Java tutorial
// -*- mode: java; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- // Copyright 2009-2011 Google, All Rights reserved // Copyright 2011-2012 MIT, All rights reserved // Released under the MIT License package; import; import; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Detects whether or not a Bluetooth-enabled device is close by or not. * * @author (Fuming Shih) TODO: let's do detecting one friend's * device first, then try multiple devices specified in a list to detect * about * */ @DesignerComponent(version = YaVersion.SOCIALPROXIMITYSENSOR_COMPONENT_VERSION, description = "A component that detects whether the Bluetooth-enabled device owned by a friend is close by or not.", category = ComponentCategory.SENSORS, nonVisible = true, iconName = "images/socialProximitysensor.png") @SimpleObject @UsesPermissions(permissionNames = "android.permission.WAKE_LOCK, " + "android.permission.BLUETOOTH, " + "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN") @UsesLibraries(libraries = "funf.jar") public class SocialProximitySensor extends ProbeBase { // static final String SOCIAL_PROXIMITY_SENSOR_UPDATE_ACTION = "SOCIAL_PROXIMITY_SENSOR_UPDATE_ACTION"; private boolean enabled; // run once private boolean enabledSchedule; // run periodically private BluetoothAdapter bluetoothAdapter; // bluetooth adapter (not all cellphone has Bluetooth) private static final int REQUEST_ENABLE_BT = 1001; private final String BLUETOOTH_PROBE = ""; private final int PROBE_SCHEDULE_NOTIFICATION = 1337; private NotificationManager mNM; boolean isScanningForFirstTime = true; /* * Note, do make a probe runs again, just register the listener again */ /* * Bluetooth scan (information about a device) */ private String macAddress; // maps to android.bluetooth.device.extra.DEVICE private String deviceName; // maps android.bluetooth.device.extra.NAME private int rssi; // android.bluetooth.device.extra.RSSI private int mClass; // android.bluetooth.device.extra.CLASS private float timestamp; private BluetoothProbe probe; private final String TAG = "BluetoothSensor"; private Activity mainUIThreadActivity; private Gson gson; private final int SCHEDULE_INTERVAL = 60; private final int SCHEDULE_DURATION = 30; private int interval; private int duration; /** * Indicates whether the user has specified that the sensor should listen * for changes and raise the corresponding events. */ @SimpleProperty(category = PropertyCategory.BEHAVIOR) public boolean EnabledSchedule() { return enabledSchedule; } /** * Indicates whether the sensor should listen for proximity periodically and * raise the corresponding events. */ // @DesignerProperty(editorType = PropertyTypeConstants.PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOLEAN, defaultValue = "True") // @SimpleProperty @SimpleFunction(description = "Enable proximity sensor periodically") public void EnabledSchedule(boolean enabledSchedule) { //check if Bluetooth is available checkBluetoothAvailabiblity(); if (this.enabledSchedule != enabledSchedule) this.enabledSchedule = enabledSchedule; if (enabledSchedule) { // register default dataRequest with bound FunfManger registerDataRequest(interval, duration); // Everytime we reset the // schedule to default } else { // unregister the dataRequest unregisterDataRequest(); } } private void checkBluetoothAvailabiblity() { //check if Bluetooth is available, if not it will raise an exception this.bluetoothAdapter = (BluetoothAdapter) BluetoothReflection.getBluetoothAdapter(); if (bluetoothAdapter == null) { form.dispatchErrorOccurredEvent(this, "checkBluetoothAvailabiblity", ErrorMessages.ERROR_BLUETOOTH_NOT_AVAILABLE); } } /** * Enabling discoverability */ @SimpleFunction(description = "Enabling discoverability. " + "If set, the device will be discoverable for a period of time " + "as specified in the variable \"seconds\". Note that if set seconds to be 0, " + "the device will be discoverable forever.") public void SetDiscoverable(int seconds) { // first we check whether Bluetooth is avaiable in this device checkBluetoothAvailabiblity(); // if (!this.bluetoothAdapter.enable()) { // for some reason the Bluetooth is closed Log.i(TAG, "Bluetooth is not enabled, request to turn on Bluetooth"); Intent enableBtIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE); this.form.startActivityForResult(enableBtIntent, REQUEST_ENABLE_BT); } Intent discoverableIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_DISCOVERABLE); discoverableIntent.putExtra(BluetoothAdapter.EXTRA_DISCOVERABLE_DURATION, seconds); this.form.startActivity(discoverableIntent); Log.i(TAG, "Set discoverability to:" + seconds + "seconds"); } final Handler myHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { IJsonObject data = (IJsonObject) msg.obj; Log.i(TAG, "Update component's varibles....."); macAddress = ((IJsonObject) data.get(BluetoothKeys.DEVICE)).get("mAddress") != null ? ((IJsonObject) data.get(BluetoothKeys.DEVICE)).get("mAddress").getAsString() : ""; mClass = ((IJsonObject) data.get(BluetoothKeys.CLASS)).get("mClass") != null ? ((IJsonObject) data.get(BluetoothKeys.CLASS)).get("mClass").getAsInt() : 0; deviceName = data.get(BluetoothKeys.NAME).getAsString(); rssi = data.get(BluetoothKeys.RSSI).getAsInt(); timestamp = data.get(BluetoothKeys.TIMESTAMP).getAsLong(); // private String macAddress; // maps to android.bluetooth.device.extra.DEVICE // private String deviceName; // maps android.bluetooth.device.extra.NAME // private int rssi; // android.bluetooth.device.extra.RSSI // private int mClass; // android.bluetooth.device.extra.CLASS // private float timestamp; SocialProximityInfoReceived(timestamp, deviceName, macAddress, rssi, mClass); } }; private DataListener listener = new DataListener() { @Override public void onDataCompleted(IJsonObject completeProbeUri, JsonElement arg1) { Log.i(TAG, " before call SocialProximityScanComplete()"); SocialProximityScanComplete(); } @Override public void onDataReceived(IJsonObject completeProbeUri, IJsonObject data) { /* * The returned JsonElements * {"android.bluetooth.device.extra.CLASS":{"mClass":3670284}, * "android.bluetooth.device.extra.DEVICE" * :{"mAddress":"00:23:39:A4:66:21"}, * "android.bluetooth.device.extra.NAME":"someone's mackbook", * "android.bluetooth.device.extra.RSSI" * :-35,"timestamp":1339360144.799} */ Log.i(TAG, "received Bluetooth sensor info"); Log.i(TAG, "data: " + data); // Log.i(TAG, "TIMESTAMP: " + data.get(BluetoothKeys.TIMESTAMP)); // Log.i(TAG, "RSSI: " + data.get(BluetoothKeys.RSSI)); // Log.i(TAG, "NAME: " + data.get(BluetoothKeys.NAME)); // Log.i(TAG, "CLASS: " + data.get(BluetoothKeys.CLASS)); // Log.i(TAG, "MAC_ADDRESS: " + data.get(BluetoothKeys.DEVICE)); if (enabledSaveToDB) { saveToDB(completeProbeUri, data); } Message msg = myHandler.obtainMessage(); msg.obj = data; myHandler.sendMessage(msg); } }; private JsonElement getDataRequest(int interval, int duration) { // This will set the schedule to FunfManger for this probe JsonElement dataRequest = new JsonObject(); /* * Accepted format for probe configuration {"@type": * "", "maxScanTime": 40, * "@schedule": { "strict": true, "interval": 60, "duration": 30, * "opportunistic": true } } */ ((JsonObject) dataRequest).addProperty("@type", ""); ((JsonObject) dataRequest).addProperty("maxScanTime", 40); JsonElement scheduleObject = new JsonObject(); ((JsonObject) scheduleObject).addProperty("strict", true); ((JsonObject) scheduleObject).addProperty("interval", interval); ((JsonObject) scheduleObject).addProperty("duration", duration); ((JsonObject) scheduleObject).addProperty("opportunistic", true); ((JsonObject) dataRequest).add("@schedule", scheduleObject); return dataRequest; } public SocialProximitySensor(ComponentContainer container) { super(container); // Set up listeners form.registerForOnDestroy(this); mainUIThreadActivity = container.$context(); // Log.i(TAG, "Before create probe"); gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapterFactory(FunfManager.getProbeFactory(mainUIThreadActivity)) .create(); JsonObject config = new JsonObject(); config.addProperty("sensorDelay", SensorProbe.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL); probe = gson.fromJson(config, BluetoothProbe.class); Log.i(TAG, "Probe created"); interval = SCHEDULE_INTERVAL; duration = SCHEDULE_DURATION; } /** * Indicates whether the user has specified that the sensor should listen * for changes and raise the corresponding events. */ @SimpleProperty(category = PropertyCategory.BEHAVIOR) public boolean Enabled() { return enabled; } /** * Indicates whether the sensor should run once to listen for proximity * changes and raise the corresponding events. */ @SimpleFunction(description = "Enable social proximity sensor to run once") @Override public void Enabled(boolean enabled) { //check if Bluetooth is even available on this device checkBluetoothAvailabiblity(); if (this.enabled != enabled) this.enabled = enabled; if (enabled) { probe.registerListener(listener); Log.i(TAG, "register listener for run-once"); } else { probe.unregisterListener(listener); Log.i(TAG, "unregister run-once listener"); } } /* * (experimental) Get the app's activity name (xxx.yyy.zzz.Screen1); use this to solve the problem that * some people dont' know their activity name. Who knows how to use adb cat? */ // @SimpleFunction(description = "Get app's main activity name") // public String GetAppName(){ // String appName = mainUIThreadActivity.getClass().getName(); // return appName; // } // // // /** // * Returns the latest reading of the mac address about another device in // * proximity // */ // @SimpleProperty // public String DeviceMacAddress() { // Log.i(TAG, "returning macAddress: " + macAddress); // return macAddress; // } // // /** // * Returns the latest reading of the name about another device in proximity // */ // @SimpleProperty // public String DeviceName() { // Log.i(TAG, "returning device name: " + deviceName); // return deviceName; // } // // /** // * Returns the latest reading of the rssi about another device in proximity // */ // @SimpleProperty(description = "Bluetooth Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) could indicate how close is the device") // public int DeviceRSSI() { // Log.i(TAG, "returning RSSI: " + rssi); // return rssi; // } // // /** // * Returns the latest reading of the mClass about another device in // * proximity // */ // @SimpleProperty(description = "Bluetooth Class is useful as a hint to roughly describe a device.") // public int DeviceClass() { // Log.i(TAG, "returning mClass: " + mClass); // return mClass; // } // // /** // * Returns the timestamp of the latest reading // */ // @SimpleProperty(description = "The timestamp of this sensor event.") // public float Timestamp() { // Log.i(TAG, "returning timestamp: " + timestamp); // return timestamp; // } /** * Indicates that the proximity sensor info has been received. */ @SimpleEvent public void SocialProximityInfoReceived(final float timestamp, final String deviceName, final String macAddress, final int rssi, final int mClass) { if (enabled || enabledSchedule) { mainUIThreadActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { Log.i(TAG, "SocialProximityInfoReceived() is called"); EventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(SocialProximitySensor.this, "SocialProximityInfoReceived", timestamp, deviceName, macAddress, rssi, mClass); } }); } } /** * Indicates that one round of scan has finish */ @SimpleEvent public void SocialProximityScanComplete() { if (enabled || enabledSchedule) { mainUIThreadActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { Log.i(TAG, "SocialProximityScanComplete() is called"); EventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(SocialProximitySensor.this, "SocialProximityScanComplete"); } }); } } @Override public void unregisterDataRequest() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Log.i(TAG, "Unregistering data requests."); mBoundFunfManager.unrequestAllData2(listener); Log.i(TAG, "After Unregistering data requests."); } @Override public void registerDataRequest(int interval, int duration) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Log.i(TAG, "Registering data requests."); JsonElement dataRequest = null; dataRequest = getDataRequest(interval, duration); Log.i(TAG, "Data request: " + dataRequest.toString()); mBoundFunfManager.requestData(listener, dataRequest); // Funf will overwrite with the new dataRequest configuration for // the same listener } /* * This function overwrite the Bluetooth device name */ @SimpleFunction(description = "Overwrite your own device name (Bluetooth)") public void setOwnDeviceName(String name) { checkBluetoothAvailabiblity(); Log.i(TAG, "localdevicename before : " + bluetoothAdapter.getName() + " localdeviceAddress : " + bluetoothAdapter.getAddress()); bluetoothAdapter.setName(name); Log.i(TAG, "localdevicename after: " + bluetoothAdapter.getName() + " localdeviceAddress : " + bluetoothAdapter.getAddress()); } /* * This function returns the Bluetooth device name of this device */ @SimpleFunction(description = "Get your own device name (Bluetooth)") public String getOwnDeviceName() { checkBluetoothAvailabiblity(); return this.bluetoothAdapter.getName(); } }