Java tutorial
/* The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2014 Giacomo Marciani * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package com.gmarciani.gmparser.controllers; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import; import com.gmarciani.gmparser.models.grammar.Grammar; import com.gmarciani.gmparser.models.grammar.analysis.GrammarAnalysis; import com.gmarciani.gmparser.models.grammar.transformation.GrammarTransformation; import com.gmarciani.gmparser.models.parser.ParserType; import com.gmarciani.gmparser.models.parser.cyk.CYKParser; import; import com.gmarciani.gmparser.views.AppMenus.MainMenu; import com.gmarciani.gmparser.views.AppMenus.ParserMenu; import com.gmarciani.gmparser.views.AppMenus.TransformationMenu; import static org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi.*; /** * <p>Main user-app interaction controller.<p> * <p>It manages the whole app workflow.<p> * * @see com.gmarciani.gmparser.controllers.UiManager * @see com.gmarciani.gmparser.controllers.Output * * @author Giacomo Marciani * @version 1.0 */ public final class App { private static App instance; private Options options; private Menus menus; private Output output; private App() { this.setupCli(); this.setupControllers(); } /** * Returns the app controller singleton instance. * * @return the controller singleton instance. */ public synchronized static App getInstance() { if (instance == null) instance = new App(); return instance; } /** * Sets up the GMParser command-line interface environment. */ private void setupCli() { UiManager.installAnsiConsole(); this.options = UiManager.buildCommandLineOptions(); this.menus = UiManager.buildMenus(); } /** * Sets up the GMParser controllers: Output controller, for single entry-point to output display. */ private void setupControllers() { this.output = Output.getInstance(); } /** * Returns the app output interface. * * @return the output interface. */ public Output getOutput() { return this.output; } /** * Shows the GMParser welcome splash screen, based on ASCII art style. */ public void printWelcome() { String welcome = UiManager.getLogo(); System.out.println(ansi().fg(UiManager.AppUI.LOGO_COLOR).bold().a(welcome).reset()); } /** * <p>The app entry-point method.<p> * <p>This method is activated when no arguments neither options are specified.<p> * * @param args command-line arguments. * @throws ParseException */ public void play(String[] args) throws ParseException { CommandLineParser cmdParser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine cmd = cmdParser.parse(this.options, args); String unrecognizedArguments[] = cmd.getArgs(); if (unrecognizedArguments.length != 0) { this.getOutput().onUnrecognizedArguments(unrecognizedArguments); this.quit(); } if (cmd.getOptions().length == 0) { boolean loop = true; while (loop) { this.playMenu(); loop = this.getContinued(); } } else if (cmd.hasOption("analyze")) { final String vals[] = cmd.getOptionValues("analyze"); final String grammar = vals[0]; if (!this.validateGrammar(grammar)) return; this.analyze(grammar); } else if (cmd.hasOption("transform")) { final String vals[] = cmd.getOptionValues("transform"); final GrammarTransformation transformation = GrammarTransformation.valueOf(vals[0]); final String grammar = vals[1]; if (!this.validateGrammar(grammar)) return; this.transform(grammar, transformation); } else if (cmd.hasOption("parse")) { final String vals[] = cmd.getOptionValues("parse"); final ParserType parserType = ParserType.valueOf(vals[0]); final String word = (vals[1] == null || vals[1].equals(Grammar.EPSILON.toString())) ? "" : vals[1]; final String grammar = vals[2]; if (!this.validateGrammar(grammar)) return; this.parse(grammar, word, parserType); } else if (cmd.hasOption("help")) {; } else if (cmd.hasOption("version")) { this.version(); } this.quit(); } /** * Plays the main menu. */ private void playMenu() { int choice =; if (choice == MainMenu.ANALYZE) { String grammar = this.getGrammar(); if (!this.validateGrammar(grammar)) return; this.analyze(grammar); } else if (choice == MainMenu.TRANSFORM) { String grammar = this.getGrammar(); GrammarTransformation transformation = this.getGrammarTransformation(); if (!this.validateGrammar(grammar)) return; this.transform(grammar, transformation); } else if (choice == MainMenu.PARSE) { String grammar = this.getGrammar(); String word = this.getWord(); ParserType parser = this.getParser(); if (!this.validateGrammar(grammar)) return; this.parse(grammar, word, parser); } else if (choice == MainMenu.HELP) {; } else if (choice == MainMenu.QUIT) { this.quit(); } else { this.getOutput().onWarning("Unrecognized choice\n"); } } /** * <p>Analyzes the specified grammar, represented as string.<p> * <p>This method is activated by the command-line option {@code -analyze}.<p> * * @param strGrammar grammar to analyze, represented as string. */ private void analyze(String strGrammar) { Grammar grammar = Grammar.generateGrammar(strGrammar); this.getOutput().onResult("This is your grammar: " + grammar.toString()); GrammarAnalysis analysis = grammar.generateGrammarAnalysis(); analysis.setTitle("GRAMMAR ANALYSIS"); this.getOutput().onResult("Here we are! This is your grammar analysis"); this.getOutput().onDefault(analysis.toString()); } /** * <p>Executes the specified transformation to the specified grammar, represented as string.<p> * <p>It also generates a grammar analysis both for input grammar and output grammar.<p> * * <p>Available transformations: * remove ungenerative symbols (RGS), * remove unreacheables symbols (RRS), * remove useless symbols (RUS), * remove epsilon productions (REP), * remove unit productions (RUP) * and generate CHosmky-Normal-Form (CNF).<p> * <p>This method is activated by the command-line option {@code -transform}.<p> * * @param strGrammar grammar to transform, represented as string. * @param transformation target transformation to run on grammar. */ private void transform(String strGrammar, GrammarTransformation transformation) { Grammar grammar = Grammar.generateGrammar(strGrammar); this.getOutput().onResult("This is your grammar: " + grammar); this.getOutput().onResult("This is your transformation: " + transformation); GrammarAnalysis analysisIn = grammar.generateGrammarAnalysis(); analysisIn.setTitle("GRAMMAR ANALYSIS: input grammar"); if (transformation == GrammarTransformation.RGS) { grammar.removeUngenerativeSymbols(); } else if (transformation == GrammarTransformation.RRS) { grammar.removeUnreacheableSymbols(); } else if (transformation == GrammarTransformation.RUS) { grammar.removeUselessSymbols(); } else if (transformation == GrammarTransformation.REP) { grammar.removeEpsilonProductions(); } else if (transformation == GrammarTransformation.RUP) { grammar.removeUnitProductions(); } else if (transformation == GrammarTransformation.CNF) { grammar.toChomskyNormalForm(); } GrammarAnalysis analysisOut = grammar.generateGrammarAnalysis(); analysisOut.setTitle("GRAMMAR ANALYSIS: output grammar"); this.getOutput().onResult("Here we are! This is your transformation result"); this.getOutput().onDefault(analysisIn.toString()); this.getOutput().onDefault(analysisOut.toString()); } /** * <p>Parses the specified word by the specified parser, according to the specified grammar, represented as a string.<p> * <p>It shows a grammar analysis for the specified grammar, and a complete parsing session report.<p> * <p>This method is activated by the command-line option {@code -parse}.<p> * * @param strGrammar grammar to parse with, represented as a string. * @param word word to parse. * @param parserType parser to parse with. */ private void parse(String strGrammar, String word, ParserType parser) { Grammar grammar = Grammar.generateGrammar(strGrammar); this.getOutput().onResult("This is your grammar: " + grammar); this.getOutput().onResult("This is your word: " + word); this.getOutput().onResult("This is your parser: " + parser); if (!grammar.isContextFree() && !grammar.isRegular()) { this.getOutput().onWarning( "Your grammar is not Context-Free, but " + grammar.getType().getName() + ". Aborting parsing."); return; } this.getOutput().onResult("Here we are! This is your parsing session results!"); if (parser.equals(ParserType.CYK)) this.getOutput().onDefault(CYKParser.parseWithSession(grammar, word).toFormattedParsingSession()); if (parser.equals(ParserType.LR1)) this.getOutput().onDefault(LROneParser.parseWithSession(grammar, word).toFormattedParsingSession()); } /** * <p>Shows the GMParser helper.<p> * <p>This method is activated by the command-line option {@code -help}.<p> */ private void help() { HelpFormatter helper = new HelpFormatter(); helper.printHelp("gmparser", this.options); System.out.print("\n"); System.out.flush(); } /** * <p>Shows the GMParser version.<p> * <p>This method is activated by the command-line option {@code -version}.<p> */ private void version() { System.out.println("GMParser version: 1.0"); System.out.flush(); } /** * Quits the app. */ public void quit() { this.getOutput().onResult("Good bye!"); UiManager.uninstallAnsiConsole(); System.exit(0); } /** * <p>Lets the user continue or quit the app workflow after a correct execution or warning/exception.<p> * * @return true if the user wants to continue the workflow; false, otherwise. */ private boolean getContinued() { System.out.print("[continue? (y/n)]> "); System.out.flush(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String input = null; try { input = br.readLine(); } catch (NumberFormatException | IOException e) { } System.out.print("\n"); return (input.equals("y") ? true : false); } /** * <p>Lets the user specify the grammar to analyze, transform, or parse with.<p> * * @return the input grammar, represented as a string. */ private String getGrammar() { System.out.print("[grammar]> "); System.out.flush(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String input = null; try { input = br.readLine(); } catch (NumberFormatException | IOException exc) { this.getOutput().onException(exc.getMessage()); } System.out.print("\n"); return input; } /** * <p>Lets the user specify the word to parse.<p> * <p>The empty word is normally specified by an empty input. The user doesn't need to care about any end marker (like $ for LR(1)).<p> * * @return the word to parse. */ private String getWord() { System.out.print("[word]> "); System.out.flush(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String input = null; try { input = br.readLine(); } catch (NumberFormatException | IOException exc) { this.getOutput().onException(exc.getMessage()); } System.out.print("\n"); return input; } /** * <p>Lets the user selected the desidered grammar transformation.<p> * <p>Available transformations: * remove ungenerative symbols (RGS), * remove unreacheables symbols (RRS), * remove useless symbols (RUS), * remove epsilon productions (REP), * remove unit productions (RUP) * and generate CHosmky-Normal-Form (CNF).<p> * * @return the selected grammar transformation. */ private GrammarTransformation getGrammarTransformation() { int choice =; if (choice == TransformationMenu.REMOVE_UNGENERATIVE_SYMBOLS) return GrammarTransformation.RGS; if (choice == TransformationMenu.REMOVE_UNREACHEABLES_SYMBOLS) return GrammarTransformation.RRS; if (choice == TransformationMenu.REMOVE_USELESS_SYMBOLS) return GrammarTransformation.RUS; if (choice == TransformationMenu.REMOVE_EPSILON_PRODUCTIONS) return GrammarTransformation.REP; if (choice == TransformationMenu.REMOVE_UNIT_PRODUCTIONS) return GrammarTransformation.RUP; if (choice == TransformationMenu.GENERATE_CHOMSKY_NORMAL_FORM) return GrammarTransformation.CNF; return null; } /** * <p>Let the user select the desidered parse type.<p> * <p>Available parsers: * Cocke-Younger-Kasami Parser (CYK) * and LR(1) Parser (LR).<p> * * @return parserType selected parser type. */ private ParserType getParser() { int choice =; if (choice == ParserMenu.CYK) { return ParserType.CYK; } else if (choice == ParserMenu.LR1) { return ParserType.LR1; } else { return null; } } /** * <p>Validates the input grammar, represented as a string.<p> * * @param strGrammar input grammar, represented as a string. * * @return true if the string correctly represents a grammar; false, otherwise. */ private boolean validateGrammar(String strGrammar) { if (!Grammar.validate(strGrammar)) { this.getOutput().onWarning("Grammar syntax error\n"); return false; } return true; } }