Source code

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 * Copyright (C) 2015 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

import static;


import org.joda.time.Duration;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * A DataflowPipelineJob represents a job submitted to Dataflow using
 * {@link DataflowPipelineRunner}.
public class DataflowPipelineJob implements PipelineResult {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataflowPipelineJob.class);

     * The id for the job.
    private String jobId;

     * Google cloud project to associate this pipeline with.
    private String projectId;

     * Client for the Dataflow service. This can be used to query the service
     * for information about the job.
    private Dataflow dataflowClient;

     * The state the job terminated in or {@code null} if the job has not terminated.
    private State terminalState = null;

     * The job that replaced this one or {@code null} if the job has not been replaced.
    private DataflowPipelineJob replacedByJob = null;

    private DataflowAggregatorTransforms aggregatorTransforms;

     * The Metric Updates retrieved after the job was in a terminal state.
    private List<MetricUpdate> terminalMetricUpdates;

     * The polling interval for job status and messages information.
    static final Duration MESSAGES_POLLING_INTERVAL = Duration.standardSeconds(2);
    static final Duration STATUS_POLLING_INTERVAL = Duration.standardSeconds(2);

    static final double DEFAULT_BACKOFF_EXPONENT = 1.5;

     * The amount of polling retries for job status and messages information.
    static final int MESSAGES_POLLING_RETRIES = 11;
    static final int STATUS_POLLING_RETRIES = 4;

    private static final FluentBackoff MESSAGES_BACKOFF_FACTORY = FluentBackoff.DEFAULT
    protected static final FluentBackoff STATUS_BACKOFF_FACTORY = FluentBackoff.DEFAULT

     * Constructs the job.
     * @param projectId the project id
     * @param jobId the job id
     * @param dataflowClient the client for the Dataflow Service
    public DataflowPipelineJob(String projectId, String jobId, Dataflow dataflowClient,
            DataflowAggregatorTransforms aggregatorTransforms) {
        this.projectId = projectId;
        this.jobId = jobId;
        this.dataflowClient = dataflowClient;
        this.aggregatorTransforms = aggregatorTransforms;

     * Get the id of this job.
    public String getJobId() {
        return jobId;

     * Get the project this job exists in.
    public String getProjectId() {
        return projectId;

     * Returns a new {@link DataflowPipelineJob} for the job that replaced this one, if applicable.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if called before the job has terminated or if the job terminated
     * but was not updated
    public DataflowPipelineJob getReplacedByJob() {
        if (terminalState == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("getReplacedByJob() called before job terminated");
        if (replacedByJob == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("getReplacedByJob() called for job that was not replaced");
        return replacedByJob;

     * Get the Cloud Dataflow API Client used by this job.
    public Dataflow getDataflowClient() {
        return dataflowClient;

     * Waits for the job to finish and return the final status.
     * @param timeToWait The time to wait in units timeUnit for the job to finish.
     *     Provide a value less than 1 ms for an infinite wait.
     * @param timeUnit The unit of time for timeToWait.
     * @param messageHandler If non null this handler will be invoked for each
     *   batch of messages received.
     * @return The final state of the job or null on timeout or if the
     *   thread is interrupted.
     * @throws IOException If there is a persistent problem getting job
     *   information.
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public State waitToFinish(long timeToWait, TimeUnit timeUnit, MonitoringUtil.JobMessagesHandler messageHandler)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Duration duration = Duration.millis(timeUnit.toMillis(timeToWait));
        return waitToFinish(duration, messageHandler, Sleeper.DEFAULT, NanoClock.SYSTEM);

     * Wait for the job to finish and return the final status.
     * @param duration The total time to wait for the job to finish.
     *     Provide a value less than 1 ms for an infinite wait.
     * @param messageHandler If non null this handler will be invoked for each
     *   batch of messages received.
     * @param sleeper A sleeper to use to sleep between attempts.
     * @param nanoClock A nanoClock used to time the total time taken.
     * @return The final state of the job or null on timeout or if the
     *   thread is interrupted.
     * @throws IOException If there is a persistent problem getting job
     *   information.
     * @throws InterruptedException
    State waitToFinish(Duration duration, MonitoringUtil.JobMessagesHandler messageHandler, Sleeper sleeper,
            NanoClock nanoClock) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        MonitoringUtil monitor = new MonitoringUtil(projectId, dataflowClient);

        long lastTimestamp = 0;
        BackOff backoff;
        if (!duration.isLongerThan(Duration.ZERO)) {
            backoff = MESSAGES_BACKOFF_FACTORY.backoff();
        } else {
            backoff = MESSAGES_BACKOFF_FACTORY.withMaxCumulativeBackoff(duration).backoff();

        // This function tracks the cumulative time from the *first request* to enforce the wall-clock
        // limit. Any backoff instance could, at best, track the the time since the first attempt at a
        // given request. Thus, we need to track the cumulative time ourselves.
        long startNanos = nanoClock.nanoTime();

        State state;
        do {
            // Get the state of the job before listing messages. This ensures we always fetch job
            // messages after the job finishes to ensure we have all them.
            state = getStateWithRetries(STATUS_BACKOFF_FACTORY.withMaxRetries(0).backoff(), sleeper);
            boolean hasError = state == State.UNKNOWN;

            if (messageHandler != null && !hasError) {
                // Process all the job messages that have accumulated so far.
                try {
                    List<JobMessage> allMessages = monitor.getJobMessages(jobId, lastTimestamp);

                    if (!allMessages.isEmpty()) {
                        lastTimestamp = fromCloudTime(allMessages.get(allMessages.size() - 1).getTime())
                } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException | SocketTimeoutException e) {
                    hasError = true;
                    LOG.warn("There were problems getting current job messages: {}.", e.getMessage());
                    LOG.debug("Exception information:", e);

            if (!hasError) {
                // We can stop if the job is done.
                if (state.isTerminal()) {
                    return state;

                // The job is not done, so we must keep polling.

                // If a total duration for all backoff has been set, update the new cumulative sleep time to
                // be the remaining total backoff duration, stopping if we have already exceeded the
                // allotted time.
                if (duration.isLongerThan(Duration.ZERO)) {
                    long nanosConsumed = nanoClock.nanoTime() - startNanos;
                    Duration consumed = Duration.millis((nanosConsumed + 999999) / 1000000);
                    Duration remaining = duration.minus(consumed);
                    if (remaining.isLongerThan(Duration.ZERO)) {
                        backoff = MESSAGES_BACKOFF_FACTORY.withMaxCumulativeBackoff(remaining).backoff();
                    } else {
                        // If there is no time remaining, don't bother backing off.
                        backoff = BackOff.STOP_BACKOFF;
        } while (, backoff));
        LOG.warn("No terminal state was returned.  State value {}", state);
        return null; // Timed out.

     * Cancels the job.
     * @throws IOException if there is a problem executing the cancel request.
    public void cancel() throws IOException {
        Job content = new Job();
        dataflowClient.projects().jobs().update(projectId, jobId, content).execute();

    public State getState() {
        if (terminalState != null) {
            return terminalState;

        return getStateWithRetries(STATUS_BACKOFF_FACTORY.backoff(), Sleeper.DEFAULT);

     * Attempts to get the state. Uses exponential backoff on failure up to the maximum number
     * of passed in attempts.
     * @param attempts The amount of attempts to make.
     * @param sleeper Object used to do the sleeps between attempts.
     * @return The state of the job or State.UNKNOWN in case of failure.
    State getStateWithRetries(BackOff attempts, Sleeper sleeper) {
        if (terminalState != null) {
            return terminalState;
        try {
            Job job = getJobWithRetries(attempts, sleeper);
            return MonitoringUtil.toState(job.getCurrentState());
        } catch (IOException exn) {
            // The only IOException that getJobWithRetries is permitted to throw is the final IOException
            // that caused the failure of retry. Other exceptions are wrapped in an unchecked exceptions
            // and will propagate.
            return State.UNKNOWN;

     * Attempts to get the underlying {@link Job}. Uses exponential backoff on failure up to the
     * maximum number of passed in attempts.
     * @param backoff the {@link BackOff} used to control retries.
     * @param sleeper Object used to do the sleeps between attempts.
     * @return The underlying {@link Job} object.
     * @throws IOException When the maximum number of retries is exhausted, the last exception is
     * thrown.
    private Job getJobWithRetries(BackOff backoff, Sleeper sleeper) throws IOException {
        // Retry loop ends in return or throw
        while (true) {
            try {
                Job job = dataflowClient.projects().jobs().get(projectId, jobId).execute();
                State currentState = MonitoringUtil.toState(job.getCurrentState());
                if (currentState.isTerminal()) {
                    terminalState = currentState;
                    replacedByJob = new DataflowPipelineJob(getProjectId(), job.getReplacedByJobId(),
                            dataflowClient, aggregatorTransforms);
                return job;
            } catch (IOException exn) {
                LOG.warn("There were problems getting current job status: {}.", exn.getMessage());
                LOG.debug("Exception information:", exn);

                if (!nextBackOff(sleeper, backoff)) {
                    throw exn;

     * Identical to {@link BackOffUtils#next} but without checked exceptions.
    private boolean nextBackOff(Sleeper sleeper, BackOff backoff) {
        try {
            return, backoff);
        } catch (InterruptedException | IOException e) {
            if (e instanceof InterruptedException) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public <OutputT> AggregatorValues<OutputT> getAggregatorValues(Aggregator<?, OutputT> aggregator)
            throws AggregatorRetrievalException {
        try {
            return new MapAggregatorValues<>(fromMetricUpdates(aggregator));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new AggregatorRetrievalException(
                    "IOException when retrieving Aggregator values for Aggregator " + aggregator, e);

    private <OutputT> Map<String, OutputT> fromMetricUpdates(Aggregator<?, OutputT> aggregator) throws IOException {
        if (aggregatorTransforms.contains(aggregator)) {
            List<MetricUpdate> metricUpdates;
            if (terminalMetricUpdates != null) {
                metricUpdates = terminalMetricUpdates;
            } else {
                boolean terminal = getState().isTerminal();
                JobMetrics jobMetrics = dataflowClient.projects().jobs().getMetrics(projectId, jobId).execute();
                metricUpdates = jobMetrics.getMetrics();
                if (terminal && jobMetrics.getMetrics() != null) {
                    terminalMetricUpdates = metricUpdates;

            return DataflowMetricUpdateExtractor.fromMetricUpdates(aggregator, aggregatorTransforms, metricUpdates);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Aggregator " + aggregator + " is not used in this pipeline");