Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.glaf.jbpm.dao; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.jbpm.JbpmContext; import org.jbpm.graph.def.ProcessDefinition; import org.jbpm.graph.exe.ProcessInstance; import org.jbpm.graph.exe.Token; import org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.PooledActor; import org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance; import com.glaf.core.util.LogUtils; import com.glaf.jbpm.model.TaskItem; import com.glaf.jbpm.query.ProcessQuery; public class JbpmTaskDAO { protected static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(JbpmTaskDAO.class); /** * ?? * * @param jbpmContext * @return */ public List<TaskItem> getAllTaskItems(JbpmContext jbpmContext) { ProcessQuery query = new ProcessQuery(); query.setTaskType("running"); return this.getTaskItems(jbpmContext, query); } /** * ????? * * @param paramMap * @return */ public Collection<Long> getFinishedProcessInstanceIds(JbpmContext jbpmContext, ProcessQuery query) { Collection<Long> processInstanceIds = new HashSet<Long>(); Collection<TaskInstance> taskInstances = this.getFinishedTaskInstances(jbpmContext, query); if (taskInstances != null && taskInstances.size() > 0) { Iterator<TaskInstance> iterator = taskInstances.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TaskInstance ti =; if (ti.hasEnded() && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(ti.getActorId())) { Token token = ti.getToken(); ProcessInstance pi = token.getProcessInstance(); processInstanceIds.add(pi.getId()); } } } return processInstanceIds; } /** * ??? * * @param jbpmContext * @param paramMap * @return */ public List<TaskInstance> getFinishedTaskInstances(JbpmContext jbpmContext, ProcessQuery query) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append( " select ti from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance as ti where ti.actorId is not null and ti.start is not null and ti.end is not null and ti.isSuspended != true and ti.isOpen = false "); Map<String, Object> params = new java.util.HashMap<String, Object>(); if (query.getActorId() != null) { buffer.append(" and ti.actorId = :actorId "); params.put("actorId", query.getActorId()); } if (query.getActorIds() != null && !query.getActorIds().isEmpty()) { Collection<String> collection = query.getActorIds(); if (collection != null && collection.size() > 0) { buffer.append(" and ( "); int index = 0; for (Object object : collection) { if (index > 0) { buffer.append(" or "); } String p_name = "actorId_" + index; buffer.append(" ti.actorId = :").append(p_name); params.put(p_name, object); index++; } buffer.append(" ) "); } } if (query.getProcessInstanceId() != null) { buffer.append(" and = :processInstanceId "); params.put("processInstanceId", query.getProcessInstanceId()); } if (query.getProcessInstanceIds() != null && !query.getProcessInstanceIds().isEmpty()) { Collection<Long> collection = query.getProcessInstanceIds(); if (collection != null && collection.size() > 0) { buffer.append(" and ( "); int index = 0; for (Long pid : collection) { if (index > 0) { buffer.append(" or "); } String p_name = "processInstanceId_" + index; buffer.append(" = :").append(p_name); params.put(p_name, pid); index++; } buffer.append(" ) "); } } if (query.getTaskName() != null) { buffer.append(" and like :taskName "); params.put("taskName", "%" + query.getTaskName() + "%"); } if (query.getTaskNames() != null && !query.getTaskNames().isEmpty()) { Collection<String> collection = query.getTaskNames(); if (collection != null && collection.size() > 0) { buffer.append(" and ( "); int index = 0; for (Object object : collection) { if (index > 0) { buffer.append(" or "); } String p_name = "taskName_" + index; buffer.append(" = :").append(p_name); params.put(p_name, object); index++; } buffer.append(" ) "); } } if (query.getAfterTaskCreateDate() != null) { params.put("afterTaskCreateDate", query.getAfterTaskCreateDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.create >= :afterTaskCreateDate )"); } if (query.getBeforeTaskCreateDate() != null) { params.put("beforeTaskCreateDate", query.getBeforeTaskCreateDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.create <= :beforeTaskCreateDate )"); } if (query.getAfterTaskStartDate() != null) { params.put("afterTaskStartDate", query.getAfterTaskStartDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.start >= :afterTaskStartDate )"); } if (query.getBeforeTaskStartDate() != null) { params.put("beforeTaskStartDate", query.getBeforeTaskStartDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.start <= :beforeTaskStartDate )"); } if (query.getAfterTaskEndDate() != null) { params.put("afterTaskEndDate", query.getAfterTaskEndDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.end >= :afterTaskEndDate )"); } if (query.getBeforeTaskEndDate() != null) { params.put("beforeTaskEndDate", query.getBeforeTaskEndDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.end <= :beforeTaskEndDate )"); } if (query.getTaskType() != null) { if (StringUtils.equals(query.getTaskType(), "running")) { buffer.append(" and ti.end is null "); } else if (StringUtils.equals(query.getTaskType(), "finished")) { buffer.append(" and ti.end is not null "); } } if (query.getProcessName() != null) { params.put("processName", query.getProcessName()); buffer.append(" and = :processName "); } if (query.getProcessNames() != null && !query.getProcessNames().isEmpty()) { Collection<String> collection = query.getProcessNames(); if (collection != null && collection.size() > 0) { buffer.append(" and ( "); int index = 0; for (Object object : collection) { if (index > 0) { buffer.append(" or "); } String p_name = "processName_" + index; buffer.append(" = :").append(p_name); params.put(p_name, object); index++; } buffer.append(" ) "); } } if (query.getProcessDefinitionId() != null) { buffer.append(" and = :processDefinitionId "); params.put("processDefinitionId", query.getProcessDefinitionId()); } if (LogUtils.isDebug()) { logger.debug(buffer.toString()); } Session session = jbpmContext.getSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(buffer.toString()); q.setMaxResults(5000); if (params != null && params.size() > 0) { Set<Entry<String, Object>> entrySet = params.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : entrySet) { String name = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value != null) { q.setParameter(name, value); } } } List<?> rows = q.list(); List<TaskInstance> taskInstances = new java.util.ArrayList<TaskInstance>(); if (rows != null && rows.size() > 0) { Iterator<?> iterator = rows.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { taskInstances.add((TaskInstance); } } return taskInstances; } public List<TaskInstance> getPooledTaskInstances(JbpmContext jbpmContext, ProcessQuery query) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append( " select ti from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.PooledActor pooledActor join pooledActor.taskInstances ti where 1=1 and ti.actorId is null and ti.isSuspended != true and ti.isOpen = true and ti.processInstance.end is null "); Map<String, Object> params = new java.util.HashMap<String, Object>(); if (query.getActorId() != null) { buffer.append(" and pooledActor.actorId = :actorId "); params.put("actorId", query.getActorId()); } if (query.getActorIds() != null && !query.getActorIds().isEmpty()) { Collection<String> collection = query.getActorIds(); if (collection != null && collection.size() > 0) { buffer.append(" and ( "); int index = 0; for (Object object : collection) { if (index > 0) { buffer.append(" or "); } String p_name = "actorId_" + index; buffer.append(" pooledActor.actorId = :").append(p_name); params.put(p_name, object); index++; } buffer.append(" ) "); } } if (query.getProcessInstanceId() != null) { buffer.append(" and = :processInstanceId "); params.put("processInstanceId", query.getProcessInstanceId()); } if (query.getProcessInstanceIds() != null && !query.getProcessInstanceIds().isEmpty()) { Collection<Long> collection = query.getProcessInstanceIds(); if (collection != null && collection.size() > 0) { buffer.append(" and ( "); int index = 0; for (Long pid : collection) { if (index > 0) { buffer.append(" or "); } String p_name = "processInstanceId_" + index; buffer.append(" = :").append(p_name); params.put(p_name, pid); index++; } buffer.append(" ) "); } } if (query.getTaskName() != null) { buffer.append(" and like :taskName "); params.put("taskName", "%" + query.getTaskName() + "%"); } if (query.getTaskNames() != null && !query.getTaskNames().isEmpty()) { Collection<String> collection = query.getTaskNames(); if (collection != null && collection.size() > 0) { buffer.append(" and ( "); int index = 0; for (Object object : collection) { if (index > 0) { buffer.append(" or "); } String p_name = "taskName_" + index; buffer.append(" = :").append(p_name); params.put(p_name, object); index++; } buffer.append(" ) "); } } if (query.getAfterTaskCreateDate() != null) { params.put("afterTaskCreateDate", query.getAfterTaskCreateDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.create >= :afterTaskCreateDate )"); } if (query.getBeforeTaskCreateDate() != null) { params.put("beforeTaskCreateDate", query.getBeforeTaskCreateDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.create <= :beforeTaskCreateDate )"); } if (query.getAfterTaskStartDate() != null) { params.put("afterTaskStartDate", query.getAfterTaskStartDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.start >= :afterTaskStartDate )"); } if (query.getBeforeTaskStartDate() != null) { params.put("beforeTaskStartDate", query.getBeforeTaskStartDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.start <= :beforeTaskStartDate )"); } if (query.getAfterTaskEndDate() != null) { params.put("afterTaskEndDate", query.getAfterTaskEndDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.end >= :afterTaskEndDate )"); } if (query.getBeforeTaskEndDate() != null) { params.put("beforeTaskEndDate", query.getBeforeTaskEndDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.end <= :beforeTaskEndDate )"); } if (query.getTaskType() != null) { if (StringUtils.equals(query.getTaskType(), "running")) { buffer.append(" and ti.end is null "); } else if (StringUtils.equals(query.getTaskType(), "finished")) { buffer.append(" and ti.end is not null "); } } if (query.getProcessName() != null) { params.put("processName", query.getProcessName()); buffer.append(" and = :processName "); } if (query.getProcessNames() != null && !query.getProcessNames().isEmpty()) { Collection<String> collection = query.getProcessNames(); if (collection != null && collection.size() > 0) { buffer.append(" and ( "); int index = 0; for (Object object : collection) { if (index > 0) { buffer.append(" or "); } String p_name = "processName_" + index; buffer.append(" = :").append(p_name); params.put(p_name, object); index++; } buffer.append(" ) "); } } if (query.getProcessDefinitionId() != null) { buffer.append(" and = :processDefinitionId "); params.put("processDefinitionId", query.getProcessDefinitionId()); } if (LogUtils.isDebug()) { logger.debug(buffer.toString()); } Session session = jbpmContext.getSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(buffer.toString()); q.setMaxResults(5000); if (params != null && params.size() > 0) { Set<Entry<String, Object>> entrySet = params.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : entrySet) { String name = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value != null) { q.setParameter(name, value); } } } List<?> rows = q.list(); List<TaskInstance> taskInstances = new java.util.ArrayList<TaskInstance>(); if (rows != null && rows.size() > 0) { Iterator<?> iterator = rows.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { taskInstances.add((TaskInstance); } } return taskInstances; } public List<TaskInstance> getTaskInstances(JbpmContext jbpmContext, ProcessQuery query) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append( " select ti from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance as ti where ti.actorId is not null and ti.isSuspended != true and ti.isOpen = true and ti.processInstance.end is null "); Map<String, Object> params = new java.util.HashMap<String, Object>(); if (query.getActorId() != null) { buffer.append(" and ti.actorId = :actorId "); params.put("actorId", query.getActorId()); } if (query.getActorIds() != null && !query.getActorIds().isEmpty()) { Collection<String> collection = query.getActorIds(); if (collection != null && collection.size() > 0) { buffer.append(" and ( "); int index = 0; for (Object object : collection) { if (index > 0) { buffer.append(" or "); } String p_name = "actorId_" + index; buffer.append(" ti.actorId = :").append(p_name); params.put(p_name, object); index++; } buffer.append(" ) "); } } if (query.getProcessInstanceId() != null) { buffer.append(" and = :processInstanceId "); params.put("processInstanceId", query.getProcessInstanceId()); } if (query.getProcessInstanceIds() != null && !query.getProcessInstanceIds().isEmpty()) { Collection<Long> collection = query.getProcessInstanceIds(); if (collection != null && collection.size() > 0) { buffer.append(" and ( "); int index = 0; for (Long pid : collection) { if (index > 0) { buffer.append(" or "); } String p_name = "processInstanceId_" + index; buffer.append(" = :").append(p_name); params.put(p_name, pid); index++; } buffer.append(" ) "); } } if (query.getTaskName() != null) { buffer.append(" and like :taskName "); params.put("taskName", "%" + query.getTaskName() + "%"); } if (query.getTaskNames() != null && !query.getTaskNames().isEmpty()) { Collection<String> collection = query.getTaskNames(); if (collection != null && collection.size() > 0) { buffer.append(" and ( "); int index = 0; for (Object object : collection) { if (index > 0) { buffer.append(" or "); } String p_name = "taskName_" + index; buffer.append(" = :").append(p_name); params.put(p_name, object); index++; } buffer.append(" ) "); } } if (query.getAfterTaskCreateDate() != null) { params.put("afterTaskCreateDate", query.getAfterTaskCreateDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.create >= :afterTaskCreateDate )"); } if (query.getBeforeTaskCreateDate() != null) { params.put("beforeTaskCreateDate", query.getBeforeTaskCreateDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.create <= :beforeTaskCreateDate )"); } if (query.getAfterTaskStartDate() != null) { params.put("afterTaskStartDate", query.getAfterTaskStartDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.start >= :afterTaskStartDate )"); } if (query.getBeforeTaskStartDate() != null) { params.put("beforeTaskStartDate", query.getBeforeTaskStartDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.start <= :beforeTaskStartDate )"); } if (query.getAfterTaskEndDate() != null) { params.put("afterTaskEndDate", query.getAfterTaskEndDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.end >= :afterTaskEndDate )"); } if (query.getBeforeTaskEndDate() != null) { params.put("beforeTaskEndDate", query.getBeforeTaskEndDate()); buffer.append(" and ( ti.end <= :beforeTaskEndDate )"); } if (query.getTaskType() != null) { if (StringUtils.equals(query.getTaskType(), "running")) { buffer.append(" and ti.end is null "); } else if (StringUtils.equals(query.getTaskType(), "finished")) { buffer.append(" and ti.end is not null "); } } if (query.getProcessName() != null) { params.put("processName", query.getProcessName()); buffer.append(" and = :processName "); } if (query.getProcessNames() != null && !query.getProcessNames().isEmpty()) { Collection<String> collection = query.getProcessNames(); if (collection != null && collection.size() > 0) { buffer.append(" and ( "); int index = 0; for (Object object : collection) { if (index > 0) { buffer.append(" or "); } String p_name = "processName_" + index; buffer.append(" = :").append(p_name); params.put(p_name, object); index++; } buffer.append(" ) "); } } if (query.getProcessDefinitionId() != null) { buffer.append(" and = :processDefinitionId "); params.put("processDefinitionId", query.getProcessDefinitionId()); } if (LogUtils.isDebug()) { logger.debug(buffer.toString()); } Session session = jbpmContext.getSession(); Query q = session.createQuery(buffer.toString()); q.setMaxResults(5000); if (params != null && params.size() > 0) { Set<Entry<String, Object>> entrySet = params.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : entrySet) { String name = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value != null) { q.setParameter(name, value); } } } List<?> rows = q.list(); List<TaskInstance> taskInstances = new java.util.ArrayList<TaskInstance>(); if (rows != null && rows.size() > 0) { Iterator<?> iterator = rows.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { taskInstances.add((TaskInstance); } } return taskInstances; } public List<TaskItem> getTaskItems(JbpmContext jbpmContext, ProcessQuery query) { List<TaskInstance> taskInstances = new java.util.ArrayList<TaskInstance>(); List<TaskInstance> rows01 = this.getTaskInstances(jbpmContext, query); List<TaskInstance> rows02 = this.getPooledTaskInstances(jbpmContext, query); if (rows01 != null && rows01.size() > 0) { logger.debug("task size:" + rows01.size()); Iterator<TaskInstance> iter01 = rows01.iterator(); while (iter01.hasNext()) { TaskInstance taskInstance =; taskInstances.add(taskInstance); } } if (rows02 != null && rows02.size() > 0) { logger.debug("pooled task size:" + rows02.size()); Iterator<TaskInstance> iter02 = rows02.iterator(); while (iter02.hasNext()) { TaskInstance taskInstance =; taskInstances.add(taskInstance); } } List<TaskItem> taskItems = new java.util.ArrayList<TaskItem>(); Iterator<TaskInstance> iterator = taskInstances.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TaskInstance taskInstance =; if (taskInstance.isOpen() && !taskInstance.hasEnded()) { Token token = taskInstance.getToken(); if (token == null) { continue; } String actorId = taskInstance.getActorId(); ProcessInstance processInstance = token.getProcessInstance(); ProcessDefinition processDefinition = processInstance.getProcessDefinition(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(actorId)) { TaskItem item = new TaskItem(); item.setActorId(actorId); item.setRowId(processInstance.getKey()); item.setTaskInstanceId(taskInstance.getId()); item.setTaskName(taskInstance.getName()); item.setTaskDescription(taskInstance.getDescription()); item.setCreateDate(taskInstance.getCreate()); item.setProcessInstanceId(processInstance.getId()); item.setProcessName(processDefinition.getName()); item.setProcessDescription(processDefinition.getDescription()); taskItems.add(item); } else { Set<PooledActor> pooledActors = taskInstance.getPooledActors(); if (pooledActors != null && pooledActors.size() > 0) { Iterator<PooledActor> iter = pooledActors.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PooledActor actor =; String pooledActorId = actor.getActorId(); TaskItem item = new TaskItem(); item.setTaskInstanceId(taskInstance.getId()); item.setRowId(processInstance.getKey()); item.setActorId(pooledActorId); item.setTaskName(taskInstance.getName()); item.setTaskDescription(taskInstance.getDescription()); item.setCreateDate(taskInstance.getCreate()); item.setProcessInstanceId(processInstance.getId()); item.setProcessName(processDefinition.getName()); item.setProcessDescription(processDefinition.getDescription()); taskItems.add(item); } } } } } return taskItems; } /** * ????? * * @param query * @return */ public Collection<Long> getWorkedProcessInstanceIds(JbpmContext jbpmContext, ProcessQuery query) { Collection<Long> processInstanceIds = new HashSet<Long>(); Collection<TaskInstance> taskInstances = this.getFinishedTaskInstances(jbpmContext, query); if (taskInstances != null && taskInstances.size() > 0) { Iterator<TaskInstance> iterator = taskInstances.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TaskInstance ti =; if (ti.hasEnded() && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(ti.getActorId())) { Token token = ti.getToken(); ProcessInstance pi = token.getProcessInstance(); processInstanceIds.add(pi.getId()); } } } return processInstanceIds; } /** * ??? * * @param query * @return */ public List<TaskItem> getWorkedTaskItems(JbpmContext jbpmContext, ProcessQuery query) { List<TaskItem> finishedTaskItems = new java.util.ArrayList<TaskItem>(); Collection<TaskInstance> taskInstances = this.getFinishedTaskInstances(jbpmContext, query); if (taskInstances != null && taskInstances.size() > 0) { Iterator<TaskInstance> iterator = taskInstances.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TaskInstance ti =; if (ti.hasEnded() && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(ti.getActorId())) { Token token = ti.getToken(); ProcessInstance pi = token.getProcessInstance(); ProcessDefinition pd = pi.getProcessDefinition(); TaskItem item = new TaskItem(); item.setRowId(pi.getKey()); item.setActorId(ti.getActorId()); item.setCreateDate(ti.getCreate()); item.setStartDate(ti.getStart()); item.setEndDate(ti.getEnd()); item.setTaskDescription(ti.getDescription()); item.setTaskName(ti.getName()); item.setProcessName(pd.getName()); item.setProcessDescription(pd.getDescription()); finishedTaskItems.add(item); } } } return finishedTaskItems; } }