Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2009 Welocalize, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook; import com.globalsight.everest.comment.Comment; import com.globalsight.everest.comment.Issue; import com.globalsight.everest.comment.IssueHistory; import com.globalsight.everest.comment.IssueImpl; import com.globalsight.everest.comment.IssueOptions; import; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.Job; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.JobSearchParameters; import; import com.globalsight.everest.persistence.tuv.SegmentTuvUtil; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.Project; import com.globalsight.everest.servlet.util.ServerProxy; import com.globalsight.everest.taskmanager.Task; import com.globalsight.everest.tuv.Tuv; import com.globalsight.everest.util.comparator.CommentComparator; import com.globalsight.everest.util.comparator.IssueHistoryComparator; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.WebAppConstants; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.PageHandler; import; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.ReportGeneratorHandler; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.users.UserUtil; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.projects.workflows.JobComparator; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.projects.workflows.JobSearchConstants; import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.Workflow; import com.globalsight.ling.common.DiplomatBasicParserException; import; import; import; import com.globalsight.util.GlobalSightLocale; import com.globalsight.util.IntHolder; import com.globalsight.util.SortUtil; public class CommentXlsReportHelper { private static Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(CommentXlsReportHelper.class); private TargetPage targetPageVar = null; private boolean oneSheet = true; private boolean showPriority = false; private boolean showCategory = false; private boolean showStatus = false; private ArrayList statusList = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList langList = new ArrayList(); private boolean showAllLang = false; private GlobalSightLocale curLocale = null; private String externalPageId = null; private String pageUrl = null; private HashMap commentTargetPageMap = new HashMap(); private Locale uiLocale = null; private ResourceBundle bundle = null; private String userId = null; private CellStyle contentStyle = null; private CellStyle headerStyle = null; private boolean showSourAndTar = false; private final int JOB_FLAG = 1; private final int TASK_FLAG = 2; private final int SEGMENT_FLAG = 3; private List<Long> m_jobIDS = null; /** * Generates the Excel report and spits it to the outputstream The report * consists of all in progress workflows that are currently at a reviewOnly * stage. * * @return File * @exception Exception */ public void generateReport(HttpServletRequest p_request, HttpServletResponse p_response) throws Exception { uiLocale = (Locale) p_request.getSession().getAttribute(WebAppConstants.UILOCALE); bundle = PageHandler.getBundle(p_request.getSession()); userId = (String) p_request.getSession(false).getAttribute(WebAppConstants.USER_NAME); String companyId = (String) p_request.getSession().getAttribute("current_company_id"); CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().setIdValue(companyId); // show Priority or not setShowPriority(p_request); s_logger.debug("showPriority:" + showPriority); // show Category or not setShowCategory(p_request); setStatus(p_request); setSourceAndTarget(p_request); Workbook p_workbook = new SXSSFWorkbook(); createSheets(p_request, p_workbook, p_response); // Cancelled the report, return nothing. if (isCancelled()) { p_response.sendError(p_response.SC_NO_CONTENT); return; } ServletOutputStream out = p_response.getOutputStream(); p_workbook.write(out); out.close(); ((SXSSFWorkbook) p_workbook).dispose(); } private void createSheets(HttpServletRequest p_request, Workbook p_workbook, HttpServletResponse p_response) throws Exception { Sheet segmentSheet = null; Sheet jobSheet = null; Sheet taskSheet = null; HashMap<String, Sheet> sheetMap = new HashMap<String, Sheet>(); String[] paramCommentTypeJob = p_request.getParameterValues("commentType_Job"); String[] paramCommentTypeTask = p_request.getParameterValues("commentType_Activity"); segmentSheet = p_workbook.createSheet(bundle.getString("segment_comments")); addTitle(p_workbook, segmentSheet, bundle.getString("segment_comments")); addHeader(p_workbook, segmentSheet); sheetMap.put("segmentSheet", segmentSheet); if ((paramCommentTypeJob != null) && ("Job".equals(paramCommentTypeJob[0]) == true)) { if (oneSheet == true) { jobSheet = segmentSheet; } else { jobSheet = p_workbook.createSheet(bundle.getString("job_comments")); addTitle(p_workbook, jobSheet, bundle.getString("job_comments")); addHeader(p_workbook, jobSheet); } sheetMap.put("jobSheet", jobSheet); } if ((paramCommentTypeTask != null) && ("Activity".equals(paramCommentTypeTask[0]) == true)) { if (oneSheet == true) { taskSheet = segmentSheet; } else { taskSheet = p_workbook.createSheet(bundle.getString("activity_comments")); addTitle(p_workbook, taskSheet, bundle.getString("activity_comments")); addHeader(p_workbook, taskSheet); } sheetMap.put("taskSheet", taskSheet); } addComments(p_workbook, p_request, sheetMap, p_response); } private void addTitle(Workbook p_workbook, Sheet p_sheet, String sheetTitle) throws Exception { // title font is black bold on white Font titleFont = p_workbook.createFont(); titleFont.setUnderline(Font.U_NONE); titleFont.setFontName("Times"); titleFont.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 14); titleFont.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); CellStyle titileCs = p_workbook.createCellStyle(); titileCs.setWrapText(false); titileCs.setFont(titleFont); Row titleRow = getRow(p_sheet, 0); Cell titleCell = getCell(titleRow, 0); titleCell.setCellValue(sheetTitle); titleCell.setCellStyle(titileCs); p_sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 22 * 256); } /** * Adds the table header to the sheet * * @param p_sheet */ private void addHeader(Workbook p_workbook, Sheet p_sheet) throws Exception { int col = 0; Row headerRow = getRow(p_sheet, 3); Cell cell_A = getCell(headerRow, col++); cell_A.setCellValue(bundle.getString("job_id")); cell_A.setCellStyle(getHeaderStyle(p_workbook)); p_sheet.setColumnWidth(col - 1, 10 * 256); Cell cell_B = getCell(headerRow, col++); cell_B.setCellValue(bundle.getString("job_name")); cell_B.setCellStyle(getHeaderStyle(p_workbook)); p_sheet.setColumnWidth(col - 1, 20 * 256); Cell cell_C = getCell(headerRow, col++); cell_C.setCellValue(bundle.getString("comment_type")); cell_C.setCellStyle(getHeaderStyle(p_workbook)); p_sheet.setColumnWidth(col - 1, 15 * 256); Cell cell_D = getCell(headerRow, col++); cell_D.setCellValue(bundle.getString("language")); cell_D.setCellStyle(getHeaderStyle(p_workbook)); p_sheet.setColumnWidth(col - 1, 25 * 256); Cell cell_E = getCell(headerRow, col++); cell_E.setCellValue(bundle.getString("segment_number")); cell_E.setCellStyle(getHeaderStyle(p_workbook)); p_sheet.setColumnWidth(col - 1, 15 * 256); Cell cell_F = getCell(headerRow, col++); cell_F.setCellValue(bundle.getString("by_who")); cell_F.setCellStyle(getHeaderStyle(p_workbook)); p_sheet.setColumnWidth(col - 1, 15 * 256); Cell cell_G = getCell(headerRow, col++); cell_G.setCellValue(bundle.getString("on_date")); cell_G.setCellStyle(getHeaderStyle(p_workbook)); p_sheet.setColumnWidth(col - 1, 25 * 256); if (showStatus) { Cell cell_Status = getCell(headerRow, col++); cell_Status.setCellValue(bundle.getString("status")); cell_Status.setCellStyle(getHeaderStyle(p_workbook)); p_sheet.setColumnWidth(col - 1, 10 * 256); } if (showPriority) { Cell cell_Priority = getCell(headerRow, col++); cell_Priority.setCellValue(bundle.getString("priority")); cell_Priority.setCellStyle(getHeaderStyle(p_workbook)); p_sheet.setColumnWidth(col - 1, 10 * 256); } if (showCategory) { Cell cell_Category = getCell(headerRow, col++); cell_Category.setCellValue(bundle.getString("category")); cell_Category.setCellStyle(getHeaderStyle(p_workbook)); p_sheet.setColumnWidth(col - 1, 40 * 256); } if (showSourAndTar) { Cell cell_Source = getCell(headerRow, col++); cell_Source.setCellValue(bundle.getString("source_segment")); cell_Source.setCellStyle(getHeaderStyle(p_workbook)); p_sheet.setColumnWidth(col - 1, 40 * 256); Cell cell_Target = getCell(headerRow, col++); cell_Target.setCellValue(bundle.getString("target_segment")); cell_Target.setCellStyle(getHeaderStyle(p_workbook)); p_sheet.setColumnWidth(col - 1, 40 * 256); } Cell cell_CommentHeader = getCell(headerRow, col++); cell_CommentHeader.setCellValue(bundle.getString("comment_header")); cell_CommentHeader.setCellStyle(getHeaderStyle(p_workbook)); p_sheet.setColumnWidth(col - 1, 20 * 256); Cell cell_CommentBody = getCell(headerRow, col++); cell_CommentBody.setCellValue(bundle.getString("comment_body")); cell_CommentBody.setCellStyle(getHeaderStyle(p_workbook)); p_sheet.setColumnWidth(col - 1, 25 * 256); Cell cell_Link = getCell(headerRow, col++); cell_Link.setCellValue(bundle.getString("link")); cell_Link.setCellStyle(getHeaderStyle(p_workbook)); p_sheet.setColumnWidth(col - 1, 40 * 256); } /** * Gets the jobs and outputs workflow information. * * @exception Exception */ private void addComments(Workbook p_workbook, HttpServletRequest p_request, HashMap sheetMap, HttpServletResponse p_response) throws Exception { // print out the request parameters setLang(p_request); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("status:" + statusList); } Sheet jobSheet = (Sheet) sheetMap.get("jobSheet"); Sheet taskSheet = (Sheet) sheetMap.get("taskSheet"); Sheet segmentSheet = (Sheet) sheetMap.get("segmentSheet"); ArrayList<Job> jobs = new ArrayList<Job>(); searchJob(jobs, p_request); m_jobIDS = ReportHelper.getJobIDS(jobs); // Cancel Duplicate Request if (ReportHelper.checkReportsDataInProgressStatus(userId, m_jobIDS, getReportType())) { String message = "Cancel the request, due the report is generating, userID/reportTypeList/reportJobIDS:" + userId + ", " + "Comments Report" + ", " + m_jobIDS;; p_workbook = null; p_response.sendError(p_response.SC_NO_CONTENT); return; } // Set ReportsData. ReportHelper.setReportsData(userId, m_jobIDS, getReportType(), 0, ReportsData.STATUS_INPROGRESS); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("test"); s_logger.debug("jobs " + jobs.size()); s_logger.debug("jobSheet " + jobSheet); } if (oneSheet == true) { IntHolder row = new IntHolder(4); IntHolder jobSheetRow = row; IntHolder taskSheetRow = row; IntHolder segmentSheetRow = row; for (Job j : jobs) { if (isCancelled()) { p_workbook = null; return; } addSegmentComment(p_request, j, p_workbook, segmentSheet, segmentSheetRow); } for (Job j : jobs) { if (isCancelled()) { p_workbook = null; return; } addTaskComment(p_request, j, p_workbook, taskSheet, taskSheetRow); } for (Job j : jobs) { if (isCancelled()) { p_workbook = null; return; } addJobComment(p_request, j, p_workbook, jobSheet, jobSheetRow); } } else { IntHolder jobSheetRow = new IntHolder(4); IntHolder taskSheetRow = new IntHolder(4); IntHolder segmentSheetRow = new IntHolder(4); for (Job j : jobs) { if (isCancelled()) { p_workbook = null; return; } addJobComment(p_request, j, p_workbook, jobSheet, jobSheetRow); addTaskComment(p_request, j, p_workbook, taskSheet, taskSheetRow); addSegmentComment(p_request, j, p_workbook, segmentSheet, segmentSheetRow); } } // Set ReportsData. ReportHelper.setReportsData(userId, m_jobIDS, getReportType(), 100, ReportsData.STATUS_FINISHED); } /** * Gets Job comment. * */ private void addJobComment(HttpServletRequest p_request, Job j, Workbook p_workbook, Sheet jobSheet, IntHolder row) throws Exception { if (null == jobSheet) { return; } int count = 0; for (Workflow wf : j.getWorkflows()) { if (checkLang(wf) != true) { continue; } count++; } if (count > 0) { List jobComments = j.getJobComments(); s_logger.debug("jobComments" + jobComments.size()); int flag = JOB_FLAG; sortComment(jobComments, p_request); addSegmentCommentFilter(p_request, j, p_workbook, jobSheet, row, jobComments, flag); } } /** * Gets Task comment. * */ private void addTaskComment(HttpServletRequest p_request, Job j, Workbook p_workbook, Sheet taskSheet, IntHolder row) throws Exception { if (null == taskSheet) return; Collection c = j.getWorkflows(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it = c.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Workflow wf = (Workflow); if (checkLang(wf) != true) { continue; } for (TargetPage t : wf.getTargetPages()) { // used to SetPageURL; targetPageVar = t; } Hashtable tasks = wf.getTasks(); for (Iterator i = tasks.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Task t = (Task); List commentList = t.getTaskComments(); list.addAll(commentList); } } int flag = TASK_FLAG; sortComment(list, p_request); addSegmentCommentFilter(p_request, j, p_workbook, taskSheet, row, list, flag); // only coment with target locale need to print target language curLocale = null; targetPageVar = null; } /** * Gets Segment comment. */ private void addSegmentComment(HttpServletRequest p_request, Job j, Workbook p_workbook, Sheet segmentSheet, IntHolder row) throws Exception { if (null == segmentSheet) { return; } ArrayList<IssueImpl> comments = new ArrayList<IssueImpl>(); for (Workflow wf : j.getWorkflows()) { // target locale filter; if (checkLang(wf) == false) { continue; } for (TargetPage t : wf.getTargetPages()) { // used to SetPageURL; targetPageVar = t; List<IssueImpl> commentList = ServerProxy.getCommentManager().getIssues(Issue.TYPE_SEGMENT, t.getId()); setCommentTargetPage(commentList, t); comments.addAll(commentList); } } int flag = SEGMENT_FLAG; sortCommentBySegmentNumber(comments, p_request); addSegmentCommentFilter(p_request, j, p_workbook, segmentSheet, row, comments, flag); // only comment with target locale need to print target language curLocale = null; targetPageVar = null; } /** * Gets Segment comment helper. * */ private void addSegmentCommentFilter(HttpServletRequest p_request, Job j, Workbook p_workbook, Sheet segmentSheet, IntHolder row, List comments, int flag) throws Exception { // sortComment(comments, p_request); for (Iterator it = comments.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Comment comment = (Comment); if (SEGMENT_FLAG == flag) { if (showStatus == true) { if (statusList.contains(((Issue) comment).getStatus()) == false) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("ignore status:" + ((Issue) comment).getStatus()); } continue; } } setPageURL(p_request, comment, j.getId()); // get the comment body of each segment comment List list = ((Issue) comment).getHistory(); // Sort them by date sortCommentByIssueHistoryDate(list, p_request); for (Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { IssueHistory issueHistory = (IssueHistory); addCommentHistory(p_request, j, p_workbook, segmentSheet, row, comment, issueHistory, flag); } } else { addComment(p_request, j, p_workbook, segmentSheet, row, comment, flag); } } } /** * add Comment for each row of each sheet * * @exception Exception */ private void addComment(HttpServletRequest p_request, Job j, Workbook p_workbook, Sheet p_sheet, IntHolder row, Comment comment, int flag) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(p_request.getParameter("dateFormat")); String jobPrefix = "Job Comment "; String taskPrefix = "Activity Comment "; int c = 0; int r = row.getValue(); Row p_row = getRow(p_sheet, r); // 2.3 Job ID column. Insert GlobalSight job number here. Cell cell_A = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_A.setCellValue(j.getJobId()); cell_A.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); // 2.4 Job: Insert Job name here. Cell cell_B = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_B.setCellValue(j.getJobName()); cell_B.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); //Insert comment type Cell cell_C = getCell(p_row, c++); if (JOB_FLAG == flag) { cell_C.setCellValue(jobPrefix); cell_C.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); } else if (TASK_FLAG == flag) { cell_C.setCellValue(taskPrefix); cell_C.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); } // 2.5 Lang: Insert each target language identifier for each workflow // in the retrieved Job on a different row. Cell cell_D = getCell(p_row, c++); if ((this.targetPageVar != null) && (this.targetPageVar.getGlobalSightLocale() != null)) { cell_D.setCellValue(this.targetPageVar.getGlobalSightLocale().getDisplayName(uiLocale)); cell_D.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); } else { cell_D.setCellValue(""); cell_D.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); } // 2.6 Word count: Insert Segement Number for the job. Cell cell_E = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_E.setCellValue(""); cell_E.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); // by who Cell cell_F = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_F.setCellValue(UserUtil.getUserNameById(comment.getCreatorId())); cell_F.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); // 2.7 Comment create date: Insert Comment creation date. Cell cell_G = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_G.setCellValue(dateFormat.format(comment.getCreatedDateAsDate())); cell_G.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); // 2.8 add Comment Status if (showStatus) { Cell cell_Status = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_Status.setCellValue(""); cell_Status.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); } // 2.9 add Comment priority if (showPriority) { Cell cell_Priority = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_Priority.setCellValue(""); cell_Priority.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); } // 2.10 add Comment Category if (showCategory) { Cell cell_Category = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_Category.setCellValue(""); cell_Category.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); } //add source and target segment if (showSourAndTar) { Cell cell_Source = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_Source.setCellValue(""); cell_Source.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); Cell cell_Target = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_Target.setCellValue(""); cell_Target.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); } // 2.11 add Comment comment Cell cell_CommentHeader = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_CommentHeader.setCellValue(""); cell_CommentHeader.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); Cell cell_CommentBody = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_CommentBody.setCellValue(comment.getComment()); cell_CommentBody.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); Cell cell_Link = getCell(p_row, c++); if (flag != SEGMENT_FLAG) { cell_Link.setCellValue(""); } else { cell_Link.setCellFormula("HYPERLINK(\"" + pageUrl + "\",\"" + externalPageId + "\")"); } cell_Link.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook));; } /** * add Comment for each row, for segment comment usage, each row contains a * comment history * * @exception Exception */ private void addCommentHistory(HttpServletRequest p_request, Job j, Workbook p_workbook, Sheet p_sheet, IntHolder row, Comment comment, IssueHistory issueHistory, int flag) throws Exception { String segmentPrefix = "Segment Comment"; SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(p_request.getParameter("dateFormat")); int c = 0; int r = row.getValue(); // 2.3.2 Job ID column. Insert GlobalSight job number here. Row p_row = getRow(p_sheet, r); Cell cell_A = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_A.setCellValue(j.getJobId()); cell_A.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); // 2.4.2 Job: Insert Job name here. Cell cell_B = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_B.setCellValue(j.getJobName()); cell_B.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); Cell cell_C = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_C.setCellValue(segmentPrefix); cell_C.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); // 2.5.2 Lang: Insert each target language identifier for each workflow // in the retrieved Job on a different row. Cell cell_D = getCell(p_row, c++); if ((this.targetPageVar != null) && (this.targetPageVar.getGlobalSightLocale() != null)) { cell_D.setCellValue(this.targetPageVar.getGlobalSightLocale().getDisplayName(uiLocale)); cell_D.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); } else { cell_D.setCellValue(""); cell_D.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); } // 2.6.2 Insert Segement Number for the job. Cell cell_E = getCell(p_row, c++); Integer segmentNum = Integer .valueOf(CommentComparator.getSegmentIdFromLogicalKey(((Issue) comment).getLogicalKey())); cell_E.setCellValue(segmentNum); cell_E.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); // by who Cell cell_F = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_F.setCellValue(UserUtil.getUserNameById(issueHistory.reportedBy())); cell_F.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); // 2.7.2 Comment create date: Insert Comment creation date.\ Cell cell_G = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_G.setCellValue(dateFormat.format(issueHistory.dateReportedAsDate())); cell_G.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); // 2.8.2 add Comment Status if (showStatus) { Cell cell_Status = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_Status.setCellValue(((Issue) comment).getStatus()); cell_Status.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); } // 2.9.2 add Comment priority if (showPriority) { Cell cell_Priority = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_Priority.setCellValue(((Issue) comment).getPriority()); cell_Priority.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); } // 2.10.2 add Comment Category if (showCategory) { Cell cell_Category = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_Category.setCellValue(((Issue) comment).getCategory()); cell_Category.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); } if (showSourAndTar) { long targetLocalId = this.targetPageVar.getGlobalSightLocale().getId(); long sourceLocalId = j.getSourceLocale().getId(); Tuv sourceTuv = SegmentTuvUtil.getTuvByTuIdLocaleId(segmentNum, sourceLocalId, j.getId()); Tuv targetTuv = SegmentTuvUtil.getTuvByTuIdLocaleId(segmentNum, targetLocalId, j.getId()); PseudoData pData = new PseudoData(); pData.setMode(PseudoConstants.PSEUDO_COMPACT); Cell cell_SourceSegment = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_SourceSegment.setCellValue(getSegment(pData, sourceTuv, j.getId())); cell_SourceSegment.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); Cell cell_TargetSegment = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_TargetSegment.setCellValue(getSegment(pData, targetTuv, j.getId())); cell_TargetSegment.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); } // 2.11.2 add comment header Cell cell_CommentHeader = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_CommentHeader.setCellValue(comment.getComment()); cell_CommentHeader.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); // 2.12.2 add comment body Cell cell_CommentBody = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_CommentBody.setCellValue(issueHistory.getComment()); cell_CommentBody.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook)); // 2.13.2 add link Cell cell_Link = getCell(p_row, c++); cell_Link.setCellFormula("HYPERLINK(\"" + pageUrl + "\",\"" + externalPageId + "\")"); cell_Link.setCellStyle(getContentStyle(p_workbook));; } private String getSegment(PseudoData pData, Tuv tuv, long p_jobId) { StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer(); String dataType = null; try { dataType = tuv.getDataType(p_jobId); pData.setAddables(dataType); TmxPseudo.tmx2Pseudo(tuv.getGxmlExcludeTopTags(), pData); content.append(pData.getPTagSourceString()); } catch (DiplomatBasicParserException e) { s_logger.error(tuv.getId(), e); } String result = content.toString(); return result; } /** * Returns search params used to find the in progress jobs for all PMs * * @return JobSearchParams */ private JobSearchParameters getSearchParams(HttpServletRequest p_request) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat simpleDate = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); String[] paramProjectIds = p_request.getParameterValues("projectId"); String[] paramStatus = p_request.getParameterValues("status"); paramProjectIds = (paramProjectIds == null) ? new String[] { "*" } : paramProjectIds; paramStatus = (paramStatus == null) ? new String[] { "*" } : paramStatus; JobSearchParameters sp = new JobSearchParameters(); ArrayList stateList = new ArrayList(); if ((paramStatus == null) || ("*".equals(paramStatus[0]))) { // just do a query for all in progress jobs, localized, and exported stateList.add(Job.DISPATCHED); stateList.add(Job.LOCALIZED); stateList.add(Job.EXPORTED); } else { for (int i = 0; i < paramStatus.length; i++) { stateList.add(paramStatus[i]); } } sp.setJobState(stateList); // Get project ids ArrayList projectIdList = new ArrayList(); if (paramProjectIds != null && !paramProjectIds[0].equals("*")) { for (int i = 0; i < paramProjectIds.length; i++) { projectIdList.add(new Long(paramProjectIds[i])); } } else { try { List<Project> projectList = (ArrayList<Project>) ServerProxy.getProjectHandler() .getProjectsByUser(userId); for (Project project : projectList) { projectIdList.add(project.getIdAsLong()); } } catch (Exception e) { } } sp.setProjectId(projectIdList); // Get creation start String paramCreateDateStartCount = p_request.getParameter(JobSearchConstants.CREATION_START); if (paramCreateDateStartCount != null && paramCreateDateStartCount != "") { sp.setCreationStart(simpleDate.parse(paramCreateDateStartCount)); } // Get creation end String paramCreateDateEndCount = p_request.getParameter(JobSearchConstants.CREATION_END); if (paramCreateDateEndCount != null && paramCreateDateEndCount != "") { Date date = simpleDate.parse(paramCreateDateEndCount); long endLong = date.getTime() + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 - 1); sp.setCreationEnd(new Date(endLong)); } return sp; } /** * Sort the jobs . * */ private void sortJob(ArrayList p_jobs, HttpServletRequest p_request) { HttpSession session = p_request.getSession(false); Locale uiLocale = (Locale) session.getAttribute("uiLocale"); if (uiLocale == null) uiLocale = Locale.ENGLISH; int JOB_ID = 1; JobComparator comparator = new JobComparator(JOB_ID, uiLocale, true, null); comparator.setSortColumn(JobComparator.JOB_ID); SortUtil.sort(p_jobs, comparator); } /** * Gets the jobs . * */ private void searchJob(ArrayList jobs, HttpServletRequest p_request) throws Exception { String[] paramJobId = p_request.getParameterValues("jobId"); paramJobId = (paramJobId == null) ? new String[] { "*" } : paramJobId; if ((paramJobId != null) && "*".equals(paramJobId[0])) { // do a search based on the params JobSearchParameters searchParams = null; try { searchParams = getSearchParams(p_request); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { s_logger.warn("NumberFormatException:" + "--please input legal number in data area"); } jobs.addAll(ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobs(searchParams)); } else { // just get the specific jobs they chose for (int i = 0; i < paramJobId.length; i++) { if ("*".equals(paramJobId[i]) == false) { long jobId = Long.parseLong(paramJobId[i]); Job j = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(jobId); jobs.add(j); } } } sortJob(jobs, p_request); } /** * set showPriority value. * */ private void setShowPriority(HttpServletRequest p_request) { String[] paramCommentPriority = p_request.getParameterValues("commentPriority_On"); if ((null != paramCommentPriority) && ("on".equals(paramCommentPriority[0]))) { showPriority = true; } else { showPriority = false; } } /** * Sets showCategory value. * */ private void setShowCategory(HttpServletRequest p_request) { String[] paramCommentCategory = p_request.getParameterValues("commentCategory_On"); if ((null != paramCommentCategory) && ("on".equals(paramCommentCategory[0]))) { showCategory = true; } else { showCategory = false; } } /** * set Status. * */ private void setStatus(HttpServletRequest p_request) { statusList = new ArrayList(); List allList = IssueOptions.getAllStatus(); String[] paramCommentStatusOpen = p_request.getParameterValues("commenStatus_open"); String[] paramCommentStatusQuery = p_request.getParameterValues("commenStatus_query"); String[] paramCommentStatusClosed = p_request.getParameterValues("commenStatus_closed"); String[] paramCommentStatusRejected = p_request.getParameterValues("commenStatus_rejected"); if ((paramCommentStatusOpen != null) && allList.contains(paramCommentStatusOpen[0])) { statusList.add(paramCommentStatusOpen[0]); } if ((paramCommentStatusQuery != null) && allList.contains(paramCommentStatusQuery[0])) { statusList.add(paramCommentStatusQuery[0]); } if ((paramCommentStatusClosed != null) && allList.contains(paramCommentStatusClosed[0])) { statusList.add(paramCommentStatusClosed[0]); } if ((paramCommentStatusRejected != null) && allList.contains(paramCommentStatusRejected[0])) { statusList.add(paramCommentStatusRejected[0]); } if (statusList.size() == 0) { showStatus = false; } else { showStatus = true; } } /** * set source and target */ private void setSourceAndTarget(HttpServletRequest p_request) { String[] paramSourAndTar = p_request.getParameterValues("show_SourceAndTarget"); if ((null != paramSourAndTar) && ("on".equals(paramSourAndTar[0]))) { showSourAndTar = true; } else { showSourAndTar = false; } } /** * set Targe lang list. * */ private void setLang(HttpServletRequest p_request) { langList = new ArrayList(); String[] paramLang = p_request.getParameterValues("targetLang"); if (paramLang != null && !paramLang[0].equals("*")) { for (int i = 0; i < paramLang.length; i++) { langList.add(paramLang[i]); s_logger.warn("Lang:" + paramLang[i]); } showAllLang = false; } else { showAllLang = true; } s_logger.warn("all Lange:" + showAllLang); } /** * Check taget locale. * */ private boolean checkLang(Workflow w) { curLocale = w.getTargetLocale(); if (showAllLang) { return true; } return langList.contains(Long.toString(curLocale.getId())); } /** * Set page name and URL . * */ private void setPageURL(HttpServletRequest p_request, Comment comment, long jobId) { String url = p_request.getHeader("Referer"); s_logger.debug("url--:" + url); url = url.substring(0, (url.indexOf("?") + 1)); targetPageVar = (TargetPage) commentTargetPageMap.remove(new Long(comment.getId())); String key = ((Issue) comment).getLogicalKey(); String[] ids = key.split("_"); String editorReviewUrl = url + "linkName=editor&pageName=SEGCOMMENTS&reviewMode=true"; url = "&" + WebAppConstants.SOURCE_PAGE_ID + "=" + targetPageVar.getSourcePage().getId() + "&" + WebAppConstants.TARGET_PAGE_ID + "=" + targetPageVar.getId() + "&" + WebAppConstants.JOB_ID + "=" + jobId + "&curTuId=" + ids[1] + "&curTuvId=" + ids[2] + "&curSubId=" + ids[3]; pageUrl = editorReviewUrl + url; externalPageId = targetPageVar.getExternalPageId(); s_logger.debug("externalPageId: " + externalPageId); } /** * Sort Comment here. * */ private void sortComment(List list, HttpServletRequest p_request) { HttpSession session = p_request.getSession(false); Locale uiLocale = (Locale) session.getAttribute("uiLocale"); if (uiLocale == null) uiLocale = Locale.ENGLISH; CommentComparator commentComparator = new CommentComparator(uiLocale); commentComparator.setType(CommentComparator.COMMENT_ID); SortUtil.sort(list, commentComparator); } /** * Sort Segment Comment by Segment Number * */ private void sortCommentBySegmentNumber(List list, HttpServletRequest p_request) { HttpSession session = p_request.getSession(false); Locale uiLocale = (Locale) session.getAttribute("uiLocale"); if (uiLocale == null) uiLocale = Locale.ENGLISH; CommentComparator commentComparator = new CommentComparator(uiLocale); commentComparator.setType(CommentComparator.SEGMENT_NUMBER); SortUtil.sort(list, commentComparator); } /** * Sort Segment Issue History by Date * */ private void sortCommentByIssueHistoryDate(List list, HttpServletRequest p_request) { HttpSession session = p_request.getSession(false); Locale uiLocale = (Locale) session.getAttribute("uiLocale"); if (uiLocale == null) uiLocale = Locale.ENGLISH; IssueHistoryComparator issueHistoryComparator = new IssueHistoryComparator(uiLocale); issueHistoryComparator.setType(IssueHistoryComparator.DATE); SortUtil.sort(list, issueHistoryComparator); } /** * Set TargetLocale for each comment, used in get URL * */ private void setCommentTargetPage(List ls, TargetPage t) { for (int i = 0; i < ls.size(); i++) { Comment c = (Comment) ls.get(i); commentTargetPageMap.put(new Long(c.getId()), t); } } private CellStyle getHeaderStyle(Workbook p_workbook) throws Exception { if (headerStyle == null) { Font font = p_workbook.createFont(); font.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); font.setColor(IndexedColors.BLACK.getIndex()); font.setUnderline(Font.U_NONE); font.setFontName("Times"); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 11); CellStyle cs = p_workbook.createCellStyle(); cs.setFont(font); cs.setWrapText(true); cs.setFillPattern(CellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); cs.setFillForegroundColor(IndexedColors.GREY_25_PERCENT.getIndex()); cs.setBorderTop(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs.setBorderRight(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs.setBorderBottom(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); cs.setBorderLeft(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); headerStyle = cs; } return headerStyle; } private CellStyle getContentStyle(Workbook p_workbook) throws Exception { if (contentStyle == null) { CellStyle style = p_workbook.createCellStyle(); style.setWrapText(true); style.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style.setVerticalAlignment(CellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); Font font = p_workbook.createFont(); font.setFontName("Arial"); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 10); style.setFont(font); contentStyle = style; } return contentStyle; } private Row getRow(Sheet p_sheet, int p_col) { Row row = p_sheet.getRow(p_col); if (row == null) row = p_sheet.createRow(p_col); return row; } private Cell getCell(Row p_row, int index) { Cell cell = p_row.getCell(index); if (cell == null) cell = p_row.createCell(index); return cell; } public String getReportType() { return ReportConstants.COMMENTS_REPORT; } public boolean isCancelled() { ReportsData data = ReportGeneratorHandler.getReportsMap(userId, m_jobIDS, getReportType()); if (data != null) return data.isCancle(); return false; } }