Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import static; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Append; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Increment; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Row; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RowMutations; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.NoSuchColumnFamilyException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category; public class TestBatch extends AbstractTest { /** * Requirement 8.1 - Batch performs a collection of Deletes, Gets, Puts, Increments, and Appends * on multiple rows, returning results in the same order as the requested actions. * * Requirement 8.5 - A batch() should return an empty Result object for successful put/delete * operations and get operations with no matching column. * * Requirement 8.6 - Get operations with matching values should return populated Result object in * a batch() operation. */ @Test public void testBatchPutGetAndDelete() throws IOException, InterruptedException { // Initialize data Table table = getConnection().getTable(TABLE_NAME); byte[] rowKey1 = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); byte[] qual1 = dataHelper.randomData("qual-"); byte[] value1 = dataHelper.randomData("value-"); byte[] rowKey2 = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); byte[] qual2 = dataHelper.randomData("qual-"); byte[] value2 = dataHelper.randomData("value-"); byte[] emptyRowKey = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); Put put1 = new Put(rowKey1).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual1, value1); Put put2 = new Put(rowKey2).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual2, value2); List<Row> batch = new ArrayList<Row>(2); batch.add(put1); batch.add(put2); Object[] results = new Object[batch.size()]; table.batch(batch, results); Assert.assertTrue("Should be a Result", results[0] instanceof Result); Assert.assertTrue("Should be a Result", results[1] instanceof Result); Assert.assertTrue("Should be empty", ((Result) results[0]).isEmpty()); Assert.assertTrue("Should be empty", ((Result) results[1]).isEmpty()); Assert.assertEquals("Batch should not have been cleared", 2, batch.size()); // Check values Get get1 = new Get(rowKey1); Get get2 = new Get(rowKey2); Get get3 = new Get(emptyRowKey); batch.clear(); batch.add(get1); batch.add(get2); batch.add(get3); results = new Object[batch.size()]; table.batch(batch, results); Assert.assertTrue("Should be Result", results[0] instanceof Result); Assert.assertTrue("Should be Result", results[1] instanceof Result); Assert.assertTrue("Should be Result", results[2] instanceof Result); Assert.assertEquals("Should be one value", 1, ((Result) results[0]).size()); Assert.assertEquals("Should be one value", 1, ((Result) results[1]).size()); Assert.assertEquals("Should be empty", 0, ((Result) results[2]).size()); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Should be value1", value1, CellUtil.cloneValue(((Result) results[0]).getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual1))); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Should be value2", value2, CellUtil.cloneValue(((Result) results[1]).getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual2))); // Delete values Delete delete1 = new Delete(rowKey1); Delete delete2 = new Delete(rowKey2); batch.clear(); batch.add(delete1); batch.add(delete2); results = new Object[batch.size()]; table.batch(batch, results); Assert.assertTrue("Should be a Result", results[0] instanceof Result); Assert.assertTrue("Should be a Result", results[1] instanceof Result); Assert.assertTrue("Should be empty", ((Result) results[0]).isEmpty()); Assert.assertTrue("Should be empty", ((Result) results[1]).isEmpty()); // Check that delete succeeded batch.clear(); batch.add(get1); batch.add(get2); results = new Object[batch.size()]; table.batch(batch, results); Assert.assertTrue("Should be empty", ((Result) results[0]).isEmpty()); Assert.assertTrue("Should be empty", ((Result) results[1]).isEmpty()); table.close(); } /** * Requirement 8.1 */ @Test public void testBatchIncrement() throws IOException, InterruptedException { // Initialize data Table table = getConnection().getTable(TABLE_NAME); byte[] rowKey1 = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); byte[] qual1 = dataHelper.randomData("qual-"); Random random = new Random(); long value1 = random.nextLong(); byte[] rowKey2 = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); byte[] qual2 = dataHelper.randomData("qual-"); long value2 = random.nextLong(); // Put Put put1 = new Put(rowKey1).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual1, Bytes.toBytes(value1)); Put put2 = new Put(rowKey2).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual2, Bytes.toBytes(value2)); List<Row> batch = new ArrayList<Row>(2); batch.add(put1); batch.add(put2); table.batch(batch, null); // Increment Increment increment1 = new Increment(rowKey1).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual1, 1L); Increment increment2 = new Increment(rowKey2).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual2, 1L); batch.clear(); batch.add(increment1); batch.add(increment2); Object[] results = new Object[2]; table.batch(batch, results); Assert.assertEquals("Should be value1 + 1", value1 + 1, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(((Result) results[0]).getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual1)))); Assert.assertEquals("Should be value2 + 1", value2 + 1, Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(((Result) results[1]).getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual2)))); table.close(); } /** * Requirement 8.1 */ @Test public void testBatchAppend() throws IOException, InterruptedException { // Initialize data Table table = getConnection().getTable(TABLE_NAME); byte[] rowKey1 = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); byte[] qual1 = dataHelper.randomData("qual-"); byte[] value1_1 = dataHelper.randomData("value-"); byte[] value1_2 = dataHelper.randomData("value-"); byte[] rowKey2 = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); byte[] qual2 = dataHelper.randomData("qual-"); byte[] value2_1 = dataHelper.randomData("value-"); byte[] value2_2 = dataHelper.randomData("value-"); // Put Put put1 = new Put(rowKey1).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual1, value1_1); Put put2 = new Put(rowKey2).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual2, value2_1); List<Row> batch = new ArrayList<Row>(2); batch.add(put1); batch.add(put2); table.batch(batch, null); // Increment Append append1 = new Append(rowKey1).add(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual1, value1_2); Append append2 = new Append(rowKey2).add(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual2, value2_2); batch.clear(); batch.add(append1); batch.add(append2); Object[] results = new Object[2]; table.batch(batch, results); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Should be value1_1 + value1_2", ArrayUtils.addAll(value1_1, value1_2), CellUtil.cloneValue(((Result) results[0]).getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual1))); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Should be value1_1 + value1_2", ArrayUtils.addAll(value2_1, value2_2), CellUtil.cloneValue(((Result) results[1]).getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual2))); table.close(); } /** * Requirement 8.2 - Batch throws an exception if any of the calls failed. Any successful * mutations that did not throw an exception will succeed. * * Requirement 8.7 - Server errors should populate those return elements in a batch() call with * corresponding Throwables. */ @Test @Category(KnownGap.class) public void testBatchWithException() throws IOException, InterruptedException { // Initialize data Table table = getConnection().getTable(TABLE_NAME); byte[][] rowKeys = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-", 5); byte[][] quals = dataHelper.randomData("qual-", 5); byte[][] values = dataHelper.randomData("value-", 5); Put put0 = new Put(rowKeys[0]).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, quals[0], values[0]); Put put1 = new Put(rowKeys[1]).addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("NO SUCH FAMILY"), quals[1], values[1]); Put put2 = new Put(rowKeys[2]).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, quals[2], values[2]); Put put3 = new Put(rowKeys[3]).addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("NO SUCH FAMILY"), quals[3], values[3]); Put put4 = new Put(rowKeys[4]).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, quals[4], values[4]); List<Row> batch = new ArrayList<Row>(5); Object[] results = new Object[5]; batch.add(put0); batch.add(put1); // This one is bad batch.add(put2); batch.add(put3); // So's this one batch.add(put4); RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException exception = null; try { table.batch(batch, results); } catch (RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException e) { exception = e; } Assert.assertNotNull("Exception should have been thrown", exception); Assert.assertEquals("There should have been two exceptions", 2, exception.getNumExceptions()); Assert.assertTrue("Cause should be NoSuchColumnFamilyException", exception.getCause(0) instanceof NoSuchColumnFamilyException); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Row key should be #1", rowKeys[1], exception.getRow(0).getRow()); Assert.assertTrue("Cause should be NoSuchColumnFamilyException", exception.getCause(1) instanceof NoSuchColumnFamilyException); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Row key should be #3", rowKeys[3], exception.getRow(1).getRow()); Assert.assertTrue("#0 should be a Result", results[0] instanceof Result); Assert.assertTrue("#1 should be the exception cause", results[1] instanceof NoSuchColumnFamilyException); Assert.assertTrue("#2 should be a Result", results[2] instanceof Result); Assert.assertTrue("#3 should be the exception cause", results[3] instanceof NoSuchColumnFamilyException); Assert.assertTrue("#4 should be a Result", results[4] instanceof Result); // Check values. The good puts should have worked. List<Get> gets = new ArrayList<Get>(5); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { gets.add(new Get(rowKeys[i])); } Result[] getResults = table.get(gets); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Row #0 should have value #0", values[0], CellUtil.cloneValue(getResults[0].getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, quals[0]))); Assert.assertTrue("Row #1 should be empty", getResults[1].isEmpty()); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Row #2 should have value #2", values[2], CellUtil.cloneValue(getResults[2].getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, quals[2]))); Assert.assertTrue("Row #3 should be empty", getResults[3].isEmpty()); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Row #4 should have value #4", values[4], CellUtil.cloneValue(getResults[4].getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, quals[4]))); table.close(); } /** * Requirement 8.3 - MutateRow performs a combination of Put and Delete operations for a single * row. */ @Test @Category(KnownGap.class) public void testRowMutations() throws IOException { // Initialize data Table table = getConnection().getTable(TABLE_NAME); byte[] rowKey = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); byte[][] quals = dataHelper.randomData("qual-", 3); byte[][] values = dataHelper.randomData("value-", 3); // Put a couple of values Put put0 = new Put(rowKey).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, quals[0], values[0]); Put put1 = new Put(rowKey).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, quals[1], values[1]); RowMutations rm = new RowMutations(rowKey); rm.add(put0); rm.add(put1); table.mutateRow(rm); // Check Result result = table.get(new Get(rowKey)); Assert.assertEquals("Should have two values", 2, result.size()); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Value #0 should exist", values[0], CellUtil.cloneValue(result.getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, quals[0]))); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Value #1 should exist", values[1], CellUtil.cloneValue(result.getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, quals[1]))); // Now delete the value #1 and insert value #3 Delete delete = new Delete(rowKey).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, quals[1]); Put put2 = new Put(rowKey).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, quals[2], values[2]); rm = new RowMutations(rowKey); rm.add(delete); rm.add(put2); table.mutateRow(rm); // Check result = table.get(new Get(rowKey)); Assert.assertEquals("Should have two values", 2, result.size()); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Value #0 should exist", values[0], CellUtil.cloneValue(result.getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, quals[0]))); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Value #2 should exist", values[2], CellUtil.cloneValue(result.getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, quals[2]))); table.close(); } @Test public void testBatchGets() throws Exception { // Initialize data Table table = getConnection().getTable(TABLE_NAME); byte[] rowKey1 = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); byte[] qual1 = dataHelper.randomData("qual-"); byte[] value1 = dataHelper.randomData("value-"); byte[] rowKey2 = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); byte[] qual2 = dataHelper.randomData("qual-"); byte[] value2 = dataHelper.randomData("value-"); byte[] emptyRowKey = dataHelper.randomData("testrow-"); Put put1 = new Put(rowKey1).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual1, value1); Put put2 = new Put(rowKey2).addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual2, value2); List<Row> batch = new ArrayList<Row>(2); batch.add(put1); batch.add(put2); Object[] results = new Object[batch.size()]; table.batch(batch, results); Assert.assertTrue("Should be a Result", results[0] instanceof Result); Assert.assertTrue("Should be a Result", results[1] instanceof Result); Assert.assertTrue("Should be empty", ((Result) results[0]).isEmpty()); Assert.assertTrue("Should be empty", ((Result) results[1]).isEmpty()); Assert.assertEquals("Batch should not have been cleared", 2, batch.size()); // Check values Get get1 = new Get(rowKey1); Get get2 = new Get(rowKey2); Get get3 = new Get(emptyRowKey); batch.clear(); batch.add(get1); batch.add(get2); batch.add(get3); results = new Object[batch.size()]; table.batch(batch, results); Assert.assertTrue("Should be Result", results[0] instanceof Result); Assert.assertTrue("Should be Result", results[1] instanceof Result); Assert.assertTrue("Should be Result", results[2] instanceof Result); Assert.assertEquals("Should be one value", 1, ((Result) results[0]).size()); Assert.assertEquals("Should be one value", 1, ((Result) results[1]).size()); Assert.assertEquals("Should be empty", 0, ((Result) results[2]).size()); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Should be value1", value1, CellUtil.cloneValue(((Result) results[0]).getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual1))); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Should be value2", value2, CellUtil.cloneValue(((Result) results[1]).getColumnLatestCell(COLUMN_FAMILY, qual2))); table.close(); } @Test public void testBatchDoesntHang() throws Exception { Connection closedConnection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(IntegrationTests.getConfiguration()); Table table = closedConnection.getTable(TABLE_NAME); closedConnection.close(); try { table.batch(Arrays.asList(new Get(Bytes.toBytes("key"))), new Object[1]);"Expected an exception"); } catch (Exception e) { } } }