Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.



public final class ParsedOptions implements CaliperOptions {
    public static ParsedOptions from(String[] args) throws InvalidCommandException {
        ParsedOptions options = new ParsedOptions();

        CommandLineParser<ParsedOptions> parser = CommandLineParser.forClass(ParsedOptions.class);
        try {
            parser.parseAndInject(args, options);
        } catch (InvalidCommandException e) {
            throw e;
        return options;

    private ParsedOptions() {

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Dry run -- simple boolean, needs to be checked in some methods
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // TODO(kevinb): remove legacy --debug alias
    @Option({ "-n", "--dry-run", "--debug" })
    private boolean dryRun;

    public boolean dryRun() {
        return dryRun;

    private void dryRunIncompatible(String optionName) throws InvalidCommandException {
        // This only works because CLP does field injection before method injection
        if (dryRun) {
            throw new InvalidCommandException("Option not available in dry-run mode: " + optionName);

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Delimiter -- injected early so methods can use it
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    @Option({ "-d", "--delimiter" })
    private String delimiter = ",";

    private ImmutableSet<String> split(String string) {
        return ImmutableSet.copyOf(Splitter.on(delimiter).split(string));

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Benchmark method names to run
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private ImmutableSet<String> benchmarkNames = ImmutableSet.of();

    @Option({ "-b", "--benchmark" })
    private void setBenchmarkNames(String benchmarksString) {
        benchmarkNames = split(benchmarksString);

    public ImmutableSet<String> benchmarkMethodNames() {
        return benchmarkNames;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Verbose?
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    @Option({ "-v", "--verbose" })
    private boolean verbose = false;

    public boolean verbose() {
        return verbose;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Generate detailed logs?
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private boolean detailedLogging = false;

    // TODO(kevinb): remove legacy --captureVmLog alias
    @Option({ "-l", "--logging", "--captureVmLog" })
    private void setDetailedLogging(boolean b) throws InvalidCommandException {
        if (b) {
        this.detailedLogging = b;

    public boolean detailedLogging() {
        return detailedLogging;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Trials
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private int trials = 1;

    @Option({ "-t", "--trials" })
    private void setTrials(int trials) throws InvalidCommandException {
        if (trials < 1) {
            throw new InvalidCommandException("trials must be at least 1: " + trials);
        this.trials = trials;

    public int trialsPerScenario() {
        return trials;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // VM specifications
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // TODO(kevinb): review all set/list
    private ImmutableSet<String> vmNames = ImmutableSet.of();

    @Option({ "-m", "--vm" })
    private void setVms(String vmsString) throws InvalidCommandException {
        vmNames = split(vmsString);

    public ImmutableSet<String> vmNames() {
        return vmNames;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Output file or dir
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private String outputFileOrDir;

    // TODO(kevinb): remove legacy --saveResults alias
    @Option({ "-o", "--output", "--saveResults" })
    private void setOutputFileOrDir(String s) throws InvalidCommandException {
        this.outputFileOrDir = s;

    public String outputFileOrDir() {
        return outputFileOrDir;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Calculate aggregate score?
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private boolean calculateAggregateScore;

    // Undocumented feature?
    // TODO(kevinb): remove legacy --printScore alias
    @Option({ "-s", "--score", "--printScore" })
    private void setCalculateAggregateScore(boolean b) throws InvalidCommandException {
        if (b) {
        this.calculateAggregateScore = b;

    public boolean calculateAggregateScore() {
        return calculateAggregateScore;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Measuring instruments to use
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    @Option({ "-i", "--instrument" })
    private String instrumentName = "micro";

    public String instrumentName() {
        return instrumentName;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Benchmark parameters
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private Multimap<String, String> mutableUserParameters = ArrayListMultimap.create();

    private void addParameterSpec(String nameAndValues) throws InvalidCommandException {
        addToMultimap(nameAndValues, mutableUserParameters);

    public ImmutableSetMultimap<String, String> userParameters() {
        // de-dup values, but keep in order
        return new ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder<String, String>().orderKeysBy(Ordering.natural())

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // VM arguments
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private Multimap<String, String> mutableVmArguments = ArrayListMultimap.create();

    private void addVmArgumentsSpec(String nameAndValues) throws InvalidCommandException {
        addToMultimap(nameAndValues, mutableVmArguments);

    public ImmutableSetMultimap<String, String> vmArguments() {
        // de-dup values, but keep in order
        return new ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder<String, String>().orderKeysBy(Ordering.natural())

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Location of .caliperrc
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private String caliperRcFilename = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.caliperrc";

    @Option({ "-c", "--config" })
    private void setCaliperRcFilename(String filename) {
        caliperRcFilename = filename;

    public String caliperRcFilename() {
        return caliperRcFilename;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Leftover - benchmark class name
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private String benchmarkClassName;

    private void setLeftovers(ImmutableList<String> leftovers) throws InvalidCommandException {
        if (leftovers.isEmpty()) {
            throw new InvalidCommandException("No benchmark class specified");
        if (leftovers.size() > 1) {
            throw new InvalidCommandException("Extra stuff, expected only class name: " + leftovers);
        this.benchmarkClassName = leftovers.get(0);

    public String benchmarkClassName() {
        return benchmarkClassName;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Helper methods
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private void addToMultimap(String nameAndValues, Multimap<String, String> multimap)
            throws InvalidCommandException {
        int eq = nameAndValues.indexOf('=');
        if (eq == -1) {
            throw new InvalidCommandException("no '=' found in: " + nameAndValues);
        String name = nameAndValues.substring(0, eq);
        String values = nameAndValues.substring(eq + 1);

        if (multimap.containsKey(name)) {
            throw new InvalidCommandException("multiple parameter sets for: " + name);
        multimap.putAll(name, split(values));

    public String toString() {
        return Objects.toStringHelper(this).add("benchmarkClassName", this.benchmarkClassName())
                .add("benchmarkMethodNames", this.benchmarkMethodNames())
                .add("benchmarkParameters", this.userParameters())
                .add("calculateAggregateScore", this.calculateAggregateScore()).add("dryRun", this.dryRun())
                .add("instrumentName", this.instrumentName()).add("vms", this.vmNames())
                .add("vmArguments", this.vmArguments()).add("outputFileOrDir", this.outputFileOrDir())
                .add("trials", this.trialsPerScenario()).add("detailedLogging", this.detailedLogging())
                .add("verbose", this.verbose()).add("delimiter", this.delimiter)
                .add("caliperRcFilename", this.caliperRcFilename).toString();

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Usage
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // TODO(kevinb): kinda nice if CommandLineParser could autogenerate most of this...
    // TODO(kevinb): a test could actually check that we don't exceed 79 columns.
    private static final ImmutableList<String> USAGE = ImmutableList.of("Usage:",
            " caliper [options...] <benchmark_class_name>", " java <benchmark_class_name> [options...]", "",
            "Options:", " -h, --help        print this message",
            " -n, --dry-run     instead of measuring, execute a single rep for each scenario",
            "                   in-process",
            " -b, --benchmark   comma-separated list of benchmark methods to run; 'foo' is",
            "                   an alias for 'timeFoo' (default: all found in class)",
            " -m, --vm          comma-separated list of VMs to test on; possible values are",
            "                   configured in Caliper's configuration file (default:",
            "                   whichever VM caliper itself is running in, only)",
            " -i, --instrument  measuring instrument to use; possible values are configured",
            "                   in Caliper's configuration file (default: 'micro')",
            " -t, --trials      number of independent measurements to take per benchmark",
            "                   scenario; a positive integer (default: 1)",
            " -o, --output      name of file or directory in which to store the results data",
            "                   file; if a directory a unique filename is chosen; if a file",
            "                   it is overwritten (default: ./caliper-results/)",
            " -l, --logging     generate extremely detailed event logs (GC, compilation",
            "                   events, etc.) and include them in the output data file",
            " -v, --verbose     instead of normal console output, display a raw feed of very",
            "                   detailed information",
            " -s, --score       also calculate and display an aggregate score for this run",
            "                   (higher is better, but this value is meaningless otherwise)",
            " -d, --delimiter   separator used in -b, -m, -D and -J options (default: ',')",
            " -c, --config      location of Caliper's configuration file (default:",
            "                   $HOME/.caliperrc)", "", " -Dparam=val1,val2,...",
            "     Specifies the values to inject into the 'param' field of the benchmark",
            "     class; if multiple values or parameters are specified in this way, caliper",
            "     will try all possible combinations.", "",
            " -JdisplayName='vm arg list choice 1,vm arg list choice 2,...'",
            "     Specifies alternate sets of VM arguments to pass. As with any variable,",
            "     caliper will test all possible combinations. Example:",
            "     -Jmemory='-Xms32m -Xmx32m,-Xms512m -Xmx512m'", "",
            "See for more details.", "");