Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; /** * Static utilities for dealing with documentation. */ public class DocumentationUtil { private DocumentationUtil() { } /** * Matches a word that is not preceeded by a period (so that it does not match a qualified * reference to a proto element). */ private static final Pattern WORD = Pattern.compile("(?<!\\.)\\b\\w+\\b"); /** * Get the documentation pages from given model. */ public static List<Page> getToplevelPages(Model model) { return model.hasAttribute(DocumentationPagesAttribute.KEY) ? model.getAttribute(DocumentationPagesAttribute.KEY).toplevelPages() : ImmutableList.<Page>of(); } /** * Get the documentation pages scoped to the visibility as currently set in the model. */ public static List<Page> getScopedToplevelPages(Model model) { ImmutableList.Builder<Page> scopedPages = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Page page : getToplevelPages(model)) { scopedPages.add(doPageScoping(model, page)); } return; } private static Page doPageScoping(Model model, Page page) { Page.Builder scopedPage = page.toBuilder().clearSubpages(); scopedPage .setContent(new CommentFilter(model.getDiagCollector(), model.getLocationInConfig(page, "content"), model.getVisibilityLabels()).process(page.getContent())); for (Page subpage : page.getSubpagesList()) { scopedPage.addSubpages(doPageScoping(model, subpage)); } return; } /** * Given an ProtoElement, returns its associated deprecation description. Returns the empty * string if not available. */ public static String getDeprecationDescription(ProtoElement element) { return element.hasAttribute(ElementDocumentationAttribute.KEY) ? element.getAttribute(ElementDocumentationAttribute.KEY).deprecationDescription() : ""; } /** * Given an ProtoElement, returns its associated description. * Returns the empty string if no description is available. */ public static String getDescription(ProtoElement element) { return getDescription(element, ""); } /** * Get the description of the element scoped to the visibility as currently set in the model. */ public static String getScopedDescription(ProtoElement element) { return getScopedDescription(element, false); } public static String getScopedDescription(ProtoElement element, boolean reportWarning) { Model model = element.getModel(); Location location = element.getLocation(); String internalCommentFilteredString = new CommentFilter(model.getDiagCollector(), location, model.getVisibilityLabels()).process(getDescription(element)); return sanitizeTodos(model.getDiagCollector(), location, internalCommentFilteredString, reportWarning); } /** * Given a proto element, returns its associated description. Returns {@code defaultText} * if no description is available. */ public static String getDescription(ProtoElement element, String defaultText) { return element.hasAttribute(ElementDocumentationAttribute.KEY) ? element.getAttribute(ElementDocumentationAttribute.KEY).documentation() : defaultText; } /** * Given a string, searches for unqualified references to message fields and to method names and * converts them from RPC-style to REST-style. Field names are converted from lower_underscore to * lowerCamel. Method names are converted from VerbCollection-style to collection.verb style. * No work is done for qualified references; in such a case, an explicit markdown link with the * proper display text should be used in the proto comment (e.g., * [foo_bar][Path.To.Message.foo_bar], which will be converted to * [fooBar][Path.To.Message.foo_bar] by rpcToRest). */ public static String rpcToRest(SymbolTable symbolTable, String description) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Matcher m = WORD.matcher(description); while (m.find()) { // Convert field names if (symbolTable.containsFieldName( { m.appendReplacement(sb,,; // Convert method names } else if (symbolTable.lookupMethodSimpleName( != null) { RestMethod restMethod = RestMethod .getPrimaryRestMethod(symbolTable.lookupMethodSimpleName(; if (restMethod == null) { m.appendReplacement(sb,; } else { m.appendReplacement(sb, restMethod.getSimpleRestCollectionName() + "." + restMethod.getRestMethodName()); } } else { m.appendReplacement(sb,; } } m.appendTail(sb); return sb.toString(); } /** * Given a model, returns its associated documentation root url based on documentation and * legacy configuration. Returns empty string if not available. */ public static String getDocumentationRootUrl(Model model) { if (model.getServiceConfig() == null) { return ""; } if (model.getServiceConfig().hasDocumentation() && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(model.getServiceConfig().getDocumentation().getDocumentationRootUrl())) { return model.getServiceConfig().getDocumentation().getDocumentationRootUrl(); } return ""; } /** * Given a documentation string, escape it such that it can be represented as a JSON string. */ public static String asJsonString(String text) { if (text == null) { return ""; } return StringEscapeUtils.ESCAPE_JSON.translate(text); } /** * Given a documentation string, replace the cross reference links with reference text. */ public static String removeCrossReference(String text) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(text)) { return ""; } Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\[(?<name>[^\\]]+?)\\]( |\\n)*" + "\\[(?<link>[^\\]]*?)\\]"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); while (matcher.find()) { String replacementText ="name"); replacementText = Matcher.quoteReplacement(replacementText); matcher.appendReplacement(result, replacementText); } matcher.appendTail(result); return result.toString(); } /** * Performs comment filtering. Parse the text to remove non visible comments enclosed by * "(-- --)" tags. It works as follows: * <ul> * <li>All leading and trailing white spaces surrounding tags will be replaced with one space. * For example: * <pre> * "Foo (-- internal --) foo" * will be returned as * "Foo foo" * </pre> * Except, if internal comment is at the beginning of the line, no space will be * inserted. For example: * <pre> * "(-- internal --) foo" * will be returned as * "foo" * </pre> * * <li>Lines with only internal comments (all text enclosed by tags) will be removed. * For example: * <pre> * "Foo (-- internal --) * (-- internal --) (-- internal2 --) * Foo" * will be returned as * "Foo * Foo" * </pre> * * <li> If visibility label "(--LABEL: ... --) is specified, the comments will be kept if the * label is found in the provided visibility labels. If no label was specified, the comments will * be filtered. * <li> Nested tags are valid, but should appear in pair. * <li> It only reports the first encountered error if multiple ones exist. * <li> Tags may be escaped with a backslash, for example, "\(-- ... \--)". * </ul> */ public static String filter(DiagCollector collector, @Nullable Set<String> visibilityLabels, Location location, @Nullable String source) { return new CommentFilter(collector, location, visibilityLabels).process(source); } /** * Given a comment string, remove the TODO and all characters found after the TODO. If the input * string has no TODO, then the original string is returned. If a TODO was found, then a warning * will be triggered telling the user that the TODO comment has been removed and to use internal * documentation comment tags to avoid non internal documentation from getting removed from the * generated documentation. */ private static String sanitizeTodos(DiagCollector diagCollector, Location location, @Nullable String source, boolean reportWarning) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(source)) { return source; } String[] sourceSplitByTodo = Pattern.compile("\\bTODO(\\(.*?\\))?:").split(source); if (sourceSplitByTodo.length > 1 && reportWarning) { diagCollector.addDiag(Diag.warning(location, "A TODO comment was found. All comments from this TODO to the end of the comment " + "block will be removed from the generated documentation. This TODO Comment " + "should be wrapped in internal comment tags, \"(--\" and \"--)\", to prevent " + "non-internal documentation after the TODO from being removed from the " + "generated documentation.")); } String result = sourceSplitByTodo[0]; // Remove last newline. return result.endsWith("\n") ? result.substring(0, result.length() - 1) : result; } /** * Helper class to filter comments. */ private static class CommentFilter { private static final String NEW_LINE = "\n"; private final DiagCollector diagCollector; @Nullable private final Set<String> labels; private final Location location; /** * Creates an instance of {@link CommentFilter} */ private CommentFilter(DiagCollector diagCollector, Location location, @Nullable Set<String> labels) { this.diagCollector = Preconditions.checkNotNull(diagCollector, "diagCollector should not be null."); this.labels = labels; this.location = Preconditions.checkNotNull(location, "location should not be null."); } public String process(@Nullable String source) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(source)) { return source; } CommentTokenizer tokenizer = new CommentTokenizer(source); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); while (tokenizer.hasNext()) { Token token = tokenizer.peekNext(); switch (token.kind) { case BEGIN_INTERNAL_COMMENT: if (!handleInternalComment(tokenizer, builder, location)) { return source; } break; case TEXT: appendText(tokenizer, builder); break; default: collectError(location, token.lineNum, "Unexpected end tag '--)' with missing begin tag."); return source; } } String result = unescape(builder.toString()); // Remove last newline. return result.endsWith(NEW_LINE) ? result.substring(0, result.length() - 1) : result; } private String unescape(String source) { return source.replace("\\(--", "(--").replace("\\--)", "--)"); } /** * Handles internal comments based on visibility label. * * @param tokenizer tokens of original comment source * @param builder the builder that builds processed comment strings to the result * @param location the location of the comment source * @return true if no error found. Otherwise returns false */ private boolean handleInternalComment(CommentTokenizer tokenizer, StringBuilder builder, Location location) { Token beginTag = tokenizer.pollNext(); boolean shouldFilter = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(beginTag.label) || labels != null && !labels.contains(beginTag.label); while (tokenizer.hasNext()) { switch (tokenizer.peekNext().kind) { case BEGIN_INTERNAL_COMMENT: if (!handleInternalComment(tokenizer, builder, location)) { return false; } break; case TEXT: if (shouldFilter) { skipText(tokenizer); } else { appendText(tokenizer, builder); } break; default: // Found closing tag. Token endTag = tokenizer.pollNext(); // If the internal text should be preserved, and the end tag ends with new line, // the new line should be kept. if (!shouldFilter && endTag.text.endsWith(NEW_LINE)) { builder.append(NEW_LINE); } return true; } } collectError(location, beginTag.lineNum, "Did not find associated end tag for the begin tag '(--'"); return false; } /** * Consumes consecutive text tokens and append them to builder. */ private void appendText(CommentTokenizer tokenizer, StringBuilder builder) { while (tokenizer.hasNext() && tokenizer.peekNext().kind == TokenKind.TEXT) { String text = tokenizer.pollNext().text; // Append a whitespace, if the position the text to be appended is not the // beginning of the line and text to be appended is not newline. if (builder.length() > 0 && builder.charAt(builder.length() - 1) != '\n' && !text.equals(NEW_LINE)) { builder.append(' '); } builder.append(text); } } /** * Consumes consecutive text tokens. */ private void skipText(CommentTokenizer tokenizer) { while (tokenizer.hasNext() && tokenizer.peekNext().kind == TokenKind.TEXT) { tokenizer.pollNext(); } } /** * Collects error messages. * * @param location the location of the original comment source * @param lineNum the line number where the error is detected * @param message the message describes the error */ private void collectError(Location location, int lineNum, String message) { diagCollector.addDiag(Diag.error( new SimpleLocation( String.format("%s (at document line %d)", location.getDisplayString(), lineNum)), message)); } /** * Tokenizes given comment source by internal comment tags "(--LABEL" and "--)". */ private static class CommentTokenizer { private static final Pattern ACL_LABEL = Pattern.compile("[A-Z_]+:"); private static final Pattern BEGIN_TAG = Pattern .compile(String.format(" *(?<!\\\\)\\(--(?<ACL>%s)? *", ACL_LABEL)); private static final Pattern END_TAG = Pattern.compile(" *(?<!\\\\)--\\) *\\n?"); private static final Pattern TOKEN = Pattern .compile(String.format("(?<BeginTag>%s)|(?<EndTag>%s)|(\n)", BEGIN_TAG, END_TAG)); private static final String BEGIN_TAG_GROUP = "BeginTag"; private static final String ACL_LABEL_GROUP = "ACL"; private static final String END_TAG_GROUP = "EndTag"; private final Matcher matcher; private final String source; private Token currentToken; /** * The line number of the current token inside the source. */ private int lineNum = 1; /** * The index of source string. */ private int index = 0; /** * Creates an instance of {@link CommentTokenizer} for given comment source. */ private CommentTokenizer(String source) { this.source = Preconditions.checkNotNull(source, "source should not be null."); this.matcher = TOKEN.matcher(source); pollNext(); } /** * Returns next token without consuming it. */ private Token peekNext() { return currentToken; } /** * Determines if it has more tokens. */ private boolean hasNext() { return currentToken != null; } /** * Returns next token. The matcher will move forward. */ private Token pollNext() { Token result = currentToken; if (matcher.find()) { if (index < matcher.start()) { // There is text between current position and next matching. currentToken = new Token(TokenKind.TEXT, source.substring(index, matcher.start()), lineNum); index = matcher.start(); matcher.region(index, matcher.regionEnd()); } else { currentToken = createTokenFromMatcher(); index = matcher.end(); } } else { if (index < source.length()) { // Add trailing text. currentToken = new Token(TokenKind.TEXT, source.substring(index), lineNum); index = source.length(); } else { // Reaches the end of source. currentToken = null; } } return result; } private Token createTokenFromMatcher() { Token result; if ( != null) { result = new Token(TokenKind.BEGIN_INTERNAL_COMMENT,,, lineNum); } else if ( != null) { String endTag =; if (endTag.endsWith(NEW_LINE)) { lineNum++; } result = new Token(TokenKind.END_INTERNAL_COMMENT, endTag, lineNum); } else { // Matches newline. result = new Token(TokenKind.TEXT, NEW_LINE, lineNum); lineNum++; } return result; } } /** * Represents matched token. */ private static class Token { private final TokenKind kind; private final String text; private final int lineNum; /** * ACL label name. Could be set for BEGIN_INTERNAL_COMMENT token. */ @Nullable private final String label; private Token(TokenKind kind, String text, int lineNum) { this(kind, text, null, lineNum); } private Token(TokenKind kind, String text, @Nullable String label, int lineNum) { this.kind = Preconditions.checkNotNull(kind, "kind should not be null."); this.text = Preconditions.checkNotNull(text, "text should not be null."); this.label = label == null ? null : label.substring(0, label.length() - 1); this.lineNum = lineNum; } } /** * Represent token kind. */ private static enum TokenKind { BEGIN_INTERNAL_COMMENT, END_INTERNAL_COMMENT, TEXT; } } }