Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2009 Welocalize, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.globalsight.everest.comment; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.Job; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.JobImpl; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.JobPersistenceAccessor; import com.globalsight.everest.persistence.comment.CommentQueryResultHandler; import com.globalsight.everest.persistence.comment.CommentUnnamedQueries; import com.globalsight.everest.persistence.comment.IssueUnnamedQueries; import com.globalsight.everest.taskmanager.Task; import com.globalsight.everest.taskmanager.TaskImpl; import com.globalsight.everest.taskmanager.TaskPersistenceAccessor; import com.globalsight.everest.tuv.Tuv; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.WebAppConstants; import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.Workflow; import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.WorkflowImpl; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.persistence.DbUtil; import com.globalsight.persistence.hibernate.HibernateUtil; import com.globalsight.terminology.util.SqlUtil; import com.globalsight.util.AmbFileStoragePathUtils; import com.globalsight.util.GlobalSightLocale; /** * <p> * Implementation of comment reference file persistence server. * </p> * * <p> * Files are stored under ~<file storage>/GlobalSight/CommentReference. Each job * is a sub-directory, there might be some files which would be visible to * Admin/PM/WFManagers only. They are called "Restricted" files and are * therefore kept in a separate directory named "Restricted". All other files * can be viewd by all kinds of users in the job called as "General" flies and * are therefore kept in a directory named "General" * </p> * * <pre> * /CommentReference/CommentID/Restricted/cr1.txt * /CommentReference/CommentID/General/cr2.txt * </pre> */ public class CommentManagerLocal implements CommentManager { static private final Logger CATEGORY = Logger.getLogger(CommentManagerLocal.class); // // Interface methods // /** * Deletes the specified comment reference file. */ public void deleteCommentReference(CommentFile p_file, String tmpDir) throws RemoteException, CommentException { String[] access = { WebAppConstants.COMMENT_REFERENCE_GENERAL_ACCESS, WebAppConstants.COMMENT_REFERENCE_RESTRICTED_ACCESS }; try { String filePath = getFilePath(p_file, tmpDir); for (int i = 0; i < access.length; i++) { String fileName = filePath + access[i] + "/" + p_file.getFilename(); File file = new File(fileName); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { String[] arg = { p_file.getFilename() }; throw new CommentException(CommentException.MSG_FAILED_TO_DELETE_FILE, arg, ex); } } /** * Deletes the specified comment reference file. */ public void changeToGeneral(CommentFile p_file, String tmpDir) throws RemoteException, CommentException { try { String filePath = getFilePath(p_file, tmpDir); String oldPath = filePath + WebAppConstants.COMMENT_REFERENCE_RESTRICTED_ACCESS + "/" + p_file.getFilename(); String newPath = filePath + WebAppConstants.COMMENT_REFERENCE_GENERAL_ACCESS + "/" + p_file.getFilename(); File file = new File(oldPath); File newFile = new File(newPath); if (file.exists()) { int i = 2; while (newFile.exists()) { newPath = newPath + "(" + i + ")"; newFile = new File(newPath); } newFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); file.renameTo(newFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { CATEGORY.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new CommentException(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Deletes the specified comment reference file. */ public void changeToRestrict(CommentFile p_file, String tmpDir) throws RemoteException, CommentException { try { String filePath = getFilePath(p_file, tmpDir); String oldPath = filePath + WebAppConstants.COMMENT_REFERENCE_GENERAL_ACCESS + "/" + p_file.getFilename(); String newPath = filePath + WebAppConstants.COMMENT_REFERENCE_RESTRICTED_ACCESS + "/" + p_file.getFilename(); File file = new File(oldPath); File newFile = new File(newPath); if (file.exists()) { int i = 2; while (newFile.exists()) { newPath = newPath + "(" + i + ")"; newFile = new File(newPath); } newFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); file.renameTo(newFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { CATEGORY.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new CommentException(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * @see CommentManager.getCommentRefrences(String, String) */ public ArrayList getCommentReferences(String p_commentId, String p_access) throws RemoteException, CommentException { return getCommentReferences(p_commentId, p_access, false); } /** * @see CommentManager.getCommentRefrences(String, String) */ public ArrayList getCommentReferences(String p_commentId, String p_access, String companyId) throws RemoteException, CommentException { return getCommentReferences(p_commentId, p_access, false, companyId); } /** * @see CommentManager.getCommentReferences(String, String, boolean) */ public ArrayList /* of CommentFile */ getCommentReferences(String p_commentId, String p_access, boolean p_saved, String companyId) throws RemoteException, CommentException { ArrayList result = readCommentReferenceDirectory( AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getCommentReferenceDir(companyId).toString(), p_commentId, p_access, p_saved); return result; } /** * @see CommentManager.getCommentReferences(String, String, boolean) */ public ArrayList /* of CommentFile */ getCommentReferences(String p_commentId, String p_access, boolean p_saved) throws RemoteException, CommentException { ArrayList result = readCommentReferenceDirectory( AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getCommentReferenceDir().toString(), p_commentId, p_access, p_saved); return result; } /** * @see CommentManager.getCommentById(long) */ public Comment getCommentById(long p_commentId) throws RemoteException, CommentException { try { return (CommentImpl) HibernateUtil.get(CommentImpl.class, p_commentId); } catch (Exception ex) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to find the comment with id " + p_commentId); } return null; } /** * @see, long, String, String) */ public Comment saveComment(WorkObject p_wo, long p_id, String p_creatorUserId, String p_comment) throws RemoteException, CommentException { return saveComment(p_wo, p_id, p_creatorUserId, p_comment, Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); } /** * @see, long, String, String, Date) */ public Comment saveComment(WorkObject p_wo, long p_id, String p_creatorUserId, String p_comment, Date p_date) throws RemoteException, CommentException { // not supposed to save null comment if (p_comment == null) { return null; } if (p_wo == null) { // if the task was not found - need this for HP's integration API // in case they send invalid task ids CATEGORY.error("Failed to specify a workflow object to add the comment to."); throw new CommentException("CommmentException.FAILED_TO_SPECIFY_WORK_OBJECT", null, null); } Comment comment = null; Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); try { comment = new CommentImpl(p_date, p_creatorUserId, p_comment, p_wo);; if (p_wo instanceof Job) { Job job = (Job) session.get(JobImpl.class, new Long(p_wo.getId())); job.addJobComment(comment); session.update(job); } else if (p_wo instanceof Workflow) { Workflow workflow = (Workflow) session.get(WorkflowImpl.class, new Long(p_wo.getId())); workflow.addWorkflowComment(comment); session.update(workflow); } else if (p_wo instanceof Task) { Task task = (TaskImpl) session.get(TaskImpl.class, new Long(p_wo.getId())); task.addTaskComment(comment); session.update(task); } transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { transaction.rollback(); CATEGORY.error("saveComment() failed : " + ex.toString(), ex); String objectType = "Unknown"; if (p_wo instanceof Job) { objectType = "Job"; } else if (p_wo instanceof Workflow) { objectType = "Workflow"; } else if (p_wo instanceof Task) { objectType = "Task"; } String[] msgArgs = { objectType, String.valueOf(p_id) }; throw new CommentException(CommentException.MSG_FAILED_TO_SAVE_COMMENT, msgArgs, ex); } // session.close(); return comment; } /** * @see CommentManager.updateComment(long, String, String) */ public Comment updateComment(long p_commentId, String p_modifierUserId, String p_commentString) throws RemoteException, CommentException { try { Comment com = getCommentById(p_commentId); if (com != null) { WorkObject wo = com.getWorkObject(); if (wo instanceof Job) { Job job = (Job) wo; // refresh the job and leave for editing job = JobPersistenceAccessor.getJob(job.getId(), true); int jcIndex = job.getJobComments().indexOf(com); if (jcIndex > -1) { Comment jobComment = (Comment) job.getJobComments().get(jcIndex); updateComment((CommentImpl) jobComment, p_commentString, p_modifierUserId); JobPersistenceAccessor.updateJobState(job); } } else if (wo instanceof Task) { Task task = (Task) wo; task = TaskPersistenceAccessor.getTask(task.getId(), true); int tcIndex = task.getTaskComments().indexOf(com); if (tcIndex > -1) { Comment taskComment = (Comment) task.getTaskComments().get(tcIndex); updateComment((CommentImpl) taskComment, p_commentString, p_modifierUserId); TaskPersistenceAccessor.updateTask(task); } } } return com; } catch (Exception ex) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to update comment " + p_commentId); throw new CommentException(ex); } } /** * @see CommentManager.addIssue(int, long, String, String, String, String, * String, String, String) */ public Issue addIssue(int p_levelObjectType, long p_levelObjectId, String p_title, String p_priority, String p_status, String p_category, String p_creatorUserId, String p_comment, String p_logicalKey) throws RemoteException, CommentException { return addIssue(p_levelObjectType, p_levelObjectId, p_title, p_priority, p_status, p_category, p_creatorUserId, p_comment, p_logicalKey, false, false); } /** * @see CommentManager.addIssue(int, long, String, String, String, String, * String, String, String) */ public Issue addIssue(int p_levelObjectType, long p_levelObjectId, String p_title, String p_priority, String p_status, String p_category, String p_creatorUserId, String p_comment, String p_logicalKey, boolean share, boolean overwrite) throws RemoteException, CommentException { Issue issue = null; try { // create the new comment and clone issue = new IssueImpl(p_levelObjectType, p_levelObjectId, p_title, p_priority, p_status, p_category, p_creatorUserId, p_comment, p_logicalKey); issue.setShare(share); issue.setOverwrite(overwrite); HibernateUtil.saveOrUpdate(issue); } catch (Exception ex) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to add a new issue.", ex); String[] args = { IssueImpl.getLevelTypeAsString(p_levelObjectType), String.valueOf(p_levelObjectId), p_creatorUserId }; throw new CommentException(CommentException.MSG_FAILED_TO_ADD_ISSUE, args, ex); } return issue; } /** * @see CommentManager.replyToIssue(long, String, String, String, String, * String, String) */ public Issue replyToIssue(long p_issueId, String p_title, String p_priority, String p_status, String p_category, String p_reportedBy, String p_comment) throws RemoteException, CommentException { return replyToIssue(p_issueId, p_title, p_priority, p_status, p_category, p_reportedBy, p_comment, false, false); } /** * @see CommentManager.replyToIssue(long, String, String, String, String, * String, String) */ public Issue replyToIssue(long p_issueId, String p_title, String p_priority, String p_status, String p_category, String p_reportedBy, String p_comment, boolean share, boolean overwrite) throws RemoteException, CommentException { IssueImpl issue = null; try { issue = (IssueImpl) HibernateUtil.get(IssueImpl.class, p_issueId); issue.setTitle(p_title); issue.setPriority(p_priority); issue.setStatus(p_status); issue.setCategory(p_category); issue.setOverwrite(overwrite); issue.setShare(share); if (p_reportedBy != null) { // even if the comment is empty that is fine it'll at least // store that a change was made by this user issue.addHistory(p_reportedBy, p_comment); } HibernateUtil.saveOrUpdate(issue); } catch (Exception ex) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to edit issue.", ex); String[] args = { String.valueOf(p_issueId), p_reportedBy }; throw new CommentException(CommentException.MSG_FAILED_TO_EDIT_ISSUE, args, ex); } return issue; } /** * @see CommentManager.editIssue(long, String, String, String, String, * String, String) */ public Issue editIssue(long p_issueId, String p_title, String p_priority, String p_status, String p_category, String p_reportedBy, String p_comment) throws RemoteException, CommentException { return editIssue(p_issueId, p_title, p_priority, p_status, p_category, p_reportedBy, p_comment, false, false); } public Issue editIssue(long p_issueId, String p_title, String p_priority, String p_status, String p_category, String p_reportedBy, String p_comment, boolean share, boolean overwrite) throws RemoteException, CommentException { IssueImpl issue = null; Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { issue = (IssueImpl) session.get(IssueImpl.class, new Long(p_issueId)); issue.setTitle(p_title); issue.setPriority(p_priority); issue.setStatus(p_status); issue.setCategory(p_category); issue.setOverwrite(overwrite); issue.setShare(share); if (p_reportedBy != null) { // edit the latest history if the user is the same // the latest history is the first in the list IssueHistoryImpl ih = (IssueHistoryImpl) issue.getHistory().get(0); if (ih.reportedBy().equals(p_reportedBy)) { // For the "changing comments not saved" issue, use jdbc to // update ISSUE_HISTORY table. conn = SqlUtil.hireConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); String sqlUpdate = "update ISSUE_HISTORY set DESCRIPTION= ? ," + "REPORTED_DATE = ? " + " Where REPORTED_BY = ? and REPORTED_DATE = ?"; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlUpdate); Date date = ih.dateReportedAsDate(); Date currentDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); ih.dateReported(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); ih.setComment(p_comment); session.saveOrUpdate(ih); stmt.setString(1, p_comment); stmt.setDate(2, new java.sql.Date(currentDate.getTime())); stmt.setString(3, p_reportedBy); stmt.setDate(4, new java.sql.Date(date.getTime())); stmt.executeUpdate(); conn.commit(); } } tx.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to edit issue.", ex); String[] args = { String.valueOf(p_issueId), p_reportedBy }; throw new CommentException(CommentException.MSG_FAILED_TO_EDIT_ISSUE, args, ex); } finally { DbUtil.silentClose(stmt); SqlUtil.fireConnection(conn); // session.close(); } return issue; } /** * @see CommentManager.getTaskComments(long, List) */ public ArrayList getTaskComments(long p_jobId, List p_targetLocales) throws RemoteException, CommentException { ArrayList tComments = new ArrayList(); try { ArrayList localeIds = new ArrayList(); if (p_targetLocales != null && p_targetLocales.size() > 0) { for (Iterator i = p_targetLocales.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { GlobalSightLocale gsl = (GlobalSightLocale); localeIds.add(gsl.getIdAsLong()); } } // get the result String sql = CommentUnnamedQueries.getTaskCommentsByJobIdAndLocales(p_jobId, localeIds); List result = HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(sql, null); tComments = (ArrayList) CommentQueryResultHandler.handleResult(result); // add the attachments tComments = getCommentReferences(tComments); } catch (Exception ex) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get comments for the tasks in job " + p_jobId, ex); String args[] = { String.valueOf(p_jobId) }; throw new CommentException(CommentException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_TASK_COMMENTS, args, ex); } return tComments; } /** * @see CommentManager.getIssue(long) */ public Issue getIssue(long p_issueId) throws RemoteException, CommentException { try { return (IssueImpl) HibernateUtil.get(IssueImpl.class, p_issueId); } catch (Exception ex) { String issueIdString = String.valueOf(p_issueId); CATEGORY.error("Failed to get the issue with id " + issueIdString, ex); String msgArgs[] = { issueIdString }; throw new CommentException(CommentException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_ISSUE, msgArgs, ex); } } /** * @see CommentManager.getIssues(int, long); */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ArrayList<IssueImpl> getIssues(int p_levelObjectType, long p_targetPageId) throws RemoteException, CommentException { try { String hql = "from IssueImpl i where i.levelObjectTypeAsString = ? " + " and i.targetPageId = ? "; String levelType = IssueImpl.getLevelTypeAsString(p_levelObjectType); levelType = levelType == null ? "" : levelType; return (ArrayList<IssueImpl>), levelType, p_targetPageId); } catch (Exception ex) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get issues for object type " + p_levelObjectType + " with targetPageId " + p_targetPageId, ex); String msgArgs[] = { String.valueOf(p_levelObjectType), String.valueOf(p_targetPageId) }; throw new CommentException(CommentException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_ISSUES, msgArgs, ex); } } /** * @see CommentManager.getIssueCount(int, Long, List) */ public int getIssueCount(int p_levelObjectType, Long p_targetPageId, List<String> p_statusList) throws RemoteException, CommentException { List<Long> targetPageIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); targetPageIds.add(p_targetPageId); return getIssueCount(p_levelObjectType, targetPageIds, p_statusList); } /** * @see CommentManager.getIssueCount(int, List, List) */ public int getIssueCount(int p_levelObjectType, List<Long> p_targetPageIds, List<String> p_statusList) throws RemoteException, CommentException { int numOfIssues = 0; try { String sql = IssueUnnamedQueries.getIssueCountByTypeStatusAndPageId(p_statusList, p_targetPageIds); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("objectType", IssueImpl.getLevelTypeAsString(p_levelObjectType)); numOfIssues = HibernateUtil.countWithSql(sql, map); } catch (Exception ex) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get the issue count for object type " + p_levelObjectType + " with logical key " + p_targetPageIds.toString(), ex); String msgArgs[] = { IssueImpl.getLevelTypeAsString(p_levelObjectType), p_targetPageIds.toString(), p_statusList.toString() }; throw new CommentException(CommentException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_ISSUE_COUNT, msgArgs, ex); } return numOfIssues; } /** * @see CommentManager.getIssueCountPerTargetPage(int, String, List) */ public HashMap<Long, Integer> getIssueCountPerTargetPage(int p_levelObjectType, List<Long> p_targetPageIds, List<String> p_statusList) throws RemoteException, CommentException { HashMap<Long, Integer> result = new HashMap<Long, Integer>(); try { String sql = IssueUnnamedQueries.getIssueCountByTypeStatusPerPageId(p_statusList, p_targetPageIds); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("objectType", IssueImpl.getLevelTypeAsString(p_levelObjectType)); List<?> list = HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(sql, map); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Object[] contents = (Object[]) list.get(i); Long tpId = Long.parseLong(contents[0].toString()); Integer count = Integer.parseInt(contents[1].toString()); result.put(tpId, count); } } } catch (Exception ex) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get the issue count per page for object type " + p_levelObjectType + " with logical key " + p_targetPageIds.toString(), ex); String msgArgs[] = { IssueImpl.getLevelTypeAsString(p_levelObjectType), p_targetPageIds.toString(), p_statusList.toString() }; throw new CommentException(CommentException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_ISSUE_COUNT, msgArgs, ex); } return result; } /** * @see CommentManager.deleteIssues(int, List) */ public void deleteIssues(int p_levelObjectType, List p_levelObjectIds) throws RemoteException, CommentException { "Deleting issues that are associated with " + IssueImpl.getLevelTypeAsString(p_levelObjectType) + " objects, with ids of " + p_levelObjectIds + "."); if (p_levelObjectIds == null || p_levelObjectIds.size() == 0) { return; } int numOfDeletedIssues = 0; try { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("objectType", IssueImpl.getLevelTypeAsString(p_levelObjectType)); // Get all the issues with the specified type and ids in // chunks of 500 (needs to be smaller than 1000 because of // the query used). for (int size = p_levelObjectIds.size(); size / 500 > 0;) { List chunkOfIds = p_levelObjectIds.subList(0, 499); String sql = IssueUnnamedQueries.getIssuesByTypeAndObjectId(chunkOfIds); Collection issues = HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(sql, map, IssueImpl.class); numOfDeletedIssues += issues.size(); HibernateUtil.delete(issues); p_levelObjectIds.subList(0, 499).clear(); } if (p_levelObjectIds != null && p_levelObjectIds.size() > 0) { String sql = IssueUnnamedQueries.getIssuesByTypeAndObjectId(p_levelObjectIds); Collection is = HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(sql, map, IssueImpl.class); numOfDeletedIssues += is.size(); HibernateUtil.delete(is); } } catch (Exception ex) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to delete issues of type " + IssueImpl.getLevelTypeAsString(p_levelObjectType) + ". See previous log message for the list of affected objects."); String[] errorArgs = { IssueImpl.getLevelTypeAsString(p_levelObjectType), "(see globalsight.log for the list of affected objects)" }; throw new CommentException(CommentException.MSG_FAILED_TO_DELETE_ISSUES, errorArgs, ex); }"Deleted " + numOfDeletedIssues + " issues."); } // // Private methods // /** * Takes in an array of TaskCommentInfo objects and returns them back with * their file attachments set. This retrieves them with the highest access * assumed for the files. */ private ArrayList getCommentReferences(ArrayList p_comments) throws Exception { for (Iterator ci = p_comments.iterator(); ci.hasNext();) { TaskCommentInfo tci = (TaskCommentInfo); // get all restricted and general attachments ArrayList attach = getCommentReferences(String.valueOf(tci.getCommentId()), WebAppConstants.COMMENT_REFERENCE_RESTRICTED_ACCESS, true); tci.setAttachments(attach); } return p_comments; } /** * Returns the absolute file name for the specified comment reference file. */ private String getFilePath(CommentFile p_file, String tmpDir) { return new StringBuffer().append(AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getCommentReferenceDirPath()) .append(File.separator).append(tmpDir).append(File.separator).toString(); } /** * Reads a directory structure and converts files to CommentFile objects. * Category is currently ignored. If source and target locale are null, all * files are returned. */ private ArrayList readCommentReferenceDirectory(String p_root, final String p_commentId, final String p_access, boolean p_saved) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); String[] accessLevel = { WebAppConstants.COMMENT_REFERENCE_GENERAL_ACCESS, WebAppConstants.COMMENT_REFERENCE_RESTRICTED_ACCESS }; int level = 0; if (p_access.equals(WebAppConstants.COMMENT_REFERENCE_RESTRICTED_ACCESS)) { level = 2; } else { level = 1; } for (int x = 0; x < level; x++) { File path = new File(p_root + "/" + p_commentId + "/" + accessLevel[x]); if (!path.exists() || !path.isDirectory()) { continue; } // directory structure: // root/srclocale/trglocale/file // Read source locale directories. Filter by source locale if // that is requested. File[] files = path.listFiles(new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File p_path) { if (!p_path.isDirectory()) { return true; } return false; } }); for (int l = 0; l < files.length; ++l) { CommentFile g = new CommentFile(); g.setFileSize(files[l].length()); g.setLastModified(files[l].lastModified()); g.setFilename(files[l].getName()); g.setFileAccess(accessLevel[x]); g.setSaved(p_saved); g.setAbsolutePath(files[l].getAbsolutePath()); result.add(g); } } return result; } private void updateComment(CommentImpl p_originalComment, String p_updatedComment, String p_modifierUserId) throws Exception { if (p_originalComment != null) { p_originalComment.setComment(p_updatedComment); p_originalComment.setModifierId(p_modifierUserId); p_originalComment.setModifiedDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); } } public HashMap getIssuesMapByTuv(Tuv tuv) { HashMap tempMap = new HashMap(); try { String hql = "from IssueImpl a where a.levelObjectId = :tuvid"; HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("tuvid", tuv.getId()); Collection issues =, map); Iterator ite = issues.iterator(); if (ite.hasNext()) { IssueImpl issue = (IssueImpl); tempMap.put("IssueID", issue.getId()); tempMap.put("LevelObjectId", issue.getLevelObjectId()); tempMap.put("LevelObjectType", issue.getLevelObjectTypeAsString()); tempMap.put("CreateDate", issue.getCreateDate()); tempMap.put("CreatorId", issue.getCreatorId()); tempMap.put("Title", issue.getComment()); tempMap.put("Priority", issue.getPriority()); tempMap.put("Status", issue.getStatus()); tempMap.put("LogicalKey", issue.getLogicalKey()); tempMap.put("Category", issue.getCategory()); Vector historyVec = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < issue.getHistory().size(); i++) { HashMap hv = new HashMap(); IssueHistoryImpl history = (IssueHistoryImpl) issue.getHistory().get(i); hv.put("HistoryID", history.getDbId()); hv.put("IssueID", history.getIssue().getId()); hv.put("Timestamp", history.getTimestamp()); hv.put("ReportedBy", history.getReportedBy()); hv.put("Comment", history.getComment()); historyVec.add(hv); } tempMap.put("localeId", Long.toString(tuv.getLocaleId())); tempMap.put("HistoryVec", historyVec); } } catch (Exception pe) { pe.printStackTrace(); } return tempMap; } }