Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2009 Welocalize, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package com.globalsight.webservices;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.jbpm.JbpmContext;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import com.globalsight.everest.edit.offline.OEMProcessStatus;
import com.globalsight.everest.edit.offline.OfflineEditManager;
import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.JobHandlerWLRemote;
import com.globalsight.everest.localemgr.LocaleManagerException;
import com.globalsight.everest.permission.Permission;
import com.globalsight.everest.permission.PermissionGroup;
import com.globalsight.everest.permission.PermissionManager;
import com.globalsight.everest.permission.PermissionSet;
import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.Project;
import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.ProjectHandlerWLRemote;
import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.ProjectImpl;
import com.globalsight.everest.servlet.EnvoyServletException;
import com.globalsight.everest.servlet.util.ServerProxy;
import com.globalsight.everest.taskmanager.Task;
import com.globalsight.everest.usermgr.UserInfo;
import com.globalsight.everest.usermgr.UserManagerWLRemote;
import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.WebAppConstants;
import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.permission.PermissionHelper;
import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.PostReviewQAReportGenerator;
import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.ReportGenerator;
import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.ReviewersCommentsReportGenerator;
import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.ReviewersCommentsSimpleReportGenerator;
import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.TranslationVerificationReportGenerator;
import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.TranslationsEditReportGenerator;
import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.users.UserUtil;
import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.offline.OfflineConstants;
import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.Activity;
import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.ConditionNodeTargetInfo;
import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowConfiguration;
import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowInstance;
import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowProcessAdapter;
import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowTask;
import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowTaskInstance;
import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.Workflow;
import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.persistence.DbUtil;
import com.globalsight.persistence.hibernate.HibernateUtil;
import com.globalsight.util.AmbFileStoragePathUtils;
import com.globalsight.util.Assert;
import com.globalsight.util.ExcelUtil;
import com.globalsight.util.GeneralException;
import com.globalsight.util.GlobalSightLocale;
import com.globalsight.util.RegexUtil;
import com.globalsight.util.StringUtil;
import com.globalsight.util.XmlParser;


 * Helper for
 * @author YorkJin
 * @version
 * @since 2013-06-19
public class AmbassadorHelper extends JsonTypeWebService {
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AmbassadorHelper.class);

    public static final String GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES = "getWorkOfflineFiles";
    public static final String UPLOAD_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES = "uploadWorkOfflineFiles";
    public static final String IMPORT_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES = "importWorkOfflineFiles";

    //Error constants used in createUser()/modifyUser()
    private final int UNKNOWN_ERROR = -1;
    private final int SUCCESS = 0;
    private final int INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN = 1;
    private final int INVALID_USER_ID = 2;
    private final int USER_EXISTS = 4;
    private final int USER_NOT_EXIST = 5;
    private final int NOT_IN_SAME_COMPANY = 6;
    private final int INVALID_PASSWORD = 7;
    private final int INVALID_FIRST_NAME = 8;
    private final int INVALID_LAST_NAME = 9;
    private final int INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS = 10;
    private final int INVALID_PERMISSION_GROUPS = 11;
    private final int INVALID_PROJECTS = 12;
    private final int INVALID_ROLES = 13;
    private final int INVALD_PERMISSION = 14;
    private String SEPARATOR = "_";
    private static final String PROCESS_DEFINITION_IDS_PLACEHOLDER = "\uE000" + "_processDefinition_Ids_"
            + "\uE000";

    private static String QUERY_TASK_ASSIGNEE_SQL1 = "SELECT ti.workflow_id, ti.task_id, AS task_name, node.name_ AS node_name, node.processdefinition_ AS processdefinition "
            + " FROM workflow wf, task_info ti, jbpm_node node " + " WHERE wf.iflow_instance_id = ti.workflow_id "
            + " AND ti.task_id = node.id_ " + "AND node.class_ = 'K' " + "AND wf.job_id = ? "
            + "AND ti.user_id IS NULL";

    private static String QUERY_TASK_ASSIGNEE_SQL2 = "SELECT jd.id_ AS delegation_id, jd.processdefinition_ AS processDefinition, jd.configuration_ AS configuration FROM jbpm_delegation jd "
            + " WHERE jd.processdefinition_ IN (" + PROCESS_DEFINITION_IDS_PLACEHOLDER + ") "
            + " AND jd.classname_ = 'com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowAssignment'";

    private static String QUERY_TASK_ISSKIP_SQL = "SELECT instance.id_ FROM jbpm_task jt, jbpm_taskinstance instance"
            + " WHERE jt.id_ = instance.task_ " + " AND jt.tasknode_ = ";

    private static String QUERY_PROCESSDEFINITION_SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT node.processdefinition_ FROM workflow wf, task_info ti, jbpm_node node "
            + "WHERE wf.job_id = ? AND wf.iflow_instance_id = ti.workflow_id AND ti.task_id = node.id_ ";

    private static String QUERY_JBPM_NODE_SQL = "SELECT node.ID_,node.CLASS_,node.NAME_,node.PROCESSDEFINITION_  "
            + "FROM jbpm_node node WHERE node.processdefinition_ IN ";

    private static String QUERY_JBPM_TRANSITION_SQL = "SELECT tran.NAME_,tran.FROM_,tran.TO_,tran.PROCESSDEFINITION_ "
            + "FROM jbpm_transition tran WHERE tran.processdefinition_ IN ";

    private static String QUERY_WORKFLOW_NAME_SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT wf.IFLOW_INSTANCE_ID, def.name_ AS workflowName "
            + "FROM workflow wf, task_info ti, jbpm_node node, jbpm_processdefinition def WHERE wf.iflow_instance_id = ti.workflow_id AND ti.task_id = node.id_ AND node.PROCESSDEFINITION_ = def.id_ AND wf.job_id = ?";

    protected static boolean isSkippedTask(long taskId) {
        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement ps = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        JbpmContext ctx = WorkflowConfiguration.getInstance().getJbpmContext();
        boolean isSkipped = false;

        try {
            con = DbUtil.getConnection();
            ps = con.prepareStatement(QUERY_TASK_ISSKIP_SQL + taskId + " order by instance.id_ desc");
            rs = ps.executeQuery();
            while ( {
                long tiId = rs.getLong(1);
                String hql = "from JbpmVariable j where'skip' and = :tiId";
                Session dbSession = ctx.getSession();
                Query query = dbSession.createQuery(hql);
                query.setParameter("tiId", tiId);
                List skipped = query.list();
                if (skipped != null && skipped.size() > 0) {
                    isSkipped = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Error when determine skippedTasks.", e);
        } finally {

        return isSkipped;

     * Get available users (assignees) for not accepted tasks in specified job.
     * @param jobId
     * @return Map<Long, String> : taskId as key, assignees as value.
    protected static Map<Long, String> getTaskAssigneesByJob(long jobId) {
        Map<Long, String> availablTaskAssigneeMap = new HashMap<Long, String>();

        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement ps = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        try {
            //1. Get all available tasks basic info.
            List<TaskAssignee> availableTasks = new ArrayList<TaskAssignee>();
            Set<Long> processDefinitions = new HashSet<Long>();

            con = DbUtil.getConnection();
            ps = con.prepareStatement(QUERY_TASK_ASSIGNEE_SQL1);
            ps.setLong(1, jobId);
            rs = ps.executeQuery();
            if (rs == null) {
                return availablTaskAssigneeMap;
            while ( {
                TaskAssignee ta = new TaskAssignee();
                long processDefinition = rs.getLong(5);

            if (availableTasks.size() == 0 || processDefinitions.size() == 0) {
                return availablTaskAssigneeMap;

            //2. Get all configurations from "jbpm_delegation" for current job.
            List<TaskConfiguration> tcs = new ArrayList<TaskConfiguration>();
            ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
            rs = ps.executeQuery();
            if (rs == null) {
                return availablTaskAssigneeMap;
            while ( {
                TaskConfiguration tc = new TaskConfiguration();

            // 3. Get a map:: "[processDefinition]_[nodeName]" as key, assignee
            // as value, e.x. "6600_node_1_Translation1_2"->"myUserName".
            // This key equals "node name" from "jbpm_node" table.
            Map<String, String> tcMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
            for (TaskConfiguration tc : tcs) {
                String configuration = tc.getConfiguration();
                String sequence = getValueForSpecifiedTag(configuration, "sequence");
                String activity = getValueForSpecifiedTag(configuration, "activity");
                String roleName = getValueForSpecifiedTag(configuration, "role_name");
                // form the key
                String key = tc.getProcessDefinition() + "_node_" + sequence + "_" + activity;
                tcMap.put(key, roleName);

            //4. result
            for (TaskAssignee ta : availableTasks) {
                String value = WorkflowTask.DEFAULT_ROLE_NAME;
                String key = ta.getProcessDefinition() + "_" + ta.getNodeName();
                String assignees = tcMap.get(key);
                if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(assignees)) {
                    StringBuilder userNames = new StringBuilder();
                    String[] availableUsers = assignees.split(",");
                    for (int i = 0; i < availableUsers.length; i++) {
                        String userName = UserUtil.getUserNameById(availableUsers[i].trim());
                        if (i < availableUsers.length - 1) {
                    value = userNames.toString();

                availablTaskAssigneeMap.put(ta.getTaskId(), value);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Error when get available tasks assignees.", e);
        } finally {

        return availablTaskAssigneeMap;

    protected static List<Long> getProcessdefintion(long jobId) {
        List<Long> returnList = new ArrayList<Long>();
        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement ps = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        try {
            con = DbUtil.getConnection();
            ps = con.prepareStatement(QUERY_PROCESSDEFINITION_SQL);
            ps.setLong(1, jobId);
            rs = ps.executeQuery();

            if (rs == null) {
                return returnList;
            while ( {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Error when get processdefintion.", e);
        } finally {
        return returnList;

    protected static Map<Long, TaskJbpmNode> getTaskJbpmNode(List<Long> processdefinitionList) {
        Map<Long, TaskJbpmNode> jbpmNodeMap = new HashMap<Long, TaskJbpmNode>();
        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement ps = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        try {
            String sql = QUERY_JBPM_NODE_SQL + toInClause(processdefinitionList);
            con = DbUtil.getConnection();
            ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
            rs = ps.executeQuery();

            if (rs == null) {
                return null;
            while ( {
                TaskJbpmNode node = new TaskJbpmNode();
                jbpmNodeMap.put(node.getNodeId(), node);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Error when get processdefintion.", e);
        } finally {

        return jbpmNodeMap;

    protected static Map<Long, List<TaskJbpmTransition>> getTaskJbpmTransition(List<Long> processdefinitionList) {
        List<TaskJbpmTransition> jbpmTranList = new ArrayList<TaskJbpmTransition>();
        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement ps = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        try {
            String sql = QUERY_JBPM_TRANSITION_SQL + toInClause(processdefinitionList);
            con = DbUtil.getConnection();
            ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
            rs = ps.executeQuery();

            if (rs == null) {
                return null;
            while ( {
                TaskJbpmTransition tran = new TaskJbpmTransition();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Error when get processdefintion.", e);
        } finally {

        Map<Long, List<TaskJbpmTransition>> map = new HashMap<Long, List<TaskJbpmTransition>>();
        for (int i = 0; i < jbpmTranList.size(); i++) {
            List<TaskJbpmTransition> tranList = new ArrayList<TaskJbpmTransition>();
            long from = jbpmTranList.get(i).getFrom();
            if (map.containsKey(from)) {
                tranList = map.get(from);
                map.put(from, tranList);
            } else {
                map.put(from, tranList);
        return map;

    protected static List<ConditionNodeTargetInfo> getConditionNodeTargetInfo(long toParam,
            Map<Long, TaskJbpmNode> nodeMap, Map<Long, List<TaskJbpmTransition>> tranMap,
            List<ConditionNodeTargetInfo> conList) {
        List<TaskJbpmTransition> toList = new ArrayList<TaskJbpmTransition>();
        // get 'from' and 'to' value
        if (tranMap.containsKey(toParam)) {
            toList = tranMap.get(toParam);

        for (int i = 0; i < toList.size(); i++) {
            String arrowName = toList.get(i).getName();
            long to = toList.get(i).getTo();
            // According 'to' judge this node
            if (nodeMap.containsKey(to)) {
                TaskJbpmNode node = nodeMap.get(to);
                String nodeClass = node.getNodeClass();
                String name = node.getNodeName();
                // Node
                if (nodeClass.equals("K")) {
                    name = subString(name);
                    conList.add(new ConditionNodeTargetInfo(arrowName, name));
                // Condition Node
                else if (nodeClass.equals("D")) {
                    conList = getConditionNodeTargetInfo(to, nodeMap, tranMap, conList);
                // Exit
                else if (nodeClass.equals("E")) {
                    name = "Exit";
                    conList.add(new ConditionNodeTargetInfo(arrowName, name));
                // Start
                else if (nodeClass.equals("R")) {
        return conList;

    protected static Map<Long, String> getWorkflowName(long jobId) {
        Map<Long, String> map = new HashMap<Long, String>();

        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement ps = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        try {
            con = DbUtil.getConnection();
            ps = con.prepareStatement(QUERY_WORKFLOW_NAME_SQL);
            ps.setLong(1, jobId);
            rs = ps.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                map.put(rs.getLong(1), rs.getString(2));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Error when get processdefintion.", e);
        } finally {
        return map;

     * For "jbpm_delegation" table "configuration_" column "sequence",
     * "activity" and "role_name" tags.
     * @param p_str
     *            -- "configuration_" column content.
     * @param p_tagName
     *            -- "sequence", "activity", "role_name".
     * @return String
    private static String getValueForSpecifiedTag(String p_str, String p_tagName) {
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_str) || StringUtil.isEmpty(p_tagName)) {
            return "";

        String result = "";
        try {
            int index = p_str.indexOf("</" + p_tagName + ">");
            if (index > -1) {
                result = p_str.substring(0, index);
                index = result.lastIndexOf(">");
                result = result.substring(index + 1);
        } catch (Exception ignore) {

        return result;

     * Get a process definitions string like "1,2,3".
    private static String getProcessDefinitions(Set<Long> processDefinitions) {
        StringBuilder processDefs = new StringBuilder();
        int count = 0;
        for (Long pd : processDefinitions) {
            if (count < processDefinitions.size()) {

        return processDefs.toString();

     * Help class for "getTaskAssigneesByJob(jobId)" method.
    static class TaskAssignee {
        private long workflowId = -1;
        private long taskId = -1;
        private String taskName = null;
        private String nodeName = null;
        private long processDefinition = -1;

        public long getWorkflowId() {
            return workflowId;

        public void setWorkflowId(long workflowId) {
            this.workflowId = workflowId;

        public long getTaskId() {
            return taskId;

        public void setTaskId(long taskId) {
            this.taskId = taskId;

        public String getTaskName() {
            return taskName;

        public void setTaskName(String taskName) {
            this.taskName = taskName;

        public String getNodeName() {
            return nodeName;

        public void setNodeName(String nodeName) {
            this.nodeName = nodeName;

        public long getProcessDefinition() {
            return processDefinition;

        public void setProcessDefinition(long processDefinition) {
            this.processDefinition = processDefinition;

     * Help class for "getTaskAssigneesByJob(jobId)" method.
    static class TaskConfiguration {
        private long delegationId = -1;
        private long processDefinition = -1;
        private String configuration = null;

        public long getDelegationId() {
            return delegationId;

        public void setDelegationId(long delegationId) {
            this.delegationId = delegationId;

        public long getProcessDefinition() {
            return processDefinition;

        public void setProcessDefinition(long processDefinition) {
            this.processDefinition = processDefinition;

        public String getConfiguration() {
            return configuration;

        public void setConfiguration(String configuration) {
            this.configuration = configuration;

    static class TaskJbpmNode {
        private long nodeId = -1;
        private String nodeClass = null;
        private String nodeName = null;
        private long processDefinition = -1;

        public long getNodeId() {
            return nodeId;

        public void setNodeId(long nodeId) {
            this.nodeId = nodeId;

        public String getNodeClass() {
            return nodeClass;

        public void setNodeClass(String nodeClass) {
            this.nodeClass = nodeClass;

        public String getNodeName() {
            return nodeName;

        public void setNodeName(String nodeName) {
            this.nodeName = nodeName;

        public long getProcessDefinition() {
            return processDefinition;

        public void setProcessDefinition(long processDefinition) {
            this.processDefinition = processDefinition;

    static class TaskJbpmTransition {
        private long id = -1;
        private String name = null;
        private long processDefinition = -1;
        private long from = -1;
        private long to = -1;
        private long fromIndex = -1;

        public long getId() {
            return id;

        public void setId(long id) {
   = id;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public void setName(String name) {
   = name;

        public long getProcessDefinition() {
            return processDefinition;

        public void setProcessDefinition(long processDefinition) {
            this.processDefinition = processDefinition;

        public long getFrom() {
            return from;

        public void setFrom(long from) {
            this.from = from;

        public long getTo() {
            return to;

        public void setTo(long to) {
   = to;

        public long getFromIndex() {
            return fromIndex;

        public void setFromIndex(long fromIndex) {
            this.fromIndex = fromIndex;

      * Create new user
      * @param p_accessToken
      *            String Access token. REQUIRED.
      * @param p_userId
      *            String User ID. REQUIRED.
      *            Example: 'qaadmin'
      * @param p_password
      *            String Password. It requires 8 characters at least. REQUIRED.
      * @param p_firstName
      *            String First name. It can have 100 characters at most. REQUIRED.
      * @param p_lastName
      *            String Last name. It can have 100 characters at most. REQUIRED.
      * @param p_email
      *            String Email address. REQUIRED.
      *            If the email address is not vaild then the user's status will be set up as inactive
      * @param p_permissionGrps
      *            String[] Permission groups which the new user belongs to.
      *            The element in the array is the name of permission group.
      *            Example: [{"Administrator"}, {"ProjectManager"}]
      * @param p_status
      *            String Status of user. This parameter is not using now, it should be null.
      * @param p_roles
      *            Roles String information of user. It uses a string with XML format to mark all roles information of user. REQUIRED.
      *            Example:
      *              <?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
      *                <roles>
      *                  <role>
      *                    <sourceLocale>en_US</sourceLocale>
      *                    <targetLocale>de_DE</targetLocale>
      *                    <activities>
      *                      <activity>
      *                        <name>Dtp1</name>
      *                      </activity>
      *                      <activity>
      *                        <name>Dtp2</name>
      *                      </activity>
      *                    </activities>
      *                  </role>
      *                </roles>
      * @param p_isInAllProject
      *            boolean If the user need to be included in all project. REQUIRED.
      * @param p_projectIds
      *            String[] ID of projects which user should be included in. If p_isInAllProject is true, this will not take effect.
      *            Example: [{"1"}, {"3"}]
      * @return int Return code 
      *        0 -- Success 
      *        1 -- Invalid access token 
      *        2 -- Invalid user id 
      *        3 -- Cannot create super user
      *        4 -- User exists
      *        5 -- User does NOT exist
      *        6 -- User is NOT in the same company with logged user
      *        7 -- Invalid user password 
      *        8 -- Invalid first name 
      *        9 -- Invalid last name 
      *       10 -- Invalid email address 
      *       11 -- Invalid permission groups 
      *       12 -- Invalid project information 
      *       13 -- Invalid role information 
      *       14-- Current login user does not have enough permission
      *       -1 -- Unknown exception
      * @throws WebServiceException
    int createUser(String p_accessToken, String p_userId, String p_password, String p_firstName, String p_lastName,
            String p_email, String[] p_permissionGrps, String p_status, String p_roles, boolean p_isInAllProject,
            String[] p_projectIds) throws WebServiceException {
        checkAccess(p_accessToken, "createUser");
        WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null;
        try {
            User loggedUser = getUser(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken));
            Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
            activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUser.getUserName());
            activityArgs.put("userId", p_userId);
            activityArgs.put("password", p_password);
            activityArgs.put("firstName", p_firstName);
            activityArgs.put("lastName", p_lastName);
            activityArgs.put("email", p_email);
            activityArgs.put("permissionGrps", stringArr2Str(p_permissionGrps));
            activityArgs.put("roles", p_roles);
            activityArgs.put("isInAllProject", p_isInAllProject);
            activityArgs.put("projectIds", stringArr2Str(p_projectIds));
            activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(AmbassadorHelper.class, "createUser", activityArgs);

            String returnStr = checkPermissionReturnStr(p_accessToken, Permission.USERS_NEW);
            if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(returnStr))
                return INVALD_PERMISSION;

            int checkResult = validateUserInfo(p_accessToken, p_userId, p_password, p_firstName, p_lastName,
                    p_email, p_permissionGrps, p_isInAllProject, p_projectIds, true);
            if (checkResult > 0)
                return checkResult;

            // Get current user as requesting user
            UserManagerWLRemote userManager = ServerProxy.getUserManager();
            Company company = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getCompany(loggedUser.getCompanyName());
            long companyId = company.getId();
            String companyIdString = String.valueOf(companyId);

            // Set up basic user information
            User user = userManager.createUser();
            //Because UserUtil.newUserId(...) will insert the relationship between
            //userid and username into user_id_user_name table directly, Then
            //for creating new user, it should be generated later after role checking

            // Set up project information
            ArrayList<Long> projectIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
            ProjectHandlerWLRemote projectManager = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler();
            if (p_isInAllProject) {
                // user is in all projects
                List<Project> projects = (List<Project>) projectManager.getAllProjects();
                if (projects == null || projects.size() == 0)
                    return INVALID_PROJECTS;
                for (Project project : projects)
            } else {
                // user is in some special projects
                for (String projectId : p_projectIds)

            List<UserRole> roles = parseRoles(user, p_roles);
            if (roles == null)
                return INVALID_ROLES;

            for (UserRole ur : roles)

            // Check the argument of permssion groups
            // Get all permission groups in special company
            ArrayList<PermissionGroup> permissionGroups = new ArrayList<PermissionGroup>();
            PermissionManager permissionManager = Permission.getPermissionManager();
            List<PermissionGroup> companyPermissionGroups = (List<PermissionGroup>) permissionManager

            //Get permission group map
            HashMap<String, PermissionGroup> permissionGroupsMap = new HashMap<String, PermissionGroup>();
            for (PermissionGroup pg : companyPermissionGroups)
                permissionGroupsMap.put(pg.getName(), pg);

            for (String pgName : p_permissionGrps)

            // Add user
            userManager.addUser(loggedUser, user, projectIds, null, roles);
            user = userManager.getUser(user.getUserId());
            if (user != null) {
                // Set up user's permission groups
                ArrayList<String> users = new ArrayList<String>(1);
                for (PermissionGroup pg : permissionGroups)
                    permissionManager.mapUsersToPermissionGroup(users, pg);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        } finally {
            if (activityStart != null) {

        return SUCCESS;

    private int validateUserInfo(String accessToken, String userId, String password, String firstName,
            String lastName, String email, String[] permissionGroups, boolean isInAllProjects, String[] projectIds,
            boolean isToCreateUser) {
        // Basic check of parameters
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(accessToken))
            return INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN;
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(userId) || !RegexUtil.validUserId(userId))
            return INVALID_USER_ID;
        if (isToCreateUser) {
            //Create new user
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(password) || password.length() < 8)
                return INVALID_PASSWORD;
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(firstName) || firstName.length() > 100)
                return INVALID_FIRST_NAME;
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(lastName) || lastName.length() > 100)
                return INVALID_LAST_NAME;
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(email) || !RegexUtil.validEmail(email))
                return INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS;
            if (permissionGroups == null || permissionGroups.length == 0)
                return INVALID_PERMISSION_GROUPS;
            if (projectIds == null || projectIds.length == 0)
                return INVALID_PROJECTS;
        } else {
            //Modify user
            if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(password) && password.length() < 8)
                return INVALID_PASSWORD;
            if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(firstName) && firstName.length() > 100)
                return INVALID_FIRST_NAME;
            if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(lastName) && lastName.length() > 100)
                return INVALID_LAST_NAME;
            if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(email) && !RegexUtil.validEmail(email))
                return INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS;

        userId = userId.trim();

        // Check access token and get logged user and his company info
        String loggedUserName = getUsernameFromSession(accessToken);
        User loggedUser = null;
        try {
            loggedUser = getUser(loggedUserName);
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(loggedUserName) || loggedUser == null)
                return INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN;
        } catch (WebServiceException e) {
            return INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN;
        Company companyOfLoggedUser = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyByName(loggedUser.getCompanyName());
        long companyIdOfLoggedUser = companyOfLoggedUser.getId();
        String companyIdStringOfLoggedUser = String.valueOf(companyIdOfLoggedUser);

        // Check user id
        User user = null;
        try {
            UserManagerWLRemote userManager = ServerProxy.getUserManager();
            if (isToCreateUser) {
                Vector<User> usersInCompany = userManager.getUsersFromCompany(companyIdStringOfLoggedUser);
                for (User iUser : usersInCompany) {
                    if (iUser.getUserName().equalsIgnoreCase(userId))
                        return USER_EXISTS;
            } else {
                user = userManager.getUser(userId);
                if (user == null)
                    return USER_NOT_EXIST;
                if (!user.getCompanyName().equals(loggedUser.getCompanyName()))
                    return NOT_IN_SAME_COMPANY;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return INVALID_USER_ID;

        // Check permission groups
        if (permissionGroups != null && permissionGroups.length > 0) {
            PermissionManager permissionManager = null;
            ArrayList<String> permissionGroupList = new ArrayList<String>();
            try {
                for (String perm : permissionGroups) {
                    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(perm))
                        return INVALID_PERMISSION_GROUPS;

                permissionManager = Permission.getPermissionManager();
                ArrayList<PermissionGroup> companyPermissionGroups = (ArrayList<PermissionGroup>) permissionManager
                ArrayList<String> validPermissionGroupsList = new ArrayList<String>();
                for (PermissionGroup pg : companyPermissionGroups)

                for (String pg : permissionGroupList) {
                    if (!validPermissionGroupsList.contains(pg))
                        return INVALID_PERMISSION_GROUPS;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return INVALID_PERMISSION_GROUPS;

        // Check project Ids
        if (!isInAllProjects) {
            if (projectIds != null && projectIds.length > 0) {
                try {
                    Project project = null;
                    ProjectHandlerWLRemote projectManager = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler();
                    long projectId = -1L;

                    for (String pid : projectIds) {
                        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(pid))
                            return INVALID_PROJECTS;
                        projectId = Long.parseLong(pid.trim());
                        project = projectManager.getProjectById(projectId);
                        if (project == null
                                || (companyIdOfLoggedUser != 1 && project.getCompanyId() != companyIdOfLoggedUser))
                            return INVALID_PROJECTS;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    return INVALID_PROJECTS;

        return SUCCESS;

     * Modify user
     * @param p_accessToken
     *            String Access token. REQUIRED.
     * @param p_userId
     *            String User ID.  REQUIRED.
     *            Example: 'qaadmin'
     * @param p_password
     *            String Password. It requires 8 characters at least.
     * @param p_firstName
     *            String First name. It can have 100 characters at most.
     * @param p_lastName
     *            String Last name. It can have 100 characters at most.
     * @param p_email
     *            String Email address.
     *            If the email address is not valid, the user's status will be set up as inactive.
     * @param p_permissionGrps
     *            String[] Permission groups which the new user belongs to.
     *            The element in the array is the name of permission group.
     *            Example: [{"Administrator"}, {"ProjectManager"}]
     * @param p_status
     *            String Status of user. This parameter is not using now, it should be null.
     * @param p_roles
     *            Roles String information of user. It uses a string with XML format to mark all roles information of user.
     *            Example:
     *              <?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
     *                <roles>
     *                  <role>
     *                    <sourceLocale>en_US</sourceLocale>
     *                    <targetLocale>de_DE</targetLocale>
     *                    <activities>
     *                      <activity>
     *                        <name>Dtp1</name>
     *                      </activity>
     *                      <activity>
     *                        <name>Dtp2</name>
     *                      </activity>
     *                    </activities>
     *                  </role>
     *                </roles>
     * @param p_isInAllProject
     *            boolean If the user need to be included in all project. REQUIRED.
     * @param p_projectIds
     *            String[] ID of projects which user should be included in. If p_isInAllProject is true, this will not take effect.
     *            Example: [{"1"}, {"3"}]
     * @return int Return code 
     *        0 -- Success 
     *        1 -- Invalid access token 
     *        2 -- Invalid user id 
     *        3 -- Cannot create super user
     *        4 -- User exists
     *        5 -- User does NOT exist
     *        6 -- User is NOT in the same company with logged user
     *        7 -- Invalid user password 
     *        8 -- Invalid first name 
     *        9 -- Invalid last name 
     *       10 -- Invalid email address 
     *       11 -- Invalid permission groups 
     *       12 -- Invalid project information 
     *       13 -- Invalid role information 
     *       14-- Current login user does not have enough permission
     *       -1 -- Unknown exception
     * @throws WebServiceException
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    int modifyUser(String p_accessToken, String p_userId, String p_password, String p_firstName, String p_lastName,
            String p_email, String[] p_permissionGrps, String p_status, String p_roles, boolean p_isInAllProject,
            String[] p_projectIds) throws WebServiceException {
        checkAccess(p_accessToken, "modifyUser");
        WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null;
        try {
            // Get current user as requesting user
            User loggedUser = getUser(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken));

            Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
            activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUser.getUserName());
            activityArgs.put("userId", p_userId);
            activityArgs.put("password", p_password);
            activityArgs.put("firstName", p_firstName);
            activityArgs.put("lastName", p_lastName);
            activityArgs.put("email", p_email);
            activityArgs.put("permissionGrps", stringArr2Str(p_permissionGrps));
            activityArgs.put("roles", p_roles);
            activityArgs.put("isInAllProject", p_isInAllProject);
            activityArgs.put("projectIds", stringArr2Str(p_projectIds));
            activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(AmbassadorHelper.class, "modifyUser", activityArgs);

            String returnStr = checkPermissionReturnStr(p_accessToken, Permission.USERS_EDIT);
            if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(returnStr))
                return INVALD_PERMISSION;

            int checkResult = validateUserInfo(p_accessToken, p_userId, p_password, p_firstName, p_lastName,
                    p_email, p_permissionGrps, p_isInAllProject, p_projectIds, false);
            if (checkResult > 0)
                return checkResult;

            UserManagerWLRemote userManager = ServerProxy.getUserManager();
            PermissionManager permissionManager = Permission.getPermissionManager();
            Company company = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getCompany(loggedUser.getCompanyName());
            long companyId = company.getId();

            // Set up basic user information
            User user = userManager.getUser(p_userId);
            if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(p_firstName))
            if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(p_lastName))
            if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(p_email))
            if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(p_password))

            // Set up project information
            ArrayList projectIds = null;
            ProjectHandlerWLRemote projectManager = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler();
            if (p_isInAllProject) {
                // user is in all projects
                List<Project> projects = (List<Project>) projectManager.getAllProjects();
                if (projects != null && projects.size() > 0) {
                    projectIds = new ArrayList();
                    for (Project project : projects)
            } else {
                if (p_projectIds != null && p_projectIds.length > 0) {
                    Project project = null;
                    projectIds = new ArrayList();
                    for (String pid : p_projectIds) {
                        project = projectManager.getProjectById(Long.parseLong(pid.trim()));

            List<UserRole> roles = null;
            if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(p_roles)) {
                roles = parseRoles(user, p_roles);
                if (roles == null || roles.size() == 0)
                    return INVALID_ROLES;
                else {
                    for (UserRole ur : roles)

            // Check the argument of permission groups
            // Get all permission groups in special company
            ArrayList updatePermissionGroups = null;
            if (p_permissionGrps != null && p_permissionGrps.length > 0) {
                updatePermissionGroups = new ArrayList();

                List<PermissionGroup> companyPermissionGroups = (List<PermissionGroup>) permissionManager

                //Get permission group map
                HashMap<String, PermissionGroup> permissionGroupsMap = new HashMap<String, PermissionGroup>();
                for (PermissionGroup pg : companyPermissionGroups)
                    permissionGroupsMap.put(pg.getName(), pg);

                for (String pgName : p_permissionGrps)

            // Modify user
            userManager.modifyUser(loggedUser, user, projectIds, null, roles);

            // Set up user's permission groups
            updatePermissionGroups(p_userId, updatePermissionGroups);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        } finally {
            if (activityStart != null) {

        return SUCCESS;

     * Parse roles information from XML format string.
     * The XML format string is like below:
     * <?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
     * <roles>
     *   <role>
     *     <sourceLocale>en_US</sourceLocale>
     *     <targetLocale>de_DE</targetLocale>
     *     <activities>
     *       <activity>
     *         <name>Dtp1</name>
     *       </activity>
     *       <activity>
     *         <name>Dtp2</name>
     *       </activity>
     *     </activities>
     *   </role>
     * </roles>
     * @param p_user -- User
     * @param p_xml -- Roles information
     * @return List<UserRole>
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "rawtypes" })
    private List<UserRole> parseRoles(User p_user, String p_xml) {
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_xml))
            return null;

        ArrayList<UserRole> roles = new ArrayList<UserRole>();
        try {
            XmlParser parser = new XmlParser();
            Document doc = parser.parseXml(p_xml);
            Element root = doc.getRootElement();
            List rolesList = root.elements();
            if (rolesList == null || rolesList.size() == 0)
                return null;

            String sourceLocale, targetLocale, activityId, activityName, activityDisplayName, activityUserType,
            Activity activity = null;
            UserRole role = null;
            LocalePair localePair = null;

            UserManagerWLRemote userManager = ServerProxy.getUserManager();
            JobHandlerWLRemote jobManager = ServerProxy.getJobHandler();
            Company loggedCompany = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyByName(p_user.getCompanyName());

            for (Iterator iter = rolesList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                Element roleElement = (Element);
                sourceLocale = roleElement.element("sourceLocale").getText();
                targetLocale = roleElement.element("targetLocale").getText();
                String localeCompanyName = null;
                Company localeCompany = null;
                Element node = (Element) roleElement.selectSingleNode("companyName");
                if (CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(String.valueOf(loggedCompany.getId()))) {
                    if (node == null)
                        return null;
                    localeCompanyName = roleElement.element("companyName").getText();
                    localeCompany = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyByName(localeCompanyName.trim());
                    if (localeCompany == null)
                        return null;
                } else {
                    if (node != null)
                        return null;

                if (localeCompany == null)
                    localePair = getLocalePairBySourceTargetAndCompanyStrings(sourceLocale, targetLocale,
                    localePair = getLocalePairBySourceTargetAndCompanyStrings(sourceLocale, targetLocale,

                if (localePair == null)
                    return null;

                List activitiesList = roleElement.elements("activities");
                if (activitiesList == null || activitiesList.size() == 0)
                    return null;

                for (Iterator iter1 = activitiesList.iterator(); iter1.hasNext();) {
                    Element activitiesElement = (Element);

                    List activityList = activitiesElement.elements();
                    for (Iterator iter2 = activityList.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) {
                        Element activityElement = (Element);
                        activityName = activityElement.element("name").getText();
                        if (localeCompany != null) {
                            activity = jobManager.getActivityByCompanyId(activityName + "_" + localeCompany.getId(),
                        } else {
                            activity = jobManager.getActivityByCompanyId(activityName + "_" + loggedCompany.getId(),

                        if (activity == null)
                            return null;

                        role = userManager.createUserRole();
                        ((Role) role).setActivity(activity);
                        ((Role) role).setSourceLocale(sourceLocale);
                        ((Role) role).setTargetLocale(targetLocale);
                        // role.setUser(p_user.getUserId());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            return null;
        return roles;

    private LocalePair getLocalePairBySourceTargetAndCompanyStrings(String p_sourceLocaleString,
            String p_targetLocaleString, long companyId) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException {
        if (p_sourceLocaleString == null || p_sourceLocaleString.length() <= 1 || p_targetLocaleString == null
                || p_targetLocaleString.length() <= 1) {
            return null;
        LocalePair localePair = null;
        // source
        StringTokenizer srcTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(p_sourceLocaleString, SEPARATOR);

        // should at least be 2 (ll_cc) or at most 3 (ll_cc_vv)
        String language = srcTokenizer.nextToken();
        String country = "";

        if (p_sourceLocaleString.length() > 3) {
            country = srcTokenizer.nextToken();

        HashMap map = new HashMap();
        map.put("sLanguage", language);
        map.put("sCountry", country);
        // target
        StringTokenizer trgTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(p_targetLocaleString, SEPARATOR);
        language = trgTokenizer.nextToken();
        country = "";
        if (p_targetLocaleString.length() > 3) {
            country = trgTokenizer.nextToken();

        map.put("tLanguage", language);
        map.put("tCountry", country);

        try {
            StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer();
            hql.append("from LocalePair lp where lp.isActive = 'Y'").append(" and lp.source.language = :sLanguage ")
                    .append(" and = :sCountry ").append(" and = :tLanguage ")
                    .append(" and = :tCountry");

            hql.append(" and lp.companyId = :companyId");
            map.put("companyId", companyId);

            List localePairs =, map);
            if (localePairs != null && localePairs.size() > 0) {
                localePair = (LocalePair) localePairs.get(0);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return localePair;

     * Update user's permission groups
     * @param p_userId
     *            User ID
     * @param p_permissionGrps
     *            Permission groups
     * @throws EnvoyServletException
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    private void updatePermissionGroups(String p_userId, List p_permissionGrps) throws EnvoyServletException {
        ArrayList changed = (ArrayList) p_permissionGrps;
        if (changed == null)
        ArrayList existing = (ArrayList) PermissionHelper.getAllPermissionGroupsForUser(p_userId);
        if (existing == null && changed.size() == 0)

        ArrayList list = new ArrayList(1);
        try {
            PermissionManager manager = Permission.getPermissionManager();
            if (existing == null) {
                // just adding new perm groups
                for (int i = 0; i < changed.size(); i++) {
                    PermissionGroup pg = (PermissionGroup) changed.get(i);
                    manager.mapUsersToPermissionGroup(list, pg);
            } else {
                // need to determine what to add and what to remove.
                // Loop thru old list and see if perm is in new list. If not,
                // remove it.
                for (int i = 0; i < existing.size(); i++) {
                    PermissionGroup pg = (PermissionGroup) existing.get(i);
                    boolean found = false;
                    for (int j = 0; j < changed.size(); j++) {
                        PermissionGroup cpg = (PermissionGroup) changed.get(j);
                        if (pg.getId() == cpg.getId()) {
                            found = true;
                    if (!found)
                        manager.unMapUsersFromPermissionGroup(list, pg);

                // Loop thru new list and see if perm is in old list. If not,
                // add it.
                for (int i = 0; i < changed.size(); i++) {
                    boolean found = false;
                    PermissionGroup pg = (PermissionGroup) changed.get(i);
                    for (int j = 0; j < existing.size(); j++) {
                        PermissionGroup cpg = (PermissionGroup) existing.get(j);
                        if (pg.getId() == cpg.getId()) {
                            found = true;
                    if (!found)
                        manager.mapUsersToPermissionGroup(list, pg);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new EnvoyServletException(e);

     * Reassign task to other translators
     * @param p_accessToken
     *            String Access token
     * @param p_workflowId
     *            String ID of task
     *            Example: "10"
     * @param p_users
     *            String[] Users' information who will be reassigned to. The element in the array is [{userid}].
     *            Example: ["qaadmin", "qauser"]
     * @return 
     *            Return null if the reassignment executes successfully.
     *            Otherwise it will throw exception or return error message
     * @throws WebServiceException
    String taskReassign(String p_accessToken, String p_taskId, String[] p_users) throws WebServiceException {
        checkAccess(p_accessToken, "jobsReassign");
        String returnStr = checkPermissionReturnStr(p_accessToken, Permission.JOB_WORKFLOWS_REASSIGN);
        if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(returnStr))
            return returnStr;

        try {
            Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token");
            Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_taskId, "Task Id");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage());

        if (p_users == null || p_users.length == 0) {
            throw new WebServiceException("Users is null");

        ArrayList<String> reassignedUsers = new ArrayList<String>();
        StringBuffer users = new StringBuffer();
        for (String userId : p_users) {
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(userId))
            userId = userId.trim();
            users.append(userId + ",");

        WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null;
        try {
            String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken);
            Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
            activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName);
            activityArgs.put("taskId", p_taskId);
            activityArgs.put("users", users.toString());
            activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class,
                    "jobsReassign(p_accessToken, p_workflowId,p_targetLocale,p_workflowId,p_users)", activityArgs);

            User loggedUser = getUser(userName);

            Task taskInfo = null;
            try {
                taskInfo = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTask(Integer.parseInt(p_taskId));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Error found in get task info", e);
                return "Incorrect task ID";

            if (taskInfo == null)
                return "Cannot find task";

            Company company = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyByName(loggedUser.getCompanyName());
            long companyId = company.getId();
            if (companyId != 1 && companyId != taskInfo.getCompanyId())
                return "Cannot re-assign task which is in different company";

            String taskAcceptor = taskInfo.getAcceptor();
            // If current task acceptor is the user to be reassigned, then
            // return
            if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(taskAcceptor)) {
                if (reassignedUsers.size() == 1 && reassignedUsers.contains(taskAcceptor))
                    return "Current task acceptor is the same with user being reassigned";

            String errorMessage = "";
            String sourceLocale = taskInfo.getSourceLocale().toString();
            String targetLocale = taskInfo.getTargetLocale().toString();
            List<Task> tasks = new ArrayList<Task>();
            Workflow wf = taskInfo.getWorkflow();
            long wfId = wf.getId();
            String workflowState = wf.getState();
            if (!Workflow.READY_TO_BE_DISPATCHED.equals(workflowState)
                    && !Workflow.DISPATCHED.equals(workflowState)) {
                return "Workflow which contains the task is not in 'Ready' or 'In Progress' state.";

            wf = ServerProxy.getWorkflowManager().getWorkflowById(wfId);
            Hashtable taskUserHash = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable taskSelectedUserHash = new Hashtable();

            updateUsers(tasks, taskUserHash, taskSelectedUserHash, wf);

            Enumeration keys = taskUserHash.keys();
            HashMap<Long, Vector<NewAssignee>> roleMap = new HashMap<Long, Vector<NewAssignee>>();
            long taskId = -1;
            String displayRole = "";
            ContainerRole containerRole = null;
            Activity activity = null;
            String[] roles = null;
            Vector<NewAssignee> newAssignees = null;
            Task task = null;
            User user = null;
            Hashtable<String, UserInfo> taskUsers = null;

            while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
                task = (Task) keys.nextElement();
                String taskState = task.getStateAsString();
                if (!Task.STATE_ACTIVE_STR.equals(taskState) && !Task.STATE_DEACTIVE_STR.equals(taskState)
                        && !Task.STATE_ACCEPTED_STR.equals(taskState)) {
                    errorMessage += " task state is not in Active, Deactive or Accepted status.";
                taskUsers = (Hashtable<String, UserInfo>) taskUserHash.get(task);
                taskId = task.getId();
                activity = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getActivityByCompanyId(task.getTaskName(),
                containerRole = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getContainerRole(activity, sourceLocale, targetLocale);
                ArrayList<User> vaildUsers = new ArrayList<User>();
                for (String userId : reassignedUsers) {
                    user = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUser(userId);
                    if (!taskUsers.containsKey(userId)) {
                        errorMessage += " " + userId + " has not corresponding role.";
                if (vaildUsers.size() == 0)

                newAssignees = new Vector<NewAssignee>();
                roles = new String[vaildUsers.size()];
                int i = 0;
                for (User userInfo : vaildUsers) {
                    roles[i] = containerRole.getName() + " " + userInfo.getUserId();
                    if (i == vaildUsers.size() - 1) {
                        displayRole += userInfo.getUserName();
                    } else {
                        displayRole += userInfo.getUserName() + ",";
                newAssignees.addElement(new NewAssignee(roles, displayRole, true));
                roleMap.put(taskId, newAssignees);

            boolean shouldModifyWf = false;
            WorkflowInstance wi = ServerProxy.getWorkflowServer().getWorkflowInstanceById(wf.getId());

            Vector<WorkflowTaskInstance> wfiTasks = wi.getWorkflowInstanceTasks();
            for (WorkflowTaskInstance wti : wfiTasks) {
                newAssignees = roleMap.get(wti.getTaskId());
                if (newAssignees != null) {
                    for (int r = 0; r < newAssignees.size(); r++) {
                        NewAssignee na = (NewAssignee) newAssignees.elementAt(r);
                        if (na != null && !areSameRoles(wti.getRoles(), na.m_roles)) {
                            shouldModifyWf = true;

            // modify one workflow at a time and reset the flag
            if (shouldModifyWf) {
                shouldModifyWf = false;
                ServerProxy.getWorkflowManager().modifyWorkflow(null, wi, null, null);

            if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(errorMessage))
                return errorMessage.substring(1);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new EnvoyServletException(e);
        } finally {
            if (activityStart != null) {

        return null;

     * Get the list of users for each Review-Only activity.
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    private void updateUsers(List p_tasks, Hashtable p_taskUserHash, Hashtable p_taskSelectedUserHash,
            Workflow p_wf) throws GeneralException, RemoteException {
        Project proj = p_wf.getJob().getL10nProfile().getProject();
        for (Iterator iter = p_tasks.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            Hashtable userHash = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable selectedUserHash = new Hashtable();
            Task task = (Task);

            List selectedUsers = null;
            long taskId = task.getId();
            WorkflowInstance wi = ServerProxy.getWorkflowServer().getWorkflowInstanceById(p_wf.getId());
            //WorkflowTaskInstance wfTask = p_wf.getIflowInstance()
            //        .getWorkflowTaskById(taskId);
            WorkflowTaskInstance wfTask = wi.getWorkflowTaskById(taskId);
            String[] roles = wfTask.getRoles();
            String[] userIds = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUserIdsFromRoles(roles, proj);
            if ((userIds != null) && (userIds.length > 0)) {
                selectedUsers = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUserInfos(userIds);

            // get all users for this task and locale pair.
            List userInfos = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUserInfos(task.getTaskName(),
                    task.getSourceLocale().toString(), task.getTargetLocale().toString());
            Set<String> projectUserIds = null;
            if (proj != null) {
                projectUserIds = proj.getUserIds();

            if (userInfos == null)

            for (Iterator iter2 = userInfos.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) {
                UserInfo userInfo = (UserInfo);
                // filter user by project
                if (projectUserIds != null) {
                    String userId = userInfo.getUserId();
                    // if the specified user is contained in the project
                    // then add to the Hash.
                    if (projectUserIds.contains(userId)) {
                        userHash.put(userInfo.getUserId(), userInfo);
            p_taskUserHash.put(task, userHash);
            if (selectedUsers == null)

            for (Iterator iter3 = selectedUsers.iterator(); iter3.hasNext();) {
                UserInfo ta = (UserInfo);
                selectedUserHash.put(ta.getUserId(), ta);
            p_taskSelectedUserHash.put(task, selectedUserHash);

     * Determines whether the two array of roles contain the same set of role
     * names.
    private boolean areSameRoles(String[] p_workflowRoles, String[] p_selectedRoles) {
        // First need to sort since Arrays.equals() requires
        // the parameters to be sorted
        return Arrays.equals(p_workflowRoles, p_selectedRoles);

     * Get tasks in specified workflow
     * @param p_wfId
     *            workflow ID
     * @return ArrayList Collection of tasks which is in the specified workflow
     * @throws WebServiceException
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    private ArrayList<Task> getTasksInWorkflow(String p_wfId) throws WebServiceException {
        ArrayList<Task> tasks = new ArrayList<Task>();
        long wfId = 0l;

        // Validate workflow ID
        if (p_wfId == null || p_wfId.trim().length() == 0)
            return tasks;
        try {
            wfId = Long.parseLong(p_wfId);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            throw new WebServiceException("Wrong workflow ID");

        try {
            WorkflowInstance workflowInstance = WorkflowProcessAdapter.getProcessInstance(wfId);
            Workflow workflow = ServerProxy.getWorkflowManager().getWorkflowByIdRefresh(wfId);
            Hashtable tasksInWF = workflow.getTasks();

            // get the NodeInstances of TYPE_ACTIVITY
            List<WorkflowTaskInstance> nodesInPath = workflowInstance.getDefaultPathNode();

            for (WorkflowTaskInstance task : nodesInPath) {
                Task taskInfo = (Task) tasksInWF.get(task.getTaskId());

                if (taskInfo.reassignable()) {
            return tasks;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage());

    private class NewAssignee {
        String m_displayRoleName = null;

        String[] m_roles = null;

        boolean m_isUserRole = false;

        NewAssignee(String[] p_roles, String p_displayRoleName, boolean p_isUserRole) {
            m_displayRoleName = p_displayRoleName;
            m_roles = p_roles;
            m_isUserRole = p_isUserRole;

    protected void checkIfInstalled() throws WebServiceException {
        // do nothing

    private static String subString(String name) {
        if (name == null)
            return null;

        String[] nameStr = name.split("_");
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
        for (int i = 2; i < nameStr.length; i++) {
        String returnStr = null;
        if (buffer.toString().endsWith("_")) {
            returnStr = buffer.toString().substring(0, buffer.toString().lastIndexOf("_"));
        return returnStr;

    private static String toInClause(List<?> list) {
        StringBuilder in = new StringBuilder();
        if (list.size() == 0)
            return "(0)";

        for (Object o : list) {
            if (o instanceof List) {
                if (((List) o).size() == 0)

                for (Object id : (List<?>) o) {
                    if (id instanceof String) {
                        in.append(((String) id).replace("\'", "\\\'"));
                    } else {
            } else if (o instanceof String) {
                in.append(((String) o).replace("\'", "\\\'"));
            } else {
        in.deleteCharAt(in.length() - 1);

        return in.toString();

     * Offline download to get reviewers comments report, translations edit
     * report or offline translation kit.
     * @param p_accessToken
     *            -- login user's token
     * @param p_taskId
     *            -- task ID to offline download file for.
     * @param p_workOfflineFileType
     *            -- 1 : Reviewer Comments Report or Translations Edit Report (this follows UI settings)
     *            -- 2 : Offline Translation Kit
     *            -- 3 : Translation Edit Report
     *            -- 4 : Reviewer Comments Report
     *            -- 5 : Reviewer Comments Report (Simplified)
     *            -- 6 : Post Review QA Report
     *            -- 7 : Translation Verification Report
     *            -- 14 : Reviewer Comments Report with Compact Tags
    *            -- 15 : Reviewer Comments Report (Simplified) with Compact Tags
     * @throws WebServiceException
    protected String getWorkOfflineFiles(String p_accessToken, Long p_taskId, int p_workOfflineFileType,
            boolean p_isJson) throws WebServiceException {
        // Check work offline file type
        if (p_workOfflineFileType != 1 && p_workOfflineFileType != 2 && p_workOfflineFileType != 3
                && p_workOfflineFileType != 4 && p_workOfflineFileType != 5 && p_workOfflineFileType != 6
                && p_workOfflineFileType != 7) {
            if (p_isJson && p_workOfflineFileType != 14 && p_workOfflineFileType != 15) {
                return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, "Invalid workOfflineFileType "
                        + p_workOfflineFileType + ", it should be limited in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14 or 15.");

            if (!p_isJson) {
                return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, "Invalid workOfflineFileType "
                        + p_workOfflineFileType + ", it should be limited in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7.");

        Task task = null;
        try {
            task = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTask(p_taskId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.warn("Can not get task info by taskId " + p_taskId);

        if (task == null) {
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, "Can not find task by taskId " + p_taskId);

        if (task.getState() != Task.STATE_ACCEPTED) {
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, "This task should be in ACCEPTED state.");

        User loggedUser = getUser(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken));
        String userId = loggedUser.getUserId();
        ProjectImpl project = getProjectByTask(task);
        if (!userId.equals(task.getAcceptor()) && !userId.equals(project.getProjectManagerId())) {
            return makeErrorJson(GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES,
                    "This task belongs to user " + UserUtil.getUserNameById(task.getAcceptor())
                            + ", current logged user has no previlege to handle it.");

        String returning = "";
        String companyName = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(task.getCompanyId());
        WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null;
        try {
            Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
            activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUser.getUserName());
            activityArgs.put("taskId", p_taskId);
            activityArgs.put("workOfflineFileType", p_workOfflineFileType);
            activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador4Falcon.class, "getWorkOfflineFiles", activityArgs);

            String fileUrl = null;
            ReportGenerator generator = null;
            boolean isIncludeCompactTags = (project == null ? false : project.isReviewReportIncludeCompactTags());
            // Follow UI settings to decide which report to generate.
            if (p_workOfflineFileType == 1) {
                if (task.getType() == Activity.TYPE_REVIEW) {
                    PermissionSet perms = Permission.getPermissionManager()
                    if (!perms.getPermissionFor(Permission.REPORTS_LANGUAGE_SIGN_OFF)
                            && perms.getPermissionFor(Permission.REPORTS_LANGUAGE_SIGN_OFF_SIMPLE)) {
                        generator = new ReviewersCommentsSimpleReportGenerator(companyName);
                        ((ReviewersCommentsSimpleReportGenerator) generator)
                        ((ReviewersCommentsSimpleReportGenerator) generator).setUserId(userId);
                    } else {
                        generator = new ReviewersCommentsReportGenerator(companyName);
                        ((ReviewersCommentsReportGenerator) generator).setIncludeCompactTags(isIncludeCompactTags);
                        ((ReviewersCommentsReportGenerator) generator).setUserId(userId);
                } else {
                    generator = new TranslationsEditReportGenerator(companyName);
                    ((TranslationsEditReportGenerator) generator).setUserId(userId);
            // translation kit
            else if (p_workOfflineFileType == 2) {
                OfflineEditManager oem = ServerProxy.getOfflineEditManager();
                DownloadParams params = oem.getDownloadParamsByUser(userId, task);
                File file = oem.getDownloadOfflineFiles(userId, task.getId(), params);
                StringBuffer root = new StringBuffer();
                if (task.getCompanyId() != 1) {
                fileUrl = root.toString();
            // TER (does not care current task type)
            else if (p_workOfflineFileType == 3) {
                generator = new TranslationsEditReportGenerator(companyName);
                ((TranslationsEditReportGenerator) generator).setUserId(userId);
            // RCR (does not care current task type)
            else if (p_workOfflineFileType == 4) {
                generator = new ReviewersCommentsReportGenerator(companyName);
                ((ReviewersCommentsReportGenerator) generator).setIncludeCompactTags(isIncludeCompactTags);
                ((ReviewersCommentsReportGenerator) generator).setUserId(userId);
            // RCR Simplified (does not care current task type)
            else if (p_workOfflineFileType == 5) {
                generator = new ReviewersCommentsSimpleReportGenerator(companyName);
                ((ReviewersCommentsSimpleReportGenerator) generator).setIncludeCompactTags(isIncludeCompactTags);
                ((ReviewersCommentsSimpleReportGenerator) generator).setUserId(userId);
            //PRR (does not care current task type)
            else if (p_workOfflineFileType == 6) {
                generator = new PostReviewQAReportGenerator(companyName);
                ((PostReviewQAReportGenerator) generator).setUserId(userId);
            //TVR (does not care current task type)
            else if (p_workOfflineFileType == 7) {
                generator = new TranslationVerificationReportGenerator(companyName);
                ((TranslationVerificationReportGenerator) generator).setUserId(userId);
            // Reviewer Comments Report with Compact Tags
            else if (p_workOfflineFileType == 14) {
                generator = new ReviewersCommentsReportGenerator(companyName);
                ((ReviewersCommentsReportGenerator) generator).setIncludeCompactTags(true);
                ((ReviewersCommentsReportGenerator) generator).setUserId(userId);
            // Reviewer Comments Report (Simplified) with Compact Tags
            else if (p_workOfflineFileType == 15) {
                generator = new ReviewersCommentsSimpleReportGenerator(companyName);
                ((ReviewersCommentsSimpleReportGenerator) generator).setIncludeCompactTags(true);
                ((ReviewersCommentsSimpleReportGenerator) generator).setUserId(userId);

            if (p_workOfflineFileType == 1 || p_workOfflineFileType == 3 || p_workOfflineFileType == 4
                    || p_workOfflineFileType == 5 || p_workOfflineFileType == 6 || p_workOfflineFileType == 7
                    || p_workOfflineFileType == 14 || p_workOfflineFileType == 15) {
                List<Long> jobIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
                List<GlobalSightLocale> trgLocales = new ArrayList<GlobalSightLocale>();
                File[] files = generator.generateReports(jobIds, trgLocales);
                if (files.length > 0) {
                    File file = files[0];
                    String superFSDir = AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getFileStorageDirPath(1).replace("\\", "/");
                    String fullPathName = file.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/");
                    String path = fullPathName.substring(fullPathName.indexOf(superFSDir) + superFSDir.length());
                    path = path.substring(path.indexOf("/Reports/") + "/Reports/".length());
                    String root = AmbassadorUtil.getCapLoginOrPublicUrl() + "/DownloadReports";
                    fileUrl = root + "/" + path;

            if (p_isJson) {
                JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
                jsonObj.put("path", fileUrl);
                jsonObj.put("taskId", task.getId());
                jsonObj.put("targetLocale", task.getTargetLocale().toString());
                jsonObj.put("acceptorUserId", task.getAcceptor());
                returning = jsonObj.toString();
            } else {
                returning = fileUrl;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String message = "Error when generate translation kit or report.";
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, message);
        } finally {
            if (activityStart != null) {

        return returning;

     *  Offline download to get reviewers comments report, translations edit
     * report or offline translation kit.
     * @param p_accessToken
     *            -- login user's token
     * @param p_taskId
     *            -- task ID to offline download file for.
     * @param p_workOfflineFileType
     *            -- 1 : Reviewer Comments Report or Translations Edit Report (this follows UI settings)
     *            -- 2 : Offline Translation Kit
     *            -- 3 : Translation Edit Report
     *            -- 4 : Reviewer Comments Report
     *            -- 5 : Reviewer Comments Report (Simplified)
     *            -- 6 : Post Review QA Report
     *            -- 7 : Translation Verification Report
     *            -- 8  : Biligual Trados RTF
    *            -- 9  : Trados 7 TTX
    *            -- 10  : OmegaT
    *            -- 11 : XLiff 1.2
    *            -- 12 : Xliff 2.0
    *            -- 13 : RTF List view
    *            -- 14 : Reviewer Comments Report with Compact Tags
    *            -- 15 : Reviewer Comments Report (Simplified) with Compact Tags
     *@param p_workofflineFileTypeOption
     *            --1  : consolidate/split = split per file, include repeated segments = no (Default)
     *            --2  : consolidate/split = consolidate (overrides preserve folder structure setting),include repeated segments = no
     *            --3  : consolidate/split = split per wordcount of 2000, include repeated segments = no
     *            --4  : consolidate/split = split per file, include repeated segments = yes
     *            --5  : consolidate/split = consolidate (overrides preserve folder structure setting),include repeated segments = yes
     *            --6  : consolidate/split = split per wordcount of 2000, include repeated segments = yes
     * @return -- JSON string. -- If fail, it is like
     *         '{"getWorkOfflineFiles":"Corresponding message is here."}'; -- If
     *         succeed, report returning is like
     *         '{"taskId":3715,"targetLocale":"zh_CN","acceptorUserId":"yorkadmin","path":"
     *         162543.xlsx"}'. -- offline translation kit returning is like
     *         '{"taskId":3715,"targetLocale":"zh_CN","acceptorUserId":"yorkadmin","path":"[CompanyName]/GlobalSight/CustomerDownload/[]"}'
     *         .
     * @throws WebServiceException
    protected String getWorkOfflineFiles(String p_accessToken, Long p_taskId, int p_workOfflineFileType,
            String p_workofflineFileTypeOption, boolean p_isJson) throws WebServiceException {
        // Check work offline file type
        if (p_workOfflineFileType != 1 && p_workOfflineFileType != 2 && p_workOfflineFileType != 3
                && p_workOfflineFileType != 4 && p_workOfflineFileType != 5 && p_workOfflineFileType != 6
                && p_workOfflineFileType != 7 && p_workOfflineFileType != 8 && p_workOfflineFileType != 9
                && p_workOfflineFileType != 10 && p_workOfflineFileType != 11 && p_workOfflineFileType != 12
                && p_workOfflineFileType != 13 && p_workOfflineFileType != 14 && p_workOfflineFileType != 15) {
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES,
                    "Invalid workOfflineFileType " + p_workOfflineFileType
                            + ", it should be limited in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12,13,14 or 15.");

        int workofflineFileTypeOption = -1;
        // Check work offline file type option
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_workofflineFileTypeOption)) {
            workofflineFileTypeOption = 1;
        } else {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES,
                        "Invalid workofflineFileTypeOption format : " + p_workofflineFileTypeOption
                                + ", it should be limited in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or empty");

            workofflineFileTypeOption = Integer.parseInt(p_workofflineFileTypeOption);
            if (workofflineFileTypeOption != 1 && workofflineFileTypeOption != 2 && workofflineFileTypeOption != 3
                    && workofflineFileTypeOption != 4 && workofflineFileTypeOption != 5
                    && workofflineFileTypeOption != 6) {
                return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, "Invalid workofflineFileTypeOption : "
                        + p_workofflineFileTypeOption + ", it should be limited in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or empty.");

        if (p_workOfflineFileType == 1 || p_workOfflineFileType == 2 || p_workOfflineFileType == 3
                || p_workOfflineFileType == 4 || p_workOfflineFileType == 5 || p_workOfflineFileType == 6
                || p_workOfflineFileType == 7 || p_workOfflineFileType == 14 || p_workOfflineFileType == 15) {
            return getWorkOfflineFiles(p_accessToken, p_taskId, p_workOfflineFileType, p_isJson);

        Task task = null;
        try {
            task = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTask(p_taskId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.warn("Can not get task info by taskId " + p_taskId);

        if (task == null) {
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, "Can not find task by taskId " + p_taskId);

        if (task.getState() != Task.STATE_ACCEPTED) {
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, "This task should be in ACCEPTED state.");

        try {
            Activity act = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getActivity(task.getTaskName());
            if (act != null && act.getType() == Activity.TYPE_REVIEW) {
                if (p_workOfflineFileType == 8 || p_workOfflineFileType == 9 || p_workOfflineFileType == 10
                        || p_workOfflineFileType == 11 || p_workOfflineFileType == 12
                        || p_workOfflineFileType == 13) {
                    return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES,
                            "The task type is review status,can't download when workOfflineFileType are 8,9,10,11,12,13.");
        } catch (Exception e) {

        User loggedUser = getUser(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken));
        String userId = loggedUser.getUserId();
        ProjectImpl project = getProjectByTask(task);
        if (!userId.equals(task.getAcceptor()) && !userId.equals(project.getProjectManagerId())) {
            return makeErrorJson(GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES,
                    "This task belongs to user " + UserUtil.getUserNameById(task.getAcceptor())
                            + ", current logged user has no previlege to handle it.");

        String returning = "";
        String companyName = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(task.getCompanyId());
        WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null;
        try {
            Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
            activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUser.getUserName());
            activityArgs.put("taskId", p_taskId);
            activityArgs.put("workOfflineFileType", p_workOfflineFileType);
            activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador4Falcon.class, "getWorkOfflineFiles", activityArgs);

            OfflineEditManager oem = ServerProxy.getOfflineEditManager();
            String fileType = null;
            // 8:Biligual Trados RTF.
            if (p_workOfflineFileType == 8) {
                fileType = OfflineConstants.FORMAT_RTF_TRADOS_OPTIMIZED;
            // 9:Trados 7 TTX
            else if (p_workOfflineFileType == 9) {
                fileType = OfflineConstants.FORMAT_TTX_VALUE;
            // 10:OmegaT
            else if (p_workOfflineFileType == 10) {
                fileType = OfflineConstants.FORMAT_OMEGAT_VALUE;
            // 11:XLiff 1.2
            else if (p_workOfflineFileType == 11) {
                fileType = OfflineConstants.FORMAT_XLF_NAME_12;
            // 12:Xliff 2.0
            else if (p_workOfflineFileType == 12) {
                fileType = OfflineConstants.FORMAT_XLF_VALUE_20;
            // 13:RTF List view
            else if (p_workOfflineFileType == 13) {
                fileType = OfflineConstants.FORMAT_RTF;
            DownloadParams params = getDownloadParams(userId, task, fileType, workofflineFileTypeOption);
            File file = oem.getDownloadOfflineFiles(userId, task.getId(), params);
            StringBuffer root = new StringBuffer();
            if (task.getCompanyId() != 1) {
            String fileUrl = root.toString();

            if (p_isJson) {
                JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
                jsonObj.put("path", fileUrl);
                jsonObj.put("taskId", task.getId());
                jsonObj.put("targetLocale", task.getTargetLocale().toString());
                jsonObj.put("acceptorUserId", task.getAcceptor());
                returning = jsonObj.toString();
            } else {
                returning = fileUrl;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String message = "Error when generate translation kit or report.";
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, message);
        } finally {
            if (activityStart != null) {

        return returning;

    private DownloadParams getDownloadParams(String userId, Task task, String fileType,
            int workofflineFileTypeOption) {
        SendDownloadFileHelper helper = new SendDownloadFileHelper();
        List<Long> pageIdList = new ArrayList<Long>();
        List<String> pageNameList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<Boolean> canUseUrlList = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
        helper.getAllPageIdList(task, pageIdList, pageNameList);
        if (pageIdList != null && pageIdList.size() <= 0) {
            pageIdList = null;
            pageNameList = null;

        if (pageIdList != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < pageIdList.size(); i++) {
        List primarySourceFiles = helper.getAllPSFList(task);
        List stfList = helper.getAllSTFList(task);
        List supportFileList = helper.getAllSupportFileList(task);
        int editorId = helper.getEditorId(null);
        int platformId = helper.getPlatformId(null, editorId);
        User user = UserUtil.getUserById(userId);
        String uiLocale = user.getDefaultUILocale();
        L10nProfile l10nProfile = task.getWorkflow().getJob().getL10nProfile();
        Vector excludeTypes = l10nProfile.getTranslationMemoryProfile().getJobExcludeTuTypes();

        // Placeholder Format(Deafult--compact)
        int ptagFormat = helper.getPtagFormat(OfflineConstants.PTAG_COMPACT);
        // Allow Edit Locked Segments(Deafult--Allow Edit of ICE and 100% matches)
        int TMEditType = helper.getEditAllState("1", l10nProfile);
        // TM Options(Deafult--TMX File - 1.4b)
        int resInsMode = helper.getResourceInsertionMode(OfflineConstants.RES_INS_TMX_14B);
        // Format
        int fileFormat = helper.getFileFormat(fileType);

        DownloadParams downloadParams = new DownloadParams(task.getJobName(), null, "",
                Long.toString(task.getWorkflow().getId()), Long.toString(task.getId()), pageIdList, pageNameList,
                canUseUrlList, primarySourceFiles, stfList, editorId, platformId, null, ptagFormat, uiLocale,
                task.getSourceLocale(), task.getTargetLocale(), true, fileFormat, excludeTypes, TMEditType,
                supportFileList, resInsMode, user);

        // 7:Biligual Trados RTF.
        if (fileType.equals(OfflineConstants.FORMAT_RTF_TRADOS_OPTIMIZED)) {
            // Penalized Reference TM Options
        // 8:Trados 7 TTX
        else if (fileType.equals(OfflineConstants.FORMAT_TTX_VALUE)) {
            // Penalized Reference TM Options
        // 9:OmegaT
        else if (fileType.equals(OfflineConstants.FORMAT_OMEGAT_VALUE)) {
            // Penalized Reference TM Options
        // 10:XLiff 1.2
        else if (fileType.equals(OfflineConstants.FORMAT_XLF_NAME_12)) {
            // Penalized Reference TM Options
        // 11:Xliff 2.0
        else if (fileType.equals(OfflineConstants.FORMAT_XLF_VALUE_20)) {
            // Penalized Reference TM Options
        // 12:RTF List view
        else if (fileType.equals(OfflineConstants.FORMAT_RTF)) {
            // Penalized Reference TM Options
        Activity act = new Activity();
        try {
            act = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getActivity(task.getTaskName());
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // Terminology
        // Include XML Node Context Information 9 10 11
        // populate fuzzy target segments = no

        // 1 : consolidate/split = split per file, include repeated segments =
        // no (Default)
        if (workofflineFileTypeOption == 1) {
            // Consolidate/Split Type
            // Include Repeated Segments as Separate File
            // Preserve Source Folder Structure
        // 2 : consolidate/split = consolidate (overrides preserve folder
        // structure setting),include repeated segments = no
        else if (workofflineFileTypeOption == 2) {
            // Consolidate/Split Type
            // Include Repeated Segments as Separate File
            // Preserve Source Folder Structure
        // 3 : consolidate/split = split per wordcount of 2000, include repeated
        // segments = no
        else if (workofflineFileTypeOption == 3) {
            // Consolidate/Split Type
            // Include Repeated Segments as Separate File
            // Preserve Source Folder Structure
        // 4 : consolidate/split = split per file, include repeated segments =
        // yes
        else if (workofflineFileTypeOption == 4) {
            // Consolidate/Split Type
            // Preserve Source Folder Structure
            // Include Repeated Segments as Separate File
            if (!fileType.equals(OfflineConstants.FORMAT_TTX_VALUE)) {
            } else {
        // 5 : consolidate/split = consolidate (overrides preserve folder
        // structure setting),include repeated segments = yes
        else if (workofflineFileTypeOption == 5) {
            // Consolidate/Split Type
            // Preserve Source Folder Structure
            // Include Repeated Segments as Separate File
            if (!fileType.equals(OfflineConstants.FORMAT_TTX_VALUE)) {
            } else {
        // 6 : consolidate/split = split per wordcount of 2000, include repeated
        // segments = yes
        else if (workofflineFileTypeOption == 6) {
            // Consolidate/Split Type
            // Preserve Source Folder Structure
            // Include Repeated Segments as Separate File
            if (!fileType.equals(OfflineConstants.FORMAT_TTX_VALUE)) {
            } else {

        // NOT include fully leveraged file(s)
        // Creation ID to "MT!"

        return downloadParams;

    String uploadWorkOfflineFiles(String p_accessToken, Long p_taskId, int p_workOfflineFileType, String p_fileName,
            byte[] p_bytes, boolean p_isJson) throws WebServiceException {
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_fileName)) {
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, UPLOAD_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, "Empty file name");

        // Check work offline file type
        if (p_workOfflineFileType != 1 && p_workOfflineFileType != 2) {
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, UPLOAD_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, "Invalid workOfflineFileType "
                    + p_workOfflineFileType
                    + ", it should be limited in 1(for Reviewer Comments Report, Translations Edit Report, Post-Review QA Report or Translation Verification Report) "
                    + "or 2(for Offline Translation Kit).");

        Task task = null;
        try {
            task = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTask(p_taskId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.warn("Can not get task info by taskId " + p_taskId);
        if (task == null) {
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, UPLOAD_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, "Can not find task by taskId " + p_taskId);

        if (task.getState() != Task.STATE_ACCEPTED) {
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, UPLOAD_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES,
                    "This task is not in ACCEPTED state, not allowed to upload translation kit or report.");

        if (p_workOfflineFileType == 1 && !p_fileName.endsWith(".xls") && !p_fileName.endsWith(".xlsx")) {
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, UPLOAD_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES,
                    "You are trying to upload a report file (excel file), but the file name extension is neither 'xls' nor 'xlsx'.");

        User loggedUser = getUser(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken));
        try {
            long userCompanyId = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getCompany(loggedUser.getCompanyName()).getId();
            ProjectImpl project = getProjectByTask(task);
            if (userCompanyId != 1 && userCompanyId != project.getCompanyId()) {
                return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, UPLOAD_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES,
                        "Current logged user has no previlege to upload file as it is neither in super company nor in company of specified task.");
        } catch (Exception e) {

        WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null;
        FileOutputStream fos = null;
        String returning = "";
        try {
            String identifyKey = AmbassadorUtil.getRandomFeed();

            Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
            activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUser.getUserName());
            activityArgs.put("taskId", p_taskId);
            activityArgs.put("workOfflineFileType", p_workOfflineFileType);
            activityArgs.put("fileName", p_fileName);
            activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador4Falcon.class, "uploadWorkOfflineFiles", activityArgs);

            File tmpSaveFile = null;
            String fsDirPath = AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getFileStorageDirPath(task.getCompanyId());
            StringBuffer parentPath = new StringBuffer();
            tmpSaveFile = new File(parentPath.toString(), p_fileName);
            fos = new FileOutputStream(tmpSaveFile, true);

            if (p_isJson) {
                JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
                obj.put("identifyKey", identifyKey);
                obj.put(UPLOAD_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, "");
                returning = obj.toString();
            } else {
                returning = identifyKey;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String message = "Error when save uploaded file to specified directory.";
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, UPLOAD_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, message);
        } finally {
            try {
                if (fos != null)
            } catch (IOException e) {
            if (activityStart != null) {

        return returning;

    String importWorkOfflineFiles(String p_accessToken, Long p_taskId, String p_identifyKey,
            int p_workOfflineFileType, boolean p_isJson) throws WebServiceException {
        String repName = null;
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_identifyKey)) {
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, IMPORT_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, "Empty parameter identifyKey");

        // Check work offline file type
        if (p_workOfflineFileType != 1 && p_workOfflineFileType != 2) {
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, IMPORT_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, "Invalid workOfflineFileType "
                    + p_workOfflineFileType
                    + ", it should be limited in 1(for Reviewer Comments Report, Translations Edit Report, Post-Review QA Report or Translation Verification Report) or 2(for Offline Translation Kit).");

        Task task = null;
        try {
            task = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTask(p_taskId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.warn("Can not get task info by taskId " + p_taskId);
        if (task == null) {
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, IMPORT_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, "Can not find task by taskId " + p_taskId);
        if (task.getState() != Task.STATE_ACCEPTED) {
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, IMPORT_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES,
                    "This task is not in ACCEPTED state, not allowed to upload translation kit or report.");

        User loggedUser = getUser(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken));
        try {
            long userCompanyId = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getCompany(loggedUser.getCompanyName()).getId();
            ProjectImpl project = getProjectByTask(task);
            if (userCompanyId != 1 && userCompanyId != project.getCompanyId()) {
                return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, UPLOAD_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES,
                        "Current logged user has no previlege to upload file as it is neither in super company nor in company of specified task.");
        } catch (Exception e) {

        File tmpSaveFile = null;
        String fsDirPath = AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getFileStorageDirPath(task.getCompanyId());
        StringBuffer parentPath = new StringBuffer();
        File saveDir = new File(parentPath.toString());
        if (saveDir.exists() && saveDir.isDirectory()) {
            File[] subFiles = saveDir.listFiles();
            for (int i = 0; i < subFiles.length; i++) {
                File subFile = subFiles[i];
                if (subFile.exists() && subFile.isFile()) {
                    tmpSaveFile = subFile;
        if (tmpSaveFile == null) {
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, IMPORT_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES,
                    "Can not find the uploaded file for taskId " + p_taskId + " and identifyKey " + p_identifyKey);
        if (p_workOfflineFileType == 1) {
            try {
                FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(tmpSaveFile);
                Workbook wb = ExcelUtil.getWorkbook(tmpSaveFile.getAbsolutePath(), fis);
                Sheet sheet = ExcelUtil.getDefaultSheet(wb);
                repName = sheet.getRow(0).getCell(0).toString();
                if (!"Translation Edit Report".equalsIgnoreCase(repName)
                        && !"Reviewers Comments Report".equalsIgnoreCase(repName)
                        && !"Reviewers Comments Report (Simplified)".equalsIgnoreCase(repName)
                        && !"Post-Review QA Report".equalsIgnoreCase(repName)
                        && !"Translation Verification Report".equalsIgnoreCase(repName)) {
                    return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, UPLOAD_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES,
                            "The file is none of Translation Edit Report, Reviewers Comments Report, Post-Review QA Report or Translation Verification Report file.");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, UPLOAD_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES,
                        "The file is none of Translation Edit Report, Reviewers Comments Report, Post-Review QA Report or Translation Verification Report file.");

        WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null;
        try {
            Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
            activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUser.getUserName());
            activityArgs.put("taskId", p_taskId);
            activityArgs.put("workOfflineFileType", p_workOfflineFileType);
            activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador4Falcon.class, "importWorkOfflineFiles", activityArgs);

            OfflineEditManager OEM = ServerProxy.getOfflineEditManager();
            OEM.attachListener(new OEMProcessStatus());

            if (p_workOfflineFileType == 1) {
                String reportName = WebAppConstants.TRANSLATION_EDIT;
                if ("Reviewers Comments Report".equalsIgnoreCase(repName)
                        || "Reviewers Comments Report (Simplified)".equalsIgnoreCase(repName)) {
                    reportName = WebAppConstants.LANGUAGE_SIGN_OFF;
                } else if ("Post-Review QA Report".equalsIgnoreCase(repName)) {
                    reportName = WebAppConstants.POST_REVIEW_QA;
                } else if ("Translation Verification Report".equalsIgnoreCase(repName)) {
                    reportName = WebAppConstants.TRANSLATION_VERIFICATION;
                // Process uploading in same thread, not use separate thread so
                // that error message can be returned to invoker.
                String errMsg = OEM.runProcessUploadReportPage(tmpSaveFile, loggedUser, task, tmpSaveFile.getName(),
                if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(errMsg)) {
                    errMsg = errMsg.replaceAll("</?\\w+>", "").replace("&nbsp;", "");
                    // remove all html tags from error message.
                    return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, IMPORT_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, errMsg);
            } else if (p_workOfflineFileType == 2) {
                String errMsg = OEM.runProcessUploadPage(tmpSaveFile, loggedUser, task, tmpSaveFile.getName());
                if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(errMsg)) {
                    return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, IMPORT_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES, errMsg.replaceAll("</?\\w+>", ""));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return makeErrorMessage(p_isJson, IMPORT_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES,
                    "Error when import offline kit or report with exception message " + e.getMessage());
        } finally {
            if (activityStart != null) {

        return "";

    private ProjectImpl getProjectByTask(Task task) {
        ProjectImpl project = null;
        try {
            project = (ProjectImpl) ServerProxy.getProjectHandler()
                    .getProjectByNameAndCompanyId(task.getProjectName(), task.getCompanyId());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.warn("Error when get project by task" + e.getMessage());
        return project;

    private String makeErrorMessage(boolean p_isJson, String p_method, String p_message) {
        if (p_isJson) {
            return makeErrorJson(p_method, p_message);
        } else {
            return makeErrorXml(p_method, p_message);

    private String stringArr2Str(String[] arr) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        if (arr == null || arr.length == 0)
            return "";

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            if (i < arr.length - 1) {
            } else {
        return sb.toString();