Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Validation provider for Swarm endpoint configurations. Contains all SPI-level checks for what * constitutes a valid API or configuration. * * @author Eric Orth */ public class ApiConfigValidator { private static final Pattern API_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^[a-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]*$"); private static final Pattern API_METHOD_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^\\w+(\\.\\w+)*$"); /** * Validates all configurations for a single API. Makes sure the API-level configuration matches * for all classes and that the contained configuration is valid and can be turned into a *.api * file. Only checks for swarm-specific validity. Apiary FE may still dislike a config for its * own reasons. * * @throws ApiConfigInvalidException on any invalid API-wide configuration. * @throws ApiClassConfigInvalidException on any invalid API class configuration. * @throws ApiMethodConfigInvalidException on any invalid API method configuration. * @throws ApiParameterConfigInvalidException on any invalid API parameter configuration. */ public void validate(Iterable<? extends ApiConfig> apiConfigs) throws ApiConfigInvalidException, ApiClassConfigInvalidException, ApiMethodConfigInvalidException, ApiParameterConfigInvalidException { if (Iterables.isEmpty(apiConfigs)) { return; } Map<String, ApiMethodConfig> restfulSignatures = Maps.newHashMap(); Iterator<? extends ApiConfig> i = apiConfigs.iterator(); ApiConfig first =; validate(first, restfulSignatures); while (i.hasNext()) { ApiConfig config =; Iterable<ApiConfigInconsistency<Object>> inconsistencies = config .getConfigurationInconsistencies(first); if (!Iterables.isEmpty(inconsistencies)) { throw new InconsistentApiConfigurationException(config, first, inconsistencies); } validate(config, restfulSignatures); } } /** * Makes sure the contained configuration is valid and can be turned into a *.api file. Only * checks for swarm-specific validity. Apiary FE may still dislike a config for its own reasons. * * @throws ApiClassConfigInvalidException on any invalid API class or API configuration. * @throws ApiMethodConfigInvalidException on any invalid API method configuration. * @throws ApiParameterConfigInvalidException on any invalid API parameter configuration. */ public void validate(ApiConfig config) throws ApiClassConfigInvalidException, ApiMethodConfigInvalidException, ApiParameterConfigInvalidException, ApiConfigInvalidException { validate(config, new HashMap<String, ApiMethodConfig>()); } private void validate(ApiConfig config, Map<String, ApiMethodConfig> restfulSignatures) throws ApiClassConfigInvalidException, ApiMethodConfigInvalidException, ApiParameterConfigInvalidException, ApiConfigInvalidException { validateApiConfig(config); validateThirdPartyAuth(config.getApiClassConfig()); validateMethods(config.getApiClassConfig().getMethods(), restfulSignatures); } private void validateApiConfig(ApiConfig config) throws InvalidNamespaceException, InvalidApiNameException, InvalidIssuerValueException.ForApi { validateApiName(config); validateNamespaceConfig(config.getNamespaceConfig(), config.getApiClassConfig()); validateThirdPartyAuth(config); } private void validateApiName(ApiConfig config) throws InvalidApiNameException { if (!API_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(config.getName()).matches()) { throw new InvalidApiNameException(config, config.getName()); } } private void validateNamespaceConfig(ApiNamespaceConfig config, ApiClassConfig apiConfig) throws InvalidNamespaceException { boolean allUnspecified = config.getOwnerDomain().isEmpty() && config.getOwnerName().isEmpty() && config.getPackagePath().isEmpty(); boolean ownerFullySpecified = !config.getOwnerDomain().isEmpty() && !config.getOwnerName().isEmpty(); // Either everything must be fully unspecified or owner domain/name must both be specified. if (!allUnspecified && !ownerFullySpecified) { throw new InvalidNamespaceException(apiConfig); } } private void validateThirdPartyAuth(ApiConfig config) throws InvalidIssuerValueException.ForApi { String error = checkIssuers(config.getIssuers()); if (error != null) { throw new InvalidIssuerValueException.ForApi(config, error); } error = checkIssuerAudiences(config.getIssuers(), config.getIssuerAudiences()); if (error != null) { throw new InvalidIssuerValueException.ForApi(config, error); } } private void validateThirdPartyAuth(ApiClassConfig config) throws InvalidIssuerValueException.ForApiClass { String error = checkIssuerAudiences(config.getApiConfig().getIssuers(), config.getIssuerAudiences()); if (error != null) { throw new InvalidIssuerValueException.ForApiClass(config, error); } } private void validateMethods(ApiClassConfig.MethodConfigMap configMap, Map<String, ApiMethodConfig> restfulSignatures) throws ApiClassConfigInvalidException, ApiMethodConfigInvalidException, ApiParameterConfigInvalidException { Map<String, ApiMethodConfig> javaMethodNames = Maps.newHashMap(); for (ApiMethodConfig methodConfig : configMap.values()) { if (!methodConfig.isIgnored()) { validateRestSignatureUnique(methodConfig, restfulSignatures); validateBackendMethodNameUnique(methodConfig, javaMethodNames); validateMethod(methodConfig); } } } private void validateRestSignatureUnique(ApiMethodConfig methodConfig, Map<String, ApiMethodConfig> restfulSignatures) throws DuplicateRestPathException { String restSignature = methodConfig.getRestfulSignature(); ApiMethodConfig seenMethod = restfulSignatures.get(restSignature); if (seenMethod == null) { restfulSignatures.put(restSignature, methodConfig); } else { throw new DuplicateRestPathException(methodConfig.getApiClassConfig(), restSignature, methodConfig.getName(), seenMethod.getName()); } } private void validateBackendMethodNameUnique(ApiMethodConfig methodConfig, Map<String, ApiMethodConfig> javaMethodNames) throws OverloadedMethodException { String javaName = methodConfig.getFullJavaName(); ApiMethodConfig seenMethod = javaMethodNames.get(javaName); if (seenMethod == null) { javaMethodNames.put(javaName, methodConfig); } else { throw new OverloadedMethodException(methodConfig.getApiClassConfig(), javaName, methodConfig.getName(), seenMethod.getName()); } } private void validateMethod(ApiMethodConfig config) throws ApiMethodConfigInvalidException, ApiParameterConfigInvalidException { if (!API_METHOD_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(config.getName()).matches()) { throw new InvalidMethodNameException(config, config.getName()); } validateNullaryConstructor(config.getAuthenticators(), config, "custom authenticator"); validateNullaryConstructor(config.getPeerAuthenticators(), config, "custom peer authenticator"); Set<String> parameterNames = Sets.newHashSet(); for (ApiParameterConfig parameter : config.getParameterConfigs()) { validateParameter(parameter, parameterNames, config.getPathParameters()); } validateThirdPartyAuth(config); } private void validateThirdPartyAuth(ApiMethodConfig config) throws InvalidIssuerValueException.ForApiMethod { String error = checkIssuerAudiences(config.getApiClassConfig().getApiConfig().getIssuers(), config.getIssuerAudiences()); if (error != null) { throw new InvalidIssuerValueException.ForApiMethod(config, error); } } private void validateNullaryConstructor(List<?> classes, ApiMethodConfig config, String description) throws ApiMethodConfigInvalidException { if (classes == null) { return; } for (Object clazz : classes) { assert clazz instanceof Class<?>; boolean nullaryFound = false; for (Constructor<?> constructor : ((Class<?>) clazz).getConstructors()) { if (isConstructorPublicNullary(constructor)) { nullaryFound = true; break; } } if (!nullaryFound) { throw new InvalidConstructorException(((Class<?>) clazz), config, description); } } } private static boolean isConstructorPublicNullary(Constructor<?> constructor) { return constructor.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && (constructor.getModifiers() & Modifier.PUBLIC) != 0; } private void validateParameter(ApiParameterConfig parameter, Set<String> parameterNames, Collection<String> pathParameters) throws ApiParameterConfigInvalidException { try { validateParameterSerializers(parameter, parameter.getSerializers(), parameter.getType()); validateParameterSerializers(parameter, parameter.getRepeatedItemSerializers(), parameter.getRepeatedItemType()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TODO: Switch to something less fragile for this error type. I'm not comfortable // trusting that any ISE coming out of the serializer code will always be the multiple // serializer error that it is right now. And it shouldn't be up to any code outside of the // validator to decide the error message. Ideal would be that the error originates // here, so maybe the getSerializer chain should be changed to getSerilizer*s* with an // exception thrown here for multiple results. throw new ApiParameterConfigInvalidException(parameter, e.getMessage()); } TypeToken<?> type; if (parameter.isRepeated()) { type = parameter.getRepeatedItemSerializedType(); if (Types.isArrayType(type)) { throw new NestedCollectionException(parameter, type); } } else { type = parameter.getSchemaBaseType(); } switch (parameter.getClassification()) { case INJECTED: // No classification-specific validation for injected parameters. break; case API_PARAMETER: validateApiParameter(parameter, parameterNames, pathParameters, type); break; case RESOURCE: validateResourceParameter(parameter, type); break; case UNKNOWN: // Unknown types are never allowed. throw new GenericTypeException(parameter); default: throw new AssertionError("Unrecognized parameter classification: " + parameter.getClassification()); } } private void validateParameterSerializers(ApiParameterConfig config, List<Class<? extends Transformer<?, ?>>> serializers, TypeToken<?> parameterType) throws ApiParameterConfigInvalidException { if (serializers.isEmpty()) { return; } if (serializers.size() > 1) { throw new MultipleTransformersException(config, serializers); } TypeToken<?> sourceType = Serializers.getSourceType(serializers.get(0)); TypeToken<?> serializedType = Serializers.getTargetType(serializers.get(0)); if (sourceType == null || serializedType == null) { throw new NoTransformerInterfaceException(config, serializers.get(0)); } if (!sourceType.isSupertypeOf(parameterType)) { throw new WrongTransformerTypeException(config, serializers.get(0), parameterType, sourceType); } } private void validateApiParameter(ApiParameterConfig parameter, Set<String> parameterNames, Collection<String> pathParameters, TypeToken<?> type) throws ApiParameterConfigInvalidException { if (parameter.getName() == null) { throw new MissingParameterNameException(parameter, type); } if (!parameterNames.add(parameter.getName())) { throw new DuplicateParameterNameException(parameter); } if ((parameter.getNullable() || parameter.getDefaultValue() != null) && pathParameters.contains(parameter.getName())) { throw new InvalidParameterAnnotationsException(parameter); } } private void validateResourceParameter(ApiParameterConfig parameter, TypeToken<?> type) throws ApiParameterConfigInvalidException { if (parameter.isRepeated()) { throw new CollectionResourceException(parameter, parameter.getRepeatedItemSerializedType(), parameter.getSchemaBaseType()); } if (parameter.getName() != null) { throw new NamedResourceException(parameter, type); } } private static String checkIssuers(ApiIssuerConfigs issuers) { if (!issuers.isSpecified()) { return null; } for (IssuerConfig issuer : issuers.asMap().values()) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(issuer.getName())) { return "issuer name cannot be blank"; } else if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(issuer.getIssuer())) { return "issuer '" + issuer.getName() + "' cannot have a blank issuer value"; } } return null; } private static String checkIssuerAudiences(ApiIssuerConfigs issuerConfigs, ApiIssuerAudienceConfig issuerAudiences) { if (!issuerAudiences.isEmpty()) { return null; } for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : issuerAudiences.asMap().entrySet()) { if (!issuerConfigs.hasIssuer(entry.getKey())) { return "cannot specify audiences for unknown issuer '" + entry.getKey() + "'"; } for (String audience : entry.getValue()) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(audience)) { return "issuer '" + entry.getKey() + "' cannot have null or blank audiences"; } } } return null; } }