Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import static; import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Admin; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Increment; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class TestIncrement extends AbstractTest { @Rule public ExpectedException expectedException = ExpectedException.none(); /** * Requirement 6.1 - Increment on or more columns in a given row by given amounts. * Requirement 6.4 - Return post-increment value(s) */ @Test public void testIncrement() throws IOException { // Initialize data try (Table table = getConnection().getTable(TABLE_NAME)) { testIncrement(dataHelper, table); } } public static void testIncrement(DataGenerationHelper dataHelper, Table table) throws IOException { byte[] rowKey = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); byte[] qual1 = dataHelper.randomData("qual-"); long value1 = new Random().nextInt(); long incr1 = new Random().nextInt(); byte[] qual2 = dataHelper.randomData("qual-"); long value2 = new Random().nextInt(); long incr2 = new Random().nextInt(); // Put and increment Put put = new Put(rowKey); put.addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual1, Bytes.toBytes(value1)); put.addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual2, Bytes.toBytes(value2)); table.put(put); Increment increment = new Increment(rowKey); increment.addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual1, incr1); increment.addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual2, incr2); Result result = table.increment(increment); Assert.assertEquals(2, result.size()); Assert.assertEquals("Value1=" + value1 + " & Incr1=" + incr1, value1 + incr1, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual1)))); Assert.assertEquals("Value2=" + value2 + " & Incr2=" + incr2, value2 + incr2, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual2)))); // Double-check values with a Get Get get = new Get(rowKey); get.setMaxVersions(5); result = table.get(get); Assert.assertEquals("Expected four results, two for each column", 4, result.size()); Assert.assertEquals("Value1=" + value1 + " & Incr1=" + incr1, value1 + incr1, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual1)))); Assert.assertEquals("Value2=" + value2 + " & Incr2=" + incr2, value2 + incr2, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual2)))); } /** * Requirement 6.2 - Specify a timerange (min ts, inclusive + max ts, exclusive). This will create * a new value that is an increment of the first value within this range, and will otherwise * create a new value. * Note: This is pretty weird. Not sure who would use it, or if we need to support it. * Here's the test: 1. Create a cell with three explicit versions: 101, 102, and 103. The values * are set to the same so we can track the original versions. 2. Call an increment (+1) with a * time range of [101,103) 3. It should have created a fourth version with the current timestamp * that incremented version 102. We can ensure this be looking at the new value (103) and the * number of versions. 4. Now increment (+1) with a time range outside of all versions [100000, * 200000) 5. It should have create a new version with the current timestamp and value of 1. 6. * Check all versions for the cell. You should have, in descending version order: a. A value of 1 * with a recent timestamp. b. A value of 103 with a recent timestamp. c. A value of 103 with a * timestamp of 103. d. A value of 102 with a timestamp of 102. e. A value of 101 with a timestamp * of 101. */ @Test @Category(KnownGap.class) public void testIncrementWithTimerange() throws IOException { // Initialize data Table table = getConnection().getTable(TABLE_NAME); byte[] rowKey = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); byte[] qual = dataHelper.randomData("qual-"); // Put and increment in range. Test min is inclusive, max is exclusive. Put put = new Put(rowKey).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual, 101L, Bytes.toBytes(101L)) .addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual, 102L, Bytes.toBytes(102L)) .addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual, 103L, Bytes.toBytes(103L)); table.put(put); // Increment doesn't increment in place. Increment increment = new Increment(rowKey); increment.setTimeRange(101L, 103L); increment.addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual, 1L); Result result = table.increment(increment); Assert.assertEquals("Should increment only 1 value", 1, result.size()); Assert.assertEquals("It should have incremented 102", 102L + 1L, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual)))); Get get = new Get(rowKey).setMaxVersions(10); result = table.get(get); Assert.assertEquals("Check there's now a fourth", 4, result.size()); // Test an increment out of range increment = new Increment(rowKey).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual, 1L).setTimeRange(100000L, 200000L); result = table.increment(increment); Assert.assertEquals("Expect single value", 1, result.size()); Assert.assertTrue("Timestamp should be new", result.getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual).getTimestamp() > 1000000000000L); // Check values get = new Get(rowKey); get.setMaxVersions(10); result = table.get(get); List<Cell> cells = result.getColumnCells(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual); Assert.assertEquals("Expected five results", 5, cells.size()); Assert.assertTrue("First should be a default timestamp", cells.get(0).getTimestamp() > 1000000000000L); Assert.assertEquals("Value should be new", 1L, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(cells.get(0)))); Assert.assertTrue("Second should also be a default timestamp", cells.get(1).getTimestamp() > 1000000000000L); Assert.assertEquals("Value should be an increment of 102", 102L + 1L, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(cells.get(1)))); Assert.assertEquals("Third should be 103", 103L, cells.get(2).getTimestamp()); Assert.assertEquals("103 should still be 103", 103L, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(cells.get(2)))); Assert.assertEquals("Fourth should be 102", 102L, cells.get(3).getTimestamp()); Assert.assertEquals("102 should still be 101", 102L, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(cells.get(3)))); Assert.assertEquals("Last should be 101", 101L, cells.get(4).getTimestamp()); Assert.assertEquals("101 should still be 101", 101L, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(cells.get(4)))); table.close(); } /** * Requirement 6.3 - Test that increment uses the current time as the default timestamp for new * versions. */ @Test public void testDefaultTimestamp() throws IOException { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long oneMinute = 60 * 1000; long fifteenMinutes = 15 * 60 * 1000; Table table = getConnection().getTable(TABLE_NAME); byte[] rowKey = Bytes.toBytes("testrow-" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(8)); byte[] qualifier = Bytes.toBytes("testQualifier-" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(8)); Put put = new Put(rowKey); put.addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qualifier, 1L, Bytes.toBytes(100L)); table.put(put); Increment increment = new Increment(rowKey).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qualifier, 1L); table.increment(increment); Get get = new Get(rowKey).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qualifier); Result result = table.get(get); long timestamp1 = result.getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qualifier).getTimestamp(); Assert.assertTrue(Math.abs(timestamp1 - now) < fifteenMinutes); try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(10); // Make sure the clock has a chance to move } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } table.increment(increment); result = table.get(get); long timestamp2 = result.getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qualifier).getTimestamp(); Assert.assertTrue("Time increases strictly", timestamp2 > timestamp1); Assert.assertTrue("Time doesn't move too fast", (timestamp2 - timestamp1) < oneMinute); table.close(); } /** * Requirement 6.6 - Increment should fail on non-64-bit values, and succeed on any 64-bit value. */ @Test @Category(KnownGap.class) public void testFailOnIncrementInt() throws IOException { // Initialize Table table = getConnection().getTable(TABLE_NAME); byte[] rowKey = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); byte[] qual = dataHelper.randomData("qual-"); int value = new Random().nextInt(); Put put = new Put(rowKey).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual, Bytes.toBytes(value)); table.put(put); // Increment Increment increment = new Increment(rowKey).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual, 1L); expectedException.expect(DoNotRetryIOException.class); expectedException.expectMessage("Attempted to increment field that isn't 64 bits wide"); table.increment(increment); } /** * Requirement 6.6 */ @Test @Category(KnownGap.class) public void testFailOnIncrementString() throws IOException { // Initialize Table table = getConnection().getTable(TABLE_NAME); byte[] rowKey = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); byte[] qual = dataHelper.randomData("qual-"); byte[] value = dataHelper.randomData("value-"); Put put = new Put(rowKey).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual, value); table.put(put); // Increment Increment increment = new Increment(rowKey).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual, 1L); expectedException.expect(DoNotRetryIOException.class); expectedException.expectMessage("Attempted to increment field that isn't 64 bits wide"); table.increment(increment); } /** * Requirement 6.6 */ @Test public void testIncrementEightBytes() throws IOException { // Initialize Table table = getConnection().getTable(TABLE_NAME); byte[] rowKey = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); byte[] qual = dataHelper.randomData("qual-"); byte[] value = new byte[8]; new Random().nextBytes(value); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.SIZE); buffer.put(value); buffer.flip(); long equivalentValue = buffer.getLong(); // Put the bytes in Put put = new Put(rowKey).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual, value); table.put(put); // Increment Increment increment = new Increment(rowKey).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual, 1L); Result result = table.increment(increment); Assert.assertEquals("Should have incremented the bytes like a long", equivalentValue + 1L, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual)))); } @Test @Category(KnownGap.class) public void testIncrementWithMaxVersions() throws IOException { // Initialize data byte[] incrementFamily = Bytes.toBytes("i"); byte[] incrementTable = Bytes.toBytes("increment_table"); TableName incrementTableName = TableName.valueOf(incrementTable); Admin admin = getConnection().getAdmin(); HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor = new HTableDescriptor(incrementTableName); tableDescriptor.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(incrementFamily).setMaxVersions(1)); admin.createTable(tableDescriptor); Table table = getConnection().getTable(incrementTableName); byte[] rowKey = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); byte[] qual1 = dataHelper.randomData("qual-"); long value1 = new Random().nextInt(); long incr1 = new Random().nextInt(); byte[] qual2 = dataHelper.randomData("qual-"); long value2 = new Random().nextInt(); long incr2 = new Random().nextInt(); // Put and increment Put put = new Put(rowKey); put.addColumn(incrementFamily, qual1, Bytes.toBytes(value1)); put.addColumn(incrementFamily, qual2, Bytes.toBytes(value2)); table.put(put); Increment increment = new Increment(rowKey); increment.addColumn(incrementFamily, qual1, incr1); increment.addColumn(incrementFamily, qual2, incr2); Result result = table.increment(increment); Assert.assertEquals(2, result.size()); Assert.assertEquals("Value1=" + value1 + " & Incr1=" + incr1, value1 + incr1, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.getColumnLatestCell(incrementFamily, qual1)))); Assert.assertEquals("Value2=" + value2 + " & Incr2=" + incr2, value2 + incr2, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.getColumnLatestCell(incrementFamily, qual2)))); // Double-check values with a Get Get get = new Get(rowKey); get.setMaxVersions(5); result = table.get(get); Assert.assertEquals("Expected two results, only the latest version for each column", 2, result.size()); Assert.assertEquals("Value1=" + value1 + " & Incr1=" + incr1, value1 + incr1, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.getColumnLatestCell(incrementFamily, qual1)))); Assert.assertEquals("Value2=" + value2 + " & Incr2=" + incr2, value2 + incr2, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(result.getColumnLatestCell(incrementFamily, qual2)))); table.close(); } }