Java tutorial
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // checkstyle: Checks Java source code for adherence to a set of rules. // Copyright (C) 2001-2015 the original author or authors. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Checks whether {@code private} methods can be declared as {@code static}. * * <p>The check has option {@code skippedMethods} which allows to specify the * list of comma separated names of methods to skip during the check. By default * the private methods which a class can have when it implements * <a href=""> * Serializable</a> are skipped: "readObject, writeObject, readObjectNoData, readResolve, * writeReplace". * * <p>The following configuration allows to skip method {@code foo} and {@code bar}: * <pre> * <module name="NestedSwitchCheck"> * <property name="skippedMethods" value="foo, bar"/> * </module> * </pre> * * <p>Limitations: * <ul> * <li> * Due to limitation of Checkstyle, there is no ability to distinguish * overloaded methods, so we skip them from candidates. * </li> * <li> * Private methods called by reflection are not supported and have to be suppressed. * </li> * </ul> * @author Vladislav Lisetskiy */ public class StaticMethodCandidateCheck extends Check { /** Warning message key. */ public static final String MSG_KEY = "static.method.candidate"; /** Comma literal. */ private static final String COMMA_SEPARATOR = ","; /** Default method names to skip during the check. */ private static final String[] DEFAULT_SKIPPED_METHODS = new String[] { "writeObject", "readObject", "readObjectNoData", "readResolve", "writeReplace", }; /** Array of tokens which are frames. */ private static final int[] FRAME_TOKENS = new int[] { TokenTypes.CLASS_DEF, TokenTypes.METHOD_DEF, TokenTypes.LITERAL_IF, TokenTypes.LITERAL_FOR, TokenTypes.LITERAL_WHILE, TokenTypes.LITERAL_DO, TokenTypes.LITERAL_CATCH, TokenTypes.LITERAL_TRY, TokenTypes.ENUM_DEF, TokenTypes.ENUM_CONSTANT_DEF, TokenTypes.STATIC_INIT, TokenTypes.INSTANCE_INIT, TokenTypes.CTOR_DEF, TokenTypes.INTERFACE_DEF, }; /** Method names to skip during the check. */ private List<String> skippedMethods = Arrays.asList(DEFAULT_SKIPPED_METHODS); /** Stack of sets of field names, one for each class of a set of nested classes. */ private Frame currentFrame; /** * Sets custom skipped methods. * @param skippedMethods user's skipped methods. */ public void setSkippedMethods(String skippedMethods) { final List<String> customSkippedMethods = new ArrayList<>(); final String[] splitSkippedMethods = skippedMethods.split(COMMA_SEPARATOR); for (String skippedMethod : splitSkippedMethods) { customSkippedMethods.add(skippedMethod.trim()); } this.skippedMethods = customSkippedMethods; } @Override public int[] getAcceptableTokens() { return new int[] { TokenTypes.CLASS_DEF, TokenTypes.METHOD_DEF, TokenTypes.LITERAL_IF, TokenTypes.LITERAL_FOR, TokenTypes.LITERAL_WHILE, TokenTypes.LITERAL_DO, TokenTypes.LITERAL_CATCH, TokenTypes.LITERAL_TRY, TokenTypes.VARIABLE_DEF, TokenTypes.PARAMETER_DEF, TokenTypes.ENUM_DEF, TokenTypes.ENUM_CONSTANT_DEF, TokenTypes.EXPR, TokenTypes.STATIC_INIT, TokenTypes.INSTANCE_INIT, TokenTypes.LITERAL_NEW, TokenTypes.LITERAL_THIS, TokenTypes.CTOR_DEF, TokenTypes.TYPE, TokenTypes.TYPE_ARGUMENT, TokenTypes.TYPE_PARAMETER, TokenTypes.INTERFACE_DEF, TokenTypes.LITERAL_SUPER, }; } @Override public int[] getDefaultTokens() { return getAcceptableTokens(); } @Override public int[] getRequiredTokens() { return getAcceptableTokens(); } @Override public void beginTree(DetailAST rootAST) { currentFrame = new Frame(null); Arrays.sort(FRAME_TOKENS); } @Override public void visitToken(final DetailAST ast) { switch (ast.getType()) { case TokenTypes.VARIABLE_DEF: case TokenTypes.PARAMETER_DEF: currentFrame.addField(ast); break; case TokenTypes.EXPR: currentFrame.addExpr(ast); break; case TokenTypes.LITERAL_SUPER: case TokenTypes.LITERAL_THIS: currentFrame.hasLiteralThisOrSuper = true; break; case TokenTypes.TYPE: case TokenTypes.TYPE_ARGUMENT: final Optional<DetailAST> firstChild = Optional.fromNullable(ast.getFirstChild()); if (firstChild.isPresent() && firstChild.get().getType() == TokenTypes.IDENT) { currentFrame.addType(firstChild.get().getText()); } break; case TokenTypes.TYPE_PARAMETER: currentFrame.addTypeVariable(ast.getFirstChild().getText()); break; case TokenTypes.METHOD_DEF: Frame frame = createMethodFrame(currentFrame, ast); currentFrame.addMethod(ast); currentFrame.addChild(frame); currentFrame = frame; break; case TokenTypes.LITERAL_NEW: if (isAnonymousClass(ast)) { frame = new Frame(currentFrame); // anonymous classes can't have static methods frame.isShouldBeChecked = false; currentFrame.addChild(frame); currentFrame = frame; } break; case TokenTypes.ENUM_CONSTANT_DEF: frame = new Frame(currentFrame); // ENUM_CONSTANT_DEF can't have static methods frame.isShouldBeChecked = false; currentFrame.addEnumConst(ast); currentFrame.addChild(frame); currentFrame = frame; break; default: frame = createFrame(currentFrame, ast); currentFrame.addChild(frame); currentFrame = frame; } } @Override public void leaveToken(DetailAST ast) { if (isFrame(ast) || isAnonymousClass(ast)) { currentFrame = currentFrame.parent; } } @Override public void finishTree(DetailAST ast) { // result of checkFrame() is only used while checking methods and not needed here // as we start from the root of the Frame tree checkFrame(currentFrame); } /** * Create a new Frame from METHOD_DEF ast. * @param ast METHOD_DEF ast. * @param parentFrame the parent frame for a new frame. * @return a new frame with the set fields. */ private Frame createMethodFrame(Frame parentFrame, DetailAST ast) { final DetailAST modifiersAst = ast.findFirstToken(TokenTypes.MODIFIERS); final String methodName = ast.findFirstToken(TokenTypes.IDENT).getText(); final Frame frame = new Frame(parentFrame); if (modifiersAst.branchContains(TokenTypes.LITERAL_PRIVATE) && !modifiersAst.branchContains(TokenTypes.LITERAL_STATIC) && !skippedMethods.contains(methodName)) { frame.isPrivateMethod = true; frame.lineNo = ast.getLineNo(); frame.frameName = getIdentText(ast); } else { // non-private or static methods are not checked and can't have static methods // because local classes cannot be declared as static frame.isShouldBeChecked = false; } return frame; } /** * Check whether the ast is an anonymous class. * @param ast the ast to check. * @return if the checked ast is an anonymous class. */ private static boolean isAnonymousClass(DetailAST ast) { final int astType = ast.getType(); return astType == TokenTypes.LITERAL_NEW && ast.branchContains(TokenTypes.LCURLY); } /** * Create a new Frame from CLASS_DEF, LITERAL_IF, LITERAL_FOR, LITERAL_WHILE, LITERAL_DO, * LITERAL_CATCH, LITERAL_TRY, CTOR_DEF, ENUM_DEF. * @param ast the processed ast. * @param parentFrame the parent frame for a new frame. * @return a new frame with the set fields. */ private static Frame createFrame(Frame parentFrame, DetailAST ast) { final Frame frame = new Frame(parentFrame); final int astType = ast.getType(); if (astType == TokenTypes.CLASS_DEF || astType == TokenTypes.ENUM_DEF) { if (astType == TokenTypes.CLASS_DEF && !ScopeUtils.isOuterMostType(ast) && !hasStaticModifier(ast)) { // local and inner classes can't have static methods frame.isShouldBeChecked = false; } frame.frameName = getIdentText(ast); frame.isClassOrEnum = true; } else if (astType == TokenTypes.STATIC_INIT || astType == TokenTypes.INSTANCE_INIT || astType == TokenTypes.CTOR_DEF || astType == TokenTypes.INTERFACE_DEF) { frame.isShouldBeChecked = false; } return frame; } /** * Check whether the ast is a Frame. * @param ast the ast to check. * @return true if the checked ast is a Frame. */ private static boolean isFrame(DetailAST ast) { final int astType = ast.getType(); return Arrays.binarySearch(FRAME_TOKENS, astType) >= 0; } /** * Check whether the frame or its parent, which is a private method, * is a static method candidate. * @param parentFrame the frame to check. * @return true if the frame or its parent, which is a private method, * is a static method candidate. */ private boolean checkFrame(Frame parentFrame) { boolean isStaticCandidate = true; for (Frame frame : parentFrame.children) { if (frame.isShouldBeChecked) { isStaticCandidate = checkFrame(frame); if (!frame.isClassOrEnum) { isStaticCandidate = isStaticCandidate && !frame.hasLiteralThisOrSuper && isFrameExpressionsAcceptable(frame) && isFrameTypesAcceptable(frame); if (frame.isPrivateMethod) { if (isStaticCandidate) { log(frame.lineNo, MSG_KEY, frame.frameName); } } else if (!isStaticCandidate) { break; } } } } return isStaticCandidate; } /** * Get the name of the field. * @param field to get the name from. * @return name of the field. */ private static String getIdentText(DetailAST field) { return field.findFirstToken(TokenTypes.IDENT).getText(); } /** * Whether the ast has static modifier. * @param ast the ast to check. * @return true if the ast has static modifier. */ private static boolean hasStaticModifier(DetailAST ast) { return ast.findFirstToken(TokenTypes.MODIFIERS).branchContains(TokenTypes.LITERAL_STATIC); } /** * Check expressions in the given frame for being acceptable is static methods. * @param frame the frame to check. * @return true if the currently checked method * is still a static method candidate. */ private static boolean isFrameExpressionsAcceptable(final Frame frame) { final Predicate<DetailAST> predicate = new Predicate<DetailAST>() { @Override public boolean apply(DetailAST ast) { return !isExprAcceptable(frame, ast); } }; final Optional<DetailAST> result = Iterables.tryFind(frame.expressions, predicate); return !result.isPresent(); } /** * Check types in the given frame for being acceptable in static methods. * @param frame the frame to check. * @return true if the currently checked method * is still a static method candidate. */ private static boolean isFrameTypesAcceptable(final Frame frame) { Predicate<String> predicate = new Predicate<String>() { @Override public boolean apply(String type) { final Optional<Frame> typeFrame = findFrameByName(frame, type); return typeFrame.isPresent() && !typeFrame.get().isShouldBeChecked || findTypeVariable(frame, type); } }; final Optional<String> result = Iterables.tryFind(frame.types, predicate); return !result.isPresent(); } /** * Check whether the expression only contains fields and method calls accepted * in static methods (which can be checked). * @param frame the frame where the expression is located. * @param expr the expression to check. * @return true if the currently checked method * is still a static method candidate. */ private static boolean isExprAcceptable(Frame frame, DetailAST expr) { boolean isStaticCandidate = true; if (expr.branchContains(TokenTypes.IDENT)) { DetailAST childAst = expr.getFirstChild(); while (childAst != null && isStaticCandidate) { if (childAst.getType() == TokenTypes.METHOD_CALL) { isStaticCandidate = isStaticMethod(frame, childAst) && isExprAcceptable(frame, childAst); } else if (childAst.getType() == TokenTypes.IDENT && isIdentShouldBeChecked(expr)) { isStaticCandidate = isStaticFieldOrLocalVariable(frame, childAst); } else if (childAst.getType() == TokenTypes.LITERAL_NEW) { final Optional<Frame> typeFrame = findFrameByName(frame, childAst.getFirstChild().getText()); isStaticCandidate = isTypeFrameShouldBeChecked(typeFrame) && isExprAcceptable(frame, childAst); } else { isStaticCandidate = isExprAcceptable(frame, childAst); } childAst = childAst.getNextSibling(); } } return isStaticCandidate; } /** * Find a frame with the specified name among the current frame and its parents. * @param frame the frame to start searching from. * @param frameName the specified name. * @return search result. */ private static Optional<Frame> findFrameByName(Frame frame, String frameName) { Optional<Frame> result = Optional.absent(); Optional<Frame> parentFrame = Optional.of(frame.parent); while (parentFrame.isPresent() && !result.isPresent()) { for (Frame child : parentFrame.get().children) { if (child.isClassOrEnum && frameName.equals(child.frameName)) { result = Optional.of(child); break; } } parentFrame = Optional.fromNullable(parentFrame.get().parent); } return result; } /** * Find a type variable with the specified name. * @param frame the frame to start searching from. * @param type the name of the type variable to find. * @return true if a type variable with the specified name is found. */ private static boolean findTypeVariable(Frame frame, String type) { boolean result = false; Optional<Frame> searchFrame = Optional.of(frame); while (searchFrame.isPresent() && !result) { result = searchFrame.get().typeVariables.contains(type); searchFrame = Optional.fromNullable(searchFrame.get().parent); } return result; } /** * Check whether a {@code static} method is called. * @param frame the frame where the method call is located. * @param methodCallAst METHOD_CALL ast. * @return true if a {@code static} method is called. */ private static boolean isStaticMethod(Frame frame, DetailAST methodCallAst) { boolean result = false; final DetailAST firstChild = methodCallAst.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild.getType() == TokenTypes.DOT) { final DetailAST objCalledOn = getTheLeftmostIdent(methodCallAst); if (objCalledOn.getType() == TokenTypes.IDENT) { final Optional<DetailAST> field = findField(frame, objCalledOn); if (field.isPresent()) { result = isAcceptableField(field.get()); } else if (findFrameByName(frame, objCalledOn.getText()).isPresent()) { result = true; } } else { result = true; } } else { result = findStaticMethod(frame, methodCallAst, firstChild.getText()); } return result; } /** * Determine whether the method call should be checked. * @param parentAst parent ast of the ident. * @return true, if LITERAL_THIS is used or the usage is too complex to check. */ private static boolean isIdentShouldBeChecked(DetailAST parentAst) { final int parentAstType = parentAst.getType(); return parentAstType != TokenTypes.LITERAL_NEW && parentAstType != TokenTypes.TYPE && parentAstType != TokenTypes.METHOD_DEF; } /** * Check whether a {@code static} field or a local variable is used. * @param frame the frame where the field is located. * @param identAst the identifier ast of the checked field. * @return true if the field is {@code static} or local. */ private static boolean isStaticFieldOrLocalVariable(Frame frame, DetailAST identAst) { boolean result; final int parentType = identAst.getParent().getType(); if (parentType == TokenTypes.DOT) { if (identAst.getNextSibling() != null) { final Optional<DetailAST> field = findField(frame, identAst); if (field.isPresent()) { result = isAcceptableField(field.get()); } else { result = findFrameByName(frame, identAst.getText()).isPresent(); } } else { result = true; } } else if (parentType == TokenTypes.METHOD_CALL) { result = true; } else { final Optional<DetailAST> field = findField(frame, identAst); result = field.isPresent() && isAcceptableField(field.get()); } return result; } /** * Whether the type frame should be checked. * @param typeFrame the frame of the type to check. * @return true if the type frame should be checked. */ private static boolean isTypeFrameShouldBeChecked(final Optional<Frame> typeFrame) { return !typeFrame.isPresent() || typeFrame.get().isShouldBeChecked; } /** * Get the leftmost ident of the method call. * @param mCall METHOD_CALL to get ident from. * @return the leftmost's ident DetailAST. */ private static DetailAST getTheLeftmostIdent(DetailAST mCall) { DetailAST result = mCall.getFirstChild(); while (result.getChildCount() != 0 && result.getType() != TokenTypes.METHOD_CALL) { result = result.getFirstChild(); } return result; } /** * Find a static field definition or local variable. * @param startFrame the frame to start searching from. * @param identAst the IDENT ast to check. * @return search result. */ private static Optional<DetailAST> findField(Frame startFrame, DetailAST identAst) { Optional<DetailAST> result = Optional.absent(); Optional<Frame> frame = Optional.of(startFrame); final String fieldName = identAst.getText(); while (frame.isPresent() && !result.isPresent()) { final Optional<DetailAST> field = frame.get().findFieldInFrame(fieldName); if (field.isPresent()) { if (!isLocalVariable(field.get()) || checkFieldLocation(field.get(), identAst)) { result = field; } } else { result = frame.get().findEnumConstInFrame(fieldName); } frame = Optional.fromNullable(frame.get().parent); } return result; } /** * Check whether the field is acceptable is a {@code static} method. * @param field the checked field. * @return true if the checked field is acceptable is a {@code static} method. */ private static boolean isAcceptableField(DetailAST field) { boolean result = false; if (isLocalVariable(field) || field.getType() == TokenTypes.ENUM_CONSTANT_DEF || hasStaticModifier(field)) { result = true; } return result; } /** * Find a {@code static} method definition of the specified method call * and ensure that there are no non-{@code static} methods with the same name and * number of parameters in the current frame or its parents. * @param startFrame the frame to start searching from. * @param methodCall METHOD_CALL ast. * @param checkedMethodName the name of the called method. * @return true if a {@code static} method definition of the specified method call * is found and no non-{@code static} with the same name and number of parameters found. */ private static boolean findStaticMethod(Frame startFrame, DetailAST methodCall, String checkedMethodName) { final int argsNumber = methodCall.findFirstToken(TokenTypes.ELIST).getChildCount(); Optional<Frame> frame = Optional.of(startFrame); // if we do not find neither static nor non-static method, then we cannot claim // that the checked method can be static boolean hasNonStaticMethod = false; boolean hasStaticMethod = false; while (frame.isPresent() && !hasNonStaticMethod) { for (DetailAST method : frame.get().methods) { final DetailAST parametersAst = method.findFirstToken(TokenTypes.PARAMETERS); if (checkedMethodName.equals(getIdentText(method)) && (parametersAst.getChildCount() == argsNumber || parametersAst.branchContains(TokenTypes.ELLIPSIS))) { final DetailAST modifiersAst = method.findFirstToken(TokenTypes.MODIFIERS); if (modifiersAst.branchContains(TokenTypes.LITERAL_STATIC)) { // if a static method is found, we keep searching for a similar // non-static one to the end of the frame and if a non-static // method is not found, then the checked method is still // a static method candidate hasStaticMethod = true; } else { // if a non-static method is found, then the checked method // cannot be static hasNonStaticMethod = true; break; } } } frame = Optional.fromNullable(frame.get().parent); } return hasStaticMethod && !hasNonStaticMethod; } /** * Check whether the field is a local variable. * @param ast VARIABLE_DEF ast. * @return true if the field is a local variable. */ private static boolean isLocalVariable(DetailAST ast) { final int parentType = ast.getParent().getParent().getType(); return parentType != TokenTypes.CLASS_DEF && parentType != TokenTypes.ENUM_DEF; } /** * Check whether the field is declared before its usage in case of methods. * @param field field to check. * @param objCalledOn object equals method called on. * @return true if the field is declared before the method call. */ private static boolean checkFieldLocation(DetailAST field, DetailAST objCalledOn) { boolean result = false; if (field.getLineNo() < objCalledOn.getLineNo() || field.getLineNo() == objCalledOn.getLineNo() && field.getColumnNo() < objCalledOn.getColumnNo()) { result = true; } return result; } /** * Contains information about the frame. */ private static class Frame { /** Name of the class, enum or method. */ private String frameName; /** Parent frame. */ private final Frame parent; /** List of frame's children. */ private final List<Frame> children = new LinkedList<>(); /** List of fields. */ private final List<DetailAST> fields = new LinkedList<>(); /** List of methods. */ private final List<DetailAST> methods = new LinkedList<>(); /** List of typeVariables. */ private final List<String> typeVariables = new LinkedList<>(); /** List of method calls. */ private final List<DetailAST> expressions = new ArrayList<>(); /** List of types. */ private final Set<String> types = Sets.newHashSet(); /** Set of enumConstants. */ private final Set<DetailAST> enumConstants = Sets.newHashSet(); /** Whether the frame is CLASS_DEF or ENUM_DEF. */ private boolean isClassOrEnum; /** Whether the frame is {@code private} METHOD_DEF. */ private boolean isPrivateMethod; /** * Whether the frame should be checked. * It is used in order not to check non-private methods, static methods * and frames, where static methods cannot be defined: local and inner classes, * constructors, anonymous classes, enum constant definitions, initializers. */ private boolean isShouldBeChecked = true; /** Whether the frame has LITERAL_THIS or LITERAL_SUPER. */ private boolean hasLiteralThisOrSuper; /** Number of the line where the frame is declared. */ private int lineNo; /** * Creates new frame. * @param parent parent frame. */ Frame(Frame parent) { this.parent = parent; } /** * Add method call to this Frame. * @param ast EXPR ast. */ public void addExpr(DetailAST ast) { expressions.add(ast); } /** * Add child frame to this frame. * @param child frame to add. */ public void addChild(Frame child) { children.add(child); } /** * Add field to this Frame. * @param field the ast of the field. */ public void addField(DetailAST field) { fields.add(field); } /** * Add method definition to this frame. * @param method METHOD_DEF ast. */ public void addMethod(DetailAST method) { methods.add(method); } /** * Add method call to this frame. * @param enumConst ENUM_CONST_DEF ast. */ public void addEnumConst(DetailAST enumConst) { enumConstants.add(enumConst); } /** * Add type variable name to this frame. * @param typeVariable the type variable name. */ public void addTypeVariable(String typeVariable) { typeVariables.add(typeVariable); } /** * Add type to this frame. * @param type the type name. */ public void addType(String type) { types.add(type); } /** * Determine whether this Frame contains the field. * @param name the name of the field to check. * @return search result. */ public Optional<DetailAST> findFieldInFrame(final String name) { final Predicate<DetailAST> predicate = new Predicate<DetailAST>() { @Override public boolean apply(DetailAST field) { return getIdentText(field).equals(name); } }; return Iterables.tryFind(fields, predicate); } /** * Determine whether this Frame contains the enum constant. * @param name the name of the enum constant to check. * @return search result. */ public Optional<DetailAST> findEnumConstInFrame(final String name) { final Predicate<DetailAST> predicate = new Predicate<DetailAST>() { @Override public boolean apply(DetailAST enumConstant) { return getIdentText(enumConstant).equals(name); } }; return Iterables.tryFind(enumConstants, predicate); } } }