Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.glaf.base.modules.sys.service.mybatis; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.ibatis.session.RowBounds; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionTemplate; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import; import; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.SysConstants; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.mapper.SysAccessMapper; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.mapper.SysApplicationMapper; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.mapper.SysTreeMapper; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.model.RealmInfo; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.model.SysApplication; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.model.SysRole; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.model.SysTree; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.model.SysUser; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.query.SysApplicationQuery; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.query.SysTreeQuery; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.service.AuthorizeService; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.service.SysApplicationService; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.service.SysRoleService; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.service.SysTreeService; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.service.SysUserService; import com.glaf.base.modules.sys.util.SysApplicationJsonFactory; import com.glaf.core.base.BaseTree; import com.glaf.core.base.TreeModel; import com.glaf.core.cache.CacheFactory; import com.glaf.core.config.SystemConfig; import com.glaf.core.context.ApplicationContext; import; import com.glaf.core.identity.Agent; import com.glaf.core.service.EntityService; import com.glaf.core.util.PageResult; @Service("sysApplicationService") @Transactional(readOnly = true) public class SysApplicationServiceImpl implements SysApplicationService { protected final static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(SysApplicationServiceImpl.class); protected AuthorizeService authorizeService; protected IdGenerator idGenerator; protected SqlSessionTemplate sqlSessionTemplate; protected SysApplicationMapper sysApplicationMapper; protected SysAccessMapper sysAccessMapper; protected SysTreeMapper sysTreeMapper; protected SysTreeService sysTreeService; protected SysRoleService sysRoleService; protected SysUserService sysUserService; protected EntityService entityService; public SysApplicationServiceImpl() { } public int count(SysApplicationQuery query) { return sysApplicationMapper.getSysApplicationCount(query); } /** * ???? * * @param appId * @return */ public List<SysRole> getApplicationRoleWithUsers(long appId) { List<SysRole> roles = sysRoleService.getSysRolesByAppId(appId); if (roles != null && !roles.isEmpty()) { for (SysRole role : roles) { List<SysUser> users = sysUserService.getSysUsersByRoleId(role.getId()); role.setUsers(users); } } return roles; } @Transactional public boolean create(SysApplication bean) { boolean ret = false; if (bean.getId() == 0) { bean.setId(idGenerator.nextId()); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(bean.getCode())) { bean.setCode("app_" + bean.getId()); } if (bean.getNode() != null) { bean.getNode().setCode(bean.getCode()); bean.getNode().setDiscriminator("A"); bean.getNode().setCreateBy(bean.getCreateBy()); sysTreeService.create(bean.getNode()); bean.setNodeId(bean.getNode().getId()); } bean.setSort((int) bean.getId());// ???id bean.setCreateDate(new Date()); sysApplicationMapper.insertSysApplication(bean); ret = true; return ret; } @Transactional public boolean delete(long id) { this.deleteById(id); return true; } @Transactional public boolean delete(SysApplication bean) { this.deleteById(bean.getId()); return true; } @Transactional public boolean deleteAll(long[] ids) { if (ids != null && ids.length > 0) { for (long id : ids) { this.deleteById(id); } } return true; } @Transactional public void deleteById(Long appId) { if (appId != null && appId > 0) { sysAccessMapper.deleteSysAccessByAppId(appId); sysApplicationMapper.deleteSysApplicationById(appId); SysApplication app = this.getSysApplication(appId); if (app != null) { sysTreeMapper.deleteSysTreeById(app.getNodeId()); } } } @Transactional public void deleteByIds(List<Long> rowIds) { if (rowIds != null && !rowIds.isEmpty()) { for (Long appId : rowIds) { this.deleteById(appId); } } } /** * ? * * @param code * String * @return SysApplication */ public SysApplication findByCode(String code) { SysApplicationQuery query = new SysApplicationQuery(); query.code(code); List<SysApplication> list = this.list(query); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { SysApplication sysApplication = list.get(0); SysTree node = sysTreeService.findById(sysApplication.getNodeId()); sysApplication.setNode(node); return sysApplication; } return null; } public SysApplication findById(long id) { String cacheKey = "sys_app_" + id; if (SystemConfig.getBoolean("use_query_cache") && CacheFactory.getString(cacheKey) != null) { String text = CacheFactory.getString(cacheKey); json = JSON.parseObject(text); SysApplication app = SysApplicationJsonFactory.jsonToObject(json); if (app != null && app.getNodeId() > 0) { SysTree node = sysTreeService.findById(app.getNodeId()); app.setNode(node); } return app; } SysApplication app = sysApplicationMapper.getSysApplicationById(id); if (app != null && app.getNodeId() > 0) { SysTree node = sysTreeService.findById(app.getNodeId()); app.setNode(node); } if (app != null && SystemConfig.getBoolean("use_query_cache")) { json = app.toJsonObject(); CacheFactory.put(cacheKey, json.toJSONString()); } return app; } public SysApplication findByName(String name) { SysApplicationQuery query = new SysApplicationQuery();; List<SysApplication> list = this.list(query); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { SysApplication sysApplication = list.get(0); SysTree node = sysTreeService.findById(sysApplication.getNodeId()); sysApplication.setNode(node); return sysApplication; } return null; } /** * ?? * * @param nodeId * @return */ public SysApplication findByNodeId(long nodeId) { SysApplicationQuery query = new SysApplicationQuery(); query.nodeId(nodeId); List<SysApplication> list = this.list(query); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { SysApplication sysApplication = list.get(0); SysTree node = sysTreeService.findById(sysApplication.getNodeId()); sysApplication.setNode(node); return sysApplication; } return null; } public List<SysApplication> getAccessAppList(long parentId, SysUser user) { long parentAppId = parentId; SysApplication parentApp = findById(parentId); if (parentApp != null) { parentAppId = parentApp.getNode().getId(); } logger.debug("parent node:" + parentAppId); SysApplicationQuery query = new SysApplicationQuery(); query.parentId(parentAppId); query.setLocked(0); List<Long> nodeIds = new java.util.ArrayList<Long>(); nodeIds.add(-1L); List<SysApplication> apps = sysApplicationMapper.getSysApplicationByUserId(user.getId()); if (apps != null && !apps.isEmpty()) { for (SysApplication app : apps) { nodeIds.add(app.getNodeId()); } } query.nodeIds(nodeIds); return this.list(query); } public List<SysApplication> getApplicationList() { SysApplicationQuery query = new SysApplicationQuery(); return this.list(query); } public List<SysApplication> getApplicationList(long parentId) { long parentAppId = parentId; SysApplication parentApp = findById(parentId); if (parentApp != null) { parentAppId = parentApp.getNode().getId(); }"parent node:" + parentAppId); SysApplicationQuery query = new SysApplicationQuery(); query.parentId(parentAppId); query.setLocked(0); List<SysApplication> apps = this.list(query); logger.debug("----------------apps size:" + apps.size()); return apps; } public PageResult getApplicationList(long parentId, int pageNo, int pageSize) { // PageResult pager = new PageResult(); SysApplicationQuery query = new SysApplicationQuery(); query.parentId(Long.valueOf(parentId)); int count = this.count(query); if (count == 0) {// pager.setPageSize(pageSize); return pager; } int start = pageSize * (pageNo - 1); List<SysApplication> list = this.getSysApplicationsByQueryCriteria(start, pageSize, query); pager.setResults(list); pager.setPageSize(pageSize); pager.setCurrentPageNo(pageNo); pager.setTotalRecordCount(count); return pager; } public String getMenu(long parent, SysUser user) { StringBuffer menu = new StringBuffer(""); List<SysApplication> list = getAccessAppList(parent, user); if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) { if (user.isSystemAdmin()) { list = getApplicationList((int) parent); } } if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { Iterator<SysApplication> iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SysApplication bean = (SysApplication); menu.append("<li>"); menu.append("<a href=\"javascript:jump('"); // System.out.println("ContextUtil.getContextPath():"+ContextUtil.getContextPath()); if (bean.getUrl() != null && bean.getUrl().startsWith("/")) { if (ApplicationContext.getContextPath() != null) { menu.append(ApplicationContext.getContextPath()); } } menu.append(bean.getUrl()); menu.append("',"); menu.append(bean.getShowMenu()); menu.append(");\">"); menu.append(bean.getName()).append("</a>\n"); List<SysApplication> sonNode = getAccessAppList(bean.getId(), user); if (sonNode == null || sonNode.isEmpty()) { if (user.isSystemAdmin()) { sonNode = getApplicationList((int) bean.getId()); } } if (sonNode != null && sonNode.size() > 0) {// ??? menu.append("<ul>"); menu.append(getMenu(bean.getId(), user)); menu.append("</ul>"); } menu.append("</li>").append("<li></li>\n"); } } return menu.toString(); } public List<RealmInfo> getRealmInfos() { Map<String, Object> params = new java.util.HashMap<String, Object>(); return sysApplicationMapper.getRealmInfos(params); } public SysApplication getSysApplication(Long id) { if (id == null) { return null; } return this.findById(id); } public int getSysApplicationCountByQueryCriteria(SysApplicationQuery query) { return sysApplicationMapper.getSysApplicationCount(query); } public List<SysApplication> getSysApplicationsByQueryCriteria(int start, int pageSize, SysApplicationQuery query) { RowBounds rowBounds = new RowBounds(start, pageSize); List<SysApplication> rows = sqlSessionTemplate.selectList("getSysApplications", query, rowBounds); return rows; } public TreeModel getTreeModelByAppId(long appId) { SysApplication bean = this.findById(appId); if (bean != null) { TreeModel treeModel = sysTreeService.findById(bean.getNodeId()); treeModel.setCode(bean.getCode()); treeModel.setName(bean.getName()); treeModel.setLocked(bean.getLocked()); treeModel.setDescription(bean.getDesc()); treeModel.setUrl(bean.getUrl()); treeModel.setSortNo(bean.getSort()); return treeModel; } return null; } /** * ?? * * @param parentId * ? * @return */ public List<TreeModel> getTreeModels(long parentId) { List<TreeModel> treeModels = new java.util.ArrayList<TreeModel>(); TreeModel root = sysTreeService.findById(parentId); SysTreeQuery query = new SysTreeQuery(); query.treeIdLike(root.getTreeId() + "%"); List<SysTree> trees = sysTreeMapper.getSysTrees(query); if (trees != null && !trees.isEmpty()) { for (SysTree tree : trees) { treeModels.add(tree); } } treeModels.remove(root); return treeModels; } /** * ?? * * @param parentId * ? * @param userId * ? * @return */ public List<TreeModel> getTreeModels(long parentId, String actorId) { List<TreeModel> treeModels = new java.util.ArrayList<TreeModel>(); SysUser user = sysUserService.findByAccount(actorId); if (user != null) { user = sysUserService.getUserPrivileges(user); TreeModel root = sysTreeService.findById(parentId); if (user.isSystemAdministrator()) { this.loadChildrenTreeModels(treeModels, parentId, user); // SysTreeQuery query = new SysTreeQuery(); // query.treeIdLike(root.getTreeId() + "%"); // List<SysTree> trees = sysTreeMapper.getSysTrees(query); // if (trees != null && !trees.isEmpty()) { // for (SysTree tree : trees) { // treeModels.add(tree); // } // } } else { this.loadChildrenTreeModels(treeModels, parentId, user); // SysTreeQuery query = new SysTreeQuery(); // query.treeIdLike(root.getTreeId() + "%"); // query.setActorId(actorId); // List<SysTree> trees = // sysTreeMapper.getTreeListByUsers(query); // if (trees != null && !trees.isEmpty()) { // for (SysTree tree : trees) { // treeModels.add(tree); // } // } } treeModels.remove(root); } return treeModels; } public JSONArray getUserMenu(long parent, String actorId) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); SysUser user = authorizeService.login(actorId); if (user != null) { List<SysTree> treeList = null; SysApplication app = this.findById(parent); SysTreeQuery query = new SysTreeQuery(); query.treeId(app.getNode().getTreeId()); query.treeIdLike(app.getNode().getTreeId() + "%"); if (!user.isSystemAdmin()) { List<String> actorIds = new java.util.ArrayList<String>(); List<Object> rows = entityService.getList("getAgents", actorId); if (rows != null && !rows.isEmpty()) { for (Object object : rows) { if (object instanceof Agent) { Agent agent = (Agent) object; if (!agent.isValid()) { continue; } switch (agent.getAgentType()) { case 0:// ? actorIds.add(agent.getAssignFrom()); break; default: break; } } } } if (!actorIds.isEmpty()) { actorIds.add(actorId); query.setActorIds(actorIds); } else { query.setActorId(actorId); } treeList = sysTreeMapper.getTreeListByUsers(query); } else { treeList = sysTreeMapper.getTreeList(query); } List<TreeModel> treeModels = new java.util.ArrayList<TreeModel>(); for (SysTree tree : treeList) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tree.getUrl())) { if (StringUtils.startsWith(tree.getUrl(), "/")) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(SystemConfig.getServiceUrl())) { String link = SystemConfig.getServiceUrl() + tree.getUrl(); tree.setUrl(link); } else { String link = ApplicationContext.getContextPath() + tree.getUrl(); tree.setUrl(link); } } } treeModels.add(tree); } TreeHelper treeHelper = new TreeHelper(); array = treeHelper.getTreeJSONArray(treeModels); // logger.debug(array.toString('\n')); } return array; } protected JSONArray getUserMenu(long parent, SysUser user) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); if (user != null) { List<SysApplication> list = null; if (user.isSystemAdmin()) { logger.debug("#admin user=" + user.getName()); list = getApplicationList((int) parent); } else { logger.debug("#user=" + user.getName()); list = getAccessAppList(parent, user); logger.debug("#app list=" + list); } if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { Iterator<SysApplication> iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SysApplication bean = (SysApplication); if (bean.getLocked() == 1) { continue; } JSONObject item = new JSONObject(); item.put("id", String.valueOf(bean.getId())); item.put("nodeId", bean.getNodeId()); item.put("showMenu", bean.getShowMenu()); item.put("sort", bean.getSort()); item.put("description", bean.getDesc()); item.put("name", bean.getName()); item.put("icon", "icon-sys"); item.put("url", bean.getUrl()); List<SysApplication> childrenNodes = null; if (user.isSystemAdmin()) { childrenNodes = getApplicationList((int) bean.getId()); } else { childrenNodes = getAccessAppList(bean.getId(), user); } if (childrenNodes != null && childrenNodes.size() > 0) {// ??? JSONArray children = this.getUserMenu(bean.getId(), user); item.put("children", children); } array.put(item); } } } return array; } public JSONArray getUserMenu2(long parent, String userId) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); SysUser user = authorizeService.login(userId); if (user != null) { List<SysApplication> list = null; if (user.isSystemAdmin()) { logger.debug("#admin user=" + user.getName()); list = getApplicationList((int) parent); } else { logger.debug("#user=" + user.getName()); list = getAccessAppList(parent, user); logger.debug("#app list=" + list); } if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { Iterator<SysApplication> iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SysApplication bean = (SysApplication); if (bean.getLocked() == 1) { continue; } JSONObject item = new JSONObject(); item.put("id", String.valueOf(bean.getId())); item.put("nodeId", bean.getNodeId()); item.put("showMenu", bean.getShowMenu()); item.put("sort", bean.getSort()); item.put("description", bean.getDesc()); item.put("name", bean.getName()); item.put("icon", "icon-sys"); item.put("url", bean.getUrl()); List<SysApplication> childrenNodes = null; if (user.isSystemAdmin()) { childrenNodes = getApplicationList((int) bean.getId()); } else { childrenNodes = getAccessAppList(bean.getId(), user); } if (childrenNodes != null && childrenNodes.size() > 0) {// ??? JSONArray children = this.getUserMenu(bean.getId(), user); item.put("children", children); } array.put(item); } } } return array; } public List<SysApplication> list(SysApplicationQuery query) { List<SysApplication> list = sysApplicationMapper.getSysApplications(query); return list; } protected void loadChildrenTreeModels(List<TreeModel> treeModels, long parentId, SysUser user) { List<SysApplication> list = null; if (user.isSystemAdmin()) { logger.debug("#admin user=" + user.getName()); list = getApplicationList((int) parentId); } else { logger.debug("#user=" + user.getName()); list = getAccessAppList(parentId, user); logger.debug("#app list=" + list); } if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { Iterator<SysApplication> iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SysApplication bean = (SysApplication); if (bean.getLocked() == 1) { continue; } TreeModel treeModel = new BaseTree(); treeModel.setCode(bean.getCode()); treeModel.setId(bean.getId()); treeModel.setParentId(parentId); treeModel.setName(bean.getName()); treeModel.setLocked(bean.getLocked()); treeModel.setDescription(bean.getDesc()); treeModel.setUrl(bean.getUrl()); treeModel.setSortNo(bean.getSort()); List<SysApplication> childrenNodes = null; if (user.isSystemAdmin()) { childrenNodes = getApplicationList((int) bean.getId()); } else { childrenNodes = getAccessAppList(bean.getId(), user); } if (childrenNodes != null && childrenNodes.size() > 0) {// ??? this.loadChildrenTreeModels(treeModels, bean.getId(), user); } treeModels.add(treeModel); } } } @javax.annotation.Resource public void setAuthorizeService(AuthorizeService authorizeService) { this.authorizeService = authorizeService; } @javax.annotation.Resource public void setEntityService(EntityService entityService) { this.entityService = entityService; } @javax.annotation.Resource public void setIdGenerator(IdGenerator idGenerator) { this.idGenerator = idGenerator; } @javax.annotation.Resource public void setSqlSessionTemplate(SqlSessionTemplate sqlSessionTemplate) { this.sqlSessionTemplate = sqlSessionTemplate; } @javax.annotation.Resource public void setSysAccessMapper(SysAccessMapper sysAccessMapper) { this.sysAccessMapper = sysAccessMapper; } @javax.annotation.Resource public void setSysApplicationMapper(SysApplicationMapper sysApplicationMapper) { this.sysApplicationMapper = sysApplicationMapper; } @javax.annotation.Resource public void setSysTreeMapper(SysTreeMapper sysTreeMapper) { this.sysTreeMapper = sysTreeMapper; } @javax.annotation.Resource public void setSysTreeService(SysTreeService sysTreeService) { this.sysTreeService = sysTreeService; } @javax.annotation.Resource public void setSysUserService(SysUserService sysUserService) { this.sysUserService = sysUserService; } @javax.annotation.Resource public void setSysRoleService(SysRoleService sysRoleService) { this.sysRoleService = sysRoleService; } @Transactional public void sort(long parent, SysApplication bean, int operate) { if (bean == null) return; if (operate == SysConstants.SORT_PREVIOUS) {// ? logger.debug("?:" + bean.getName()); sortByPrevious(parent, bean); } else if (operate == SysConstants.SORT_FORWARD) {// ? sortByForward(parent, bean); logger.debug("?:" + bean.getName()); } } /** * ??? * * @param bean */ private void sortByForward(long parentId, SysApplication bean) { SysApplicationQuery query = new SysApplicationQuery(); query.parentId(Long.valueOf(parentId)); query.setSortLessThan(bean.getSort()); query.setOrderBy(" E.SORT desc "); List<SysApplication> list = this.list(query); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {// SysApplication temp = (SysApplication) list.get(0); int sort = bean.getSort(); bean.setSort(temp.getSort() - 1); this.update(bean);// bean SysTree node = sysTreeService.findById(bean.getNodeId()); node.setSort(bean.getSort()); sysTreeService.update(node); temp.setSort(sort + 1); this.update(temp);// temp node = sysTreeService.findById(temp.getNodeId()); node.setSort(temp.getSort()); sysTreeService.update(node); } } /** * ??? * * @param bean */ private void sortByPrevious(long parentId, SysApplication bean) { // ? SysApplicationQuery query = new SysApplicationQuery(); query.parentId(Long.valueOf(parentId)); query.setSortGreaterThan(bean.getSort()); query.setOrderBy(" E.SORT asc "); List<SysApplication> list = this.list(query); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {// SysApplication temp = (SysApplication) list.get(0); int sort = bean.getSort(); bean.setSort(temp.getSort() + 1); this.update(bean);// bean SysTree node = sysTreeService.findById(bean.getNodeId()); node.setSort(bean.getSort()); sysTreeService.update(node); temp.setSort(sort - 1); this.update(temp);// temp node = sysTreeService.findById(temp.getNodeId()); node.setSort(temp.getSort()); sysTreeService.update(node); } } @Transactional public boolean update(SysApplication bean) { String cacheKey = "sys_app_" + bean.getId(); bean.setUpdateDate(new Date()); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(bean.getCode())) { bean.setCode("app_" + bean.getId()); } this.sysApplicationMapper.updateSysApplication(bean); CacheFactory.remove(cacheKey); if (bean.getNode() != null) { bean.getNode().setCode(bean.getCode()); bean.getNode().setLocked(bean.getLocked()); bean.getNode().setUpdateBy(bean.getUpdateBy()); sysTreeService.update(bean.getNode()); cacheKey = "sys_tree_" + bean.getNode().getId(); CacheFactory.remove(cacheKey); } return true; } }