Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import io.grpc.Status; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import; import; import; /** * Static methods to convert an instance of {@link Configuration} * to a {@link BigtableOptions} instance. */ public class BigtableOptionsFactory { protected static final Logger LOG = new Logger(BigtableOptionsFactory.class); public static final String BIGTABLE_PORT_KEY = "google.bigtable.endpoint.port"; public static final String BIGTABLE_CLUSTER_ADMIN_HOST_KEY = ""; public static final String BIGTABLE_TABLE_ADMIN_HOST_KEY = ""; public static final String BIGTABLE_HOST_KEY = ""; public static final String PROJECT_ID_KEY = ""; public static final String CLUSTER_KEY = ""; public static final String ZONE_KEY = ""; /** * Key to set to enable service accounts to be used, either metadata server-based or P12-based. * Defaults to enabled. */ public static final String BIGTABE_USE_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS_KEY = "google.bigtable.auth.service.account.enable"; public static final boolean BIGTABLE_USE_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS_DEFAULT = true; /** * Key to allow unit tests to proceed with an invalid credential configuration. */ public static final String BIGTABLE_NULL_CREDENTIAL_ENABLE_KEY = "google.bigtable.auth.null.credential.enable"; public static final boolean BIGTABLE_NULL_CREDENTIAL_ENABLE_DEFAULT = false; /** * Key to set when using P12 keyfile authentication. The value should be the service account email * address as displayed. If this value is not set and using service accounts is enabled, a * metadata server account will be used. */ public static final String BIGTABLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_KEY = ""; /** * Key to set to a location where a P12 keyfile can be found that corresponds to the provided * service account email address. */ public static final String BIGTABLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_P12_KEYFILE_LOCATION_KEY = "google.bigtable.auth.service.account.keyfile"; /** * Key to set to a location where a json security credentials file can be found. */ public static final String BIGTABLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_KEYFILE_LOCATION_KEY = "google.bigtable.auth.json.keyfile"; /** * Key to set to a boolean flag indicating whether or not grpc retries should be enabled. * The default is to enable retries on failed idempotent operations. */ public static final String ENABLE_GRPC_RETRIES_KEY = "google.bigtable.grpc.retry.enable"; /** * Key to set to a comma separated list of grpc codes to retry. See {@link Status.Code} for more * information. */ public static final String ADDITIONAL_RETRY_CODES = ""; /** * Key to set to a boolean flag indicating whether or not to retry grpc call on deadline exceeded. * This flag is used only when grpc retries is enabled. */ public static final String ENABLE_GRPC_RETRY_DEADLINEEXCEEDED_KEY = "google.bigtable.grpc.retry.deadlineexceeded.enable"; /** * Key to set the maximum amount of time to wait for retries, given a backoff policy on errors. * This flag is used only when grpc retries is enabled. */ public static final String MAX_ELAPSED_BACKOFF_MILLIS_KEY = ""; /** * Key to set the amount of time to wait when reading a partial row. */ public static final String READ_PARTIAL_ROW_TIMEOUT_MS = ""; /** * Key to set the number of time to retry after a scan timeout */ public static final String MAX_SCAN_TIMEOUT_RETRIES = "google.bigtable.grpc.retry.max.scan.timeout.retries"; /** * Key to set the maximum number of messages to buffer when scanning. */ public static final String READ_BUFFER_SIZE = ""; /** * Key to set the batch size of messages to request when scanning. */ public static final String READ_BATCH_SIZE = ""; /** * The number of grpc channels to open for asynchronous processing such as puts. */ public static final String BIGTABLE_DATA_CHANNEL_COUNT_KEY = ""; /** * The maximum length of time to keep a Bigtable grpc channel open. */ public static final String BIGTABLE_CHANNEL_TIMEOUT_MS_KEY = ""; public static final String BIGTABLE_USE_BULK_API = "google.bigtable.use.bulk.api"; public static final String BIGTABLE_BULK_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE_BYTES = "google.bigtable.bulk.max.request.size.bytes"; public static final String BIGTABLE_BULK_MAX_ROW_KEY_COUNT = "google.bigtable.bulk.max.row.key.count"; public static final String BIGTABLE_USE_PLAINTEXT_NEGOTIATION = "google.bigtable.use.plaintext.negotiation"; /** * The number of asynchronous workers to use for buffered mutator operations. */ public static final String BIGTABLE_ASYNC_MUTATOR_COUNT_KEY = "google.bigtable.buffered.mutator.async.worker.count"; public static BigtableOptions fromConfiguration(final Configuration configuration) throws IOException { BigtableOptions.Builder bigtableOptionsBuilder = new BigtableOptions.Builder(); bigtableOptionsBuilder.setProjectId(getValue(configuration, PROJECT_ID_KEY, "Project ID")); bigtableOptionsBuilder.setZoneId(getValue(configuration, ZONE_KEY, "Zone")); bigtableOptionsBuilder.setClusterId(getValue(configuration, CLUSTER_KEY, "Cluster")); bigtableOptionsBuilder .setDataHost(getHost(configuration, BIGTABLE_HOST_KEY, BIGTABLE_DATA_HOST_DEFAULT, "API Data")); bigtableOptionsBuilder.setTableAdminHost(getHost(configuration, BIGTABLE_TABLE_ADMIN_HOST_KEY, BIGTABLE_TABLE_ADMIN_HOST_DEFAULT, "Table Admin")); bigtableOptionsBuilder.setClusterAdminHost(getHost(configuration, BIGTABLE_CLUSTER_ADMIN_HOST_KEY, BIGTABLE_CLUSTER_ADMIN_HOST_DEFAULT, "Cluster Admin")); int port = configuration.getInt(BIGTABLE_PORT_KEY, BIGTABLE_PORT_DEFAULT); bigtableOptionsBuilder.setPort(port); setChannelOptions(bigtableOptionsBuilder, configuration); int asyncMutatorCount = configuration.getInt(BIGTABLE_ASYNC_MUTATOR_COUNT_KEY, BIGTABLE_ASYNC_MUTATOR_COUNT_DEFAULT); bigtableOptionsBuilder.setAsyncMutatorWorkerCount(asyncMutatorCount); bigtableOptionsBuilder.setUseBulkApi(configuration.getBoolean(BIGTABLE_USE_BULK_API, true)); bigtableOptionsBuilder.setBulkMaxRowKeyCount(configuration.getInt(BIGTABLE_BULK_MAX_ROW_KEY_COUNT, BigtableOptions.BIGTABLE_BULK_MAX_ROW_KEY_COUNT_DEFAULT)); bigtableOptionsBuilder.setBulkMaxRequestSize(configuration.getLong(BIGTABLE_BULK_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE_BYTES, BigtableOptions.BIGTABLE_BULK_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE_BYTES_DEFAULT)); bigtableOptionsBuilder .setUsePlaintextNegotiation(configuration.getBoolean(BIGTABLE_USE_PLAINTEXT_NEGOTIATION, false)); return; } private static String getValue(final Configuration configuration, String key, String type) { String value = configuration.get(key); Preconditions.checkArgument(!isNullOrEmpty(value), String.format("%s must be supplied via %s", type, key)); LOG.debug("%s %s", type, value); return value; } private static String getHost(Configuration configuration, String key, String defaultVal, String type) { String hostName = configuration.get(key, defaultVal); LOG.debug("%s endpoint host %s.", type, hostName); return hostName; } private static void setChannelOptions(BigtableOptions.Builder builder, Configuration configuration) throws IOException { setCredentialOptions(builder, configuration); builder.setRetryOptions(createRetryOptions(configuration)); int channelCount = configuration.getInt(BIGTABLE_DATA_CHANNEL_COUNT_KEY, BigtableOptions.BIGTABLE_DATA_CHANNEL_COUNT_DEFAULT); builder.setDataChannelCount(channelCount); int channelTimeout = configuration.getInt(BIGTABLE_CHANNEL_TIMEOUT_MS_KEY, BigtableOptions.BIGTABLE_CHANNEL_TIMEOUT_MS_DEFAULT); // Connection refresh takes a couple of seconds. 1 minute is the bare minimum that this should // be allowed to be set at. Preconditions.checkArgument(channelTimeout == 0 || channelTimeout >= 60000, BIGTABLE_CHANNEL_TIMEOUT_MS_KEY + " has to be 0 (no timeout) or 1 minute+ (60000)"); builder.setTimeoutMs(channelTimeout); builder.setUserAgent(BigtableConstants.USER_AGENT); } private static void setCredentialOptions(BigtableOptions.Builder builder, Configuration configuration) throws FileNotFoundException { if (configuration.getBoolean(BIGTABE_USE_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS_KEY, BIGTABLE_USE_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS_DEFAULT)) { LOG.debug("Using service accounts"); if (configuration.get(BIGTABLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_KEYFILE_LOCATION_KEY) != null) { String keyfileLocation = configuration.get(BIGTABLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_KEYFILE_LOCATION_KEY); LOG.debug("Using json keyfile: %s", keyfileLocation); builder.setCredentialOptions( CredentialOptions.jsonCredentials(new FileInputStream(keyfileLocation))); } else if (configuration.get(BIGTABLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_KEY) != null) { String serviceAccount = configuration.get(BIGTABLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_KEY); LOG.debug("Service account %s specified.", serviceAccount); String keyfileLocation = configuration.get(BIGTABLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_P12_KEYFILE_LOCATION_KEY); Preconditions.checkState(!isNullOrEmpty(keyfileLocation), "Key file location must be specified when setting service account email"); LOG.debug("Using p12 keyfile: %s", keyfileLocation); builder.setCredentialOptions(CredentialOptions.p12Credential(serviceAccount, keyfileLocation)); } else { LOG.debug("Using default credentials."); builder.setCredentialOptions(CredentialOptions.defaultCredentials()); } } else if (configuration.getBoolean(BIGTABLE_NULL_CREDENTIAL_ENABLE_KEY, BIGTABLE_NULL_CREDENTIAL_ENABLE_DEFAULT)) { builder.setCredentialOptions(CredentialOptions.nullCredential());"Enabling the use of null credentials. This should not be used in production."); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Either service account or null credentials must be enabled"); } } private static RetryOptions createRetryOptions(Configuration configuration) { RetryOptions.Builder retryOptionsBuilder = new RetryOptions.Builder(); boolean enableRetries = configuration.getBoolean(ENABLE_GRPC_RETRIES_KEY, RetryOptions.DEFAULT_ENABLE_GRPC_RETRIES); LOG.debug("gRPC retries enabled: %s", enableRetries); retryOptionsBuilder.setEnableRetries(enableRetries); String retryCodes = configuration.get(ADDITIONAL_RETRY_CODES, ""); String codes[] = retryCodes.split(","); for (String stringCode : codes) { String trimmed = stringCode.trim(); if (trimmed.isEmpty()) { continue; } Status.Code code = Status.Code.valueOf(trimmed); Preconditions.checkArgument(code != null, "Code " + stringCode + " not found."); LOG.debug("gRPC retry on: %s", stringCode); retryOptionsBuilder.addStatusToRetryOn(code); } boolean retryOnDeadlineExceeded = configuration.getBoolean(ENABLE_GRPC_RETRY_DEADLINEEXCEEDED_KEY, true); LOG.debug("gRPC retry on deadline exceeded enabled: %s", retryOnDeadlineExceeded); retryOptionsBuilder.setRetryOnDeadlineExceeded(retryOnDeadlineExceeded); int maxElapsedBackoffMillis = configuration.getInt(MAX_ELAPSED_BACKOFF_MILLIS_KEY, RetryOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_ELAPSED_BACKOFF_MILLIS); LOG.debug("gRPC retry maxElapsedBackoffMillis: %d", maxElapsedBackoffMillis); retryOptionsBuilder.setMaxElapsedBackoffMillis(maxElapsedBackoffMillis); int readPartialRowTimeoutMillis = configuration.getInt(READ_PARTIAL_ROW_TIMEOUT_MS, RetryOptions.DEFAULT_READ_PARTIAL_ROW_TIMEOUT_MS); LOG.debug("gRPC read partial row timeout (millis): %d", readPartialRowTimeoutMillis); retryOptionsBuilder.setReadPartialRowTimeoutMillis(readPartialRowTimeoutMillis); int streamingBufferSize = configuration.getInt(READ_BUFFER_SIZE, RetryOptions.DEFAULT_STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE); LOG.debug("gRPC read buffer size (count): %d", streamingBufferSize); retryOptionsBuilder.setStreamingBufferSize(streamingBufferSize); int streamingBatchSize = configuration.getInt(READ_BATCH_SIZE, RetryOptions.DEFAULT_STREAMING_BATCH_SIZE); LOG.debug("gRPC read batch size (count): %d", streamingBatchSize); retryOptionsBuilder.setStreamingBatchSize(streamingBatchSize); int maxScanTimeoutRetries = configuration.getInt(MAX_SCAN_TIMEOUT_RETRIES, RetryOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_SCAN_TIMEOUT_RETRIES); LOG.debug("gRPC max scan timeout retries (count): %d", maxScanTimeoutRetries); retryOptionsBuilder.setMaxScanTimeoutRetries(maxScanTimeoutRetries); return; } }