Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Davide Cossu. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, see <>. */ package com.gjkf.fc.client.gui.inventory; import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import com.gjkf.fc.Main; import com.gjkf.fc.blocks.container.CoreContainer; import com.gjkf.fc.blocks.te.BaseCoreTE; import com.gjkf.fc.handler.WeatherHandler; import com.gjkf.lib.gui.GuiContainerScreen; import com.gjkf.lib.gui.GuiDraw; import com.gjkf.lib.gui.GuiGJButton; import com.gjkf.lib.gui.GuiScreenWidget; import com.gjkf.lib.helper.NBTHelper; import com.gjkf.lib.render.GJRenderState; public class CoreGui extends GuiScreenWidget { private BaseCoreTE tileEntity; private double temp; private double hum; private double press; private int selectedType = 2; private GuiGJButton cfButton; private String[] type = new String[3]; public CoreGui(InventoryPlayer inventoryPlayer, BaseCoreTE tileEntity) { super(GuiDraw.displaySize().width, GuiDraw.displaySize().height); this.tileEntity = tileEntity; type[0] = "C"; type[1] = "F"; type[2] = "K"; temp = tileEntity.getTemperature(); hum = tileEntity.getHumidity(); press = tileEntity.getPressure(); } @Override public void addWidgets() { add(cfButton = new GuiGJButton(20, 100, 30, 20, "C/F").setActionCommand("changeTemp")); } @Override public void drawBackground() { GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); /* ResourceLocation("forecraft", "/textures/gui/coreBackground.png")); GuiDraw.drawNonStandartTexturedRect(0, 0, 0, 0, width, height, 512, 256);*/ drawDefaultBackground(); } @Override public void drawForeground() { GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST); /* * This will write the desidered type of degree */ if (type[selectedType].equals("C")) { GuiDraw.drawString(String.format("Temperature: %.2f %s", temp, type[0]), 20, 30, 0x1c9727); } else if (type[selectedType].equals("F")) { GuiDraw.drawString(String.format("Temperature: %.2f %s", temp, type[1]), 20, 30, 0x1c9727); } else if (type[selectedType].equals("K")) { GuiDraw.drawString(String.format("Temperature: %.2f %s", temp, type[2]), 20, 30, 0x1c9727); } else { GuiDraw.drawString(String.format("Temperature: %.2f %s", temp, type[0]), 20, 30, 0x1c9727); } GuiDraw.drawString(String.format("Humidity: %.2f", hum), 20, 50, 0x1c9727); GuiDraw.drawString(String.format("Pressure: %.2f millibar", press), 20, 70, 0x1c9727); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST); } @Override public void updateScreen() { super.updateScreen(); if (type[selectedType].equals("C")) { GuiDraw.drawString(String.format("Temperature: %.2f %s", temp, type[0]), 20, 30, 0x1c9727); } else if (type[selectedType].equals("F")) { GuiDraw.drawString(String.format("Temperature: %.2f %s", temp, type[1]), 20, 30, 0x1c9727); } else if (type[selectedType].equals("K")) { GuiDraw.drawString(String.format("Temperature: %.2f %s", temp, type[2]), 20, 30, 0x1c9727); } else { GuiDraw.drawString(String.format("Temperature: %.2f %s", temp, type[0]), 20, 30, 0x1c9727); } } @Override public void actionPerformed(String ident, Object... params) { if (ident.equals("changeTemp")) {"Type: " + selectedType); if (selectedType == 0) { setSelectedType(1); temp = WeatherHandler.celciusToFarenheit(temp); } else if (selectedType == 1) { setSelectedType(2); temp = WeatherHandler.farenheitToKelvin(temp); } else if (selectedType == 2) { setSelectedType(0); temp = WeatherHandler.kelvinToCelcius(temp); }"TypeAfter: " + selectedType); } } private void setSelectedType(int type) { this.selectedType = type; } @Override public boolean doesGuiPauseGame() { return false; } }