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 * Copyright (C) 2016 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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 * the License.

import static;

import org.joda.time.Duration;

 * A fluent builder for {@link BackOff} objects that allows customization of the retry algorithm.
 * @see #DEFAULT for the default configuration parameters.
public final class FluentBackoff {

    private static final double DEFAULT_EXPONENT = 1.5;
    private static final double DEFAULT_RANDOMIZATION_FACTOR = 0.5;
    private static final Duration DEFAULT_MIN_BACKOFF = Duration.standardSeconds(1);
    private static final Duration DEFAULT_MAX_BACKOFF = Duration.standardDays(1000);
    private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    private static final Duration DEFAULT_MAX_CUM_BACKOFF = Duration.standardDays(1000);

    private final double exponent;
    private final Duration initialBackoff;
    private final Duration maxBackoff;
    private final Duration maxCumulativeBackoff;
    private final int maxRetries;

     * By default the {@link BackOff} created by this builder will use exponential backoff (base
     * exponent 1.5) with an initial backoff of 1 second. These parameters can be overridden with
     * {@link #withExponent(double)} and {@link #withInitialBackoff(Duration)},
     * respectively, and the maximum backoff after exponential increase can be capped using {@link
     * FluentBackoff#withMaxBackoff(Duration)}.
     * <p>The default {@link BackOff} does not limit the number of retries. To limit the backoff, the
     * maximum total number of retries can be set using {@link #withMaxRetries(int)}. The
     * total time spent in backoff can be time-bounded as well by configuring {@link
     * #withMaxCumulativeBackoff(Duration)}. If either of these limits are reached, calls
     * to {@link BackOff#nextBackOffMillis()} will return {@link BackOff#STOP} to signal that no more
     * retries should continue.
    public static final FluentBackoff DEFAULT = new FluentBackoff(DEFAULT_EXPONENT, DEFAULT_MIN_BACKOFF,

     * Instantiates a {@link BackOff} that will obey the current configuration.
     * @see FluentBackoff
    public BackOff backoff() {
        return new BackoffImpl(this);

     * Returns a copy of this {@link FluentBackoff} that instead uses the specified exponent to
     * control the exponential growth of delay.
     * <p>Does not modify this object.
     * @see FluentBackoff
    public FluentBackoff withExponent(double exponent) {
        checkArgument(exponent > 0, "exponent %s must be greater than 0", exponent);
        return new FluentBackoff(exponent, initialBackoff, maxBackoff, maxCumulativeBackoff, maxRetries);

     * Returns a copy of this {@link FluentBackoff} that instead uses the specified initial backoff
     * duration.
     * <p>Does not modify this object.
     * @see FluentBackoff
    public FluentBackoff withInitialBackoff(Duration initialBackoff) {
                "initialBackoff %s must be at least 1 millisecond", initialBackoff);
        return new FluentBackoff(exponent, initialBackoff, maxBackoff, maxCumulativeBackoff, maxRetries);

     * Returns a copy of this {@link FluentBackoff} that limits the maximum backoff of an individual
     * attempt to the specified duration.
     * <p>Does not modify this object.
     * @see FluentBackoff
    public FluentBackoff withMaxBackoff(Duration maxBackoff) {
        checkArgument(maxBackoff.getMillis() > 0, "maxBackoff %s must be at least 1 millisecond", maxBackoff);
        return new FluentBackoff(exponent, initialBackoff, maxBackoff, maxCumulativeBackoff, maxRetries);

     * Returns a copy of this {@link FluentBackoff} that limits the total time spent in backoff
     * returned across all calls to {@link BackOff#nextBackOffMillis()}.
     * <p>Does not modify this object.
     * @see FluentBackoff
    public FluentBackoff withMaxCumulativeBackoff(Duration maxCumulativeBackoff) {
                "maxCumulativeBackoff %s must be at least 1 millisecond", maxCumulativeBackoff);
        return new FluentBackoff(exponent, initialBackoff, maxBackoff, maxCumulativeBackoff, maxRetries);

     * Returns a copy of this {@link FluentBackoff} that limits the total number of retries, aka
     * the total number of calls to {@link BackOff#nextBackOffMillis()} before returning
     * {@link BackOff#STOP}.
     * <p>Does not modify this object.
     * @see FluentBackoff
    public FluentBackoff withMaxRetries(int maxRetries) {
        checkArgument(maxRetries >= 0, "maxRetries %s cannot be negative", maxRetries);
        return new FluentBackoff(exponent, initialBackoff, maxBackoff, maxCumulativeBackoff, maxRetries);

    public String toString() {
        return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(FluentBackoff.class).add("exponent", exponent)
                .add("initialBackoff", initialBackoff).add("maxBackoff", maxBackoff).add("maxRetries", maxRetries)
                .add("maxCumulativeBackoff", maxCumulativeBackoff).toString();

    private static class BackoffImpl implements BackOff {

        // Customization of this backoff.
        private final FluentBackoff backoffConfig;
        // Current state
        private Duration currentCumulativeBackoff;
        private int currentRetry;

        public void reset() {
            currentRetry = 0;
            currentCumulativeBackoff = Duration.ZERO;

        public long nextBackOffMillis() {
            // Maximum number of retries reached.
            if (currentRetry >= backoffConfig.maxRetries) {
                return BackOff.STOP;
            // Maximum cumulative backoff reached.
            if (currentCumulativeBackoff.compareTo(backoffConfig.maxCumulativeBackoff) >= 0) {
                return BackOff.STOP;

            double currentIntervalMillis = Math.min(
                    backoffConfig.initialBackoff.getMillis() * Math.pow(backoffConfig.exponent, currentRetry),
            double randomOffset = (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * DEFAULT_RANDOMIZATION_FACTOR * currentIntervalMillis;
            long nextBackoffMillis = Math.round(currentIntervalMillis + randomOffset);
            // Cap to limit on cumulative backoff
            Duration remainingCumulative = backoffConfig.maxCumulativeBackoff.minus(currentCumulativeBackoff);
            nextBackoffMillis = Math.min(nextBackoffMillis, remainingCumulative.getMillis());

            // Update state and return backoff.
            currentCumulativeBackoff =;
            currentRetry += 1;
            return nextBackoffMillis;

        private BackoffImpl(FluentBackoff backoffConfig) {
            this.backoffConfig = backoffConfig;

        public String toString() {
            return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(BackoffImpl.class).add("backoffConfig", backoffConfig)
                    .add("currentRetry", currentRetry).add("currentCumulativeBackoff", currentCumulativeBackoff)

    private FluentBackoff(double exponent, Duration initialBackoff, Duration maxBackoff,
            Duration maxCumulativeBackoff, int maxRetries) {
        this.exponent = exponent;
        this.initialBackoff = initialBackoff;
        this.maxBackoff = maxBackoff;
        this.maxRetries = maxRetries;
        this.maxCumulativeBackoff = maxCumulativeBackoff;