Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2009 Welocalize, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.globalsight.everest.tuv; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import; import; import com.globalsight.everest.persistence.tuv.BigTableUtil; import com.globalsight.everest.persistence.tuv.SegmentTuUtil; import com.globalsight.everest.persistence.tuv.SegmentTuvUtil; import com.globalsight.ling.docproc.extractor.xliff.XliffAlt; import; import; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.persistence.DbUtil; import com.globalsight.ling.util.GlobalSightCrc; import com.globalsight.persistence.hibernate.HibernateUtil; import com.globalsight.util.GlobalSightLocale; /** * The TuvManagerLocal class is an implementation of TuvManager interface. */ public final class TuvManagerLocal implements TuvManager { static private final Logger CATEGORY = Logger.getLogger(TuvManagerLocal.class); /** * Factory method for creating Tu instances. Does not persist the Tu. * * @param p_tmId * Tm identifier. * @param p_dataType * DataType. * @param p_tuType * TuType. * @param p_localizableType * LocalizableType. * @param p_pid * paragraph id (= GXML blockId) * @return Tu * @throws TuvException * when an error occurs. * @throws RemoteException * when a communication-related error occurs. */ public Tu createTu(long p_tmId, String p_dataType, TuType p_tuType, char p_localizableType, long p_pid) throws TuvException, RemoteException { TuImpl tu = new TuImpl(); tu.setTmId(p_tmId); tu.setDataType(p_dataType); tu.setTuType(p_tuType); tu.setLocalizableType(p_localizableType); tu.setPid(p_pid); if (CATEGORY.isDebugEnabled()) { CATEGORY.debug("createTu" + " p_tmId=" + p_tmId + " p_dataType=" + p_dataType + " p_tuType=" + p_tuType.toString() + " p_localizableType=" + p_localizableType + " p_pid=" + p_pid + " returned TuImpl=" + tu.toString()); } return tu; } /** * Factory method for creating Tuv instances. Does not persist the Tuv. Sets * the TUV state to NOT_LOCALIZED. * * @param p_wordCount * word count in the segment text. * @param p_globalSightLocale * GlobalSightLocale of the Tuv. * @param p_sourcePage * SourcePage associated with the Tuv. * @return Tuv * @throws TuvException * when an error occurs. */ public Tuv createTuv(int p_wordCount, GlobalSightLocale p_locale, SourcePage p_sourcePage) throws TuvException, RemoteException { TuvImpl tuv = new TuvImpl(); tuv.setWordCount(p_wordCount); tuv.setGlobalSightLocale(p_locale); // tuv.setSourcePage(p_sourcePage); if (CATEGORY.isDebugEnabled()) { CATEGORY.debug( "createTuv" + " p_wordCount=" + p_wordCount + " p_globalSightLocale=" + p_locale.toString() + " p_sourcePage= " + p_sourcePage.getId() + " returned tuvImpl=" + tuv.toString()); } return tuv; } /** * Update TuvImpl * * @param p_tuv * TuvImpl * @throws Exception */ public static void updateTuvs(Connection p_connection, List<TuvImplVo> p_tuvs, long p_jobId) throws Exception { if (p_tuvs == null || p_tuvs.size() == 0) { return; } PreparedStatement tuvUpdateStmt = null; try { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("update ").append(BigTableUtil.getTuvTableJobDataInByJobId(p_jobId)).append(" set "); sql.append("segment_clob = ?, ");// 1 sql.append("segment_string = ?,");// 2 sql.append("exact_match_key = ?,");// 3 sql.append("state = ?, "); // 4 sql.append("merge_state = ?, ");// 5 sql.append("timestamp = ?, ");// 6 sql.append("last_modified = ?, ");// 7 sql.append("modify_user = ? where id = ?");// 8,9 tuvUpdateStmt = p_connection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); Timestamp t = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); // addBatch counters int batchUpdate = 0; for (TuvImplVo tuv : p_tuvs) { TuvImpl temp = new TuvImpl(); temp.setGxml(tuv.getGxml()); tuvUpdateStmt.setString(1, temp.getSegmentClob()); tuvUpdateStmt.setString(2, temp.getSegmentString()); tuvUpdateStmt.setLong(3, GlobalSightCrc.calculate(((TuvLing) tuv).getExactMatchFormat())); tuvUpdateStmt.setString(4, tuv.getState() == null ? TuvState.LOCALIZED.getName() : tuv.getState().getName()); tuvUpdateStmt.setString(5, tuv.getMergeState()); tuvUpdateStmt.setTimestamp(6, t); tuvUpdateStmt.setTimestamp(7, t); tuvUpdateStmt.setString(8, tuv.getLastModifiedUser()); tuvUpdateStmt.setLong(9, tuv.getId()); tuvUpdateStmt.addBatch(); batchUpdate++; if (batchUpdate > DbUtil.BATCH_INSERT_UNIT) { tuvUpdateStmt.executeBatch(); batchUpdate = 0; } } // execute the rest of the added batch if (batchUpdate > 0) { tuvUpdateStmt.executeBatch(); } p_connection.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { DbUtil.silentClose(tuvUpdateStmt); } } /** * Saves the target segments from an offline edit. * * @param p_tuvs * TuvImplVo List of Tuvs to be saved * @throws TuvException * when an error occurs. */ public void saveTuvsFromOfflineNoJms(List<TuvImplVo> p_tuvs, long p_jobId) throws TuvException { Connection conn = null; boolean isAutoCommit = true; try { conn = DbUtil.getConnection(); isAutoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); updateTuvs(conn, p_tuvs, p_jobId); } catch (Exception ex) { CATEGORY.error("Cannot save offline TUV", ex); throw new TuvException("Cannot save offline TUVs", ex); } finally { try { conn.setAutoCommit(isAutoCommit); } catch (SQLException e) { } DbUtil.silentReturnConnection(conn); } } /** * Saves the target segments from an offline edit. * * @param p_tuvs * TuvImplVo List of Tuvs to be saved * @throws TuvException * when an error occurs. */ public void saveTuvsFromOffline(List<TuvImplVo> p_tuvs, long p_jobId) throws TuvException { TuvImpl tuvInDb = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = DbUtil.getConnection(); List<TuvImpl> tuvsToBeUpdated = new ArrayList<TuvImpl>(); for (TuvImplVo tuv : p_tuvs) { tuvInDb = SegmentTuvUtil.getTuvById(conn, tuv.getId(), p_jobId); tuvInDb.setExactMatchKey(GlobalSightCrc.calculate(((TuvLing) tuv).getExactMatchFormat())); tuvInDb.setGxml(tuv.getGxml()); tuvInDb.setState(tuv.getState() == null ? TuvState.LOCALIZED : tuv.getState()); tuvInDb.setMergeState(tuv.getMergeState()); tuvInDb.setLastModifiedUser(tuv.getLastModifiedUser()); tuvInDb.setLastModified(new Date()); tuvInDb.setTimestamp(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); tuvsToBeUpdated.add(tuvInDb); } SegmentTuvUtil.updateTuvs(tuvsToBeUpdated, p_jobId); } catch (Exception ex) { CATEGORY.error("Cannot save offline TUV", ex); CATEGORY.error("id: " + tuvInDb.getId()); CATEGORY.error("segment: " + tuvInDb.getSegmentString()); // Ensure xliffAlt is loaded if it has Set<XliffAlt> alts = tuvInDb.getXliffAlt(true); CATEGORY.error("xliffAlt size: " + alts.size()); int i = 0; for (XliffAlt alt : alts) { i++; CATEGORY.error(" XliffAlt " + i); CATEGORY.error(" id :" + alt.getId()); CATEGORY.error(" segment :" + alt.getSegment()); CATEGORY.error(" language :" + alt.getLanguage()); CATEGORY.error(" quality :" + alt.getQuality()); CATEGORY.error(" tuv id :" + alt.getTuvId()); } throw new TuvException("Cannot save offline TUVs", ex); } finally { DbUtil.silentReturnConnection(conn); } } /** * Clones the source page's tuv for a target page based on the specified * locale. * * @param p_sourceLocaleTuv * - The tuv to be cloned. * @param p_targetLocale * - The locale of the tuv. * @throws TuvException * when an error occurs. * @throws RemoteException * when a communication-related error occurs. */ public Tuv cloneToTarget(Tuv p_sourceTuv, GlobalSightLocale p_targetLocale) throws TuvException, RemoteException { TuvImpl tuv = new TuvImpl((TuvImpl) p_sourceTuv); tuv.setGlobalSightLocale(p_targetLocale); tuv.setExactMatchKey(0); if (CATEGORY.isDebugEnabled()) { CATEGORY.debug("cloneToTarget" + " old tuv id " + p_sourceTuv.getId() + " target locale=" + p_targetLocale.toString() + " new tuv id " + tuv.getId()); } return tuv; } /** * Clones the source page's tuv for a target page based on the specified * locale. * * @param p_sourceLocaleTuv * - The tuv to be cloned. * @param p_targetLocale * - The locale of the tuv. * @param p_matchType * match type that the Tuv p_gxml came from. Must be * LeverageMatchType.LEVERAGE_GROUP_EXACT_MATCH, * LeverageMatchType.EXACT_MATCH or * LeverageMatchType.UNVERIFIED_EXACT_MATCH. * @returns cloned Tuv associated it with a target locale. * @throws TuvException * when an error occurs. * @throws RemoteException * when a communication-related error occurs. */ public Tuv cloneToTarget(Tuv p_sourceLocaleTuv, GlobalSightLocale p_targetLocale, String p_gxml, int p_matchType) throws TuvException, RemoteException { TuvImpl tuv = (TuvImpl) cloneToTarget(p_sourceLocaleTuv, p_targetLocale); switch (p_matchType) { case LeverageMatchType.LEVERAGE_GROUP_EXACT_MATCH: tuv.setState(TuvState.LEVERAGE_GROUP_EXACT_MATCH_LOCALIZED); break; case LeverageMatchType.EXACT_MATCH: tuv.setState(TuvState.EXACT_MATCH_LOCALIZED); break; case LeverageMatchType.UNVERIFIED_EXACT_MATCH: tuv.setState(TuvState.UNVERIFIED_EXACT_MATCH); break; default: TuvException ex = new TuvException("cloneToTarget: " + "p_matchType " + Integer.toString(p_matchType) + " not valid for this method"); CATEGORY.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); throw ex; } tuv.setGxmlWithSubIds(p_gxml); return tuv; } /** * Gets Tuvs in the specified locale for the export process. * * @param p_sourcePage * source locale page. * @param p_globalSightLocale * GlobalSightLocale to return Tuvs in. * @return Collection Tuvs * @throws TuvException * when an error occurs. * @throws RemoteException * when a communication-related error occurs. */ public Collection getExportTuvs(SourcePage p_sourcePage, GlobalSightLocale p_locale) throws TuvException, RemoteException { List result = null; try { result = SegmentTuvUtil.getExportTuvs(p_locale.getId(), p_sourcePage.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TuvException(e); } return result; } /** * Gets PageSegments. * * @param p_sourcePage * source page. * @param p_trgLocales * a collection of target locales * @return PageSegments. * @throws RemoteException * when a communication-related error occurs. */ public PageSegments getPageSegments(SourcePage p_sourcePage, Collection<GlobalSightLocale> p_trgLocales) throws TuvException, RemoteException { List<TuImplVo> tus = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = DbUtil.getConnection(); TuvJdbcQuery tuvQuery = new TuvJdbcQuery(conn); tus = tuvQuery.getTusBySourcePageIdAndLocales(p_sourcePage, p_trgLocales); // Improve performance (required) loadTuTuvsPrior(p_sourcePage, p_trgLocales); } catch (Exception ex) { CATEGORY.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new TuvException(ex); } finally { if (conn != null) { DbUtil.silentReturnConnection(conn); } } return new PageSegments(tus, p_sourcePage, p_trgLocales); } /** * Load data prior to improve performance. */ private void loadTuTuvsPrior(SourcePage p_sourcePage, Collection p_trgLocales) { try { // Load all TUs for page SegmentTuUtil.getTusBySourcePageId(p_sourcePage.getId()); // Load all source TUVs for source page SegmentTuvUtil.getSourceTuvs(p_sourcePage); // Load all target TUVs for target locales. for (TargetPage tp : p_sourcePage.getTargetPages()) { if (p_trgLocales.contains(tp.getGlobalSightLocale())) { SegmentTuvUtil.getTargetTuvs(tp); } } } catch (Exception e) { CATEGORY.error("Error when load data prior for source page and target pages", e); } } /** * Resets the status of the target tuv to NOT_LOCALIZED. * * @param p_sourcePage * source locale page. * @param p_sourceGlobalSightLocale * the source locale. * @param p_sourceGlobalSightLocale * the target locale. * @return Map of target locale Tuvs keyed by source locale TuvId. * @throws TuvException * when an error occurs. * @throws RemoteException * when a communication-related error occurs. */ public void resetTargetTuvStatus(SourcePage p_sourcePage, GlobalSightLocale p_targetLocale) throws TuvException, RemoteException { try { TargetPage targetPage = null; for (TargetPage tp : p_sourcePage.getTargetPages()) { if (tp.getLocaleId() == p_targetLocale.getId()) { targetPage = tp; break; } } List<TuvImpl> targetTuvs = SegmentTuvUtil.getTargetTuvs(targetPage); for (TuvImpl targetTuv : targetTuvs) { targetTuv.setState(TuvState.NOT_LOCALIZED); targetTuv.setLastModified(new Date()); } long jobId = p_sourcePage.getJobId(); SegmentTuvUtil.updateTuvs(targetTuvs, jobId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TuvException(e); } } /** * Get the Tuvs for the on-line editor for each specified Tu, in the * specified locale. * * @param p_tuIds * array of Tu Ids. * @param p_localeId * locale Id associated with returned Tuv. * @param p_jobId * @return Collection of Tuv objects. * @throws TuvException * when an error occurs. * @throws RemoteException * when a communication-related error occurs. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Collection getTuvsForOnlineEditor(long[] p_tuIds, long p_localeId, long p_jobId) throws TuvException, RemoteException { List tuvs = new ArrayList(); try { tuvs = SegmentTuvUtil.getTuvsByTuIdsLocaleId(p_tuIds, p_localeId, p_jobId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TuvException(e); } return tuvs; } /** * Gets the Tuv for the segment editor for the specified Tu, in the * specified locale. * * @param p_tuId * unique identifier of a Tu object. * @param p_localeId * identifier of a GlobalSightLocale associated with returned * Tuv. * @return Tuv. * @throws TuvException * when an error occurs. * @throws RemoteException * when a communication-related error occurs. */ public Tuv getTuvForSegmentEditor(long p_tuId, long p_localeId, long p_jobId) throws TuvException, RemoteException { Tuv tuv = null; try { tuv = SegmentTuvUtil.getTuvByTuIdLocaleId(p_tuId, p_localeId, p_jobId); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new TuvException(ex); } return tuv; } /** * Gets the Tuv for the segment editor for the specified Tuv identifier. * * @param p_tuvId * unique identifier of a Tuv object. * @return Tuv * @throws TuvException * when an error occurs. * @throws RemoteException * when a communication-related error occurs. */ public Tuv getTuvForSegmentEditor(long p_tuvId, long jobId) throws TuvException, RemoteException { try { return SegmentTuvUtil.getTuvById(p_tuvId, jobId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TuvException(e); } } public Tu getTuForSegmentEditor(long p_tuId, long jobId) throws TuvException, RemoteException { try { return SegmentTuUtil.getTuById(p_tuId, jobId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TuvException(e); } } /** * Gets the TaskTuvs from the end of each of the previous stages of the * workflow in reverse chronological order. The parameter p_maxResultNum is * ignored. * * @param p_tuvId * unique identifier of a Tuv object. * @param p_maxResultNum * maximum number of TaskTuvs to return. * @return reverse chronological ordered List of TaskTuvs. * @throws TuvException * when an error occurs. * @throws RemoteException * when a communication-related error occurs. */ public List getPreviousTaskTuvs(long p_tuvId, int p_maxResultNum) throws TuvException, RemoteException { String hql = " from TaskTuv t where t.currentTuvId= :tuvId order by t.version desc"; Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setMaxResults(p_maxResultNum); query.setLong("tuvId", p_tuvId); List taskTuvs = query.list(); // session.close(); if (CATEGORY.isDebugEnabled()) { CATEGORY.debug("getPreviousTaskTuvs" + " p_tuvId=" + p_tuvId + " returned " + taskTuvs.size() + " TaskTuvs=" + taskTuvs.toString()); } return taskTuvs; } /** * Updates a changed Tuv in the database. * * @param p_tuv * changed Tuv. * @throws TuvException * when an error occurs. * @throws RemoteException * when a communication-related error occurs. */ public void updateTuvToLocalizedState(Tuv p_tuv, long p_jobId) throws TuvException, RemoteException { try { TuvImpl tuv = (TuvImpl) p_tuv; tuv.setExactMatchKey(GlobalSightCrc.calculate(tuv.getExactMatchFormat())); tuv.setState(TuvState.LOCALIZED); tuv.setLastModified(new Date()); SegmentTuvUtil.updateTuv(tuv, p_jobId); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new TuvException("updateTuv " + p_tuv.toString(), ex); } } /** * Gets source locale Tuvs for Statistics based on the SourcePage. * * @param p_sourcePage * source locale page. * @return Collection Tuvs * @throws TuvException * when an error occurs. * @throws RemoteException * when a communication-related error occurs. */ public Collection getSourceTuvsForStatistics(SourcePage p_sourcePage) throws TuvException, RemoteException { List result = new ArrayList(); try { result = SegmentTuvUtil.getSourceTuvs(p_sourcePage); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TuvException(e); } return result; } /** * Gets target locale tuvs for statistics based on the TargetPage. * * @param p_targetPage * target locale page. * @return Collection Tuvs * @throws TuvException * when an error occurs. * @throws RemoteException * when a communication-related error occurs. */ public Collection<Tuv> getTargetTuvsForStatistics(TargetPage p_targetPage) throws TuvException, RemoteException { List<Tuv> result = new ArrayList<Tuv>(); try { result.addAll(SegmentTuvUtil.getTargetTuvs(p_targetPage)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TuvException(e); } return result; } /** * Retrieves the list of TUs belonging to a source page. * * @param p_sourcePageId * the id of the source page * @return Collection a sorted list of tus from the source page */ public Collection<TuImpl> getTus(Long p_sourcePageId) throws TuvException, RemoteException { try { return SegmentTuUtil.getTusBySourcePageId(p_sourcePageId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TuvException(e); } } /** * Judge if current page is WorldServer XLF file. * * @param p_sourcePageId * @return boolean * @throws TuvException * @throws RemoteException */ public boolean isWorldServerXliffSourceFile(Long p_sourcePageId) throws TuvException, RemoteException { boolean result = false; try { result = SegmentTuUtil.isWorldServerXlfSourceFile(p_sourcePageId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TuvException(e); } return result; } /** * Computes and updates the exact match keys for a set of tuvs. This * function does neither read objects from nor write objects to the * database. */ public void setExactMatchKeys(List p_tuvs) { for (int i = 0, max = p_tuvs.size(); i < max; i++) { TuvImpl tuv = (TuvImpl) p_tuvs.get(i); String exactMatchFormat = tuv.getExactMatchFormat(); // generate exact match key long crc = GlobalSightCrc.calculate(exactMatchFormat); tuv.setExactMatchKey(crc); } } }