Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.gnapse.common.inflector; import static com.gnapse.common.inflector.Rule.disjunction; import static com.gnapse.common.inflector.Rule.toBiMap; import static com.gnapse.common.inflector.Rule.toMap; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; /** * Provides default inflectors implementing {@linkplain PluralInflector plural} and * {@linkplain SingularInflector singular} inflection rules in the English language. It also * provides some static utility methods to work with {@link Inflector} instances. * * @author Ernesto Garca */ @Beta public final class Inflectors { private static PluralInflector pluralInflector; private static SingularInflector singularInflector; /** * Private constructor to prevent instantiation. */ private Inflectors() { } /** * The identity {@code Inflector}, one that returns input words unmodified. */ public static final Inflector IDENTITY = new Inflector() { @Override public String apply(String input) { return input; } }; /** * Returns the default {@linkplain PluralInflector English plural inflector}. */ public static RuleBasedInflector getPluralInflector() { if (pluralInflector == null) { pluralInflector = new PluralInflector(); } return pluralInflector; } /** * Returns the default {@linkplain SingularInflector English singular inflector}. */ public static RuleBasedInflector getSingularInflector() { if (singularInflector == null) { singularInflector = new SingularInflector(); } return singularInflector; } /** * Returns the plural form of the given word, using the default * {@linkplain #getPluralInflector() English plural inflector}. * * @param word the word to convert to its plural form * @return the plural form of the specified word */ public static String pluralOf(String word) { return getPluralInflector().apply(word); } /** * Returns the singular form of the given word, using the default * {@linkplain #getSingularInflector() English singular inflector}. * * @param word the word to convert to its singular form * @return the singular form of the specified word */ public static String singularOf(String word) { return getSingularInflector().apply(word); } /** * Returns an {@code Inflector} that inflects words using the given {@link Function}. If the * function is already an {@code Inflector}, then this method simply performs a typecast and * returns the specified function {@code fn} unmodified. Otherwise, it returns an inflector * instance that merely wraps {@code fn}'s {@link Function#apply(Object) apply} method. * * @param fn the function to return as an {@code Inflector}. * @return an {@code Inflector} acting as the specified function, or the function itself if it * is already an {@code Inflector} */ public static Inflector forFunction(final Function<String, String> fn) { checkNotNull(fn); if (fn instanceof Inflector) { return (Inflector) fn; } else { return new Inflector() { @Override public String apply(String input) { return fn.apply(input); } }; } } /** * Inflects all words in the given list, using the specified {@code Inflector}. * * @param inflector the inflector to use to inflect words * @param words the list of words to inflect * @return a new list containing the resulting inflected words */ public static List<String> inflectAll(Inflector inflector, Iterable<String> words) { final List<String> result = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(Iterables.size(words)); for (String word : words) { result.add(inflector.apply(word)); } return result; } /** * Equivalent to {@link #inflectAll(Inflector, Iterable)}. */ public static List<String> inflectAll(Inflector inflector, String... words) { return inflectAll(inflector, Arrays.asList(words)); } /** * Creates and returns a new {@linkplain Map map} with all the given words as keys mapped to * their inflected form, using the specified {@code Inflector}. * * @param inflector the inflector used to inflect words * @param words the list of words to inflect * @return a new map containing all the given words as keys mapped to their inflected form */ public static Map<String, String> inflectionMap(Inflector inflector, Iterable<String> words) { final Map<String, String> result = Maps.newHashMap(); for (String word : words) { result.put(word, inflector.apply(word)); } return result; } /** * Equivalent to {@link #inflectionMap(Inflector, Iterable)}. */ public static Map<String, String> inflectionMap(Inflector inflector, String... words) { return inflectionMap(inflector, Arrays.asList(words)); } // // Implementations of plural and singular inflections in the English language // /** * An {@link Inflector} implementing plural inflection rules in the English language. */ public static class PluralInflector extends RuleBasedInflector { /** * Creates a new plural inflector with the default set of rules. */ public PluralInflector() { super(); rules.addAll(RULES); } /** * Rules based on <a href=""> * Conway's algorithm</a>. Step numbers below are references to the steps in that * algorithm. * * @see <a href="">Conway's * algorithm</a> */ private final List<Rule> RULES = Arrays.asList(new Rule[] { /* * Uninflected words [Step 2] */ Rule.IDENTITY.onlyForWords(InflectionData.UNINFLECTED_WORDS), Rule.IDENTITY.onlyForWords(InflectionData.UNINFLECTED_S_WORDS), Rule.IDENTITY.forWordsEndingWith(InflectionData.UNINFLECTED_SUFFIXES_REGEX), /* * Turns "degree Fahrenheit" to "degrees Fahrenheit" */ Rule.inflectPattern("(?i)^(degree)((\\s|-).*)$", "$1s$2"), /* * Phrases like "kilogram of salt" => "kilograms of salt" [Step 12] */ Rule.inflectPattern(InflectionData.PREPOSITIONS_REGEX, new Function<Matcher, String>() { @Override public String apply(Matcher matcher) { return PluralInflector.this.apply( + +; } }), /* * Phrases ending with a sub-phrase in parenthesis. */ Rule.inflectPattern("(?i)^(.*)(\\s*\\(.*\\))\\s*$", new Function<Matcher, String>() { @Override public String apply(Matcher matcher) { return PluralInflector.this.apply( +; } }), /* * Pronouns and irregular nouns [Steps 3 and 4] */ Rule.irregulars(InflectionData.PLURAL_PRONOUNS), Rule.irregulars(InflectionData.IRREGULAR_NOUNS), /* * Families of irregular plurals for common suffixes [Step 5] */ Rule.inflectPattern("(?i)^([lm])ouse$", "$1ice"), Rule.inflectSuffix("foot", "feet"), Rule.inflectSuffix("goose", "geese"), Rule.inflectSuffix("tooth", "teeth"), Rule.inflectSuffix("zoon", "zoa"), Rule.inflectSuffix("man", "men").exceptForWords(InflectionData.PLURAL_MAN_MANS_RULE), Rule.inflectSuffix("sis", "ses").onlyForWords(InflectionData.PLURAL_SIS_SES_RULE), Rule.inflectSuffix("is", "es").forWordsEndingWith("[cx]is"), /* * Assimilated irregular plurals [Step 6] */ Rule.inflectSuffix("ex", "ices").onlyForWords(InflectionData.PLURAL_EX_ICES_RULE), Rule.inflectSuffix("ix", "ices").onlyForWords(InflectionData.PLURAL_IX_ICES_RULE), Rule.inflectSuffix("um", "a").onlyForWords(InflectionData.PLURAL_UM_A_RULE), Rule.inflectSuffix("us", "i").onlyForWords(InflectionData.PLURAL_US_I_RULE), Rule.inflectSuffix("on", "a").onlyForWords(InflectionData.PLURAL_ON_A_RULE), Rule.inflectSuffix("a", "ae").onlyForWords(InflectionData.PLURAL_A_AE_RULE), /* * Classical variants of modern inflections [Step 7] */ Rule.inflectSuffix("trix", "trices"), Rule.inflectSuffix("eau", "eaux"), Rule.inflectSuffix("ieu", "ieux"), Rule.inflectSuffix("nx", "nges").forWordsEndingWith("[iay]nx"), // TODO: Some more categories still missing here (see algorithm webpage) /* * Suffixes -ch, -sh, and -ss all take -es in the plural [Step 8] */ Rule.inflectSuffix("h", "hes").forWordsEndingWith("[cs]h"), Rule.inflectSuffix("ss", "sses"), Rule.inflectSuffix("x", "xes"), Rule.inflectSuffix("z", "zes"), /* * Certain words ending in -f or -fe take -ves in the plural [Step 9] */ Rule.inflectSuffix("f", "ves").forWordsEndingWith("([aeo]lf|[^d]eaf|arf|loaf)"), Rule.inflectSuffix("fe", "ves").forWordsEndingWith("[lnw]ife"), /* * Nouns ending with "-y" [Step 10] */ Rule.inflectSuffix("y", "ys").forWordsEndingWith("[aeiou]y"), Rule.inflectSuffix("y", "ies").exceptForWords(InflectionData.PLURAL_Y_YS_RULE), /* * Nouns ending with "-o" [Step 11] */ Rule.inflectSuffix("o", "os").onlyForWords(InflectionData.PLURAL_O_OS_RULE), Rule.inflectSuffix("o", "os").forWordsEndingWith("[aeiou]o"), Rule.inflectSuffix("o", "oes"), /* * Default rule [Step 13] */ Rule.inflectSuffix("", "s"), }); } // PluralInflector /** * An {@link Inflector} implementing singular inflection rules in the English language. */ public static class SingularInflector extends RuleBasedInflector { /** * Creates a new singular inflector with the default set of rules. */ public SingularInflector() { super(); rules.addAll(RULES); } /** * Rules based on <a href=""> * Conway's algorithm</a>. Step numbers below are references to the steps in that * algorithm. In addition to reversing the rules for the singular, the order of steps also * changes. * * @see <a href="">Conway's * algorithm</a> */ private final List<Rule> RULES = Arrays.asList(new Rule[] { /* * Uninflected words [Step 2] */ Rule.IDENTITY.onlyForWords(InflectionData.UNINFLECTED_WORDS), Rule.IDENTITY.onlyForWords(InflectionData.UNINFLECTED_S_WORDS), Rule.IDENTITY.forWordsEndingWith(InflectionData.UNINFLECTED_SUFFIXES_REGEX), /* * Turns "degrees Fahrenheit" to "degree Fahrenheit" */ Rule.inflectPattern("^(?i)(degree)s((\\s|-).*)$", "$1$2"), /* * Phrases like "kilograms of salt" => "kilogram of salt" [Step 12] */ Rule.inflectPattern(InflectionData.PREPOSITIONS_REGEX, new Function<Matcher, String>() { @Override public String apply(Matcher matcher) { return SingularInflector.this.apply( + +; } }), /* * Phrases ending with a sub-phrase in parenthesis. */ Rule.inflectPattern("(?i)^(.*)(\\s*\\(.*\\))\\s*$", new Function<Matcher, String>() { @Override public String apply(Matcher matcher) { return SingularInflector.this.apply( +; } }), /* * Pronouns and irregular nouns [Steps 3 and 4] */ Rule.irregulars(InflectionData.SINGULAR_PRONOUNS), Rule.irregulars(InflectionData.IRREGULAR_NOUNS.inverse()), /* * Classical variants of modern inflections [Step 7] */ Rule.inflectSuffix("trices", "trix"), Rule.inflectSuffix("eaux", "eau"), Rule.inflectSuffix("ieux", "ieu"), Rule.inflectSuffix("nges", "nx").forWordsEndingWith("[iay]nges"), // TODO: Some more categories still missing here (see algorithm webpage) /* * Suffixes -ch, -sh, and -ss all take -es in the plural [Step 8] */ Rule.inflectSuffix("hes", "h").forWordsEndingWith("[cs]hes"), Rule.inflectSuffix("sses", "ss"), Rule.inflectSuffix("xes", "x"), Rule.inflectSuffix("zes", "z"), /* * Assimilated irregular plurals [Step 6] */ Rule.inflectSuffix("ices", "ex").onlyForWords(InflectionData.SINGULAR_ICES_EX_RULE), Rule.inflectSuffix("ices", "ix").onlyForWords(InflectionData.SINGULAR_ICES_IX_RULE), Rule.inflectSuffix("a", "um").onlyForWords(InflectionData.SINGULAR_A_UM_RULE), Rule.inflectSuffix("i", "us").onlyForWords(InflectionData.SINGULAR_I_US_RULE), Rule.inflectSuffix("a", "on").onlyForWords(InflectionData.SINGULAR_A_ON_RULE), Rule.inflectSuffix("ae", "a").onlyForWords(InflectionData.SINGULAR_AE_A_RULE), /* * Certain words ending in -f or -fe take -ves in the plural [Step 9] */ Rule.inflectSuffix("ves", "f").forWordsEndingWith("([aeo]lves|[^d]eaves|arves|loaves)"), Rule.inflectSuffix("ves", "fe").forWordsEndingWith("[lnw]ives"), /* * Families of irregular plurals for common suffixes [Step 5] */ Rule.inflectPattern("(?i)^([ml])ice$", "$1ouse"), Rule.inflectSuffix("feet", "foot"), Rule.inflectSuffix("geese", "goose"), Rule.inflectSuffix("teeth", "tooth"), Rule.inflectSuffix("zoa", "zoon"), Rule.inflectSuffix("men", "man").exceptForWords(InflectionData.SINGULAR_MANS_MAN_RULE), Rule.inflectSuffix("ses", "sis").onlyForWords(InflectionData.SINGULAR_SES_SIS_RULE), Rule.inflectSuffix("es", "is").forWordsEndingWith("[cx]es"), /* * Nouns ending with "-y" [Step 10] */ Rule.inflectSuffix("ys", "y").forWordsEndingWith("[aeiou]ys"), Rule.inflectSuffix("ies", "y"), /* * Nouns ending with "-o" [Step 11] */ Rule.inflectSuffix("os", "o").onlyForWords(InflectionData.SINGULAR_OS_O_RULE), Rule.inflectSuffix("os", "o").forWordsEndingWith("[aeiou]os"), Rule.inflectSuffix("oes", "o"), /* * Default rule [Step 13] */ Rule.inflectSuffix("s", ""), }); } // SingularInflector /** * Internal class acting as a namespace or container of data used to define plural and singular * inflection rules in the English language. */ private static final class InflectionData { private InflectionData() { } /** * Words with these suffixes will not be inflected. */ private static final String UNINFLECTED_SUFFIXES_REGEX = disjunction(new String[] { "ceps", "craft", "deer", "fish", "itis", "measles", "ois", "pox", "sheep", "[nrlm]ese", }); /** * Words listed here will not be inflected */ private static final List<String> UNINFLECTED_WORDS = Arrays.asList(new String[] { // Fish and herd animals "bison", "bream", "carp", "cod", "flounder", "mackerel", "moose", "pike", "salmon", "swine", "tuna", "trout", "whiting", // Nationals ending in -ese "amoyese", "borghese", "congoese", "faroese", "foochowese", "genevese", "genoese", "gilbertese", "hottentotese", "kiplingese", "kongoese", "lucchese", "maltese", "nankingese", "niasese", "pekingese", "piedmontese", "pistoiese", "portuguese", "sarawakese", "shavese", "vermontese", "wenchowese", "yengeese", // Other oddities "djinn", // Pairs or groups subsumed to a singular "breeches", "britches", "clippers", "gallows", "herpes", "hijinks", "headquarters", "pincers", "pliers", "proceedings", "scissors", "shears", "trousers", // Unassimilated Latin 4th declension "cantus", "coitus", "nexus", // Recent imports "contretemps", "corps", "debris", "siemens", // Diseases "diabetes", "mumps", // Others "chassis", "innings", "jackanapes", "news", "mews", "rabies", "series", "species", }); /** * Prepositions. Useful to pluralize "door across the street" as "doors across the street"; * or "pound of salt" as "pounds of salt". */ private static final List<String> PREPOSITIONS = Arrays .asList(new String[] { "about", "above", "across", "after", "among", "around", "at", "athwart", "before", "behind", "below", "beneath", "beside", "besides", "between", "betwixt", "beyond", "but", "by", "during", "except", "for", "from", "in", "into", "near", "of", "off", "on", "onto", "out", "over", "since", "till", "to", "under", "until", "unto", "upon", "with", }); /** * A regular expression to recognize phrases with prepositions. */ private static final String PREPOSITIONS_REGEX = disjunction("(?i)^(.+)((?:\\s|-)(?:%s)(?:\\s|-))(.+)$", PREPOSITIONS); /** * Mapping of singular to plural pronouns. */ private static final Map<String, String> PLURAL_PRONOUNS = toMap(new String[][] { // nominative { "i", "we" }, { "you", "you" }, { "she", "they" }, { "he", "they" }, { "it", "they" }, { "they", "they" }, // reflexive { "myself", "ourselves" }, { "yourself", "yourselves" }, { "herself", "themselves" }, { "himself", "themselves" }, { "itself", "themselves" }, { "themself", "themselves" }, // possessive { "mine", "ours" }, { "yours", "yours" }, { "hers", "theirs" }, { "his", "theirs" }, { "its", "theirs" }, { "theirs", "theirs" }, }); /** * Mapping of plural to singular pronouns. */ private static final BiMap<String, String> SINGULAR_PRONOUNS = toBiMap(new String[][] { // nominative { "we", "i" }, { "you", "you" }, { "they", "they" }, // reflexive { "ourselves", "myself" }, { "yourselves", "yourself" }, { "themselves", "themself" }, // possessive { "ours", "mine" }, { "yours", "yours" }, { "theirs", "theirs" }, }); /** * Mapping of irregular nouns not covered by any other special rule. */ private static final BiMap<String, String> IRREGULAR_NOUNS = toBiMap(new String[][] { { "child", "children" }, { "person", "people" }, { "money", "monies" }, { "mongoose", "mongooses" }, { "ox", "oxen" }, { "soliloquy", "soliloquies" }, { "graffito", "graffiti" }, { "genie", "genies" }, { "trilby", "trilbys" }, { "numen", "numina" }, { "atman", "atmas" }, { "quiz", "quizzes" }, // Words ending in -s { "octopus", "octopuses" }, { "corpus", "corpuses" }, { "opus", "opuses" }, { "genus", "genera" }, { "mythos", "mythoi" }, { "penis", "penises" }, { "testis", "testes" }, { "atlas", "atlases" }, { "alias", "aliases" }, { "cloth", "cloths" }, }); /** * Nouns ending in -man that are NOT pluralized as -men. */ private static final List<String> PLURAL_MAN_MANS_RULE = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "human", "alabaman", "bahaman", "burman", "german", "hiroshiman", "liman", "nakayaman", "oklahoman", "panaman", "selman", "sonaman", "tacoman", "yakiman", "yokohaman", "yuman", }); /** * Nouns ending in {@code -ex} with plural ending in {@code -ices}. */ private static final List<String> PLURAL_EX_ICES_RULE = Arrays .asList(new String[] { "codex", "murex", "silex", }); /** * Nouns ending in {@code -ix} with plural ending in {@code -ices}. */ private static final List<String> PLURAL_IX_ICES_RULE = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "helix", "radix", }); /** * Nouns ending in {@code -um} with plural ending in {@code -a}. */ private static final List<String> PLURAL_UM_A_RULE = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "agendum", "bacterium", "candelabrum", "datum", "desideratum", "erratum", "extremum", "ovum", "stratum", }); /** * Nouns ending in {@code -us} with plural ending in {@code -i}. */ private static final List<String> PLURAL_US_I_RULE = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "alumnus", "alveolus", "bacillus", "bronchus", "gladiolus", "locus", "meniscus", "nucleus", "stimulus", }); /** * Nouns ending in {@code -on} with plural ending in {@code -a}. */ private static final List<String> PLURAL_ON_A_RULE = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "aphelion", "asyndeton", "criterion", "hyperbaton", "noumenon", "organon", "perihelion", "phenomenon", "prolegomenon", }); /** * Nouns ending in {@code -a} with plural ending in {@code -ae}. */ private static final List<String> PLURAL_A_AE_RULE = Arrays .asList(new String[] { "alga", "alumna", "persona", "vertebra", }); /** * Nouns ending in {@code -sis} with plural ending in {@code -ses}. */ private static final List<String> PLURAL_SIS_SES_RULE = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "analysis", "basis", "diagnosis", "parenthesis", "prognosis", "synopsis", "thesis", "synthesis", "crisis", }); /** * Nouns ending in {@code -o} preceded with a consonant, and having a plural ending in * {@code -os}. */ private static final List<String> PLURAL_O_OS_RULE = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "albino", "alto", "archipelago", "armadillo", "auto", "basso", "canto", "casino", "commando", "contralto", "crescendo", "ditto", "dynamo", "embryo", "escudo", "euro", "fiasco", "generalissimo", "ghetto", "guano", "homo", "inferno", "jumbo", "kimono", "lingo", "lumbago", "macro", "magneto", "manifesto", "medico", "octavo", "peso", "photo", "piano", "portico", "pro", "quarto", "rhino", "solo", "soprano", "stylo", "tempo", "virtuoso", "zero", }); /** * Nouns ending in {@code -y} preceded with a consonant, and having a plural ending in * {@code -ys}. */ private static final List<String> PLURAL_Y_YS_RULE = Arrays .asList(new String[] { "harry", "tony", "mary", "germany" }); /** * Words ending in {@code -s} that do not change in their plural form. */ private static final List<String> UNINFLECTED_S_WORDS = Arrays .asList(new String[] { "acropolis", "aegis", "asbestos", "bathos", "bias", "bronchitis", "bursitis", "caddis", "cannabis", "canvas", "chaos", "cosmos", "dais", "digitalis", "epidermis", "ethos", "eyas", "gas", "glottis", "hubris", "ibis", "lens", "mantis", "marquis", "metropolis", "pathos", "pelvis", "polis", "rhinoceros", "sassafras", "trellis", "ephemeris", "iris", "clitoris", "chrysalis", "epididymis", }); // // Inverse data for singular rules // private static final List<String> SINGULAR_MANS_MAN_RULE = Lists.transform(PLURAL_MAN_MANS_RULE, mapSuffixFn("man", "mans")); private static final List<String> SINGULAR_ICES_EX_RULE = Lists.transform(PLURAL_EX_ICES_RULE, mapSuffixFn("ex", "ices")); private static final List<String> SINGULAR_ICES_IX_RULE = Lists.transform(PLURAL_IX_ICES_RULE, mapSuffixFn("ix", "ices")); private static final List<String> SINGULAR_A_UM_RULE = Lists.transform(PLURAL_UM_A_RULE, mapSuffixFn("um", "a")); private static final List<String> SINGULAR_I_US_RULE = Lists.transform(PLURAL_US_I_RULE, mapSuffixFn("us", "i")); private static final List<String> SINGULAR_A_ON_RULE = Lists.transform(PLURAL_ON_A_RULE, mapSuffixFn("on", "a")); private static final List<String> SINGULAR_AE_A_RULE = Lists.transform(PLURAL_A_AE_RULE, mapSuffixFn("a", "ae")); private static final List<String> SINGULAR_SES_SIS_RULE = Lists.transform(PLURAL_SIS_SES_RULE, mapSuffixFn("is", "es")); private static final List<String> SINGULAR_OS_O_RULE = Lists.transform(PLURAL_O_OS_RULE, mapSuffixFn("o", "os")); private static Function<String, String> mapSuffixFn(final String _old, final String _new) { return new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String input) { return input.replaceFirst(String.format("%s$", _old), _new); } }; } } // InflectionData }