Java tutorial
/** * File Name : * Description : Used for view T_GCAT_SYNCLOGGER details * Author : Prakash.s * Date : mar 1, 2014 * Modification * Modified By : prakash.s * Description : * * Copyright (C) 2014 GNTS Technologies pvt. ltd. * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information * of GNTS Technologies pvt. ltd. * Version Date Modified By Remarks * */ package com.gnts.gcat.rpt; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.gnts.erputil.BASEConstants; import com.gnts.erputil.components.GERPAddEditHLayout; import com.gnts.erputil.components.GERPComboBox; import com.gnts.erputil.components.GERPFormLayout; import com.gnts.erputil.components.GERPPanelGenerator; import com.gnts.erputil.components.GERPPopupDateField; import com.gnts.erputil.exceptions.ERPException; import com.gnts.erputil.exceptions.ERPException.NoDataFoundException; import com.gnts.erputil.exceptions.ERPException.SaveException; import com.gnts.erputil.exceptions.ERPException.ValidationException; import com.gnts.erputil.helper.SpringContextHelper; import com.gnts.erputil.ui.BaseUI; import com.gnts.gcat.domain.mst.CompanyDevicesDM; import com.gnts.gcat.domain.rpt.SyncLoggerDM; import com.gnts.gcat.service.mst.CompanyDevicesService; import com.gnts.gcat.service.rpt.SyncLoggerService; import com.gnts.gcat.txn.RateSettings; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; import com.vaadin.ui.FormLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.PopupDateField; import com.vaadin.ui.Table.Align; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; public class SyncLogger extends BaseUI { private SyncLoggerService servicesyncLogger = (SyncLoggerService) SpringContextHelper.getBean("syncLogger"); private CompanyDevicesService servicecompanyDevice = (CompanyDevicesService) SpringContextHelper .getBean("gcatCompanyDevice"); // form layout for input controls private FormLayout flColumn1, flColumn2, flColumn3, flColumn4; // Parent layout for all the input controls private HorizontalLayout hlUserInputLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); // Search Control Layout private HorizontalLayout hlSearchLayout; // User Input Components private TextField tflicError, tfemailId, tflogMsg; private ComboBox cblogType, cbcode, cbstatus, cbemailStatus, cbSerDev, cbSearStatus, cbsearLogType; private BeanContainer<String, CompanyDevicesDM> codeList = null; private PopupDateField dflogDate; // Bean Container private BeanItemContainer<SyncLoggerDM> beanSyncLoggerDM = null; // Local variables private Long companyid; private String username; private int recordCnt = 0; private Long userId; // Initialize logger private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RateSettings.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // Constructor public SyncLogger() { // Get the logged in user name and company id from the session username = UI.getCurrent().getSession().getAttribute("loginUserName").toString(); companyid = Long.valueOf(UI.getCurrent().getSession().getAttribute("loginCompanyId").toString());"Company ID : " + companyid + " | User Name : " + username + " > " + "Inside EmailLogger() constructor"); // Loading the UI buildview(); } // Build the UI components private void buildview() { "Company ID : " + companyid + " | User Name : " + username + " > " + "Painting Email logger UI"); // Client text box btnAdd.setVisible(false); btnAuditRecords.setVisible(false); btnEdit.setCaption("View"); btnEdit.setStyleName("view"); tfemailId = new TextField("Email Id"); tfemailId.setReadOnly(false); // RAte Changing text box tflicError = new TextField("License Error"); tflicError.setReadOnly(false); // product combo box tflogMsg = new TextField("Log Message"); tflogMsg.setReadOnly(false); cbsearLogType = new ComboBox("Log Type"); cbsearLogType.addItem("SYNC"); cbsearLogType.addItem("ERR"); cbsearLogType.addItem("EMAIL"); // productcombo box for search cbSearStatus = new GERPComboBox("Sync Status"); cbSearStatus.addItem("Success"); cbSearStatus.addItem("Failed"); cbstatus = new GERPComboBox("Sync Status"); cbstatus.addItem("Success"); cbstatus.addItem("Failed"); cbstatus.setReadOnly(false); cblogType = new GERPComboBox("Log Type"); cblogType.addItem("SYNC"); cblogType.addItem("ERR"); cblogType.addItem("EMAIL"); cblogType.setReadOnly(false); // client TExt for Search cbcode = new GERPComboBox("Device Code"); cbcode.setItemCaptionPropertyId("deviceCode"); loaddevice(); cbSerDev = new GERPComboBox("Device Code"); cbSerDev.setItemCaptionPropertyId("deviceCode"); loaddevice(); cbemailStatus = new GERPComboBox("Email Status"); cbemailStatus.addItem("Delivered"); cbemailStatus.addItem("Failed"); cbemailStatus.setReadOnly(false); // Change start date dflogDate = new GERPPopupDateField("Log Date"); dflogDate.setInputPrompt("Select Date"); dflogDate.setReadOnly(false); // build search layout hlSearchLayout = new GERPAddEditHLayout(); assembleSearchLayout(); hlSrchContainer.addComponent(GERPPanelGenerator.createPanel(hlSearchLayout)); //assembleSearchLayout(); resetFields(); loadSrchRslt(); } private void assembleSearchLayout() { "Company ID : " + companyid + " | User Name : " + username + " > " + "Assembling search layout"); // Remove all components in User Input Layout hlSearchLayout.removeAllComponents(); hlSearchLayout.setMargin(true); // Add components for Search Layout flColumn1 = new GERPFormLayout(); flColumn2 = new GERPFormLayout(); flColumn3 = new GERPFormLayout(); flColumn1.addComponent(cbsearLogType); flColumn2.addComponent(cbSerDev); flColumn3.addComponent(cbSearStatus); hlSearchLayout.addComponent(flColumn1); hlSearchLayout.addComponent(flColumn2); hlSearchLayout.addComponent(flColumn3); hlSearchLayout.setSizeUndefined(); } protected void assembleUserInputLayout() {"Company ID : " + companyid + " | User Name : " + username + " > " + "Assembling User Input layout"); btnSave.setVisible(false); // Remove all components in Search Layout hlUserInputLayout.removeAllComponents(); hlUserInputLayout.setMargin(true); // Add components for User Input Layout flColumn1 = new GERPFormLayout(); flColumn2 = new GERPFormLayout(); flColumn3 = new GERPFormLayout(); flColumn4 = new GERPFormLayout(); flColumn1.addComponent(cblogType); flColumn1.addComponent(dflogDate); flColumn2.addComponent(cbcode); flColumn2.addComponent(tflicError); flColumn3.addComponent(tflogMsg); flColumn3.addComponent(tfemailId); flColumn4.addComponent(cbemailStatus); flColumn4.addComponent(cbstatus); hlUserInputLayout.addComponent(flColumn1); hlUserInputLayout.addComponent(flColumn2); hlUserInputLayout.addComponent(flColumn3); hlUserInputLayout.addComponent(flColumn4); hlUserInputLayout.setSpacing(true); } private void viewLogger() { Item rowSelected = tblMstScrSrchRslt.getItem(tblMstScrSrchRslt.getValue()); if (rowSelected != null) { SyncLoggerDM enqdtl = beanSyncLoggerDM.getItem(tblMstScrSrchRslt.getValue()).getBean(); setReadOnlyFalseFields(); cblogType.setValue(enqdtl.getLogType()); //cblogType.setReadOnly(true); cbcode.setValue(enqdtl.getDeviceCode()); dflogDate.setValue(enqdtl.getLogDate()); tflicError.setValue(enqdtl.getLicenseError()); tflogMsg.setValue(enqdtl.getLogMessage()); tfemailId.setValue(enqdtl.getEmailId()); cbemailStatus.setValue(enqdtl.getEmailStatus()); cbstatus.setValue(enqdtl.getSyncStatus()); setReadOnlyTrueFields(); } } public void setReadOnlyFalseFields() { cbcode.setReadOnly(false); cblogType.setReadOnly(false); cbstatus.setReadOnly(false); tfemailId.setReadOnly(false); tflicError.setReadOnly(false); tflogMsg.setReadOnly(false); cbemailStatus.setReadOnly(false); dflogDate.setReadOnly(false); } public void setReadOnlyTrueFields() { cbcode.setReadOnly(true); cblogType.setReadOnly(true); cbstatus.setReadOnly(true); tfemailId.setReadOnly(true); tflicError.setReadOnly(true); tflogMsg.setReadOnly(true); cbstatus.setReadOnly(true); cbemailStatus.setReadOnly(true); dflogDate.setReadOnly(true); } // get the search result from DB based on the search SyngLogger public void loadSrchRslt() {"Company ID : " + companyid + " | User Name : " + username + " > " + "Loading Search..."); tblMstScrSrchRslt.setSelectable(true); tblMstScrSrchRslt.removeAllItems(); tblMstScrSrchRslt.setVisible(true); String logmsg = null; if (cbsearLogType.getValue() != null) { logmsg = ((String) cbsearLogType.getValue()); } List<SyncLoggerDM> synchLoggerList = new ArrayList<SyncLoggerDM>(); synchLoggerList = servicesyncLogger.getSyncLoggerList(null, logmsg, (String) cbSerDev.getValue(), (String) cbSearStatus.getValue(), "F"); recordCnt = synchLoggerList.size(); beanSyncLoggerDM = new BeanItemContainer<SyncLoggerDM>(SyncLoggerDM.class); beanSyncLoggerDM.addAll(synchLoggerList);"Company ID : " + companyid + " | User Name : " + username + " > " + "Got the Ratesetting. result set"); tblMstScrSrchRslt.setContainerDataSource(beanSyncLoggerDM); tblMstScrSrchRslt.setVisibleColumns(new Object[] { "logId", "logType", "deviceCode", "licenseError", "syncStatus", "emailId", "emailStatus" }); tblMstScrSrchRslt.setColumnHeaders(new String[] { "Ref.Id", "Log Type", "Device code", "License Error", "Sync Status", "Email Id", "Email Status" }); tblMstScrSrchRslt.setColumnAlignment("logId", Align.RIGHT); tblMstScrSrchRslt.setColumnFooter("logMessage", "No.of Records : " + recordCnt); System.out.println("Records" + recordCnt); } private void loaddevice() { try { List<CompanyDevicesDM> devicelist = servicecompanyDevice.getCompanyDevicesList(null, null, null, null, null, "Active", null); codeList = new BeanContainer<String, CompanyDevicesDM>(CompanyDevicesDM.class); codeList.setBeanIdProperty("deviceCode"); codeList.addAll(devicelist); cbSerDev.setContainerDataSource(codeList); cbcode.setContainerDataSource(codeList); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("fn_loadProductList_Exception Caught->" + e); } } @Override protected void searchDetails() throws NoDataFoundException {"Company ID : " + companyid + " | User Name : " + username + " > " + " Invoking search"); hlUserInputLayout.removeAllComponents(); loadSrchRslt(); if (recordCnt == 0) {"Company ID : " + companyid + " | User Name : " + username + " > " + "No data for the search. throwing ERPException.NoDataFoundException"); throw new ERPException.NoDataFoundException(); } else { lblNotification.setIcon(null); lblNotification.setCaption(""); assembleSearchLayout(); } } @Override protected void resetSearchDetails() {"Company ID : " + companyid + " | User Name : " + username + " > " + "Resetting search fields and reloading the result"); // reset the field valued to default cbsearLogType.setValue(null); cbsearLogType.setComponentError(null); cbSerDev.setValue(null); cbSerDev.setComponentError(null); cbSearStatus.setValue(null); cbSearStatus.setComponentError(null); lblNotification.setIcon(null); lblNotification.setCaption(""); // reload the search using the defaults loadSrchRslt(); } @Override protected void addDetails() {"Company ID : " + companyid + " | User Name : " + username + " > " + "Adding new record..."); hlUserInputLayout.removeAllComponents(); // remove the components in the search layout and input controls in the same container hlSearchLayout.removeAllComponents(); assembleUserInputLayout(); hlUserIPContainer.addComponent(GERPPanelGenerator.createPanel(hlUserInputLayout)); hlUserInputLayout.setSpacing(true); // reset the input controls to default value resetFields(); } @Override protected void editDetails() {"Company ID : " + companyid + " | User Name : " + username + " > " + "Adding new record..."); hlUserInputLayout.removeAllComponents(); // remove the components in the search layout and input controls in the same container hlUserIPContainer.removeAllComponents(); hlUserIPContainer.addComponent(GERPPanelGenerator.createPanel(hlUserInputLayout)); hlUserInputLayout.setSpacing(true); hlUserInputLayout.setSizeUndefined(); // reset the input controls to default value resetFields(); assembleUserInputLayout(); viewLogger(); } @Override protected void validateDetails() throws ValidationException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override protected void saveDetails() throws SaveException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override protected void showAuditDetails() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override protected void cancelDetails() {"Company ID : " + companyid + " | User Name : " + username + " > " + "Canceling action "); assembleSearchLayout(); resetFields(); } @Override protected void resetFields() { "Company ID : " + companyid + " | User Name : " + username + " > " + "Resetting the UI controls"); setReadOnlyFalseFields(); tflogMsg.setValue(""); dflogDate.setValue(null); tflicError.setValue(""); tfemailId.setValue(null); cbcode.setValue(null); // cbemailStatus.setValue(null); cblogType.setValue(null); cbstatus.setValue(null); setReadOnlyTrueFields(); } }