given configuration and aspects, suitable for
     * storing the output of a dynamic configuration trimming step. The aspects each have their own
     * configuration.
     * <p>The aspects and configurations must not be {@code null}.
    public static Dependency withConfiguredAspects(Label label, BuildConfiguration configuration,
            Map<AspectDescriptor, BuildConfiguration> aspectConfigurations) {
        return new StaticConfigurationDependency(label, configuration, ImmutableMap.copyOf(aspectConfigurations));

     * Creates a new {@link Dependency} with the given transition and aspects, suitable for dynamic
     * configuration builds.
    public static Dependency withTransitionAndAspects(Label label, Attribute.Transition transition,
            Iterable<AspectDescriptor> aspects) {
        return new DynamicConfigurationDependency(label, transition, ImmutableSet.copyOf(aspects));

    protected final Label label;

     * Only the implementations below should extend this class. Use the factory methods above to
     * create new Dependencies.
    private Dependency(Label label) {
        this.label = Preconditions.checkNotNull(label);

    /** Returns the label of the target this dependency points to. */
    public Label getLabel() {
        return label;

     * Returns true if this dependency specifies a static configuration, false if it specifies
     * a dynamic transition.
    public abstract boolean hasStaticConfiguration();

     * Returns the static configuration for the target this dependency points to.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if {@link #hasStaticConfiguration} returns false.
    public abstract BuildConfiguration getConfiguration();

     * Returns the dynamic transition to be applied to reach the target this dependency points to.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if {@link #hasStaticConfiguration} returns true.
    public abstract Attribute.Transition getTransition();

     * Returns the set of aspects which should be evaluated and combined with the configured target
     * pointed to by this dependency.
     * @see #getAspectConfigurations()
    public abstract ImmutableSet<AspectDescriptor> getAspects();

     * Returns the mapping from aspects to the static configurations they should be evaluated with.
     * <p>The {@link Map#keySet()} of this map is equal to that returned by {@link #getAspects()}.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if {@link #hasStaticConfiguration()} returns false.
    public abstract ImmutableMap<AspectDescriptor, BuildConfiguration> getAspectConfigurations();

     * Implementation of a dependency with no configuration, suitable for static configuration
     * builds of edges to source files or e.g. for visibility.
    private static final class NullConfigurationDependency extends Dependency {
        public NullConfigurationDependency(Label label) {

        public boolean hasStaticConfiguration() {
            return true;

        public BuildConfiguration getConfiguration() {
            return null;

        public Attribute.Transition getTransition() {
            throw new IllegalStateException("A dependency with a static configuration does not have a transition.");

        public ImmutableSet<AspectDescriptor> getAspects() {
            return ImmutableSet.of();

        public ImmutableMap<AspectDescriptor, BuildConfiguration> getAspectConfigurations() {
            return ImmutableMap.of();

        public int hashCode() {
            return label.hashCode();

        public boolean equals(Object other) {
            if (!(other instanceof NullConfigurationDependency)) {
                return false;
            NullConfigurationDependency otherDep = (NullConfigurationDependency) other;
            return label.equals(otherDep.label);

        public String toString() {
            return String.format("NullConfigurationDependency{label=%s}", label);

     * Implementation of a dependency with static configurations, suitable for static configuration
     * builds.
    private static final class StaticConfigurationDependency extends Dependency {
        private final BuildConfiguration configuration;
        private final ImmutableMap<AspectDescriptor, BuildConfiguration> aspectConfigurations;

        public StaticConfigurationDependency(Label label, BuildConfiguration configuration,
                ImmutableMap<AspectDescriptor, BuildConfiguration> aspects) {
            this.configuration = Preconditions.checkNotNull(configuration);
            this.aspectConfigurations = Preconditions.checkNotNull(aspects);

        public boolean hasStaticConfiguration() {
            return true;

        public BuildConfiguration getConfiguration() {
            return configuration;

        public Attribute.Transition getTransition() {
            throw new IllegalStateException("A dependency with a static configuration does not have a transition.");

        public ImmutableSet<AspectDescriptor> getAspects() {
            return aspectConfigurations.keySet();

        public ImmutableMap<AspectDescriptor, BuildConfiguration> getAspectConfigurations() {
            return aspectConfigurations;

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(label, configuration, aspectConfigurations);

        public boolean equals(Object other) {
            if (!(other instanceof StaticConfigurationDependency)) {
                return false;
            StaticConfigurationDependency otherDep = (StaticConfigurationDependency) other;
            return label.equals(otherDep.label) && configuration.equals(otherDep.configuration)
                    && aspectConfigurations.equals(otherDep.aspectConfigurations);

        public String toString() {
            return String.format(
                    "StaticConfigurationDependency{label=%s, configuration=%s, aspectConfigurations=%s}", label,
                    configuration, aspectConfigurations);

     * Implementation of a dependency with a given configuration transition, suitable for dynamic
     * configuration builds.
    private static final class DynamicConfigurationDependency extends Dependency {
        private final Attribute.Transition transition;
        private final ImmutableSet<AspectDescriptor> aspects;

        public DynamicConfigurationDependency(Label label, Attribute.Transition transition,
                ImmutableSet<AspectDescriptor> aspects) {
            this.transition = Preconditions.checkNotNull(transition);
            this.aspects = Preconditions.checkNotNull(aspects);

        public boolean hasStaticConfiguration() {
            return false;

        public BuildConfiguration getConfiguration() {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "A dependency with a dynamic configuration transition does not have a configuration.");

        public Attribute.Transition getTransition() {
            return transition;

        public ImmutableSet<AspectDescriptor> getAspects() {
            return aspects;

        public ImmutableMap<AspectDescriptor, BuildConfiguration> getAspectConfigurations() {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "A dependency with a dynamic configuration transition does not have aspect "
                            + "configurations.");

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(label, transition, aspects);

        public boolean equals(Object other) {
            if (!(other instanceof DynamicConfigurationDependency)) {
                return false;
            DynamicConfigurationDependency otherDep = (DynamicConfigurationDependency) other;
            return label.equals(otherDep.label) && transition.equals(otherDep.transition)
                    && aspects.equals(otherDep.aspects);

        public String toString() {
            return String.format("DynamicConfigurationDependency{label=%s, transition=%s, aspects=%s}", label,
                    transition, aspects);