Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2009 Welocalize, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.tasks; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Session; import com.globalsight.everest.comment.Comment; import com.globalsight.everest.costing.CostingException; import com.globalsight.everest.edit.offline.AmbassadorDwUpConstants; import; import; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.Job; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.ProjectImpl; import com.globalsight.everest.qachecks.DITAQACheckerHelper; import com.globalsight.everest.qachecks.QACheckerHelper; import com.globalsight.everest.servlet.EnvoyServletException; import com.globalsight.everest.servlet.util.ServerProxy; import com.globalsight.everest.servlet.util.SessionManager; import com.globalsight.everest.taskmanager.Task; import com.globalsight.everest.taskmanager.TaskException; import com.globalsight.everest.taskmanager.TaskImpl; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.WebAppConstants; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.projects.workflows.JobSearchConstants; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowConstants; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowTaskInstance; import com.globalsight.ling.common.Text; import com.globalsight.ling.common.URLDecoder; import com.globalsight.ling.common.URLEncoder; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.persistence.DbUtil; import com.globalsight.persistence.hibernate.HibernateUtil; import com.globalsight.terminology.util.SqlUtil; import com.globalsight.util.GeneralException; import com.globalsight.util.ServerUtil; import com.globalsight.util.edit.EditUtil; /** * TaskHelper is used for communicating with remote objects and performing task * related actions. * * TomyD -- Note that this class should only talk to one remote object (most * likely JobHandler)...TBD */ public class TaskHelper { public static final String DETAIL_PAGE_1 = "1"; public static final String DETAIL_PAGE_2 = "2"; private static final Logger CATEGORY = Logger.getLogger(TaskHelper.class.getName()); /** * To get tasks for a user by task state. */ static public List getTasks(String p_userId, int p_taskState) throws EnvoyServletException { List tasks = null; try { tasks = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTasks(p_userId, p_taskState); } catch (GeneralException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(e); } catch (RemoteException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(GeneralException.EX_REMOTE, e); } return tasks; } /** * To get task for a user by giving the id of task. */ public static Task getTask(long p_taskId) throws EnvoyServletException { try { return ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTask(p_taskId); } catch (TaskException te) { CATEGORY.debug(te); throw new EnvoyServletException(te.getMessageKey(), te.getMessageArguments(), te, te.getPropertyFileName()); } catch (GeneralException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(e); } catch (RemoteException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(GeneralException.EX_REMOTE, e); } } /** * To get task for a user by giving the id and state of task. */ public static Task getTask(String p_userId, long p_taskId, int p_state) throws EnvoyServletException { Task task = null; try { task = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTask(p_userId, p_taskId, p_state); } catch (TaskException te) { CATEGORY.debug(te); throw new EnvoyServletException(te.getMessageKey(), te.getMessageArguments(), te, te.getPropertyFileName()); } catch (GeneralException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(e); } catch (RemoteException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(GeneralException.EX_REMOTE, e); } return task; } public static boolean checkPageContainText(String tuTableName, String tuvTableName, String searchLocale, String searchText, long pageId, long localeId) { StringBuffer buferSql = new StringBuffer(); buferSql.append("SELECT tuv.SEGMENT_STRING FROM ").append(tuvTableName).append(" tuv,").append(tuTableName) .append(" tu,"); if (searchLocale != null && searchLocale.equalsIgnoreCase("sourceLocale")) { buferSql.append(" source_page_leverage_group splg"); } else if (searchLocale != null && searchLocale.equalsIgnoreCase("targetLocale")) { buferSql.append(" target_page_leverage_group tplg"); } buferSql.append(" WHERE tuv.TU_ID = tu.ID "); if (searchLocale != null && searchLocale.equalsIgnoreCase("sourceLocale")) { buferSql.append(" AND tu.LEVERAGE_GROUP_ID = splg.LG_ID"); buferSql.append(" AND splg.SP_ID in (?) "); } else if (searchLocale != null && searchLocale.equalsIgnoreCase("targetLocale")) { buferSql.append(" AND tu.LEVERAGE_GROUP_ID = tplg.LG_ID "); buferSql.append(" AND tplg.TP_ID in (?) "); } buferSql.append(" AND tuv.LOCALE_ID IN (?)"); buferSql.append( " AND ( LOWER(tuv.segment_string) LIKE LOWER(?) ESCAPE '&' || LOWER(tuv.segment_clob) LIKE LOWER(?) ESCAPE '&' )"); buferSql.append("AND tuv.STATE != 'OUT_OF_DATE' " + "LIMIT 1"); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { String checkBpt = "<bpt internal=\"yes\""; String checkEpt = "<ept"; connection = SqlUtil.hireConnection(); stmt = connection.prepareStatement(buferSql.toString()); String queryPattern = makeWildcardQueryString(searchText, '&'); stmt.setLong(1, pageId); stmt.setLong(2, localeId); stmt.setString(3, queryPattern); stmt.setString(4, queryPattern); rset = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { String segment = rset.getString(1); if (segment.contains(checkBpt) && segment.contains(checkEpt)) { if (checkBpt.contains(searchText) || checkEpt.contains(searchText)) { List<Integer> bptIndexs = findAllIndex(checkBpt, segment, 0); List<Integer> eptIndexs = findAllIndex(checkEpt, segment, 0); List<Integer> textIndexs = findAllIndex(searchText, segment, 0); if (bptIndexs.size() == textIndexs.size() || eptIndexs.size() == textIndexs.size()) { return false; } else if (bptIndexs.size() < textIndexs.size() || eptIndexs.size() < textIndexs.size()) { return true; } } else if (!checkBpt.contains(searchText) && !checkEpt.contains(searchText)) { return true; } } else { return true; } } } catch (SQLException e) { } finally { DbUtil.silentClose(rset); DbUtil.silentClose(stmt); DbUtil.silentReturnConnection(connection); } return false; } private static List<Integer> findAllIndex(String searchText, String segment, int startPos) { int foundPos = -1; // -1 represents not found. List<Integer> foundIndexs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); do { foundPos = segment.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchText.toLowerCase(), startPos); if (foundPos > -1) { startPos = foundPos + 1; foundIndexs.add(foundPos); } } while (foundPos > -1 && startPos < segment.length()); return foundIndexs; } static private String makeWildcardQueryString(String p_queryString, char p_escapeChar) { // KNOWN BUG /* Current implementatin does not support the escape function */ String pattern = p_queryString; String escape = String.valueOf(p_escapeChar); String asterisk = "*"; String percent = "%"; String underScore = "_"; // remove the first and the last '*' from the string if (pattern.startsWith(asterisk)) { pattern = pattern.substring(1); } if (pattern.endsWith(asterisk) && pattern.charAt(pattern.length() - 2) != '\\') { pattern = pattern.substring(0, pattern.length() - 1); } // '&' -> '&&' (escape itself) pattern = Text.replaceString(pattern, escape, escape + escape); // '%' -> '&%' (escape wildcard char) pattern = Text.replaceString(pattern, percent, escape + percent); // '_' -> '&_' (escape wildcard char) pattern = Text.replaceString(pattern, underScore, escape + underScore); // '*' -> '%' (change wildcard) '\*' -> '*' (literal *) pattern = Text.replaceChar(pattern, '*', '%', '\\'); // Add '%' to the beginning and the end of the string (because // the segment text is enclosed with <segment></segment> or // <localizable></localizable>) pattern = percent + pattern + percent; pattern = "<%>" + pattern + "</%>"; if (CATEGORY.isDebugEnabled()) { CATEGORY.debug("search + replace pattern = " + pattern); } return pattern; } // Auto accept all active tasks of the Job. public static void autoAcceptTaskInJob(Job p_job) { List<TaskImpl> tasks = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getActivieTasks(p_job.getId()); for (TaskImpl task : tasks) { autoAcceptTask(task); } } /** * Auto accept the activity/task only when accepter is single and the * acceptor has the permission. * * @param p_task * The task which need to been accepted. */ public static void autoAcceptTask(Task p_task) { ProjectImpl project = (ProjectImpl) p_task.getWorkflow().getJob().getProject(); boolean isDitaQaTask = DITAQACheckerHelper.isDitaQaActivity(p_task); boolean isQATask = QACheckerHelper.isQAActivity(p_task); if (project.getReviewOnlyAutoAccept() || project.getAutoAcceptPMTask() || (isDitaQaTask && project.getAutoAcceptDitaQaTask()) || (isQATask && project.getAutoAcceptQATask()) || project.getAutoAcceptTrans()) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put(TaskThread.KEY_ACTION, TaskThread.ACTION_AUTOACCEPT); TaskThread t = new TaskThread((TaskImpl) p_task, map); t.start(); } } /** * Auto accept next task. Added for GBS-2461 & 2462. * * @param p_task * curren task * @param p_nextActivityName * next activity name */ public static void autoAcceptNextTask(Task p_task, String p_nextActivityName) { try { WorkflowTaskInstance wti = ServerProxy.getWorkflowServer().nextNodeInstances(p_task, p_nextActivityName, null); if (wti != null) { Task task = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTask(wti.getTaskId()); autoAcceptTask(task); } } catch (Exception e) { CATEGORY.error("autoAcceptNextTask Error", e); } } // Gets task URL for Email message. public static String getTaskURL(Task p_task) { StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer(); url.append(ServerUtil.getServerURL()); url.append("ControlServlet?linkName=detail&pageName=TK1&taskAction=getTask"); url.append("&taskId=").append(p_task.getId()); return url.toString(); } /** * To accept a Task by a user. * * @throws NamingException */ public static void acceptTask(String p_userId, Task p_task) throws EnvoyServletException, NamingException { try { ServerProxy.getTaskManager().acceptTask(p_userId, p_task, false); } catch (TaskException te) { CATEGORY.debug(te); throw new EnvoyServletException(te.getMessageKey(), te.getMessageArguments(), te, te.getPropertyFileName()); } catch (RemoteException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(GeneralException.EX_REMOTE, e); } } /** * To reject a Task by a user. */ public static void rejectTask(String p_userId, Task p_task, String p_rejectComment) throws EnvoyServletException { try { ServerProxy.getTaskManager().rejectTask(p_userId, p_task, p_rejectComment); } catch (TaskException te) { CATEGORY.debug(te); throw new EnvoyServletException(te.getMessageKey(), te.getMessageArguments(), te, te.getPropertyFileName()); } catch (GeneralException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(e); } catch (RemoteException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(GeneralException.EX_REMOTE, e); } } /** * To complete a Task by a user. */ static void completeTask(String p_userId, Task p_task, String p_destinationArrow) throws EnvoyServletException { try { ServerProxy.getTaskManager().completeTask(p_userId, p_task, p_destinationArrow, null); } catch (TaskException te) { CATEGORY.debug(te); throw new EnvoyServletException(te.getMessageKey(), te.getMessageArguments(), te, te.getPropertyFileName()); } catch (GeneralException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(e); } catch (RemoteException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(GeneralException.EX_REMOTE, e); } } /** * Get a task comment for a particular task/job. * * @param p_commentId * The Comment id */ public static Comment getComment(HttpSession p_session, long p_commentId) throws EnvoyServletException { WorkObject wo = (WorkObject) retrieveObject(p_session, WebAppConstants.WORK_OBJECT); Comment comment = null; if (wo != null) { if (wo instanceof Job) { Job job = (Job) wo; comment = job.getJobComment(p_commentId); } else { Task task = (Task) wo; comment = task.getTaskComment(p_commentId); } } // if still null then possibly from another task if (comment == null) { try { comment = ServerProxy.getCommentManager().getCommentById(p_commentId); } catch (Exception e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(GeneralException.EX_REMOTE, e); } } return comment; } /** * Update a task comment for a particular task. */ public static Comment updateComment(long p_commentId, String p_userId, String p_comment) throws EnvoyServletException { try { return ServerProxy.getCommentManager().updateComment(p_commentId, p_userId, p_comment); } catch (GeneralException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(e); } catch (RemoteException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(GeneralException.EX_REMOTE, e); } } /** * Save a task comment for a particular task. */ public static Comment saveComment(WorkObject p_wo, long p_taskId, String p_userId, String p_comment) throws EnvoyServletException { try { return ServerProxy.getCommentManager().saveComment(p_wo, p_taskId, p_userId, p_comment); } catch (GeneralException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(e); } catch (RemoteException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(GeneralException.EX_REMOTE, e); } } /** * Save a task comment for a particular task. */ public static Comment saveComment(WorkObject p_wo, long p_taskId, String p_userId, String p_comment, Date p_date) throws EnvoyServletException { try { return ServerProxy.getCommentManager().saveComment(p_wo, p_taskId, p_userId, p_comment, p_date); } catch (GeneralException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(e); } catch (RemoteException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(GeneralException.EX_REMOTE, e); } } /** * To set the actual amount-of-work. */ static void setActualAmountOfWork(Task p_task, Integer p_unitOfWork, String p_value) throws EnvoyServletException { try { ServerProxy.getCostingEngine().setActualAmountOfWork(p_task.getId(), p_unitOfWork.intValue(), Float.parseFloat(p_value)); } catch (CostingException te) { CATEGORY.debug(te); throw new EnvoyServletException(te.getMessageKey(), te.getMessageArguments(), te, te.getPropertyFileName()); } catch (GeneralException ge) { CATEGORY.debug(ge); throw new EnvoyServletException(ge); } catch (RemoteException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(GeneralException.EX_REMOTE, e); } } /** * Modify the user account. */ static void modifyUserAccount(HttpSession p_session) throws EnvoyServletException { SessionManager sessionMgr = (SessionManager) p_session.getAttribute(WebAppConstants.SESSION_MANAGER); User user = (User) sessionMgr.getAttribute("myAccountUser"); try { ServerProxy.getUserManager().modifyUser(user, user, null, null, null); sessionMgr.setAttribute(WebAppConstants.USER, user); } catch (GeneralException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(e); } catch (RemoteException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(GeneralException.EX_REMOTE, e); } } public static Vector getUILocales() throws EnvoyServletException { Vector locales = null; try { locales = ServerProxy.getLocaleManager().getSupportedLocalesForUi(); } catch (GeneralException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(e); } catch (RemoteException e) { CATEGORY.debug(e); throw new EnvoyServletException(GeneralException.EX_REMOTE, e); } return locales; } /** * Get the user id of the logged in person. * * @return The user id of the logged in person. */ static String getUserId(HttpSession p_session) { User user = (User) getStoredObject(p_session, WebAppConstants.USER); return user.getUserId(); } /** * Get the user who logged in. * * @return The user object. */ public static User getUser(HttpSession p_session) { return (User) getStoredObject(p_session, WebAppConstants.USER); } /** * Store the object in the session manager. */ static void updateTaskInSession(HttpSession p_httpSession, String p_userId, long p_taskId) throws EnvoyServletException { updateTaskInSession(p_httpSession, p_userId, p_taskId, WorkflowConstants.TASK_ALL_STATES); } /** * Store the object in the session manager. */ public static void updateTaskInSession(HttpSession p_httpSession, String p_userId, long p_taskId, int p_state) throws EnvoyServletException { Task task = getTask(p_userId, p_taskId, p_state); storeObject(p_httpSession, WebAppConstants.WORK_OBJECT, task); } /** * Store the object in the session manager. */ public static void storeObject(HttpSession p_httpSession, String p_key, Object p_object) { SessionManager sessionMgr = (SessionManager) p_httpSession.getAttribute(WebAppConstants.SESSION_MANAGER); sessionMgr.setAttribute(p_key, p_object); } /** * Retrieve an object from the session manager. */ public static Object retrieveObject(HttpSession p_httpSession, String p_key) { SessionManager sessionMgr = (SessionManager) p_httpSession.getAttribute(WebAppConstants.SESSION_MANAGER); return sessionMgr == null ? null : sessionMgr.getAttribute(p_key); } /** * Retrieve the task object from the session manager and merge it against * the current Hibernate session. */ public static TaskImpl retrieveMergeObject(HttpSession p_httpSession, String key) { TaskImpl obj = (TaskImpl) retrieveObject(p_httpSession, key); if (obj == null) return null; Session hibSession = HibernateUtil.getSession(); TaskImpl newObj = (TaskImpl) hibSession.merge(obj); copyTaskValue(obj, newObj); // Update the session - merge() returns a new instance storeObject(p_httpSession, key, newObj); return newObj; } /** * Copy the value from p_sTask to p_tTask. Due TaskImpl include some * parameters not Mapping to Hibernate. * * @param p_sTask * source Task * @param p_tTask * target Task */ public static void copyTaskValue(TaskImpl p_sTask, TaskImpl p_tTask) { if (p_sTask.getProjectManagerName() != null && p_tTask.getProjectManagerName() == null) { p_tTask.setProjectManagerName(p_sTask.getProjectManagerName()); } if (p_sTask.getWorkflowTask() != null && p_tTask.getWorkflowTask() == null) { p_tTask.setWorkflowTask(p_sTask.getWorkflowTask()); } } /** * Clears the delayTimeTable date for the job export. */ public static void clearDelayTimeTable(HttpSession session, String userId, String taskId) { SessionManager sessionMgr = (SessionManager) session.getAttribute(WebAppConstants.SESSION_MANAGER); Hashtable delayTimeTable = (Hashtable) sessionMgr .getAttribute(WebAppConstants.TASK_COMPLETE_DELAY_TIME_TABLE); if (delayTimeTable != null) { String delayTimeKey = userId + String.valueOf(taskId); Object startTimeObj = delayTimeTable.get(delayTimeKey); if (startTimeObj != null) { delayTimeTable.remove(delayTimeKey); } } } /** * see * {@link #removeMRUtask(HttpServletRequest, HttpSession, String, HttpServletResponse)} * . */ public static void removeMRUTask(HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession session, Task task, HttpServletResponse response) { String displayLocale = task.getSourceLocale().toString() + "->" + task.getTargetLocale().toString(); String thisTask = displayLocale + ":" + task.getJobName() + ":" + task.getId() + ":" + task.getState(); removeMRUtask(request, session, thisTask, response); } /** * Removes a task from the most recently used list. */ public static void removeMRUtask(HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession session, String thisTask, HttpServletResponse response) { if (thisTask == null) { return; } String cookieName = JobSearchConstants.MRU_TASKS_COOKIE + session.getAttribute(WebAppConstants.USER_NAME).hashCode(); StringBuffer newCookie = new StringBuffer(); Cookie[] cookies = (Cookie[]) request.getCookies(); if (cookies != null) { // don't need to match on state of task, so strip it off int idx = thisTask.lastIndexOf(":"); String matchOn = thisTask.substring(0, idx); for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { Cookie cookie = (Cookie) cookies[i]; if (cookie.getName().equals(cookieName)) { String mruTaskStr = cookie.getValue(); mruTaskStr = URLDecoder.decode(mruTaskStr); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(mruTaskStr, "|"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String value = st.nextToken(); if (!value.startsWith(matchOn)) { newCookie.append("|"); newCookie.append(value); } } break; } } session.setAttribute(JobSearchConstants.MRU_TASKS, newCookie.toString()); String value = newCookie.toString(); value = URLEncoder.encode(value); try { response.addCookie(new Cookie(cookieName, value)); } catch (Exception e) { response.addCookie(new Cookie(cookieName, "")); } } } /** * Update the session with this most recently used activity. It will become * the first in the list and all the rest moved down. Also check that it * wasn't already in the list. Only allow 3 in the list. */ public static void updateMRUtask(HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession session, Task task, HttpServletResponse response, int taskState) { String cookieName = JobSearchConstants.MRU_TASKS_COOKIE + session.getAttribute(WebAppConstants.USER_NAME).hashCode(); String displayLocale = task.getSourceLocale().toString() + "->" + task.getTargetLocale().toString(); String jobName = task.getJobName(); String thisTask = displayLocale + ":" + jobName + ":" + task.getId() + ":" + taskState; StringBuffer newCookie = new StringBuffer(thisTask); int count = 1; Cookie[] cookies = (Cookie[]) request.getCookies(); if (cookies != null) { // don't need to match on state of task, so strip it off int idx = thisTask.lastIndexOf(":"); String matchOn = thisTask.substring(0, idx); for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { Cookie cookie = (Cookie) cookies[i]; if (cookie.getName().equals(cookieName)) { String mruTaskStr = cookie.getValue(); mruTaskStr = URLDecoder.decode(mruTaskStr); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(mruTaskStr, "|"); while (st.hasMoreTokens() && count < 3) { String value = st.nextToken(); if (!value.startsWith(matchOn)) { newCookie.append("|"); newCookie.append(value); count++; } } break; } } } String sessionValue = newCookie.toString(); session.setAttribute(JobSearchConstants.MRU_TASKS, sessionValue); String value = newCookie.toString(); value = URLEncoder.encode(value); try { response.addCookie(new Cookie(cookieName, value)); } catch (Exception e) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to add cookie value: " + value, e); response.addCookie(new Cookie(cookieName, "")); } } /** * Save user account basic information into the session. */ public static void saveBasicInformation(HttpSession p_session, HttpServletRequest p_request) throws EnvoyServletException { SessionManager sessionMgr = (SessionManager) p_session.getAttribute(WebAppConstants.SESSION_MANAGER); User user = (User) sessionMgr.getAttribute("myAccountUser"); String password = EditUtil.utf8ToUnicode(p_request.getParameter(WebAppConstants.USER_PASSWORD)); String password1 = EditUtil.utf8ToUnicode(p_request.getParameter(WebAppConstants.USER_PASSWORD_CONFIRM)); String firstName = EditUtil.utf8ToUnicode(p_request.getParameter(WebAppConstants.USER_FIRST_NAME)); String lastName = EditUtil.utf8ToUnicode(p_request.getParameter(WebAppConstants.USER_LAST_NAME)); String title = EditUtil.utf8ToUnicode(p_request.getParameter("title")); String companyName = EditUtil.utf8ToUnicode(p_request.getParameter("companyName")); if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(p_request.getParameter("company"))) { companyName = EditUtil.utf8ToUnicode(p_request.getParameter("companies")); } user.setFirstName(firstName); user.setLastName(lastName); user.setTitle(title); user.setCompanyName(companyName); if (password != null && password.equals(password1) && (!password.trim().equals(""))) { user.setPassword(password); user.setPasswordSet(true); } sessionMgr.setAttribute("myAccountUser", user); } /** * Get a reference to the object stored in the http session. */ static Object getStoredObject(HttpSession p_httpSession, String p_key) { SessionManager sessionMgr = (SessionManager) p_httpSession.getAttribute(WebAppConstants.SESSION_MANAGER); return sessionMgr.getAttribute(p_key); } // perform parsing the string parameter as a signed integer. public static int getInt(String p_value, int p_defaultValue) { int intVal = p_defaultValue; try { intVal = Integer.parseInt(p_value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } return intVal; } /** * Get the long type from a String * * @return a long */ public static long getLong(String p_value) { long num = 0; try { num = p_value == null ? 0 : Long.parseLong(p_value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } return num; } /** * Justify whether the task can been completed. If the task is uploading, it * can't been completed. */ public static boolean canCompleteTask(Task p_task) { if (p_task != null && p_task.getIsUploading() == 'Y') return false; return true; } // Update the task status in Database. public static Task updateTaskStatus(long p_taskId, String p_status) { Task task = getTask(p_taskId); return updateTaskStatus(task, p_status, false); } public static Task updateTaskStatus(long p_taskId, String p_status, boolean isUploaded) { Task task = getTask(p_taskId); return updateTaskStatus(task, p_status, isUploaded); } /** * Update the task status in Database.(GBS-3229/1939) * * @param p_task * Task * @param p_status * Task status(UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS/UPLOAD_DONE) */ public static Task updateTaskStatus(Task p_task, String p_status, boolean isUploaded) { if (p_task == null) return null; if (AmbassadorDwUpConstants.UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS.equals(p_status)) { p_task.setIsUploading('Y'); HibernateUtil.update(p_task); } else if (AmbassadorDwUpConstants.UPLOAD_DONE.equals(p_status)) { p_task.setIsUploading('N'); if (isUploaded) { p_task.setIsReportUploaded(1); } HibernateUtil.update(p_task); } return p_task; } public static void updateTaskStatus(List<Task> p_tasks, String p_status, boolean isReportUploaded) { if (p_tasks != null && p_tasks.size() > 0) { for (Task task : p_tasks) { // Update task status (Upload Done) updateTaskStatus(task, p_status, isReportUploaded); } } } public static synchronized boolean installTaskIsUploading() { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = SqlUtil.hireConnection(); ps = conn.prepareStatement(" UPDATE task_info SET is_uploading = 'N' WHERE is_uploading = 'Y' "); ps.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { CATEGORY.error("delAllReportsData error.", e); return false; } finally { SqlUtil.silentClose(rs); SqlUtil.silentClose(ps); SqlUtil.fireConnection(conn); } return true; } public static void updateReviewInfo(long p_taskId, String qualityAssessment, String marketSuitabilty) { Task p_task = getTask(p_taskId); if (p_task != null) { p_task.setQualityAssessment(qualityAssessment); p_task.setMarketSuitability(marketSuitabilty); HibernateUtil.update(p_task); } } }