Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Google, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.swagger.models.Operation; import io.swagger.models.Path; import io.swagger.models.Response; import io.swagger.models.Swagger; import io.swagger.models.parameters.Parameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.RefParameter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; /** Class to create {@link Api} from swagger operations. */ public class ApiFromSwagger { private final TypeBuilder typeBuilder; private final DiagCollector diagCollector; private final Api.Builder coreApiBuilder; private final HttpRuleGenerator httpRuleGenerator; private final AuthRuleGenerator authRuleGenerator; private final AuthBuilder authBuilder; public ApiFromSwagger(DiagCollector diagCollector, TypeBuilder typeBuilder, String filename, String apiName, HttpRuleGenerator httpRuleGenerator, AuthRuleGenerator authRuleGenerator, AuthBuilder authBuilder) { this.typeBuilder = typeBuilder; this.diagCollector = diagCollector; coreApiBuilder = Api.newBuilder().setName(apiName); coreApiBuilder.getSourceContextBuilder().setFileName(filename); this.httpRuleGenerator = httpRuleGenerator; this.authRuleGenerator = authRuleGenerator; this.authBuilder = authBuilder; } public void addFromSwagger(Service.Builder serviceBuilder, Swagger swagger) { Map<String, String> duplicateOperationIdLookup = Maps.newHashMap(); TreeSet<String> urlPaths = Sets.newTreeSet(swagger.getPaths().keySet()); for (String urlPath : urlPaths) { Path pathObj = swagger.getPath(urlPath); createServiceMethodsFromPath(serviceBuilder, urlPath, pathObj, duplicateOperationIdLookup); } if (isAllowAllMethodsConfigured(swagger, diagCollector)) { Path userDefinedWildCardPathObject = new Path(); if (urlPaths.contains(SwaggerUtils.WILDCARD_URL_PATH)) { userDefinedWildCardPathObject = swagger.getPath(SwaggerUtils.WILDCARD_URL_PATH); } createServiceMethodsFromPath(serviceBuilder, SwaggerUtils.WILDCARD_URL_PATH, getNewWildCardPathObject(userDefinedWildCardPathObject), duplicateOperationIdLookup); } coreApiBuilder.setVersion(swagger.getInfo().getVersion()); serviceBuilder.addApis(coreApiBuilder); } /** * Returns all parameters for the operation. Note: According to the spec, parameters defined * inside the operations overrides the parameters defined in the path scope which has the same * name and location values (example name : 'shelveId' and location : 'query'). */ public static ImmutableList<Parameter> getAllResolvedParameters(Operation operation, Path parentPath, final DiagCollector diagCollector, Location location) { List<Parameter> allResolvedParameters = new ArrayList<>(); // First populate all the parameters defined in the operation. if (operation.getParameters() != null) { ImmutableList<Parameter> resolvedParameters = getResolvedParameters(diagCollector, ImmutableList.copyOf(operation.getParameters()), location); allResolvedParameters.addAll(resolvedParameters); } FluentIterable<Parameter> fluentAllParameters = FluentIterable.from(allResolvedParameters); // Now populate shared parameters that were not overridden inside the operation. if (parentPath.getParameters() != null) { ImmutableList<Parameter> resolvedSharedParameters = getResolvedParameters(diagCollector, ImmutableList.copyOf(parentPath.getParameters()), location); for (final Parameter sharedParam : resolvedSharedParameters) { boolean overriddenInOperation = fluentAllParameters.anyMatch(new Predicate<Parameter>() { @Override public boolean apply(Parameter parameter) { return parameter.getName().equals(sharedParam.getName()) && parameter.getIn().equals(sharedParam.getIn()); } }); if (!overriddenInOperation) { allResolvedParameters.add(sharedParam); } } } return ImmutableList.copyOf(allResolvedParameters); } private Path getNewWildCardPathObject(Path userDefinedWildCardPathObject) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(userDefinedWildCardPathObject, "userDefinedWildCardPathObject cannot be null"); Path path = new Path(); if (userDefinedWildCardPathObject.getGet() == null) { path.set("get", constructReservedOperation("Get")); } if (userDefinedWildCardPathObject.getDelete() == null) { path.set("delete", constructReservedOperation("Delete")); } if (userDefinedWildCardPathObject.getPatch() == null) { path.set("patch", constructReservedOperation("Patch")); } if (userDefinedWildCardPathObject.getPost() == null) { path.set("post", constructReservedOperation("Post")); } if (userDefinedWildCardPathObject.getPut() == null) { path.set("put", constructReservedOperation("Put")); } return path; } private void createServiceMethodsFromPath(Service.Builder serviceBuilder, String urlPath, Path pathObj, Map<String, String> dupliacteOperationIdLookup) { Map<String, Operation> operations = getOperationsForPath(pathObj); for (String operationType : operations.keySet()) { Operation operation = operations.get(operationType); if (operation == null) { continue; } if (!validateOperationId(operation, urlPath, operationType, diagCollector, dupliacteOperationIdLookup)) { continue; } addMethodFromOperation(serviceBuilder, operation, pathObj, operationType, urlPath); serviceBuilder.getHttpBuilder() .addRules(httpRuleGenerator.createHttpRule(operation, pathObj, operationType, urlPath)); AuthenticationRule authRule = authRuleGenerator.createAuthRule(operation, operationType, urlPath); if (authRule != null) { serviceBuilder.getAuthenticationBuilder().addRules(authRule); } serviceBuilder.getUsageBuilder() .addRules(authBuilder.createUsageRule(operation, operationType, urlPath)); } } private Operation constructReservedOperation(String suffix) { Operation getOperation = new Operation(); getOperation.setOperationId(String.format("Google_Autogenerated_Unrecognized_%s_Method_Call", suffix)); // Clear all the control plane settings that do not apply to the wild card operations. getOperation.setSecurity(new ArrayList<Map<String, List<String>>>()); return getOperation; } /** Returns true if x-google-allow is set to all; false otherwise. */ private static boolean isAllowAllMethodsConfigured(Swagger swagger, DiagCollector diagCollector) { String googleAllowExtensionNameUsed = VendorExtensionUtils.usedExtension(diagCollector, swagger.getVendorExtensions(), ExtensionNames.X_GOOGLE_ALLOW); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(googleAllowExtensionNameUsed)) { String allowMethodsExtensionValue = VendorExtensionUtils.getExtensionValue( swagger.getVendorExtensions(), String.class, diagCollector, googleAllowExtensionNameUsed); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(allowMethodsExtensionValue)) { if (allowMethodsExtensionValue.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { return true; } else if (allowMethodsExtensionValue.equalsIgnoreCase("configured")) { return false; } else { diagCollector.addDiag(Diag.error(new SimpleLocation(ExtensionNames.X_GOOGLE_ALLOW), "Only allowed values for %s are %s", ExtensionNames.X_GOOGLE_ALLOW, "all|configured")); return false; } } } return false; } /** Validate if the operation id is correct and is unique. */ private boolean validateOperationId(Operation operation, String urlPath, String operationType, DiagCollector diagCollector, Map<String, String> duplicateOperationIdLookup) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(operation.getOperationId())) { diagCollector.addDiag(Diag.error(SwaggerLocations.createOperationLocation(operationType, urlPath), "Operation does not have the required 'operationId' field. Please specify unique" + " value for 'operationId' field for all operations.")); return false; } String operationId = operation.getOperationId(); String sanitizedOperationId = NameConverter.operationIdToMethodName(operationId); if (duplicateOperationIdLookup.containsKey(sanitizedOperationId)) { String dupeOperationId = duplicateOperationIdLookup.get(sanitizedOperationId); Location errorLocation = SwaggerLocations.createOperationLocation(operationType, urlPath); String errorMessage = String.format("operationId '%s' has duplicate entry", operationId); if (!operationId.equals(dupeOperationId)) { errorLocation = SimpleLocation.TOPLEVEL; errorMessage += String.format( ". Duplicate operationId found is '%s'. The two operationIds result into same " + "underlying method name '%s'. Please use unique values for operationId", dupeOperationId, sanitizedOperationId); } diagCollector.addDiag(Diag.error(errorLocation, errorMessage)); return false; } duplicateOperationIdLookup.put(sanitizedOperationId, operationId); return true; } /** Creates a map between http verb and operation. */ private Map<String, Operation> getOperationsForPath(Path pathObj) { Map<String, Operation> hmap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); hmap.put("get", pathObj.getGet()); hmap.put("delete", pathObj.getDelete()); hmap.put("patch", pathObj.getPatch()); hmap.put("post", pathObj.getPost()); hmap.put("put", pathObj.getPut()); hmap.put("options", pathObj.getOptions()); return hmap; } /** Adds a {@link Method} from {@link Operation}. */ private void addMethodFromOperation(Service.Builder serviceBuilder, Operation operation, Path parentPath, String operationType, String path) { TypeInfo responseTypeInfo = getResponseTypeInfo(serviceBuilder, operation); TypeInfo requestType = getRequestTypeInfo(serviceBuilder, operation, parentPath, SwaggerLocations.createOperationLocation(operationType, path)); coreMethodBuilder = .setName(NameConverter.operationIdToMethodName(operation.getOperationId())) .setRequestTypeUrl(requestType.typeUrl()).setResponseTypeUrl(responseTypeInfo.typeUrl()); coreApiBuilder.addMethods(coreMethodBuilder); } /** Returns {@link TypeInfo} corresponding to the request object. */ private TypeInfo getRequestTypeInfo(Service.Builder serviceBuilder, Operation operation, Path parentPath, Location location) { List<Parameter> allParameters = getAllResolvedParameters(operation, parentPath, diagCollector, location); if (allParameters.isEmpty()) { return WellKnownType.EMPTY.toTypeInfo(); } TypeInfo requestType = typeBuilder.createTypeFromParameter(serviceBuilder, NameConverter.operationIdToRequestMessageName(operation.getOperationId()), allParameters); return requestType; } /** * Ensures the parameters are all resolved and return just the list of parameters that are fully * resolved by the swagger core parser. */ private static ImmutableList<Parameter> getResolvedParameters(final DiagCollector diagCollector, ImmutableList<Parameter> parameters, final Location location) { ImmutableList<Parameter> resolvedParameters = FluentIterable.from(parameters) .filter(new Predicate<Parameter>() { @Override public boolean apply(Parameter parameter) { if (parameter instanceof RefParameter) { /* * This is an invalid state. Reference parameters should automatically get * resolved into parameter objects by the swagger core parser, because only * references that are allowed are to parameters that are defined at the Swagger * Object's parameters which are in the same file. If we reach here it would mean * the reference cannot be resolved and nothing this converter can do. */ diagCollector.addDiag(Diag.warning(location, "Reference %s cannot be resolved", ((RefParameter) parameter).get$ref())); return false; } else { return true; } } }).toList(); return resolvedParameters; } /** * Returns {@link TypeInfo} corresponding to the response object. * * <p>In case we cannot resolve the schema we fallback to the following well known types: * <li>'Value' type : If there is more than one success response codes or the success code schema * represents a non message type. * <li>'List' type : If the response schema represents an array. * <li>'Empty' type : If there are no responses or there are no response for success code. */ private TypeInfo getResponseTypeInfo(Service.Builder serviceBuilder, Operation operation) { if (operation.getResponses() == null) { return WellKnownType.EMPTY.toTypeInfo(); } int successCodeCount = 0; Response successResponse = null; for (String responseCode : operation.getResponses().keySet()) { Response response = operation.getResponses().get(responseCode); if (isSuccessCode(responseCode)) { successCodeCount++; if (response.getSchema() != null) { successResponse = response; } } else { // TODO (guptasu): Handle other cases like 4xx errors and non-RefProperty Schemas. } } if (successCodeCount == 1 && successResponse != null && successResponse.getSchema() != null) { TypeInfo responseTypeInfo = typeBuilder.ensureNamed(serviceBuilder, typeBuilder.getTypeInfo(serviceBuilder, successResponse.getSchema()), NameConverter.operationIdToResponseMessageName(operation.getOperationId())); if (responseTypeInfo.cardinality() == Cardinality.CARDINALITY_REPEATED) { // TODO (guptasu): Seems like we cannot create custom ListValue, something like // ListString. Therefore falling back to ListValue. Can we do better than this ? return WellKnownType.LIST.toTypeInfo(); } else if (responseTypeInfo.kind() != Kind.TYPE_MESSAGE) { return WellKnownType.VALUE.toTypeInfo(); } else { return responseTypeInfo; } } else if (successCodeCount == 0) { return WellKnownType.EMPTY.toTypeInfo(); } else { // TODO (guptasu): Due to multiple schemas for successful response code return type for the // operation is generalized as Value type. return WellKnownType.VALUE.toTypeInfo(); } } /** Returns true if the responseCode represents a success code; false otherwise. */ private boolean isSuccessCode(String responseCode) { return responseCode.equalsIgnoreCase("default") || responseCode.startsWith("2"); } }