Java tutorial
package; import; import com.github.paolorotolo.appintro.C0394R; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class zzbti implements Closeable { private static final char[] zzcpF; private final Reader in; private int limit; private int pos; private boolean zzcpG; private final char[] zzcpH; private int zzcpI; private int zzcpJ; private int zzcpK; private long zzcpL; private int zzcpM; private String zzcpN; private int[] zzcpO; private int zzcpP; private String[] zzcpQ; private int[] zzcpR; /* renamed from: */ static class C12401 extends zzbsn { C12401() { } public void zzi(zzbti com_google_android_gms_internal_zzbti) throws IOException { if (com_google_android_gms_internal_zzbti instanceof zzbsy) { ((zzbsy) com_google_android_gms_internal_zzbti).zzabT(); return; } int zzG = com_google_android_gms_internal_zzbti.zzcpK; if (zzG == 0) { zzG = com_google_android_gms_internal_zzbti.zzacd(); } if (zzG == 13) { com_google_android_gms_internal_zzbti.zzcpK = 9; } else if (zzG == 12) { com_google_android_gms_internal_zzbti.zzcpK = 8; } else if (zzG == 14) { com_google_android_gms_internal_zzbti.zzcpK = 10; } else { String valueOf = String.valueOf(com_google_android_gms_internal_zzbti.zzabQ()); int zzI = com_google_android_gms_internal_zzbti.getLineNumber(); int zzJ = com_google_android_gms_internal_zzbti.getColumnNumber(); String path = com_google_android_gms_internal_zzbti.getPath(); throw new IllegalStateException( new StringBuilder((String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 70) + String.valueOf(path).length()) .append("Expected a name but was ").append(valueOf).append(" ").append(" at line ") .append(zzI).append(" column ").append(zzJ).append(" path ").append(path) .toString()); } } } static { zzcpF = ")]}'\n".toCharArray(); zzbsn.zzcny = new C12401(); } public zzbti(Reader reader) { this.zzcpG = false; this.zzcpH = new char[AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.ACTION_NEXT_HTML_ELEMENT]; this.pos = 0; this.limit = 0; this.zzcpI = 0; this.zzcpJ = 0; this.zzcpK = 0; this.zzcpO = new int[32]; this.zzcpP = 0; int[] iArr = this.zzcpO; int i = this.zzcpP; this.zzcpP = i + 1; iArr[i] = 6; this.zzcpQ = new String[32]; this.zzcpR = new int[32]; if (reader == null) { throw new NullPointerException("in == null"); } = reader; } private int getColumnNumber() { return (this.pos - this.zzcpJ) + 1; } private int getLineNumber() { return this.zzcpI + 1; } private int zzacd() throws IOException { int zzbh; int i = this.zzcpO[this.zzcpP - 1]; if (i == 1) { this.zzcpO[this.zzcpP - 1] = 2; } else if (i == 2) { switch (zzbh(true)) { case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_dialogPreferredPadding /*44*/: break; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_toolbarStyle /*59*/: zzaci(); break; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_alertDialogStyle /*93*/: this.zzcpK = 4; return 4; default: throw zzjZ("Unterminated array"); } } else if (i == 3 || i == 5) { this.zzcpO[this.zzcpP - 1] = 4; if (i == 5) { switch (zzbh(true)) { case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_dialogPreferredPadding /*44*/: break; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_toolbarStyle /*59*/: zzaci(); break; case 125: this.zzcpK = 2; return 2; default: throw zzjZ("Unterminated object"); } } zzbh = zzbh(true); switch (zzbh) { case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_actionModePasteDrawable /*34*/: this.zzcpK = 13; return 13; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_actionModePopupWindowStyle /*39*/: zzaci(); this.zzcpK = 12; return 12; case 125: if (i != 5) { this.zzcpK = 2; return 2; } throw zzjZ("Expected name"); default: zzaci(); this.pos--; if (zzc((char) zzbh)) { this.zzcpK = 14; return 14; } throw zzjZ("Expected name"); } } else if (i == 4) { this.zzcpO[this.zzcpP - 1] = 5; switch (zzbh(true)) { case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_activityChooserViewStyle /*58*/: break; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_popupMenuStyle /*61*/: zzaci(); if ((this.pos < this.limit || zzqe(1)) && this.zzcpH[this.pos] == '>') { this.pos++; break; } default: throw zzjZ("Expected ':'"); } } else if (i == 6) { if (this.zzcpG) { zzacl(); } this.zzcpO[this.zzcpP - 1] = 7; } else if (i == 7) { if (zzbh(false) == -1) { this.zzcpK = 17; return 17; } zzaci(); this.pos--; } else if (i == 8) { throw new IllegalStateException("JsonReader is closed"); } switch (zzbh(true)) { case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_actionModePasteDrawable /*34*/: if (this.zzcpP == 1) { zzaci(); } this.zzcpK = 9; return 9; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_actionModePopupWindowStyle /*39*/: zzaci(); this.zzcpK = 8; return 8; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_dialogPreferredPadding /*44*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_toolbarStyle /*59*/: break; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_controlBackground /*91*/: this.zzcpK = 3; return 3; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_alertDialogStyle /*93*/: if (i == 1) { this.zzcpK = 4; return 4; } break; case 123: this.zzcpK = 1; return 1; default: this.pos--; if (this.zzcpP == 1) { zzaci(); } zzbh = zzace(); if (zzbh != 0) { return zzbh; } zzbh = zzacf(); if (zzbh != 0) { return zzbh; } if (zzc(this.zzcpH[this.pos])) { zzaci(); this.zzcpK = 10; return 10; } throw zzjZ("Expected value"); } if (i == 1 || i == 2) { zzaci(); this.pos--; this.zzcpK = 7; return 7; } throw zzjZ("Unexpected value"); } private int zzace() throws IOException { String str; int i; char c = this.zzcpH[this.pos]; String str2; if (c == 't' || c == 'T') { str = "true"; str2 = "TRUE"; i = 5; } else if (c == 'f' || c == 'F') { str = "false"; str2 = "FALSE"; i = 6; } else if (c != 'n' && c != 'N') { return 0; } else { str = "null"; str2 = "NULL"; i = 7; } int length = str.length(); int i2 = 1; while (i2 < length) { if (this.pos + i2 >= this.limit && !zzqe(i2 + 1)) { return 0; } char c2 = this.zzcpH[this.pos + i2]; if (c2 != str.charAt(i2) && c2 != r1.charAt(i2)) { return 0; } i2++; } if ((this.pos + length < this.limit || zzqe(length + 1)) && zzc(this.zzcpH[this.pos + length])) { return 0; } this.pos += length; this.zzcpK = i; return i; } private int zzacf() throws IOException { char[] cArr = this.zzcpH; int i = this.pos; long j = 0; Object obj = null; int i2 = 1; int i3 = 0; int i4 = 0; int i5 = this.limit; int i6 = i; while (true) { Object obj2; if (i6 + i4 == i5) { if (i4 == cArr.length) { return 0; } if (zzqe(i4 + 1)) { i6 = this.pos; i5 = this.limit; } else if (i3 != 2 && i2 != 0 && (j != Long.MIN_VALUE || obj != null)) { if (obj == null) { j = -j; } this.zzcpL = j; this.pos += i4; this.zzcpK = 15; return 15; } else if (i3 == 2 && i3 != 4 && i3 != 7) { return 0; } else { this.zzcpM = i4; this.zzcpK = 16; return 16; } } char c = cArr[i6 + i4]; int i7; switch (c) { case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_dialogTheme /*43*/: if (i3 != 5) { return 0; } i = 6; i3 = i2; obj2 = obj; continue; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_listDividerAlertDialog /*45*/: if (i3 == 0) { i = 1; i7 = i2; obj2 = 1; i3 = i7; continue; } else if (i3 == 5) { i = 6; i3 = i2; obj2 = obj; break; } else { return 0; } case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_actionDropDownStyle /*46*/: if (i3 != 2) { return 0; } i = 3; i3 = i2; obj2 = obj; continue; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_searchViewStyle /*69*/: case Quests.SELECT_COMPLETED_UNCLAIMED /*101*/: if (i3 != 2 && i3 != 4) { return 0; } i = 5; i3 = i2; obj2 = obj; continue; default: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { if (i3 != 1 && i3 != 0) { if (i3 != 2) { if (i3 != 3) { if (i3 != 5 && i3 != 6) { i = i3; i3 = i2; obj2 = obj; break; } i = 7; i3 = i2; obj2 = obj; break; } i = 4; i3 = i2; obj2 = obj; break; } else if (j != 0) { long j2 = (10 * j) - ((long) (c - 48)); i = (j > -922337203685477580L || (j == -922337203685477580L && j2 < j)) ? 1 : 0; i &= i2; obj2 = obj; j = j2; i7 = i3; i3 = i; i = i7; break; } else { return 0; } } j = (long) (-(c - 48)); i = 2; i3 = i2; obj2 = obj; continue; } else if (zzc(c)) { return 0; } break; } if (i3 != 2) { } if (i3 == 2) { } this.zzcpM = i4; this.zzcpK = 16; return 16; i4++; obj = obj2; i2 = i3; i3 = i; } } private String zzacg() throws IOException { StringBuilder stringBuilder = null; int i = 0; while (true) { String str; if (this.pos + i < this.limit) { switch (this.zzcpH[this.pos + i]) { case GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_GAME_NOT_FOUND /*9*/: case ConnectionResult.DEVELOPER_ERROR /*10*/: case C0397R.styleable.MapAttrs_uiZoomGestures /*12*/: case ConnectionResult.CANCELED /*13*/: case Message.MAX_TYPE_LENGTH /*32*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_dialogPreferredPadding /*44*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_activityChooserViewStyle /*58*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_controlBackground /*91*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_alertDialogStyle /*93*/: case '{': case '}': break; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_actionModeSelectAllDrawable /*35*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_dropdownListPreferredItemHeight /*47*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_toolbarStyle /*59*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_popupMenuStyle /*61*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_colorBackgroundFloating /*92*/: zzaci(); break; default: i++; continue; } } else if (i >= this.zzcpH.length) { if (stringBuilder == null) { stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); } stringBuilder.append(this.zzcpH, this.pos, i); this.pos = i + this.pos; i = !zzqe(1) ? 0 : 0; } else if (zzqe(i + 1)) { } if (stringBuilder == null) { str = new String(this.zzcpH, this.pos, i); } else { stringBuilder.append(this.zzcpH, this.pos, i); str = stringBuilder.toString(); } this.pos = i + this.pos; return str; } } private void zzach() throws IOException { do { int i = 0; while (this.pos + i < this.limit) { switch (this.zzcpH[this.pos + i]) { case GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_GAME_NOT_FOUND /*9*/: case ConnectionResult.DEVELOPER_ERROR /*10*/: case C0397R.styleable.MapAttrs_uiZoomGestures /*12*/: case ConnectionResult.CANCELED /*13*/: case Message.MAX_TYPE_LENGTH /*32*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_dialogPreferredPadding /*44*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_activityChooserViewStyle /*58*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_controlBackground /*91*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_alertDialogStyle /*93*/: case '{': case '}': break; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_actionModeSelectAllDrawable /*35*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_dropdownListPreferredItemHeight /*47*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_toolbarStyle /*59*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_popupMenuStyle /*61*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_colorBackgroundFloating /*92*/: zzaci(); break; default: i++; } this.pos = i + this.pos; return; } this.pos = i + this.pos; } while (zzqe(1)); } private void zzaci() throws IOException { if (!this.zzcpG) { throw zzjZ("Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON"); } } private void zzacj() throws IOException { char c; do { if (this.pos < this.limit || zzqe(1)) { char[] cArr = this.zzcpH; int i = this.pos; this.pos = i + 1; c = cArr[i]; if (c == '\n') { this.zzcpI++; this.zzcpJ = this.pos; return; } } else { return; } } while (c != '\r'); } private char zzack() throws IOException { if (this.pos != this.limit || zzqe(1)) { char[] cArr = this.zzcpH; int i = this.pos; this.pos = i + 1; char c = cArr[i]; switch (c) { case ConnectionResult.DEVELOPER_ERROR /*10*/: this.zzcpI++; this.zzcpJ = this.pos; return c; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_buttonBarPositiveButtonStyle /*98*/: return '\b'; case Quests.SELECT_ENDING_SOON /*102*/: return '\f'; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_ratingBarStyleSmall /*110*/: return '\n'; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_listMenuViewStyle /*114*/: return '\r'; case 't': return '\t'; case 'u': if (this.pos + 4 <= this.limit || zzqe(4)) { int i2 = this.pos; int i3 = i2 + 4; int i4 = i2; c = '\u0000'; for (i = i4; i < i3; i++) { char c2 = this.zzcpH[i]; c = (char) (c << 4); if (c2 >= '0' && c2 <= '9') { c = (char) (c + (c2 - 48)); } else if (c2 >= 'a' && c2 <= 'f') { c = (char) (c + ((c2 - 97) + 10)); } else if (c2 < 'A' || c2 > 'F') { String str = "\\u"; String valueOf = String.valueOf(new String(this.zzcpH, this.pos, 4)); throw new NumberFormatException( valueOf.length() != 0 ? str.concat(valueOf) : new String(str)); } else { c = (char) (c + ((c2 - 65) + 10)); } } this.pos += 4; return c; } throw zzjZ("Unterminated escape sequence"); default: return c; } } throw zzjZ("Unterminated escape sequence"); } private void zzacl() throws IOException { zzbh(true); this.pos--; if (this.pos + zzcpF.length <= this.limit || zzqe(zzcpF.length)) { int i = 0; while (i < zzcpF.length) { if (this.zzcpH[this.pos + i] == zzcpF[i]) { i++; } else { return; } } this.pos += zzcpF.length; } } private int zzbh(boolean z) throws IOException { char[] cArr = this.zzcpH; int i = this.pos; int i2 = this.limit; while (true) { int lineNumber; if (i == i2) { this.pos = i; if (zzqe(1)) { i = this.pos; i2 = this.limit; } else if (!z) { return -1; } else { String valueOf = String.valueOf("End of input at line "); lineNumber = getLineNumber(); throw new EOFException(new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 30).append(valueOf) .append(lineNumber).append(" column ").append(getColumnNumber()).toString()); } } lineNumber = i + 1; char c = cArr[i]; if (c == '\n') { this.zzcpI++; this.zzcpJ = lineNumber; i = lineNumber; } else if (c == ' ' || c == '\r') { i = lineNumber; } else if (c == '\t') { i = lineNumber; } else if (c == '/') { this.pos = lineNumber; if (lineNumber == i2) { this.pos--; boolean zzqe = zzqe(2); this.pos++; if (!zzqe) { return c; } } zzaci(); switch (cArr[this.pos]) { case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_textAppearancePopupMenuHeader /*42*/: this.pos++; if (zzjY("*/")) { i = this.pos + 2; i2 = this.limit; break; } throw zzjZ("Unterminated comment"); case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_dropdownListPreferredItemHeight /*47*/: this.pos++; zzacj(); i = this.pos; i2 = this.limit; break; default: return c; } } else if (c == '#') { this.pos = lineNumber; zzaci(); zzacj(); i = this.pos; i2 = this.limit; } else { this.pos = lineNumber; return c; } } } private boolean zzc(char c) throws IOException { switch (c) { case GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_GAME_NOT_FOUND /*9*/: case ConnectionResult.DEVELOPER_ERROR /*10*/: case C0397R.styleable.MapAttrs_uiZoomGestures /*12*/: case ConnectionResult.CANCELED /*13*/: case Message.MAX_TYPE_LENGTH /*32*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_dialogPreferredPadding /*44*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_activityChooserViewStyle /*58*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_controlBackground /*91*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_alertDialogStyle /*93*/: case '{': case '}': break; case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_actionModeSelectAllDrawable /*35*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_dropdownListPreferredItemHeight /*47*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_toolbarStyle /*59*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_popupMenuStyle /*61*/: case C0394R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_colorBackgroundFloating /*92*/: zzaci(); break; default: return true; } return false; } private String zzd(char c) throws IOException { char[] cArr = this.zzcpH; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); do { int i = this.pos; int i2 = this.limit; int i3 = i; while (i3 < i2) { int i4 = i3 + 1; char c2 = cArr[i3]; if (c2 == c) { this.pos = i4; stringBuilder.append(cArr, i, (i4 - i) - 1); return stringBuilder.toString(); } if (c2 == '\\') { this.pos = i4; stringBuilder.append(cArr, i, (i4 - i) - 1); stringBuilder.append(zzack()); i = this.pos; i2 = this.limit; i4 = i; } else if (c2 == '\n') { this.zzcpI++; this.zzcpJ = i4; } i3 = i4; } stringBuilder.append(cArr, i, i3 - i); this.pos = i3; } while (zzqe(1)); throw zzjZ("Unterminated string"); } private void zze(char c) throws IOException { char[] cArr = this.zzcpH; do { int i = this.pos; int i2 = this.limit; int i3 = i; while (i3 < i2) { i = i3 + 1; char c2 = cArr[i3]; if (c2 == c) { this.pos = i; return; } if (c2 == '\\') { this.pos = i; zzack(); i = this.pos; i2 = this.limit; } else if (c2 == '\n') { this.zzcpI++; this.zzcpJ = i; } i3 = i; } this.pos = i3; } while (zzqe(1)); throw zzjZ("Unterminated string"); } private boolean zzjY(String str) throws IOException { while (true) { if (this.pos + str.length() > this.limit && !zzqe(str.length())) { return false; } if (this.zzcpH[this.pos] == '\n') { this.zzcpI++; this.zzcpJ = this.pos + 1; } else { int i = 0; while (i < str.length()) { if (this.zzcpH[this.pos + i] == str.charAt(i)) { i++; } } return true; } this.pos++; } } private IOException zzjZ(String str) throws IOException { int lineNumber = getLineNumber(); int columnNumber = getColumnNumber(); String path = getPath(); throw new zzbtl(new StringBuilder((String.valueOf(str).length() + 45) + String.valueOf(path).length()) .append(str).append(" at line ").append(lineNumber).append(" column ").append(columnNumber) .append(" path ").append(path).toString()); } private void zzqd(int i) { if (this.zzcpP == this.zzcpO.length) { Object obj = new int[(this.zzcpP * 2)]; Object obj2 = new int[(this.zzcpP * 2)]; Object obj3 = new String[(this.zzcpP * 2)]; System.arraycopy(this.zzcpO, 0, obj, 0, this.zzcpP); System.arraycopy(this.zzcpR, 0, obj2, 0, this.zzcpP); System.arraycopy(this.zzcpQ, 0, obj3, 0, this.zzcpP); this.zzcpO = obj; this.zzcpR = obj2; this.zzcpQ = obj3; } int[] iArr = this.zzcpO; int i2 = this.zzcpP; this.zzcpP = i2 + 1; iArr[i2] = i; } private boolean zzqe(int i) throws IOException { Object obj = this.zzcpH; this.zzcpJ -= this.pos; if (this.limit != this.pos) { this.limit -= this.pos; System.arraycopy(obj, this.pos, obj, 0, this.limit); } else { this.limit = 0; } this.pos = 0; do { int read =, this.limit, obj.length - this.limit); if (read == -1) { return false; } this.limit = read + this.limit; if (this.zzcpI == 0 && this.zzcpJ == 0 && this.limit > 0 && obj[0] == '\ufeff') { this.pos++; this.zzcpJ++; i++; } } while (this.limit < i); return true; } public void beginArray() throws IOException { int i = this.zzcpK; if (i == 0) { i = zzacd(); } if (i == 3) { zzqd(1); this.zzcpR[this.zzcpP - 1] = 0; this.zzcpK = 0; return; } String valueOf = String.valueOf(zzabQ()); int lineNumber = getLineNumber(); int columnNumber = getColumnNumber(); String path = getPath(); throw new IllegalStateException( new StringBuilder((String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 74) + String.valueOf(path).length()) .append("Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was ").append(valueOf).append(" at line ") .append(lineNumber).append(" column ").append(columnNumber).append(" path ").append(path) .toString()); } public void beginObject() throws IOException { int i = this.zzcpK; if (i == 0) { i = zzacd(); } if (i == 1) { zzqd(3); this.zzcpK = 0; return; } String valueOf = String.valueOf(zzabQ()); int lineNumber = getLineNumber(); int columnNumber = getColumnNumber(); String path = getPath(); throw new IllegalStateException( new StringBuilder((String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 75) + String.valueOf(path).length()) .append("Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was ").append(valueOf).append(" at line ") .append(lineNumber).append(" column ").append(columnNumber).append(" path ").append(path) .toString()); } public void close() throws IOException { this.zzcpK = 0; this.zzcpO[0] = 8; this.zzcpP = 1;; } public void endArray() throws IOException { int i = this.zzcpK; if (i == 0) { i = zzacd(); } if (i == 4) { this.zzcpP--; int[] iArr = this.zzcpR; int i2 = this.zzcpP - 1; iArr[i2] = iArr[i2] + 1; this.zzcpK = 0; return; } String valueOf = String.valueOf(zzabQ()); int lineNumber = getLineNumber(); int columnNumber = getColumnNumber(); String path = getPath(); throw new IllegalStateException( new StringBuilder((String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 72) + String.valueOf(path).length()) .append("Expected END_ARRAY but was ").append(valueOf).append(" at line ") .append(lineNumber).append(" column ").append(columnNumber).append(" path ").append(path) .toString()); } public void endObject() throws IOException { int i = this.zzcpK; if (i == 0) { i = zzacd(); } if (i == 2) { this.zzcpP--; this.zzcpQ[this.zzcpP] = null; int[] iArr = this.zzcpR; int i2 = this.zzcpP - 1; iArr[i2] = iArr[i2] + 1; this.zzcpK = 0; return; } String valueOf = String.valueOf(zzabQ()); int lineNumber = getLineNumber(); int columnNumber = getColumnNumber(); String path = getPath(); throw new IllegalStateException( new StringBuilder((String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 73) + String.valueOf(path).length()) .append("Expected END_OBJECT but was ").append(valueOf).append(" at line ") .append(lineNumber).append(" column ").append(columnNumber).append(" path ").append(path) .toString()); } public String getPath() { StringBuilder append = new StringBuilder().append('$'); int i = this.zzcpP; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < i; i2++) { switch (this.zzcpO[i2]) { case MessageApi.FILTER_PREFIX /*1*/: case ChannelListener.CLOSE_REASON_REMOTE_CLOSE /*2*/: append.append('[').append(this.zzcpR[i2]).append(']'); break; case ChannelListener.CLOSE_REASON_LOCAL_CLOSE /*3*/: case Dimension.UNIT_IN /*4*/: case Dimension.UNIT_MM /*5*/: append.append('.'); if (this.zzcpQ[i2] == null) { break; } append.append(this.zzcpQ[i2]); break; default: break; } } return append.toString(); } public boolean hasNext() throws IOException { int i = this.zzcpK; if (i == 0) { i = zzacd(); } return (i == 2 || i == 4) ? false : true; } public final boolean isLenient() { return this.zzcpG; } public boolean nextBoolean() throws IOException { int i = this.zzcpK; if (i == 0) { i = zzacd(); } if (i == 5) { this.zzcpK = 0; int[] iArr = this.zzcpR; i = this.zzcpP - 1; iArr[i] = iArr[i] + 1; return true; } else if (i == 6) { this.zzcpK = 0; int[] iArr2 = this.zzcpR; r2 = this.zzcpP - 1; iArr2[r2] = iArr2[r2] + 1; return false; } else { String valueOf = String.valueOf(zzabQ()); r2 = getLineNumber(); int columnNumber = getColumnNumber(); String path = getPath(); throw new IllegalStateException( new StringBuilder((String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 72) + String.valueOf(path).length()) .append("Expected a boolean but was ").append(valueOf).append(" at line ").append(r2) .append(" column ").append(columnNumber).append(" path ").append(path).toString()); } } public double nextDouble() throws IOException { int i = this.zzcpK; if (i == 0) { i = zzacd(); } if (i == 15) { this.zzcpK = 0; int[] iArr = this.zzcpR; int i2 = this.zzcpP - 1; iArr[i2] = iArr[i2] + 1; return (double) this.zzcpL; } if (i == 16) { this.zzcpN = new String(this.zzcpH, this.pos, this.zzcpM); this.pos += this.zzcpM; } else if (i == 8 || i == 9) { this.zzcpN = zzd(i == 8 ? '\'' : '\"'); } else if (i == 10) { this.zzcpN = zzacg(); } else if (i != 11) { String valueOf = String.valueOf(zzabQ()); int lineNumber = getLineNumber(); int columnNumber = getColumnNumber(); String path = getPath(); throw new IllegalStateException( new StringBuilder((String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 71) + String.valueOf(path).length()) .append("Expected a double but was ").append(valueOf).append(" at line ") .append(lineNumber).append(" column ").append(columnNumber).append(" path ") .append(path).toString()); } this.zzcpK = 11; double parseDouble = Double.parseDouble(this.zzcpN); if (this.zzcpG || !(Double.isNaN(parseDouble) || Double.isInfinite(parseDouble))) { this.zzcpN = null; this.zzcpK = 0; int[] iArr2 = this.zzcpR; columnNumber = this.zzcpP - 1; iArr2[columnNumber] = iArr2[columnNumber] + 1; return parseDouble; } columnNumber = getLineNumber(); int columnNumber2 = getColumnNumber(); String path2 = getPath(); throw new zzbtl(new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(path2).length() + Quests.SELECT_ENDING_SOON) .append("JSON forbids NaN and infinities: ").append(parseDouble).append(" at line ") .append(columnNumber).append(" column ").append(columnNumber2).append(" path ").append(path2) .toString()); } public int nextInt() throws IOException { int i = this.zzcpK; if (i == 0) { i = zzacd(); } int[] iArr; int i2; if (i == 15) { i = (int) this.zzcpL; if (this.zzcpL != ((long) i)) { long j = this.zzcpL; int lineNumber = getLineNumber(); int columnNumber = getColumnNumber(); String path = getPath(); throw new NumberFormatException(new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(path).length() + 89) .append("Expected an int but was ").append(j).append(" at line ").append(lineNumber) .append(" column ").append(columnNumber).append(" path ").append(path).toString()); } this.zzcpK = 0; iArr = this.zzcpR; i2 = this.zzcpP - 1; iArr[i2] = iArr[i2] + 1; } else { String valueOf; int columnNumber2; String path2; if (i == 16) { this.zzcpN = new String(this.zzcpH, this.pos, this.zzcpM); this.pos += this.zzcpM; } else if (i == 8 || i == 9) { this.zzcpN = zzd(i == 8 ? '\'' : '\"'); try { i = Integer.parseInt(this.zzcpN); this.zzcpK = 0; iArr = this.zzcpR; i2 = this.zzcpP - 1; iArr[i2] = iArr[i2] + 1; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } else { valueOf = String.valueOf(zzabQ()); i2 = getLineNumber(); columnNumber2 = getColumnNumber(); path2 = getPath(); throw new IllegalStateException( new StringBuilder((String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 69) + String.valueOf(path2).length()) .append("Expected an int but was ").append(valueOf).append(" at line ").append(i2) .append(" column ").append(columnNumber2).append(" path ").append(path2) .toString()); } this.zzcpK = 11; double parseDouble = Double.parseDouble(this.zzcpN); i = (int) parseDouble; if (((double) i) != parseDouble) { valueOf = this.zzcpN; i2 = getLineNumber(); columnNumber2 = getColumnNumber(); path2 = getPath(); throw new NumberFormatException( new StringBuilder((String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 69) + String.valueOf(path2).length()) .append("Expected an int but was ").append(valueOf).append(" at line ").append(i2) .append(" column ").append(columnNumber2).append(" path ").append(path2) .toString()); } this.zzcpN = null; this.zzcpK = 0; iArr = this.zzcpR; i2 = this.zzcpP - 1; iArr[i2] = iArr[i2] + 1; } return i; } public long nextLong() throws IOException { int i = this.zzcpK; if (i == 0) { i = zzacd(); } if (i == 15) { this.zzcpK = 0; int[] iArr = this.zzcpR; int i2 = this.zzcpP - 1; iArr[i2] = iArr[i2] + 1; return this.zzcpL; } long parseLong; int i3; if (i == 16) { this.zzcpN = new String(this.zzcpH, this.pos, this.zzcpM); this.pos += this.zzcpM; } else if (i == 8 || i == 9) { this.zzcpN = zzd(i == 8 ? '\'' : '\"'); try { parseLong = Long.parseLong(this.zzcpN); this.zzcpK = 0; int[] iArr2 = this.zzcpR; i3 = this.zzcpP - 1; iArr2[i3] = iArr2[i3] + 1; return parseLong; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } else { String valueOf = String.valueOf(zzabQ()); int lineNumber = getLineNumber(); i3 = getColumnNumber(); String path = getPath(); throw new IllegalStateException( new StringBuilder((String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 69) + String.valueOf(path).length()) .append("Expected a long but was ").append(valueOf).append(" at line ") .append(lineNumber).append(" column ").append(i3).append(" path ").append(path) .toString()); } this.zzcpK = 11; double parseDouble = Double.parseDouble(this.zzcpN); parseLong = (long) parseDouble; if (((double) parseLong) != parseDouble) { valueOf = this.zzcpN; lineNumber = getLineNumber(); i3 = getColumnNumber(); path = getPath(); throw new NumberFormatException( new StringBuilder((String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 69) + String.valueOf(path).length()) .append("Expected a long but was ").append(valueOf).append(" at line ") .append(lineNumber).append(" column ").append(i3).append(" path ").append(path) .toString()); } this.zzcpN = null; this.zzcpK = 0; iArr2 = this.zzcpR; i3 = this.zzcpP - 1; iArr2[i3] = iArr2[i3] + 1; return parseLong; } public String nextName() throws IOException { String zzacg; int i = this.zzcpK; if (i == 0) { i = zzacd(); } if (i == 14) { zzacg = zzacg(); } else if (i == 12) { zzacg = zzd('\''); } else if (i == 13) { zzacg = zzd('\"'); } else { String valueOf = String.valueOf(zzabQ()); int lineNumber = getLineNumber(); int columnNumber = getColumnNumber(); String path = getPath(); throw new IllegalStateException( new StringBuilder((String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 69) + String.valueOf(path).length()) .append("Expected a name but was ").append(valueOf).append(" at line ") .append(lineNumber).append(" column ").append(columnNumber).append(" path ") .append(path).toString()); } this.zzcpK = 0; this.zzcpQ[this.zzcpP - 1] = zzacg; return zzacg; } public void nextNull() throws IOException { int i = this.zzcpK; if (i == 0) { i = zzacd(); } if (i == 7) { this.zzcpK = 0; int[] iArr = this.zzcpR; int i2 = this.zzcpP - 1; iArr[i2] = iArr[i2] + 1; return; } String valueOf = String.valueOf(zzabQ()); int lineNumber = getLineNumber(); int columnNumber = getColumnNumber(); String path = getPath(); throw new IllegalStateException( new StringBuilder((String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 67) + String.valueOf(path).length()) .append("Expected null but was ").append(valueOf).append(" at line ").append(lineNumber) .append(" column ").append(columnNumber).append(" path ").append(path).toString()); } public String nextString() throws IOException { String zzacg; int lineNumber; int i = this.zzcpK; if (i == 0) { i = zzacd(); } if (i == 10) { zzacg = zzacg(); } else if (i == 8) { zzacg = zzd('\''); } else if (i == 9) { zzacg = zzd('\"'); } else if (i == 11) { zzacg = this.zzcpN; this.zzcpN = null; } else if (i == 15) { zzacg = Long.toString(this.zzcpL); } else if (i == 16) { zzacg = new String(this.zzcpH, this.pos, this.zzcpM); this.pos += this.zzcpM; } else { String valueOf = String.valueOf(zzabQ()); lineNumber = getLineNumber(); int columnNumber = getColumnNumber(); String path = getPath(); throw new IllegalStateException( new StringBuilder((String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 71) + String.valueOf(path).length()) .append("Expected a string but was ").append(valueOf).append(" at line ") .append(lineNumber).append(" column ").append(columnNumber).append(" path ") .append(path).toString()); } this.zzcpK = 0; int[] iArr = this.zzcpR; lineNumber = this.zzcpP - 1; iArr[lineNumber] = iArr[lineNumber] + 1; return zzacg; } public final void setLenient(boolean z) { this.zzcpG = z; } public void skipValue() throws IOException { int i = 0; do { int i2 = this.zzcpK; if (i2 == 0) { i2 = zzacd(); } if (i2 == 3) { zzqd(1); i++; } else if (i2 == 1) { zzqd(3); i++; } else if (i2 == 4) { this.zzcpP--; i--; } else if (i2 == 2) { this.zzcpP--; i--; } else if (i2 == 14 || i2 == 10) { zzach(); } else if (i2 == 8 || i2 == 12) { zze('\''); } else if (i2 == 9 || i2 == 13) { zze('\"'); } else if (i2 == 16) { this.pos += this.zzcpM; } this.zzcpK = 0; } while (i != 0); int[] iArr = this.zzcpR; int i3 = this.zzcpP - 1; iArr[i3] = iArr[i3] + 1; this.zzcpQ[this.zzcpP - 1] = "null"; } public String toString() { String valueOf = String.valueOf(getClass().getSimpleName()); int lineNumber = getLineNumber(); return new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 39).append(valueOf).append(" at line ") .append(lineNumber).append(" column ").append(getColumnNumber()).toString(); } public zzbtj zzabQ() throws IOException { int i = this.zzcpK; if (i == 0) { i = zzacd(); } switch (i) { case MessageApi.FILTER_PREFIX /*1*/: return zzbtj.BEGIN_OBJECT; case ChannelListener.CLOSE_REASON_REMOTE_CLOSE /*2*/: return zzbtj.END_OBJECT; case ChannelListener.CLOSE_REASON_LOCAL_CLOSE /*3*/: return zzbtj.BEGIN_ARRAY; case Dimension.UNIT_IN /*4*/: return zzbtj.END_ARRAY; case Dimension.UNIT_MM /*5*/: case BuyButtonText.LOGO_ONLY /*6*/: return zzbtj.BOOLEAN; case BuyButtonText.DONATE_WITH /*7*/: return zzbtj.NULL; case Requests.MAX_REQUEST_RECIPIENTS /*8*/: case GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_GAME_NOT_FOUND /*9*/: case ConnectionResult.DEVELOPER_ERROR /*10*/: case ConnectionResult.LICENSE_CHECK_FAILED /*11*/: return zzbtj.STRING; case C0397R.styleable.MapAttrs_uiZoomGestures /*12*/: case ConnectionResult.CANCELED /*13*/: case GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_INTERRUPTED /*14*/: return zzbtj.NAME; case GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_TIMEOUT /*15*/: case Notifications.NOTIFICATION_TYPE_LEVEL_UP /*16*/: return zzbtj.NUMBER; case ConnectionResult.SIGN_IN_FAILED /*17*/: return zzbtj.END_DOCUMENT; default: throw new AssertionError(); } } }