Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2016 Google Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.grpc.Status; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * A GapicContext specialized for C#. */ public class CSharpGapicContext extends GapicContext implements CSharpContext { /** * A map from primitive types in proto to C# counterparts. */ private static final ImmutableMap<Type, String> PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAP = ImmutableMap.<Type, String>builder() .put(Type.TYPE_BOOL, "bool").put(Type.TYPE_DOUBLE, "double").put(Type.TYPE_FLOAT, "float") .put(Type.TYPE_INT64, "long").put(Type.TYPE_UINT64, "ulong").put(Type.TYPE_SINT64, "long") .put(Type.TYPE_FIXED64, "ulong").put(Type.TYPE_SFIXED64, "long").put(Type.TYPE_INT32, "int") .put(Type.TYPE_UINT32, "uint").put(Type.TYPE_SINT32, "int").put(Type.TYPE_FIXED32, "uint") .put(Type.TYPE_SFIXED32, "int").put(Type.TYPE_STRING, "string").put(Type.TYPE_BYTES, "ByteString") .build(); private CSharpContextCommon csharpCommon; public CSharpGapicContext(Model model, ApiConfig config) { super(model, config); } @Override public void resetState(CSharpContextCommon csharpCommon) { this.csharpCommon = csharpCommon; } // Snippet Helpers // =============== /** * Adds the given type name to the import list. Returns an empty string so that the output is not * affected. */ public String addImport(String namespace) { return csharpCommon.addImport(namespace); } // This member function is necessary to provide access to snippets for // the functionality, since snippets can't call static functions. public String getNamespace(ProtoFile file) { return s_getNamespace(file); } /** * Gets the C# namespace for the given proto file. */ // Code effectively copied from protoc, in, GetFileNamespace // This function is necessary to provide a static entry point for the same-named // member function. public static String s_getNamespace(ProtoFile file) { String optionsNamespace = file.getProto().getOptions().getCsharpNamespace(); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(optionsNamespace)) { return optionsNamespace; } return CSharpContextCommon.s_underscoresToCamelCase(file.getProto().getPackage(), true, true); } public Iterable<String> removeItem(Iterable<String> items, final String remove) { return FluentIterable.from(items).filter(new Predicate<String>() { @Override public boolean apply(String item) { return !item.equals(remove); } }); } @AutoValue public abstract static class ServiceInfo { public static ServiceInfo create(String host, int port, Iterable<String> scopes) { return new AutoValue_CSharpGapicContext_ServiceInfo(host, port, scopes); } public abstract String host(); public abstract int port(); public abstract Iterable<String> scopes(); } public ServiceInfo getServiceInfo(Interface service) { ServiceConfig serviceConfig = getServiceConfig(); return ServiceInfo.create(serviceConfig.getServiceAddress(service), serviceConfig.getServicePort(), serviceConfig.getAuthScopes(service)); } @AutoValue public abstract static class RetryDefInfo { public static RetryDefInfo create(String rawName, String name, String statusCodeUseList, boolean anyStatusCodes, Iterable<String> statusCodeNames) { return new AutoValue_CSharpGapicContext_RetryDefInfo(rawName, name, statusCodeUseList, anyStatusCodes, statusCodeNames); } public abstract String rawName(); public abstract String name(); public abstract String statusCodeUseList(); public abstract boolean anyStatusCodes(); public abstract Iterable<String> statusCodeNames(); } @AutoValue public abstract static class RetrySettingInfo { public static RetrySettingInfo create(String rawName, String name, long delayMs, double delayMultiplier, long delayMaxMs, long timeoutMs, double timeoutMultiplier, long timeoutMaxMs, long totalTimeoutMs) { return new AutoValue_CSharpGapicContext_RetrySettingInfo(rawName, name, delayMs, delayMultiplier, delayMaxMs, timeoutMs, timeoutMultiplier, timeoutMaxMs, totalTimeoutMs); } public abstract String rawName(); public abstract String name(); public abstract long delayMs(); public abstract double delayMultiplier(); public abstract long delayMaxMs(); public abstract long timeoutMs(); public abstract double timeoutMultiplier(); public abstract long timeoutMaxMs(); public abstract long totalTimeoutMs(); } @AutoValue public abstract static class RetryInfo { public static RetryInfo create(List<RetryDefInfo> defs, List<RetrySettingInfo> settings) { return new AutoValue_CSharpGapicContext_RetryInfo(defs, settings); } public abstract List<RetryDefInfo> defs(); public abstract List<RetrySettingInfo> settings(); } public RetryInfo getRetryInfo(Interface service) { final InterfaceConfig interfaceConfig = getApiConfig().getInterfaceConfig(service); List<RetryDefInfo> defs = FluentIterable.from(interfaceConfig.getRetryCodesDefinition().entrySet()) .transform(new Function<Map.Entry<String, ImmutableSet<Status.Code>>, RetryDefInfo>() { @Override public RetryDefInfo apply(Map.Entry<String, ImmutableSet<Status.Code>> entry) { Iterable<String> statusCodeNames = FluentIterable.from(entry.getValue()) .transform(new Function<Status.Code, String>() { @Override public String apply(Status.Code statusCode) { String statusCodeNameLower = statusCode.toString().toLowerCase(); return CSharpContextCommon.s_underscoresToPascalCase(statusCodeNameLower); } }); return RetryDefInfo.create(entry.getKey(), CSharpContextCommon.s_underscoresToPascalCase(entry.getKey()), Joiner.on(", ").join(CSharpContextCommon.s_prefix(statusCodeNames, "StatusCode.")), entry.getValue().size() > 0, statusCodeNames); } }).toList(); List<RetrySettingInfo> settings = FluentIterable .from(interfaceConfig.getRetrySettingsDefinition().entrySet()) .transform(new Function<Map.Entry<String, RetrySettings>, RetrySettingInfo>() { @Override public RetrySettingInfo apply(Map.Entry<String, RetrySettings> entry) { RetrySettings retrySettings = entry.getValue(); return RetrySettingInfo.create(entry.getKey(), CSharpContextCommon.s_underscoresToPascalCase(entry.getKey()), retrySettings.getInitialRetryDelay().getMillis(), retrySettings.getRetryDelayMultiplier(), retrySettings.getMaxRetryDelay().getMillis(), retrySettings.getInitialRpcTimeout().getMillis(), retrySettings.getRpcTimeoutMultiplier(), retrySettings.getMaxRpcTimeout().getMillis(), retrySettings.getTotalTimeout().getMillis()); } }).toList(); return RetryInfo.create(defs, settings); } @AutoValue public abstract static class ParamInfo { public static ParamInfo create(String name, String typeName, String defaultValue, String propertyName, String propertyTransform, boolean isRepeated) { return new AutoValue_CSharpGapicContext_ParamInfo(name, typeName, defaultValue, propertyName, propertyTransform, isRepeated); } public abstract String name(); public abstract String typeName(); public abstract String defaultValue(); public abstract String propertyName(); public abstract String propertyTransform(); public abstract boolean isRepeated(); } @AutoValue public abstract static class PageStreamerInfo { public static PageStreamerInfo create(String resourceTypeName, String requestTypeName, String responseTypeName, String tokenTypeName, String staticFieldName, String requestPageTokenFieldName, String responseNextPageTokenFieldName, String responseResourceFieldName, String emptyPageToken) { return new AutoValue_CSharpGapicContext_PageStreamerInfo(resourceTypeName, requestTypeName, responseTypeName, tokenTypeName, staticFieldName, requestPageTokenFieldName, responseNextPageTokenFieldName, responseResourceFieldName, emptyPageToken); } public abstract String resourceTypeName(); public abstract String requestTypeName(); public abstract String responseTypeName(); public abstract String tokenTypeName(); public abstract String staticFieldName(); public abstract String requestPageTokenFieldName(); public abstract String responseNextPageTokenFieldName(); public abstract String responseResourceFieldName(); public abstract String emptyPageToken(); } @AutoValue public abstract static class FlatInfo { public static FlatInfo create(Iterable<ParamInfo> params, Iterable<String> xmlDocAsync, Iterable<String> xmlDocSync) { return new AutoValue_CSharpGapicContext_FlatInfo(params, xmlDocAsync, xmlDocSync); } public abstract Iterable<ParamInfo> params(); public abstract Iterable<String> xmlDocAsync(); public abstract Iterable<String> xmlDocSync(); } private FlatInfo createFlatInfo(Method method, List<Field> flat, PageStreamingConfig page) { List<ParamInfo> params = FluentIterable.from(flat).transform(new Function<Field, ParamInfo>() { @Override public ParamInfo apply(Field field) { return ParamInfo.create(CSharpContextCommon.s_underscoresToCamelCase(field.getSimpleName()), typeName(field.getType()), "", CSharpContextCommon.s_underscoresToPascalCase(field.getSimpleName()), "", field.getType().isRepeated()); } }).toList(); if (page != null) { ParamInfo pageToken = ParamInfo.create("pageToken", "string", " = null", "PageToken", " ?? \"\"", false); ParamInfo pageSize = ParamInfo.create("pageSize", "int?", " = null", "PageSize", " ?? 0", false); params = FluentIterable.from(params).append(pageToken, pageSize).toList(); } return FlatInfo.create(params, makeMethodXmlDoc(method, flat, true, page != null), makeMethodXmlDoc(method, flat, false, page != null)); } @AutoValue public abstract static class MethodInfo { public static MethodInfo create(String name, String grpcName, String asyncReturnTypeName, String syncReturnTypeName, boolean isPageStreaming, PageStreamerInfo pageStreaming, String requestTypeName, String responseTypeName, String syncReturnStatement, boolean anyFlats, Iterable<FlatInfo> flats, RetryDefInfo retryCodes, RetrySettingInfo retryParams) { return new AutoValue_CSharpGapicContext_MethodInfo(name, grpcName, asyncReturnTypeName, syncReturnTypeName, isPageStreaming, pageStreaming, requestTypeName, responseTypeName, syncReturnStatement, anyFlats, flats, retryCodes, retryParams); } public abstract String name(); public abstract String grpcName(); public abstract String asyncReturnTypeName(); public abstract String syncReturnTypeName(); public abstract boolean isPageStreaming(); @Nullable public abstract PageStreamerInfo pageStreaming(); public abstract String requestTypeName(); public abstract String responseTypeName(); public abstract String syncReturnStatement(); public abstract boolean anyFlats(); public abstract Iterable<FlatInfo> flats(); public abstract RetryDefInfo retryCodes(); public abstract RetrySettingInfo retrySetting(); } private MethodInfo createMethodInfo(InterfaceConfig interfaceConfig, final Method method, MethodConfig methodConfig, RetryDefInfo retryDef, RetrySettingInfo retrySetting) { final PageStreamingConfig pageStreamingConfig = methodConfig.getPageStreaming(); FlatteningConfig flattening = methodConfig.getFlattening(); TypeRef returnType = method.getOutputType(); boolean returnTypeEmpty = messages().isEmptyType(returnType); String methodName; String asyncReturnTypeName; String syncReturnTypeName; if (returnTypeEmpty) { methodName = method.getSimpleName(); asyncReturnTypeName = "Task"; syncReturnTypeName = "void"; } else { if (pageStreamingConfig != null) { methodName = method.getSimpleName(); TypeRef resourceType = pageStreamingConfig.getResourcesField().getType(); String elementTypeName = basicTypeName(resourceType); asyncReturnTypeName = "IPagedAsyncEnumerable<" + typeName(returnType) + ", " + elementTypeName + ">"; syncReturnTypeName = "IPagedEnumerable<" + typeName(returnType) + ", " + elementTypeName + ">"; } else { methodName = method.getSimpleName(); asyncReturnTypeName = "Task<" + typeName(returnType) + ">"; syncReturnTypeName = typeName(returnType); } } List<FlatInfo> flats = flattening != null ? FluentIterable.from(flattening.getFlatteningGroups()) .transform(new Function<List<Field>, FlatInfo>() { @Override public FlatInfo apply(List<Field> flat) { return createFlatInfo(method, flat, pageStreamingConfig); } }).toList() : Collections.<FlatInfo>emptyList(); return MethodInfo.create(methodName, method.getSimpleName(), asyncReturnTypeName, syncReturnTypeName, pageStreamingConfig != null, getPageStreamerInfo(interfaceConfig, method), typeName(method.getInputType()), typeName(returnType), returnTypeEmpty ? "" : "return ", !flats.isEmpty(), flats, retryDef, retrySetting); } public List<MethodInfo> getMethodInfos(Interface service) { final InterfaceConfig interfaceConfig = getApiConfig().getInterfaceConfig(service); RetryInfo retryInfo = getRetryInfo(service); final Map<String, RetryDefInfo> retryDefByName = Maps.uniqueIndex(retryInfo.defs(), new Function<RetryDefInfo, String>() { @Override public String apply(RetryDefInfo value) { return value.rawName(); } }); final Map<String, RetrySettingInfo> retrySettingByName = Maps.uniqueIndex(retryInfo.settings(), new Function<RetrySettingInfo, String>() { @Override public String apply(RetrySettingInfo value) { return value.rawName(); } }); // TODO: Change back to .from(service.getMethods()) once streaming is implemented. // We ignore streaming for now to not cause test failures. return FluentIterable.from(getNonStreamingMethods(service)).transform(new Function<Method, MethodInfo>() { @Override public MethodInfo apply(Method method) { MethodConfig methodConfig = interfaceConfig.getMethodConfig(method); return createMethodInfo(interfaceConfig, method, methodConfig, retryDefByName.get(methodConfig.getRetryCodesConfigName()), retrySettingByName.get(methodConfig.getRetrySettingsConfigName())); } }).filter(new Predicate<MethodInfo>() { @Override public boolean apply(MethodInfo method) { return method.anyFlats(); } }).toList(); } private PageStreamerInfo getPageStreamerInfo(InterfaceConfig interfaceConfig, Method method) { MethodConfig methodConfig = interfaceConfig.getMethodConfig(method); PageStreamingConfig pageStreamingConfig = methodConfig.getPageStreaming(); if (pageStreamingConfig == null) { return null; } // IEnumerable required in IPageResponse<T> partial of page-streaming protobuf entities addImport("System.Collections"); return PageStreamerInfo.create(basicTypeName(pageStreamingConfig.getResourcesField().getType()), typeName(method.getInputType()), typeName(method.getOutputType()), typeName(pageStreamingConfig.getRequestTokenField().getType()), "s_" + firstLetterToLower(method.getSimpleName()) + "PageStreamer", CSharpContextCommon .s_underscoresToPascalCase(pageStreamingConfig.getRequestTokenField().getSimpleName()), CSharpContextCommon .s_underscoresToPascalCase(pageStreamingConfig.getResponseTokenField().getSimpleName()), CSharpContextCommon.s_underscoresToPascalCase( pageStreamingConfig.getResourcesField().getSimpleName()), "\"\""); } public List<PageStreamerInfo> getPageStreamerInfos(Interface service) { final InterfaceConfig interfaceConfig = getApiConfig().getInterfaceConfig(service); // TODO: Change back to .from(service.getMethods()) once streaming is implemented. // We ignore streaming for now to not cause test failures. return FluentIterable.from(getNonStreamingMethods(service)) .transform(new Function<Method, PageStreamerInfo>() { @Override public PageStreamerInfo apply(Method method) { return getPageStreamerInfo(interfaceConfig, method); } }).filter(Predicates.notNull()).toList(); } @AutoValue public abstract static class PathTemplateInfo { public static PathTemplateInfo create(String baseName, String docName, String namePattern, Iterable<String> vars, String varArgDeclList, String varArgUseList) { return new AutoValue_CSharpGapicContext_PathTemplateInfo(baseName, docName, namePattern, vars, varArgDeclList, varArgUseList); } public abstract String baseName(); public abstract String docName(); public abstract String namePattern(); public abstract Iterable<String> vars(); public abstract String varArgDeclList(); public abstract String varArgUseList(); } public List<PathTemplateInfo> getPathTemplateInfos(Interface service) { InterfaceConfig interfaceConfig = getApiConfig().getInterfaceConfig(service); return FluentIterable.from(interfaceConfig.getCollectionConfigs()) .transform(new Function<CollectionConfig, PathTemplateInfo>() { @Override public PathTemplateInfo apply(CollectionConfig collection) { PathTemplate template = collection.getNameTemplate(); Set<String> vars = template.vars(); StringBuilder varArgDeclList = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder varArgUseList = new StringBuilder(); for (String var : vars) { varArgDeclList.append("string " + var + "Id, "); varArgUseList.append(var + "Id, "); } return PathTemplateInfo.create( CSharpContextCommon.s_underscoresToPascalCase(collection.getEntityName()), CSharpContextCommon.s_underscoresToCamelCase(collection.getEntityName()), collection.getNamePattern(), vars, varArgDeclList.substring(0, varArgDeclList.length() - 2), varArgUseList.substring(0, varArgUseList.length() - 2)); } }).toList(); } /** * Returns the C# representation of a reference to a type. */ private String typeName(TypeRef type) { if (type.isMap()) { TypeRef keyType = type.getMapKeyField().getType(); TypeRef valueType = type.getMapValueField().getType(); return "IDictionary<" + typeName(keyType) + ", " + typeName(valueType) + ">"; } // Must check for map first, as a map is also repeated if (type.isRepeated()) { return String.format("IEnumerable<%s>", basicTypeName(type)); } return basicTypeName(type); } /** * Returns the C# representation of a type, without cardinality. */ private String basicTypeName(TypeRef type) { String result = PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAP.get(type.getKind()); if (result != null) { if (type.getKind() == Type.TYPE_BYTES) { // Special handling of ByteString. // It requires a 'using' directive, unlike all other primitive types. addImport("Google.Protobuf"); } return result; } switch (type.getKind()) { case TYPE_MESSAGE: return getTypeName(type.getMessageType()); case TYPE_ENUM: return getTypeName(type.getEnumType()); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown type kind: " + type.getKind()); } } /** * Gets the full name of the message or enum type in C#. */ private String getTypeName(ProtoElement elem) { // TODO: Handle naming collisions. This will probably require // using alias directives, which will be awkward... // Handle nested types, construct the required type prefix ProtoElement parentEl = elem.getParent(); String prefix = ""; while (parentEl != null && parentEl instanceof MessageType) { prefix = parentEl.getSimpleName() + ".Types." + prefix; parentEl = parentEl.getParent(); } // Add an import for the type, if not already imported addImport(getNamespace(elem.getFile())); // Return the combined type prefix and type name return prefix + elem.getSimpleName(); } private List<String> docLines(ProtoElement element, final String prefix) { FluentIterable<String> lines = FluentIterable .from(Splitter.on(String.format("%n")).split(DocumentationUtil.getDescription(element))); return lines.transform(new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String line) { return prefix + line.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<"); } }).toList(); } private List<String> makeMethodXmlDoc(Method method, List<Field> params, boolean isAsync, boolean isPageStreaming) { Iterable<String> parameters = FluentIterable.from(params) .transformAndConcat(new Function<Field, Iterable<String>>() { @Override public Iterable<String> apply(Field param) { String paramName = CSharpContextCommon.s_underscoresToCamelCase(param.getSimpleName()); String header = "/// <param name=\"" + paramName + "\">"; List<String> lines = docLines(param, ""); if (lines.size() > 1) { return ImmutableList.<String>builder().add(header) .addAll(FluentIterable.from(lines).transform(new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String line) { return "/// " + line; } })).add("/// </param>").build(); } else { return Collections.singletonList(header + lines.get(0) + "</param>"); } } }); if (isPageStreaming) { String[] pageToken = { "/// <param name=\"pageToken\">The token returned from the previous request.", "/// A value of <c>null</c> or an empty string retrieves the first page.</param>", }; String[] pageSize = { "/// <param name=\"pageSize\">The size of page to request.", "/// The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller.", "/// A value of <c>null</c> or 0 uses a server-defined page size.</param>", }; parameters = FluentIterable.from(parameters).append(Arrays.asList(pageToken)) .append(Arrays.asList(pageSize)).toList(); } return ImmutableList.<String>builder().add("/// <summary>").addAll(docLines(method, "/// ")) .add("/// </summary>").addAll(parameters).build(); } private String firstLetterToLower(String input) { if (input != null && input.length() >= 1) { return input.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + input.substring(1); } else { return input; } } public String prependComma(String text) { return text.isEmpty() ? "" : ", " + text; } }