Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.gmt2001; import com.gmt2001.datastore.DataStore; import tv.phantombot.cache.UsernameCache; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONStringer; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import; /** * Communicates with Twitch Kraken server using the version 5 API * * @author gmt2001 * @author illusionaryone */ public class TwitchAPIv5 { private static final TwitchAPIv5 instance = new TwitchAPIv5(); private static final String base_url = ""; private static final String header_accept = "application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json"; private static final int timeout = 2 * 1000; private String clientid = ""; private String oauth = ""; private String cheerEmotes = ""; private enum request_type { GET, POST, PUT, DELETE }; public static TwitchAPIv5 instance() { return instance; } private TwitchAPIv5() { Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(com.gmt2001.UncaughtExceptionHandler.instance()); } private JSONObject GetData(request_type type, String url, boolean isJson) { return GetData(type, url, "", isJson); } private JSONObject GetData(request_type type, String url, String post, boolean isJson) { return GetData(type, url, post, "", isJson); } private static void fillJSONObject(JSONObject jsonObject, boolean success, String type, String post, String url, int responseCode, String exception, String exceptionMessage, String jsonContent) { jsonObject.put("_success", success); jsonObject.put("_type", type); jsonObject.put("_post", post); jsonObject.put("_url", url); jsonObject.put("_http", responseCode); jsonObject.put("_exception", exception); jsonObject.put("_exceptionMessage", exceptionMessage); jsonObject.put("_content", jsonContent); } @SuppressWarnings("UseSpecificCatch") private JSONObject GetData(request_type type, String url, String post, String oauth, boolean isJson) { JSONObject j = new JSONObject("{}"); InputStream i = null; String content = ""; try { URL u = new URL(url); HttpsURLConnection c = (HttpsURLConnection) u.openConnection(); c.addRequestProperty("Accept", header_accept); c.addRequestProperty("Content-Type", isJson ? "application/json" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); if (!clientid.isEmpty()) { c.addRequestProperty("Client-ID", clientid); } if (!oauth.isEmpty()) { c.addRequestProperty("Authorization", "OAuth " + oauth); } else { if (!this.oauth.isEmpty()) { c.addRequestProperty("Authorization", "OAuth " + oauth); } } c.setRequestMethod(; c.setConnectTimeout(timeout); c.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.52 Safari/537.36 PhantomBotJ/2015"); if (!post.isEmpty()) { c.setDoOutput(true); } c.connect(); if (!post.isEmpty()) { try (OutputStream o = c.getOutputStream()) { IOUtils.write(post, o); } } if (c.getResponseCode() == 200) { i = c.getInputStream(); } else { i = c.getErrorStream(); } if (c.getResponseCode() == 204 || i == null) { content = "{}"; } else { // default to UTF-8, it'll probably be the best bet if there's // no charset specified. String charset = "utf-8"; String ct = c.getContentType(); if (ct != null) { String[] cts = ct.split(" *; *"); for (int idx = 1; idx < cts.length; ++idx) { String[] val = cts[idx].split("=", 2); if (val[0] == "charset" && val.length > 1) { charset = val[1]; } } } if ("gzip".equals(c.getContentEncoding())) { i = new GZIPInputStream(i); } content = IOUtils.toString(i, charset); } j = new JSONObject(content); fillJSONObject(j, true,, post, url, c.getResponseCode(), "", "", content); } catch (Exception ex) { Throwable rootCause = ex; while (rootCause.getCause() != null && rootCause.getCause() != rootCause) { rootCause = rootCause.getCause(); } fillJSONObject(j, false,, post, url, 0, ex.getClass().getSimpleName(), ex.getMessage(), content); com.gmt2001.Console.debug .println("Failed to get data [" + ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + "]: " + ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (i != null) { try { i.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { fillJSONObject(j, false,, post, url, 0, "IOException", ex.getMessage(), content); com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("IOException: " + ex.getMessage()); } } } return j; } /** * Sets the Twitch API Client-ID header * * @param clientid */ public void SetClientID(String clientid) { this.clientid = clientid; } /** * Sets the Twitch API OAuth header * * @param oauth */ public void SetOAuth(String oauth) { this.oauth = oauth.replace("oauth:", ""); } public boolean HasOAuth() { return !this.oauth.isEmpty(); } /** * Determines the ID of a username, if this fails it returns "0". * * @param channel * @return */ private String getIDFromChannel(String channel) { return UsernameCache.instance().getID(channel); } /** * Gets a channel object * * @param channel * @return */ public JSONObject GetChannel(String channel) { return GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/channels/" + getIDFromChannel(channel), false); } /** * Updates the status and game of a channel * * @param channel * @param status * @param game * @param delay -1 to not update * @return */ public JSONObject UpdateChannel(String channel, String status, String game, int delay) { return UpdateChannel(channel, this.oauth, status, game, delay); } /** * Updates the status and game of a channel * * @param channel * @param oauth * @param status * @param game * @return */ public JSONObject UpdateChannel(String channel, String oauth, String status, String game) { return UpdateChannel(channel, oauth, status, game, -1); } /** * Updates the status and game of a channel * * @param channel * @param status * @param game * @return */ public JSONObject UpdateChannel(String channel, String status, String game) { return UpdateChannel(channel, this.oauth, status, game, -1); } /** * Updates the status and game of a channel * * @param channel * @param oauth * @param status * @param game * @param delay -1 to not update * @return */ public JSONObject UpdateChannel(String channel, String oauth, String status, String game, int delay) { JSONObject j = new JSONObject("{}"); JSONObject c = new JSONObject("{}"); if (!status.isEmpty()) { c.put("status", status); } if (!game.isEmpty()) { JSONObject g = SearchGame(game); String gn = game; if (g.getBoolean("_success")) { if (g.getInt("_http") == 200) { JSONArray a = g.getJSONArray("games"); if (a.length() > 0) { boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < a.length() && !found; i++) { JSONObject o = a.getJSONObject(i); gn = o.getString("name"); if (gn.equalsIgnoreCase(game)) { found = true; } } if (!found) { JSONObject o = a.getJSONObject(0); gn = o.getString("name"); } } } } c.put("game", gn); } if (delay >= 0) { c.put("delay", delay); } j.put("channel", c); return GetData(request_type.PUT, base_url + "/channels/" + getIDFromChannel(channel), j.toString(), oauth, true); } /* * Updates the channel communities. */ public JSONObject UpdateCommunities(String channel, String[] communities) { JSONObject j = new JSONObject("{}"); List<String> c = new ArrayList<String>(); if (communities.length < 1) { j.put("community_ids", c.toArray(new String[c.size()])); return GetData(request_type.PUT, base_url + "/channels/" + getIDFromChannel(channel) + "/communities", j.toString(), oauth, true); } for (String community : communities) { JSONObject o = GetCommunityID(community); if (o.getBoolean("_success") && o.getInt("_http") == 200) { c.add(o.getString("_id")); } } j.put("community_ids", c.toArray(new String[c.size()])); return GetData(request_type.PUT, base_url + "/channels/" + getIDFromChannel(channel) + "/communities", j.toString(), oauth, true); } /* * Searches for a game. */ public JSONObject SearchGame(String game) { try { String url = base_url + "/search/games?q=" + URLEncoder.encode(game, "UTF-8") + "&type=suggest"; return GetData(request_type.GET, url, false); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { JSONObject j = new JSONObject("{}"); fillJSONObject(j, false, "", "", base_url + "/search/games", 0, ex.getClass().getName(), ex.getMessage(), ""); com.gmt2001.Console.err.println(ex.getClass().getName() + ": " + ex.getMessage()); return j; } } /* * Gets a communities id. */ public JSONObject GetCommunityID(String name) { return GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/communities?name=" + name, false); } /** * Gets an object listing the users following a channel * * @param channel * @param limit between 1 and 100 * @param offset * @param ascending * @return */ public JSONObject GetChannelFollows(String channel, int limit, int offset, boolean ascending) { limit = Math.max(0, Math.min(limit, 100)); offset = Math.max(0, offset); String dir = ascending ? "asc" : "desc"; return GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/channels/" + getIDFromChannel(channel) + "/follows?limit=" + limit + "&offset=" + offset + "&direction=" + dir, false); } /** * Gets an object listing the users subscribing to a channel * * @param channel * @param limit between 1 and 100 * @param offset * @param ascending * @return */ public JSONObject GetChannelSubscriptions(String channel, int limit, int offset, boolean ascending) { return GetChannelSubscriptions(channel, limit, offset, ascending, this.oauth); } /** * Gets an object listing the users subscribing to a channel * * @param channel * @param limit between 1 and 100 * @param offset * @param ascending * @param oauth * @return */ public JSONObject GetChannelSubscriptions(String channel, int limit, int offset, boolean ascending, String oauth) { limit = Math.max(0, Math.min(limit, 100)); offset = Math.max(0, offset); String dir = ascending ? "asc" : "desc"; return GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/channels/" + getIDFromChannel(channel) + "/subscriptions?limit=" + limit + "&offset=" + offset + "&direction=" + dir, "", oauth, false); } /** * Gets a stream object * * @param channel * @return */ public JSONObject GetStream(String channel) { return GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/streams/" + getIDFromChannel(channel), false); } /** * Gets a streams object array. Each channel id should be seperated with a comma. * * @param channels * @return */ public JSONObject GetStreams(String channels) { return GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/streams?channel=" + channels, false); } /** * Gets the communities object array. * * @param channel * @return */ public JSONObject GetCommunities(String channel) { return GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/channels/" + getIDFromChannel(channel) + "/communities", false); } /** * Gets a user object by user name * * @param user * @return */ public JSONObject GetUser(String user) { return GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/users?login=" + user, false); } /** * Gets a user object by ID * * @param user * @return */ public JSONObject GetUserByID(String userID) { return GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/users/" + userID, false); } /** * Runs a commercial * * @param channel * @param length (30, 60, 90) * @return */ public JSONObject RunCommercial(String channel, int length) { return RunCommercial(channel, length, this.oauth); } /** * Runs a commercial * * @param channel * @param length (30, 60, 90) * @param oauth * @return */ public JSONObject RunCommercial(String channel, int length, String oauth) { return GetData(request_type.POST, base_url + "/channels/" + getIDFromChannel(channel) + "/commercial", "length=" + length, oauth, false); } /** * Gets a list of users in the channel * * @param channel * @return */ public JSONObject GetChatUsers(String channel) { return GetData(request_type.GET, "" + channel + "/chatters", false); } /** * Checks if a user is following a channel * * @param user * @param channel * @return */ public JSONObject GetUserFollowsChannel(String user, String channel) { return GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/users/" + getIDFromChannel(user) + "/follows/channels/" + getIDFromChannel(channel), false); } /** * Gets the full list of emotes from Twitch * * @return */ public JSONObject GetEmotes() { return GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/chat/emoticons", false); } /** * Gets the list of cheer emotes from Twitch * * @return */ public JSONObject GetCheerEmotes() { return GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/bits/actions", false); } /** * Builds a RegExp String to match cheer emotes from Twitch * * @return */ public String GetCheerEmotesRegex() { String[] emoteList; JSONObject jsonInput; JSONArray jsonArray; if (cheerEmotes == "") { jsonInput = GetCheerEmotes(); if (jsonInput.has("actions")) { jsonArray = jsonInput.getJSONArray("actions"); emoteList = new String[jsonArray.length()]; for (int idx = 0; idx < jsonArray.length(); idx++) { emoteList[idx] = "\\b" + jsonArray.getJSONObject(idx).getString("prefix") + "\\d+\\b"; } cheerEmotes = String.join("|", emoteList); } } return cheerEmotes; } /** * Gets the list of VODs from Twitch * * @param channel The channel requesting data for * @param type The type of data: current, highlights, archives * @return String List of Twitch VOD URLs (as a JSON String) or empty String in failure. */ public String GetChannelVODs(String channel, String type) { JSONStringer jsonOutput = new JSONStringer(); JSONObject jsonInput; JSONArray jsonArray; if (type.equals("current")) { jsonInput = GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/channels/" + getIDFromChannel(channel) + "/videos?broadcast_type=archive&limit=1", false); if (jsonInput.has("videos")) { jsonArray = jsonInput.getJSONArray("videos"); if (jsonArray.length() > 0) { if (jsonArray.getJSONObject(0).has("status")) { if (jsonArray.getJSONObject(0).getString("status").equals("recording")) { jsonOutput.object().key("videos").array().object(); jsonOutput.key("url").value(jsonArray.getJSONObject(0).getString("url")); jsonOutput.key("recorded_at") .value(jsonArray.getJSONObject(0).getString("recorded_at")); jsonOutput.key("length").value(jsonArray.getJSONObject(0).getInt("length")); jsonOutput.endObject().endArray().endObject(); } com.gmt2001.Console.debug.println("TwitchAPIv5::GetChannelVODs: " + jsonOutput.toString()); if (jsonOutput.toString() == null) { return ""; } return jsonOutput.toString(); } } } } if (type.equals("highlights")) { jsonInput = GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/channels/" + getIDFromChannel(channel) + "/videos?broadcast_type=highlight&limit=5", false); if (jsonInput.has("videos")) { jsonArray = jsonInput.getJSONArray("videos"); if (jsonArray.length() > 0) { jsonOutput.object().key("videos").array(); for (int idx = 0; idx < jsonArray.length(); idx++) { jsonOutput.object(); jsonOutput.key("url").value(jsonArray.getJSONObject(idx).getString("url")); jsonOutput.key("recorded_at").value(jsonArray.getJSONObject(idx).getString("recorded_at")); jsonOutput.key("length").value(jsonArray.getJSONObject(idx).getInt("length")); jsonOutput.endObject(); } jsonOutput.endArray().endObject(); com.gmt2001.Console.debug.println("TwitchAPIv5::GetChannelVODs: " + jsonOutput.toString()); if (jsonOutput.toString() == null) { return ""; } return jsonOutput.toString(); } } } if (type.equals("archives")) { jsonInput = GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/channels/" + getIDFromChannel(channel) + "/videos?broadcast_type=archive,upload&limit=5", false); if (jsonInput.has("videos")) { jsonArray = jsonInput.getJSONArray("videos"); if (jsonArray.length() > 0) { jsonOutput.object().key("videos").array(); for (int idx = 0; idx < jsonArray.length(); idx++) { jsonOutput.object(); jsonOutput.key("url").value(jsonArray.getJSONObject(idx).getString("url")); jsonOutput.key("recorded_at").value(jsonArray.getJSONObject(idx).getString("recorded_at")); jsonOutput.key("length").value(jsonArray.getJSONObject(idx).getInt("length")); jsonOutput.endObject(); } jsonOutput.endArray().endObject(); com.gmt2001.Console.debug.println("TwitchAPIv5::GetChannelVODs: " + jsonOutput.toString()); if (jsonOutput.toString() == null) { return ""; } return jsonOutput.toString(); } } } /* Just return an empty string. */ return ""; } /** * Returns when a Twitch account was created. * * @param channel * @return String date-time representation (2015-05-09T00:08:04Z) */ public String getChannelCreatedDate(String channel) { JSONObject jsonInput = GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/channels/" + getIDFromChannel(channel), false); if (jsonInput.has("created_at")) { return jsonInput.getString("created_at"); } return "ERROR"; } /** * Checks to see if the bot account is verified by Twitch. * * @param channel * @return boolean true if verified */ public boolean getBotVerified(String channel) { JSONObject jsonInput = GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/users/" + getIDFromChannel(channel) + "/chat", false); if (jsonInput.has("is_verified_bot")) { return jsonInput.getBoolean("is_verified_bot"); } return false; } /** * Get the clips from today for a channel. * * @param channel * @return JSONObject clips object. */ public JSONObject getClipsToday(String channel) { /* Yes, the v5 endpoint for this does use the Channel Name and not the ID. */ return GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/clips/top?channel=" + channel + "&limit=100&period=day", false); } /** * Populates the followed table from a JSONArray. The database auto commit is disabled * as otherwise the large number of writes in a row can cause some delay. We only * update the followed table if the user has an entry in the time table. This way we * do not potentially enter thousands, or tens of thousands, or even more, entries into * the followed table for folks that do not visit the stream. * * @param JSONArray JSON array object containing the followers data * @param DataStore Copy of database object for writing * @return int How many objects were inserted into the database */ private int PopulateFollowedTable(JSONArray followsArray, DataStore dataStore) { int insertCtr = 0; dataStore.setAutoCommit(false); for (int idx = 0; idx < followsArray.length(); idx++) { if (followsArray.getJSONObject(idx).has("user")) { if (followsArray.getJSONObject(idx).getJSONObject("user").has("name")) { if (dataStore.exists("time", followsArray.getJSONObject(idx).getJSONObject("user").getString("name"))) { insertCtr++; dataStore.set("followed_fixtable", followsArray.getJSONObject(idx).getJSONObject("user").getString("name"), "true"); } } } } dataStore.setAutoCommit(true); return insertCtr; } /** * Updates the followed table with a complete list of followers. This should only ever * be executed once, when the database does not have complete list of followers. * * @param String Name of the channel to lookup data for * @param DataStore Copy of database object for reading data from * @param int Total number of followers reported from Twitch API */ @SuppressWarnings("SleepWhileInLoop") private void FixFollowedTableWorker(String channel, DataStore dataStore, int followerCount) { int insertCtr = 0; JSONObject jsonInput; String baseLink = base_url + "/channels/" + getIDFromChannel(channel) + "/follows"; String nextLink = baseLink + "?limit=100"; com.gmt2001.Console.out.println( "FixFollowedTable: Retrieving followers that exist in the time table, this may take some time."); /* Perform the lookups. The initial lookup will return the next API endpoint * as a _cursor object. Use this to build the next query. We do this to prepare * for Twitch API v5 which will require this. */ do { jsonInput = GetData(request_type.GET, nextLink, false); if (!jsonInput.has("follows")) { return; } insertCtr += PopulateFollowedTable(jsonInput.getJSONArray("follows"), dataStore); if (!jsonInput.has("_cursor")) { break; } nextLink = baseLink + "?limit=100&cursor=" + jsonInput.getString("_cursor"); /* Be kind to Twitch during this process. */ try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { /* Since it might be possible that we have hundreds, even thousands of calls, * we do not dump even a debug statement here. */ } } while (jsonInput.getJSONArray("follows").length() > 0); dataStore.RenameFile("followed_fixtable", "followed"); com.gmt2001.Console.out.println("FixFollowedTable: Pulled followers into the followed table, loaded " + insertCtr + "/" + followerCount + " records."); } /** * Wrapper to perform the followed table updated. In order to ensure that PhantomBot * does not get stuck trying to perform this work, a thread is spawned to perform the * work. * * @param channel Name of the channel to lookup data for * @param dataStore Copy of database object * @param force Force the run even if the number of followers is too high */ public void FixFollowedTable(String channel, DataStore dataStore, Boolean force) { /* Determine number of followers to determine if this should not execute unless forced. */ JSONObject jsonInput = GetData(request_type.GET, base_url + "/channels/" + getIDFromChannel(channel) + "/follows?limit=1", false); if (!jsonInput.has("_total")) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Failed to pull follower count for FixFollowedTable"); return; } int followerCount = jsonInput.getInt("_total"); if (followerCount > 10000 && !force) { com.gmt2001.Console.out.println( "Follower count is above 10,000 (" + followerCount + "). Not executing. You may force this."); return; } try { FixFollowedTableRunnable fixFollowedTableRunnable = new FixFollowedTableRunnable(channel, dataStore, followerCount); new Thread(fixFollowedTableRunnable, "com.gmt2001.TwitchAPIv5::fixFollowedTable").start(); } catch (Exception ex) { com.gmt2001.Console.err.println("Failed to start thread for updating followed table."); } } /** * Class for Thread for running the FixFollowedTableWorker job in the background. */ private class FixFollowedTableRunnable implements Runnable { private final DataStore dataStore; private final String channel; private final int followerCount; public FixFollowedTableRunnable(String channel, DataStore dataStore, int followerCount) { = channel; this.dataStore = dataStore; this.followerCount = followerCount; } @Override public void run() { FixFollowedTableWorker(channel, dataStore, followerCount); } } /** * Tests the Twitch API to ensure that authentication is good. * @return */ public boolean TestAPI() { JSONObject jsonObject = GetData(request_type.GET, base_url, false); if (jsonObject.has("identified")) { return jsonObject.getBoolean("identified"); } return false; } /** * Returns a username when given an Oauth. * * @param userOauth Oauth to check with. * @return String The name of the user or null to indicate that there was an error. */ public String GetUserFromOauth(String userOauth) { JSONObject jsonInput = GetData(request_type.GET, base_url, "", userOauth, false); if (jsonInput.has("token")) { if (jsonInput.getJSONObject("token").has("user_name")) { com.gmt2001.Console.out .println("username = " + jsonInput.getJSONObject("token").getString("user_name")); return jsonInput.getJSONObject("token").getString("user_name"); } } return null; } /** * Returns the channel Id * * @param channel channel name * @return int the channel id. */ public int getChannelId(String channel) { return Integer.parseUnsignedInt(UsernameCache.instance().getID(channel)); } }