Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Steve Ash * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.steveash.jg2p.train; import; import; import; import com.github.steveash.jg2p.PhoneticEncoder; import com.github.steveash.jg2p.PhoneticEncoderFactory; import com.github.steveash.jg2p.Word; import com.github.steveash.jg2p.align.AlignModel; import com.github.steveash.jg2p.align.Aligner; import com.github.steveash.jg2p.align.AlignerTrainer; import com.github.steveash.jg2p.align.Alignment; import com.github.steveash.jg2p.align.InputRecord; import com.github.steveash.jg2p.align.ProbTable; import com.github.steveash.jg2p.align.TrainOptions; import com.github.steveash.jg2p.aligntag.AlignTagTrainer; import com.github.steveash.jg2p.seq.PhonemeCrfModel; import com.github.steveash.jg2p.seq.PhonemeCrfTrainer; import com.github.steveash.jg2p.util.Zipper; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Trainer that uses a multi-stage iterative training procedure where alignments are used to train a CRF that then * provides positive examples back to re-train the alignment model. The alignment model treats the feedback that it * gets from the later stage as semi-supervised input and updates the M step of its EM algorithm to take it in to * account * * @author Steve Ash */ public class JointEncoderTrainer extends AbstractEncoderTrainer { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JointEncoderTrainer.class); private static final int MAX_JOINT_ITER = 2; private File startingPointCrf = null; @Override protected PhoneticEncoder train(List<InputRecord> inputs, TrainOptions opts) { AlignerTrainer alignTrainer = new AlignerTrainer(opts); AlignTagTrainer alignTagTrainer = new AlignTagTrainer(); // first model AlignModel model = alignTrainer.train(inputs); Collection<Alignment> crfExamples = makeCrfExamples(inputs, model, opts); Set<Alignment> goodExamples = Sets.newHashSet(); PhonemeCrfModel crfModel; Aligner alignTagModel = model; PhonemeCrfTrainer crfTrainer =; crfTrainer.trainFor(crfExamples); int iterCount = 0; int previousGoodAligns = 0; int goodAlignCount = 0; while (true) { if (iterCount > 0) { previousGoodAligns = goodAlignCount; } crfModel = crfTrainer.buildModel(); ProbTable goodAligns = new ProbTable(); goodAlignCount = collectGoodAligns(crfExamples, crfModel, goodAligns, goodExamples);"Trained CRF had " + goodAlignCount + " good aligns this time (last time " + previousGoodAligns + ")"); eval(PhoneticEncoderFactory.make(alignTagModel, crfModel), "PHASE" + iterCount, EncoderEval.PrintOpts.SIMPLE); if (goodAlignCount == previousGoodAligns || iterCount++ >= MAX_JOINT_ITER) {"Stopping iteration on finding good aligns, previous model will stand"); break; } alignTagModel = alignTagTrainer.train(goodExamples, true); crfExamples = makeCrfExamplesFromAlignTag(inputs, goodExamples, alignTagModel, model, opts); crfTrainer.trainFor(crfExamples); } PhoneticEncoder encoder = PhoneticEncoderFactory.make(alignTagModel, crfModel); return encoder; } private Collection<Alignment> makeCrfExamplesFromAlignTag(List<InputRecord> inputs, Set<Alignment> goodExamples, Aligner crfAligner, AlignModel mlAligner, TrainOptions opts) { // this is a little complicated; we want to use the goodExamples (supervised aligns) if we have it; next use the // crfAligner if it produces a good alignment that matches the Y count; else use the mlAligner Set<Alignment> result = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(inputs.size()); List<InputRecord> failedInputs = Lists.newArrayList(); Map<Pair<Word, Word>, Alignment> supervisedAligns = makeSupervisedAlignsMap(goodExamples); int superHit = 0; int xyEqualCount = 0; int crfAlignHit = 0; int mlAlignHit = 0; for (InputRecord input : inputs) { Alignment maybeSuper = supervisedAligns.get(input.xyWordPair()); if (maybeSuper != null) { superHit += 1; result.add(maybeSuper); continue; } if (input.xWord.unigramCount() == input.yWord.unigramCount()) { // no alignment necessary its already aligned result.add(new Alignment(input.xWord, Zipper.up(input.xWord, input.yWord), 0.0)); xyEqualCount += 1; continue; } Alignment maybeCrf = makeCrfAlign(crfAligner, input); if (maybeCrf != null) { crfAlignHit += 1; result.add(maybeCrf); continue; } mlAlignHit += 1; failedInputs.add(input); } List<Alignment> mlAligns = makeCrfExamples(failedInputs, mlAligner, opts); result.addAll(mlAligns);"Super/Eq/Crf/ML " + superHit + "/" + xyEqualCount + "/" + crfAlignHit + "/" + mlAlignHit + " ML added count " + mlAligns.size()); return result; } private Alignment makeCrfAlign(Aligner crfAligner, InputRecord input) { List<Alignment> best = crfAligner.inferAlignments(input.xWord, 1); if (best.isEmpty()) { return null; } Alignment result = best.get(0); if (result.getScore() <= -50) { return null; } if (result.getGraphones().size() != input.yWord.unigramCount()) { return null; } return result.withReplacedYs(input.yWord.getValue()); } private Map<Pair<Word, Word>, Alignment> makeSupervisedAlignsMap(Set<Alignment> goodExamples) { HashMap<Pair<Word, Word>, Alignment> map = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Alignment example : goodExamples) { map.put(example.xyWordPair(), example); } return map; } private int collectGoodAligns(Collection<Alignment> crfExamples, PhonemeCrfModel crfModel, ProbTable goodAligns, Set<Alignment> goodExamples) { int goodAlignCount = 0; for (Alignment crfExample : crfExamples) { List<PhonemeCrfModel.TagResult> predicts = crfModel.tag(crfExample.getAllXTokensAsList(), 1); if (predicts.size() > 0) { if (predicts.get(0).isEqualTo(crfExample.getYTokens())) { // good example, let's increment all of its transitions for (Pair<String, String> graphone : crfExample) { goodAligns.addProb(graphone.getLeft(), graphone.getRight(), 1.0); } goodAlignCount += 1; goodExamples.add(crfExample); } } } return goodAlignCount; } }