Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattDescriptor; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattService; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.util.Log; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; /** * A BLE protocol builder for simplifying the interactions with a BLE remote device. * <p/> * Example of usage: * <p/> * Create a flow: * <code> * flow = bleClient.createFlowFor(ADDRESS).addListener(listener) * .connect().lookupService(SERVICE_UUID); *; * </code> * <p/> * In the above BleFlowListener, make sure you do something useful: * <code> * listener = new BleFlowListener() { * * @Override public void onSuccess(BleFlow flow) { * printService(flow.getCurrentService()); * } * }; * </code> */ public class BleFlow { private enum Action { SCAN, CONNECT, LOOKUP_SRV, LOOKUP_CHARACT, READ_CHARACT, WRITE_CHARACT, LOOKUP_DESC, WRITE_DESC, ENABLE_NOTIF, DISABLE_NOTIF, DISCONNECT, COMMIT, CHANGE_MTU, START_TX, WRITE_STREAM, PICK_FIRST_DEVICE } private static String TAG = "BleFlow"; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static UUID BLE_CLIENT_CONFIG_CHARACTERISTIC = UUID.fromString("00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"); private static final BleFlowListener defaultListener = new BleFlowListener() { @Override public void onSuccess() { } @Override public void onNotification(UUID characteristic, int flags, byte[] value) { } @Override public void onCharacteristicRead(UUID characteristic, int flags, byte[] value) { } @Override public void onFailure(Exception error) { } @Override public void onDisconnect() { } @Override public void onConnect() { } @Override public void onNotificationSubscribed() { } @Override public void onNotificationUnsubscribed() { } @Override public void onServicesDiscovered() { } }; private final Context context; private final BleClient client; private final List<Action> actions; private final List<UUID> services; private final List<UUID> characteristics; private final List<UUID> descriptors; private final List<byte[]> values; private UUID[] scanServiceFilter; private BluetoothGattCharacteristic currentCharacteristic; private BluetoothGattService currentService; private BluetoothGattDescriptor currentDescriptor; private BleFlowListener listener; private int serviceIndex; private int characteristicIndex; private int valueIndex; private int actionIndex; private int descriptorIndex; private int timeout = -1; private String address; private AtomicBoolean flowEnded; private int mtu; private InputStream inputStream; private int maxNoDevices; private int currentBufferSize = 20; private BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { final String action = intent.getAction(); if (BleEvents.CHAR_CHANGED.equals(action)) { int flags = intent.getIntExtra(MyBleService.FLAGS, 0); byte[] data = intent.getByteArrayExtra(MyBleService.DATA); UUID characteristic = UUID.fromString(intent.getStringExtra(MyBleService.UUID)); listener.onNotification(characteristic, flags, data); return; } if (flowEnded.get() && (BleEvents.GATT_CONNECT_FAIL.equals(action) || BleEvents.GATT_DISCONNECT.equals(action))) { listener.onDisconnect(); return; } if (flowEnded.get()) { return; } if (BleEvents.BLE_SCAN_END.equals(action)) { nextAction(); } else if (BleEvents.BLE_DISABLED.equals(action)) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("BLE disabled")); flowEnded.set(true); } else if (BleEvents.GATT_CONNECT.equals(action)) { listener.onConnect(); nextAction(); } else if (BleEvents.GATT_CONNECT_FAIL.equals(action)) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("Cannot connect to " + address)); flowEnded.set(true); } else if (BleEvents.GATT_DISCONNECT.equals(action)) { nextAction(); } else if (BleEvents.GATT_DISCONNECT_FAIL.equals(action)) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("Could not disconnect from: " + address)); flowEnded.set(true); } else if (BleEvents.SERVICES_OK.equals(action)) { currentService = services.size() <= serviceIndex ? null : client.getService(address, services.get(serviceIndex++)); if (currentService == null) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("Service lookup failure at: " + address)); flowEnded.set(true); } else { listener.onServicesDiscovered(); nextAction(); } } else if (BleEvents.SERVICES_FAIL.equals(action)) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("Service lookup failure at: " + address)); flowEnded.set(true); } else if (BleEvents.START_TX_OK.equals(action)) { nextAction(); } else if (BleEvents.START_TX_FAIL.equals(action)) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("Start TX characteristic fail for: " + currentCharacteristic)); flowEnded.set(true); } else if (BleEvents.READ_CHAR_OK.equals(action)) { UUID characteristic = UUID.fromString(intent.getStringExtra(MyBleService.UUID)); int flags = intent.getIntExtra(MyBleService.FLAGS, 0); byte[] data = intent.getByteArrayExtra(MyBleService.DATA); listener.onCharacteristicRead(characteristic, flags, data); nextAction(); } else if (BleEvents.WRITE_CHAR_OK.equals(action)) { nextAction(); } else if (BleEvents.WRITE_CHAR_FAIL.equals(action)) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("Writing characteristic fail for: " + currentCharacteristic)); flowEnded.set(true); } else if (BleEvents.WRITE_DESC_OK.equals(action)) { nextAction(); } else if (BleEvents.WRITE_DESC_FAIL.equals(action)) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("Write desriptor fail for: " + currentDescriptor)); flowEnded.set(true); } else if (BleEvents.COMMIT_OK.equals(action)) { nextAction(); } else if (BleEvents.COMMIT_FAIL.equals(action)) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("Commit TX fail for: " + currentDescriptor)); flowEnded.set(true); } else if (BleEvents.MTU_CHANGE_OK.equals(action)) { currentBufferSize = mtu - 3; nextAction(); } else if (BleEvents.MTU_CHANGE_FAIL.equals(action)) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("Mtu change failed.")); flowEnded.set(true); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Event not mapped: " + action); } } }; private BleFlow(BleClient client, Context context, String address) { this.client = client; this.context = context; actions = new ArrayList<>(); services = new ArrayList<>(); characteristics = new ArrayList<>(); values = new ArrayList<>(); descriptors = new ArrayList<>(); this.address = address; listener = defaultListener; flowEnded = new AtomicBoolean(); flowEnded.set(true); maxNoDevices = MyBleService.MAX_NO_DEVICES; LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(context).registerReceiver(receiver, BleEvents.createIntentFilter(address)); } private void nextAction() { if (flowEnded.get()) { return; } if (actionIndex == actions.size()) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "no other action, success"); flowEnded.set(true); listener.onSuccess(); return; } Action action = actions.get(actionIndex++); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "current action: " + action); switch (action) { case SCAN: if (timeout > 0) { client.setMaxNoDevices(maxNoDevices); client.scanForDevices(scanServiceFilter, timeout); } else { listener.onFailure(new Exception("no scanning time set")); flowEnded.set(true); } break; case PICK_FIRST_DEVICE: address = client.getFirstDeviceAddress(); if (address == null) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("no device found")); flowEnded.set(true); } else { nextAction(); } break; case CONNECT: if (!client.connectToAddress(address)) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("cannot connect to: " + address)); flowEnded.set(true); } break; case DISCONNECT: client.disconnectDevice(address); break; case START_TX: client.startTransaction(address); break; case COMMIT: client.commit(address); break; case CHANGE_MTU: client.changeMtu(address, mtu); break; case LOOKUP_SRV: client.findServices(address); break; case LOOKUP_CHARACT: UUID charactId = characteristics.get(characteristicIndex++); currentCharacteristic = currentService != null ? currentService.getCharacteristic(charactId) : null; if (currentCharacteristic == null) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("No such charact.: " + charactId)); flowEnded.set(true); } else { nextAction(); } break; case READ_CHARACT: if (currentCharacteristic == null) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("Missing charact.")); flowEnded.set(true); } else { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Reading on characteristic " + currentCharacteristic.getUuid()); client.readValue(address, currentCharacteristic); } break; case WRITE_CHARACT: if (currentCharacteristic == null) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("Missing charact.")); flowEnded.set(true); } else { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Writing on characteristic " + currentCharacteristic.getUuid() + " the value " + Arrays.toString(values.get(valueIndex))); client.writeValue(address, currentCharacteristic, values.get(valueIndex++)); } break; case WRITE_STREAM: writeStream(); break; case LOOKUP_DESC: UUID descId = descriptors.get(descriptorIndex++); currentDescriptor = currentCharacteristic.getDescriptor(descId); if (currentDescriptor == null) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("No such descriptor: " + descId)); flowEnded.set(true); } else { nextAction(); } break; case WRITE_DESC: if (currentDescriptor == null) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("Missing descriptor.")); flowEnded.set(true); } else { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Writing on descriptor " + currentDescriptor.getUuid() + " the value " + Arrays.toString(values.get(valueIndex))); client.writeValue(address, currentDescriptor, values.get(valueIndex++)); } break; case ENABLE_NOTIF: if (currentCharacteristic == null) { listener.onFailure( new Exception("Failed to enable notifications " + " due to missing characteristic.")); flowEnded.set(true); } if (!client.enableNotifications(address, currentCharacteristic)) { listener.onFailure( new Exception("Failed to enable notifications on " + currentCharacteristic.getUuid())); flowEnded.set(true); } nextAction(); listener.onNotificationSubscribed(); break; case DISABLE_NOTIF: if (currentCharacteristic == null) { listener.onFailure( new Exception("Failed to disable notifications " + " due to missing characteristic.")); flowEnded.set(true); } if (!client.disableNotifications(address, currentCharacteristic)) { listener.onFailure( new Exception("Failed to disable notifications on " + currentCharacteristic.getUuid())); flowEnded.set(true); } nextAction(); listener.onNotificationUnsubscribed(); break; default: break; } } public BleFlow reset() { actions.clear(); services.clear(); characteristics.clear(); descriptors.clear(); values.clear(); serviceIndex = 0; characteristicIndex = 0; valueIndex = 0; actionIndex = 0; descriptorIndex = 0; currentCharacteristic = null; currentService = null; currentDescriptor = null; inputStream = null; timeout = -1; listener = defaultListener; maxNoDevices = MyBleService.MAX_NO_DEVICES; return this; } public BleFlow resetAndAddListener(BleFlowListener flowListener) { return this.reset().addListener(flowListener); } public static BleFlow getInstance(BleClient client, Context context, String address) { return new BleFlow(client, context, address); } public BleFlow addListener(BleFlowListener listener) { this.listener = listener; return this; } public BleFlow scan(int timeout) { actions.add(Action.SCAN); scanServiceFilter = null; this.timeout = timeout; return this; } public BleFlow scan(int timeout, int maxNoDevices) { actions.add(Action.SCAN); this.maxNoDevices = maxNoDevices; scanServiceFilter = null; this.timeout = timeout; return this; } public BleFlow scanFor(UUID[] services, int timeout) { actions.add(Action.SCAN); scanServiceFilter = services; this.timeout = timeout; return this; } public BleFlow scanFor(UUID[] services, int timeout, int maxNoDevices) { actions.add(Action.SCAN); this.maxNoDevices = maxNoDevices; scanServiceFilter = services; this.timeout = timeout; return this; } public BleFlow setAddress(String address) { this.address = address; return this; } public BleFlow setAddressToFirstFoundDevice() { actions.add(Action.PICK_FIRST_DEVICE); return this; } public BleFlow connect() { actions.add(Action.CONNECT); return this; } public BleFlow lookupService(UUID serviceUuid) { actions.add(Action.LOOKUP_SRV); services.add(serviceUuid); return this; } public BleFlow lookupCharacteristic(UUID characteristicUuid) { actions.add(Action.LOOKUP_CHARACT); characteristics.add(characteristicUuid); return this; } public BleFlow lookupDescriptor(UUID descriptorUuid) { actions.add(Action.LOOKUP_DESC); descriptors.add(descriptorUuid); return this; } public BleFlow read() { actions.add(Action.READ_CHARACT); return this; } public BleFlow write(byte[] value) { actions.add(Action.WRITE_CHARACT); values.add(value); return this; } public BleFlow enableNotification() { actions.add(Action.ENABLE_NOTIF); lookupDescriptor(BLE_CLIENT_CONFIG_CHARACTERISTIC); actions.add(Action.WRITE_DESC); values.add(BluetoothGattDescriptor.ENABLE_NOTIFICATION_VALUE); return this; } public BleFlow disableNotification() { actions.add(Action.DISABLE_NOTIF); lookupDescriptor(BLE_CLIENT_CONFIG_CHARACTERISTIC); actions.add(Action.WRITE_DESC); values.add(BluetoothGattDescriptor.DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_VALUE); return this; } public BleFlow beginTransaction() { actions.add(Action.START_TX); return this; } // TODO: If we need this, need to figure out how to make it work at API < 21 // // public BleFlow changeMessageTransferUnitSize(int mtu) { // actions.add(Action.CHANGE_MTU); // this.mtu = mtu; // return this; // } public BleFlow commit() { actions.add(Action.COMMIT); return this; } public BleFlow disconnect() { actions.add(Action.DISCONNECT); return this; } public static void run(BleFlow flow) {; } private void run() { Log.v(TAG, "executing actions: " + actions); Log.v(TAG, "services: " + services); Log.v(TAG, "characteristics: " + characteristics); Log.v(TAG, "descriptors: " + descriptors); Log.v(TAG, "values: " + Arrays.toString(values.toArray())); if (flowEnded.get()) { flowEnded.set(false); nextAction(); } } private BluetoothGattService getCurrentService() { return currentService; } public boolean isCharacteristicValid(UUID characteristic) { return currentService != null && currentService.getCharacteristic(characteristic) != null; } public BluetoothGattCharacteristic getCharacteristic(UUID serviceId, UUID charractId) { BluetoothGattService service = client.getService(address, serviceId); if (service == null) { return null; } return service.getCharacteristic(charractId); } void close() { LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(context).unregisterReceiver(receiver); } public BleFlow writeInputStream(InputStream stream) { actions.add(Action.WRITE_STREAM); this.inputStream = stream; return this; } private void writeStream() { byte[] buffer = new byte[currentBufferSize]; try { int read =; if (read <= 0) { nextAction(); return; } // we execute the same action again actionIndex--; if (read == buffer.length) { client.writeValue(address, currentCharacteristic, buffer); return; } byte[] smallerBuffer = new byte[read]; System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, smallerBuffer, 0, read); client.writeValue(address, currentCharacteristic, smallerBuffer); } catch (IOException e) { listener.onFailure(new Exception("Failed to read input stream.")); flowEnded.set(true); } } public String getAddress() { return address; } }