Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of identifier-service. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level * directory of this distribution and at No part of identifier-service, * including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ package com.github.sebhoss.identifier.service; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.function.LongSupplier; import com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; @Repository class AtomicLongSupplier implements LongSupplier { private static final AtomicLong SEQUENCE = new AtomicLong(0L); @Timed @Override public long getAsLong() { return SEQUENCE.getAndIncrement(); } }