Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


* Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance  with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnore;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonProperty;
import org.joda.time.DateMidnight;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;

import com.pacoapp.paco.R;
import com.pacoapp.paco.shared.model2.Schedule;

public class SignalSchedule extends SignalingMechanism {

    public static final int SATURDAY = 64;
    public static final int FRIDAY = 32;
    public static final int THURSDAY = 16;
    public static final int WEDNESDAY = 8;
    public static final int TUESDAY = 4;
    public static final int MONDAY = 2;
    public static final int SUNDAY = 1;

    public static final int DAILY = 0;
    public static final int WEEKDAY = 1;
    public static final int WEEKLY = 2;
    public static final int MONTHLY = 3;
    public static final int ESM = 4;
    public static final int SELF_REPORT = 5;
    public static final int ADVANCED = 6;
    public static final int[] SCHEDULE_TYPES = new int[] { DAILY, WEEKDAY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, ESM, SELF_REPORT,
            ADVANCED };

    public static final int[] SCHEDULE_TYPES_NAMES = new int[] { R.string.daily_schedule_type,
            R.string.weekdays_schedule_type, R.string.weekly_schedule_type, R.string.monthly_schedule_type,
            R.string.random_sampling_esm_schedule_type, R.string.self_report_only_schedule_type,
            R.string.advanced_schedule_type };

    public static final String[] SCHEDULE_TYPES_NAMES_DATA_STRINGS = new String[] { "daily", "weekday", "weekly",
            "monthly", "esm", "self report", "advanced" };
    public static final int ESM_PERIOD_DAY = 0;
    public static final int ESM_PERIOD_WEEK = 1;
    public static final int ESM_PERIOD_MONTH = 2;

    public static final int DEFAULT_ESM_PERIOD = ESM_PERIOD_DAY;
    public static final int[] ESM_PERIODS_NAMES = new int[] { R.string.day_esm_period, R.string.week_esm_period,
            R.string.month_esm_period };
    public static final String[] ESM_PERIODS_NAMES_DATA_STRINGS = new String[] { "day", "week", "month" };
    public static final Integer DEFAULT_REPEAT_RATE = 1;
    public static final int[] DAYS_OF_WEEK = new int[] { SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY,
            SATURDAY };
    public static final String[] DAYS_SHORT_NAMES = new String[] { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri",
            "Sat" };
    public static int[] ESM_PERIODS = new int[] { ESM_PERIOD_DAY, ESM_PERIOD_WEEK, ESM_PERIOD_MONTH };

    private Long id;

    private Long serverId;

    private Integer scheduleType;
    private Integer esmFrequency = 3;
    private Integer esmPeriodInDays;
    private Long esmStartHour;
    private Long esmEndHour;
    /** timeout in minutes */
    private Integer timeout;

    private List<Long> times;
    private List<SignalTime> signalTimes;
    private Integer repeatRate = 1;
    private Integer weekDaysScheduled = 0;
    private Integer nthOfMonth = 1;
    private Boolean byDayOfMonth = Boolean.TRUE;
    private Integer dayOfMonth = 1;
    private long beginDate = new Date().getTime();
    private Boolean esmWeekends;
    private Boolean userEditable = Boolean.TRUE;
    private Boolean onlyEditableOnJoin;

     * @param id
     * @param scheduleType
     * @param byDayOfMonth
     * @param dayOfMonth
     * @param esmEndHour
     * @param esmFrequency
     * @param esmPeriodInDays
     * @param esmStartHour
     * @param esmWeekends TODO
     * @param nthOfMonth
     * @param repeatRate
     * @param times
     * @param weekDaysScheduled
     * @param beginDate TODO
     * @param userEditable TODO
     * @param snoozeCount TODO
     * @param snoozeTime TODO
     * @param onlyEditableOnJoin TODO
    public SignalSchedule(long id, Integer scheduleType, Boolean byDayOfMonth, Integer dayOfMonth, Long esmEndHour,
            Integer esmFrequency, Integer esmPeriodInDays, Long esmStartHour, Boolean esmWeekends,
            Integer nthOfMonth, Integer repeatRate, List<SignalTime> times, Integer weekDaysScheduled,
            Long beginDate, Boolean userEditable, Integer timeout, Integer snoozeCount, Integer snoozeTime,
            Boolean onlyEditableOnJoin) { = id;
        this.scheduleType = scheduleType;
        this.byDayOfMonth = byDayOfMonth;
        this.dayOfMonth = dayOfMonth;
        this.esmEndHour = esmEndHour;
        this.esmFrequency = esmFrequency;
        this.esmPeriodInDays = esmPeriodInDays;
        this.esmStartHour = esmStartHour;
        this.esmWeekends = esmWeekends;
        this.nthOfMonth = nthOfMonth;
        this.repeatRate = repeatRate;
        this.signalTimes = times;
        this.weekDaysScheduled = weekDaysScheduled;
        if (beginDate != null) {
            this.beginDate = beginDate;
        this.userEditable = userEditable;
        this.timeout = timeout;
        this.snoozeCount = snoozeCount;
        this.snoozeTime = snoozeTime;
        this.onlyEditableOnJoin = onlyEditableOnJoin;

    public SignalSchedule() {
        this.signalTimes = new ArrayList<SignalTime>();
        this.times = new ArrayList<Long>();

    public Integer getScheduleType() {
        return scheduleType;

    public void setScheduleType(Integer scheduleType) {
        this.scheduleType = scheduleType;

    public Integer getEsmFrequency() {
        return esmFrequency;

    public void setEsmFrequency(Integer esmFrequency) {
        this.esmFrequency = esmFrequency;

    public Integer getEsmPeriodInDays() {
        return esmPeriodInDays;

    public void setEsmPeriodInDays(Integer esmPeriodInDays) {
        this.esmPeriodInDays = esmPeriodInDays;

    public int convertEsmPeriodToDays() {
        switch (getEsmPeriodInDays()) {
        case ESM_PERIOD_DAY:
            return 1;
        case ESM_PERIOD_WEEK:
            return 7;
        case ESM_PERIOD_MONTH:
            return 30;
            return 1;


    public Long getEsmStartHour() {
        return esmStartHour;

    public void setEsmStartHour(Long esmStartHour) {
        this.esmStartHour = esmStartHour;

    public Long getEsmEndHour() {
        return esmEndHour;

    public void setEsmEndHour(Long esmEndHour) {
        this.esmEndHour = esmEndHour;

    public List<SignalTime> getSignalTimes() {
        return signalTimes;

    public void setSignalTimes(List<SignalTime> times) {
        this.signalTimes = times;

    public Integer getRepeatRate() {
        return repeatRate == null ? DEFAULT_REPEAT_RATE : repeatRate;

    public void setRepeatRate(Integer repeatRate) {
        this.repeatRate = repeatRate;

    public void setWeekDaysScheduled(Integer selected) {
        this.weekDaysScheduled = selected;

    public Integer getWeekDaysScheduled() {
        return weekDaysScheduled;

    public void addWeekDayToSchedule(Integer day) {
        weekDaysScheduled |= day;

    public void removeWeekDayFromSchedule(Integer day) {
        weekDaysScheduled &= (~day);

    // Visible for testing
    public void removeAllWeekDaysScheduled() {
        this.weekDaysScheduled = 0;

    public boolean isWeekDayScheduled(Integer day) {
        return (weekDaysScheduled & day) != 0;

    public Integer getNthOfMonth() {
        return nthOfMonth;

    public void setNthOfMonth(Integer nthOfMonth) {
        this.nthOfMonth = nthOfMonth;

    public Boolean getByDayOfMonth() {
        return byDayOfMonth;

    public Integer getDayOfMonth() {
        return dayOfMonth;

    public Boolean getByDayOfWeek() {
        return !byDayOfMonth;

    public void setByDayOfWeek(Boolean byDayOfWeek) {
        byDayOfMonth = !byDayOfWeek;

    public void setByDayOfMonth(Boolean byDayOfMonth) {
        this.byDayOfMonth = byDayOfMonth;

    public void setDayOfMonth(Integer dayOfMonth) {
        this.dayOfMonth = dayOfMonth;

    public void setId(Long id) { = id;

    public Long getId() {
        return id;

    public Long getServerId() {
        return serverId;

    public void setServerId(Long serverId) {
        this.serverId = serverId;

    public Long getBeginDate() {
        return beginDate;

    public void setBeginDate(Long beginDate) {
        this.beginDate = beginDate;

    public Boolean getEsmWeekends() {
        return esmWeekends;

    public void setEsmWeekends(Boolean weekends) {
        this.esmWeekends = weekends;

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
        appendKeyValue(buf, "type", SCHEDULE_TYPES_NAMES_DATA_STRINGS[scheduleType]);
        if (scheduleType == ESM) {
            appendKeyValue(buf, "frequency", esmFrequency.toString());
            appendKeyValue(buf, "esmPeriod", ESM_PERIODS_NAMES_DATA_STRINGS[esmPeriodInDays]);
            appendKeyValue(buf, "startHour", getHourOffsetAsTimeString(esmStartHour));
            appendKeyValue(buf, "endHour", getHourOffsetAsTimeString(esmEndHour));
            appendKeyValue(buf, "weekends", esmWeekends.toString());
        buf.append("times = [");
        boolean firstTime = true;
        for (SignalTime time : signalTimes) {
            if (firstTime) {
                firstTime = false;
            } else {
        appendKeyValue(buf, "repeatRate", repeatRate != null ? repeatRate.toString() : "");
        appendKeyValue(buf, "daysOfWeek", weekDaysScheduled != null ? stringNamesOf(weekDaysScheduled) : "");
        appendKeyValue(buf, "nthOfMonth", nthOfMonth != null ? nthOfMonth.toString() : "");
        appendKeyValue(buf, "byDayOfMonth", byDayOfMonth != null ? byDayOfMonth.toString() : "");
        appendKeyValue(buf, "dayOfMonth", dayOfMonth != null ? dayOfMonth.toString() : "");

        return buf.toString();

    private String stringNamesOf(Integer weekDaysScheduled2) {
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
        boolean first = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < Schedule.DAYS_OF_WEEK.length; i++) {
            if ((weekDaysScheduled & Schedule.DAYS_OF_WEEK[i]) == Schedule.DAYS_OF_WEEK[i]) {
                if (first) {
                    first = false;
                } else {
        return buf.toString();

    public String getHourOffsetAsTimeString(Long esmEndHour2) {
        DateTime endHour = new DateMidnight().toDateTime().plus(esmEndHour2);
        String endHourString = endHour.getHourOfDay() + ":" + pad(endHour.getMinuteOfHour());
        return endHourString;

    private String pad(int minuteOfHour) {
        if (minuteOfHour < 10) {
            return "0" + minuteOfHour;
        } else {
            return Integer.toString(minuteOfHour);

    private void appendKeyValue(StringBuilder buf, String key, String value) {
        buf.append(" = ");

    private void comma(StringBuilder buf) {

    public Boolean getUserEditable() {
        return userEditable;

    public void setUserEditable(Boolean userEditable) {
        this.userEditable = userEditable;

    public Integer getTimeout() {
        if (timeout == null) {
            return getOldDefaultTimeout();
        return timeout;

    private Integer getOldDefaultTimeout() {
        if (getScheduleType().equals(ESM)) {
            return 59;
        } else {
            return 479;

    public void setTimeout(Integer timeout) {
        this.timeout = timeout;

    public List<Long> getTimes() {
        return times;

    public void setTimes(List<Long> times) {
        this.times = times;

    public Boolean getOnlyEditableOnJoin() {
        return onlyEditableOnJoin;

    public void setOnlyEditableOnJoin(Boolean value) {
        this.onlyEditableOnJoin = value;

    public String getType() {
        return SIGNAL_SCHEDULE_TYPE;
