Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import static org.eclipse.moquette.proto.messages.AbstractMessage.DISCONNECT; import static org.eclipse.moquette.proto.messages.AbstractMessage.PUBLISH; import static org.eclipse.moquette.proto.messages.AbstractMessage.SUBSCRIBE; import static org.eclipse.moquette.proto.messages.AbstractMessage.UNSUBSCRIBE; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.moquette.proto.messages.AbstractMessage; import org.eclipse.moquette.proto.messages.SubscribeMessage.Couple; import org.eclipse.moquette.server.netty.NettyChannel; import org.eclipse.moquette.server.netty.NettyMQTTHandler; import org.eclipse.moquette.server.netty.NettyUtils; import org.eclipse.moquette.spi.IMessaging; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * This class is a handler that invokes the Pubsub operations on receiving a MQTT message * and then invokes the MQTT handler. */ @Sharable public class PubsubHandler extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter { private final NettyMQTTHandler mqttHandler; private final PubSub pubsub; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PubsubHandler.class.getName()); /** * Initializes this handler and sets the MQTT handler. * * @param handler the MQTT handler instance. */ public PubsubHandler(PubSub pubsub, NettyMQTTHandler mqttHandler) { this.mqttHandler = checkNotNull(mqttHandler); this.pubsub = checkNotNull(pubsub); } @Override public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { mqttHandler.channelInactive(ctx); } @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception { // process the mqtt message using Pubsub provider AbstractMessage mqttMsg = (AbstractMessage) msg; String clientId = (String) NettyUtils.getAttribute(ctx, NettyChannel.ATTR_KEY_CLIENTID); // performing cloud pub/sub publish and subscribe operations before mqtt operation, // so that we can use the SUBACK and PUBACK protocol // if cloud pub/sub procedures fail, we will not send an ACK, // and the MQTT control packet gets resent try { switch (mqttMsg.getMessageType()) { case PUBLISH:"Processing MQTT Publish Control Packet"); handlePublishMessage(mqttMsg, clientId); break; case SUBSCRIBE:"Processing MQTT Subscribe Control Packet"); handleSubscribeMessage(mqttMsg, clientId); break; default: break; } // process the mqtt message using the original Moquette mqtt handler mqttHandler.channelRead(ctx, msg); // process unsubscribe and disconnect control packets switch (mqttMsg.getMessageType()) { case UNSUBSCRIBE:"Processing MQTT Unsubscribe Control Packet"); handleUnsubscribeMessage(mqttMsg, clientId); break; case DISCONNECT:"Processing MQTT Disconnect Control Packet"); pubsub.disconnect(clientId); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception e) { // the pubsub provider failed to properly process the message // or the mqtt handler failed. The message will be resent and processed again."An error occured while attempting to process the MQTT message.\n" + e.getMessage()); } } private void handlePublishMessage(AbstractMessage mqttMsg, String clientId) throws IOException { org.eclipse.moquette.proto.messages.PublishMessage mqttPublishMsg = (org.eclipse.moquette.proto.messages.PublishMessage) mqttMsg; PublishMessage pubsubPublishMsg = new PublishMessage.PublishMessageBuilder().withClientId(clientId) .withRetain(mqttMsg.isRetainFlag()).withMessageId(mqttPublishMsg.getMessageID()) .withPayload(mqttPublishMsg.getPayload().array()).withTopic(mqttPublishMsg.getTopicName()).build(); pubsub.publish(pubsubPublishMsg); } private void handleSubscribeMessage(AbstractMessage mqttMsg, String clientId) throws IOException { org.eclipse.moquette.proto.messages.SubscribeMessage mqttSubscribeMsg = (org.eclipse.moquette.proto.messages.SubscribeMessage) mqttMsg; List<Couple> mqttSubscriptions = mqttSubscribeMsg.subscriptions(); for (Couple mqttSubscription : mqttSubscriptions) { String topic = mqttSubscription.getTopicFilter(); pubsub.subscribe(new SubscribeMessage(topic, clientId)); } } private void handleUnsubscribeMessage(AbstractMessage mqttMsg, String clientId) { org.eclipse.moquette.proto.messages.UnsubscribeMessage mqttUnsubscribeMsg = (org.eclipse.moquette.proto.messages.UnsubscribeMessage) mqttMsg; List<String> topics = mqttUnsubscribeMsg.topicFilters(); for (String topic : topics) { pubsub.unsubscribe(new UnsubscribeMessage(topic, clientId)); } } /** * Sets the callback for handling the MQTT protocol messages. * * @param messaging the callback instance. */ public void setMessaging(IMessaging messaging) { mqttHandler.setMessaging(messaging); } }