Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2011 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.rwitzel.streamflyer.regex; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import java.util.regex.MatchResult; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import com.github.rwitzel.streamflyer.core.Modifier; import com.github.rwitzel.streamflyer.core.ModifyingReader; import com.github.rwitzel.streamflyer.core.ModifyingWriter; import com.github.rwitzel.streamflyer.regex.MatchProcessor; import com.github.rwitzel.streamflyer.regex.MatchProcessorResult; import com.github.rwitzel.streamflyer.regex.RegexModifier; import com.github.rwitzel.streamflyer.util.StringUtils; /** * Tests {@link RegexModifier}. * * @author rwoo * @since 23.06.2011 */ public class RegexModifierTest extends AbstractRegexModifierTest { private class MatchPrinter implements MatchProcessor { @Override public MatchProcessorResult process(StringBuilder characterBuffer, int firstModifiableCharacterInBuffer, MatchResult matchResult) { // print the matches text // System.out.println("match: " +; // continue matching behind the end of the matched text return new MatchProcessorResult(matchResult.end(), true); } } @Test public void testExampleFromRegexModifierJavadoc_OwnMatchProcessor() throws Exception { String fakeErrorLog = "1 ERROR aa\n2 WARN bb\n3 ERROR cc"; // choose the character stream to modify Reader originalReader = new StringReader( // fakeErrorLog); // select the modifier Modifier myModifier = new RegexModifier("^.*ERROR.*$", Pattern.MULTILINE, new MatchPrinter(), 0, 2048); // create the modifying reader that wraps the original reader Reader modifyingReader = new ModifyingReader(originalReader, myModifier); // use the modifying reader instead of the original reader String output = IOUtils.toString(modifyingReader); // stream content is not modified assertEquals(fakeErrorLog, output); } @Test public void testExampleFromHomepage_usage() throws Exception { // choose the character stream to modify Reader originalReader = new StringReader("edit stream"); // select the modifier Modifier myModifier = new RegexModifier("edit stream", 0, "modify stream"); // create the modifying reader that wraps the original reader Reader modifyingReader = new ModifyingReader(originalReader, myModifier); // use the modifying reader instead of the original reader String output = IOUtils.toString(modifyingReader); assertEquals("modify stream", output); } @Test public void testExampleFromHomepage_usage2() throws Exception { // choose the character stream to modify Reader originalReader = new StringReader("edit\n\nstream"); // select the modifier Modifier myModifier = new RegexModifier("edit\\s+stream", 0, "modify stream"); // create the modifying reader that wraps the original reader Reader modifyingReader = new ModifyingReader(originalReader, myModifier); // use the modifying reader instead of the original reader String output = IOUtils.toString(modifyingReader); assertEquals("modify stream", output); } private String modify(String input, Modifier myModifier) throws Exception { // choose the character stream to modify Reader originalReader = new StringReader(input); // create the modifying reader that wraps the original reader Reader modifyingReader = new ModifyingReader(originalReader, myModifier); // use the modifying reader instead of the original reader String output = IOUtils.toString(modifyingReader); return output; } /** * Asserts that two objects are not equals. Otherwise an AssertionFailedError is thrown. */ static public void assertNotEquals(Object expected, Object actual) { assertTrue(expected != actual || !expected.equals(actual)); } @Test public void testExampleFromHomepage_advancedExample_firstImprovement() throws Exception { // select the modifier Modifier myModifier = new RegexModifier("edit stream", 0, "modify stream"); // test: does not support other whitespace characters assertNotEquals("modify\tstream", modify("edit\tstream", myModifier)); // test: does not support new line characters assertNotEquals("modify\nstream", modify("edit\nstream", myModifier)); // first improvement Modifier myModifier1 = new RegexModifier("edit\\sstream", Pattern.DOTALL, "modify stream"); // test: supports other whitespace characters assertEquals("modify stream", modify("edit\tstream", myModifier1)); // test: supports new line characters assertEquals("modify stream", modify("edit\nstream", myModifier1)); } @Test public void testExampleFromHomepage_advancedExample_secondImprovement() throws Exception { // first improvement Modifier myModifier1 = new RegexModifier("edit\\sstream", Pattern.DOTALL, "modify stream"); // test: does not preserve type of whitespace characters assertNotEquals("modify\tstream", modify("edit\tstream", myModifier1)); // test: does not support many whitespace characters assertNotEquals("modify stream", modify("edit stream", myModifier1)); // second improvement Modifier myModifier2 = new RegexModifier("edit(\\s++stream)", Pattern.DOTALL, "modify$1"); // test: preserves type of whitespace characters assertEquals("modify\tstream", modify("edit\tstream", myModifier2)); // test: supports many whitespace characters assertEquals("modify stream", modify("edit stream", myModifier2)); } @Test public void testExampleFromHomepage_advancedExample_thirdImprovement() throws Exception { // second improvement Modifier myModifier2 = new RegexModifier("edit(\\s++stream)", Pattern.DOTALL, "modify$1"); // test: does not use look-behind assertNotEquals("credit stream", modify("credit stream", myModifier2)); // third and final improvement Modifier myModifier3 = new RegexModifier("(?<=\\s)edit(\\s++stream)", Pattern.DOTALL, "modify$1", 1, 2048); // test: uses look-behind assertEquals("credit stream", modify("credit stream", myModifier3)); } @Test public void testExampleFromHomepage_advancedExample_greedyQuantifierOnDot() throws Exception { // Don't do this! This example uses a greedy quantifier on a dot Modifier myModifier4 = new RegexModifier("edit.*stream", 0, "modify stream"); // test: does not find the nearest match assertNotEquals("modify stream modify stream", modify("edit stream edit stream", myModifier4)); // modifier with greedy quantifier on whitespace Modifier myModifier5 = new RegexModifier("edit\\s*stream", 0, "modify stream"); // test: finds the nearest match assertNotEquals("modify stream modify stream", modify("edit stream edit stream", myModifier5)); } @Test public void testReplacement_OneCharacterReplacedWithAnother() throws Exception { // once in the middle of the string assertReplacement("abcdefghi", "e", "X", "abcdXfghi"); // once at the being, at the end, and three times in the middle of the // string assertReplacement("ebcdeefehe", "e", "X", "XbcdXXfXhX"); } @Test public void testReplacement_TwoCharactersReplacedWithThreeOthers() throws Exception { // once in the middle of the string assertReplacement("abcdefghi", "de", "XYZ", "abcXYZfghi"); // once at the being, at the end, and three times in the middle of the // string assertReplacement("DEbcDEDEfDEgDE", "DE", "XYZ", "XYZbcXYZXYZfXYZgXYZ"); } @Test public void testReplacement_ThreeCharactersReplacedWithTwoOthers() throws Exception { // once in the middle of the string assertReplacement("abcDEFghi", "DEF", "XY", "abcXYghi"); // once at the being, at the end, and three times in the middle of the // string assertReplacement("DEFbcDEFDEFgDEFhiDEF", "DEF", "XY", "XYbcXYXYgXYhiXY"); } @Test public void testReplacement_GroupsReplaced() throws Exception { assertReplacement("abcDEFFghi", "D(E)(FF)", "X$2$1Y", "abcXFFEYghi"); } @Test public void testReplacement_ReluctantOp() throws Exception { assertReplacement("abcDEEFFghi", "D(.*?)F", "X$1Y", "abcXEEYFghi"); } @Test public void testReplacement_GreedyOp_AttentionThisLoadsTheEntireInputIntoMemory() throws Exception { assertReplacement("abcDEEFFghi", "D(.*)F", "X$1Y", "abcXEEFYghi"); } @Test public void testReplacement_GreedyOp_Vs_ReluctantOp() throws Exception { // greedy assertReplacement("<x>...</x>...</x>", "<x>(.*)</x>", "<y/>", 0, 6, "<y/>", 0); // reluctant assertReplacement("<x>...</x>...</x>", "<x>(.*?)</x>", "<y/>", 0, 6, "<y/>...</x>", 0); } @Test public void testReplacement_lookBehind() throws Exception { // (?<=X) X, via zero-width positive lookbehind // once in the middle of the string assertReplacement("abcdefghi", "(?<=c)de", "XYZ", "abcXYZfghi"); // once at the being, at the end, and three times in the middle of the // string assertReplacement("DEbcDEDEcDEgDE", "(?<=c)DE", "XYZ", "DEbcXYZDEcXYZgDE"); } @Test public void testReplacement_lookAhead() throws Exception { // (?=X) X, via zero-width positive lookahead // once in the middle of the string assertReplacement("abcdefghi", "de(?=f)", "XYZ", "abcXYZfghi"); // once at the being, at the end, and three times in the middle of the // string assertReplacement("DEfcDEDEfDEfDE", "DE(?=f)", "XYZ", "XYZfcDEXYZfXYZfDE"); } @Test public void testReplacement_endOfStream() throws Exception { String regex = "Y$"; String replacement = "YY"; String input = "YYY"; String expectedOutput = "YYYY"; // Java: assertEquals(expectedOutput, input.replaceAll(regex, replacement)); // Streamflyer: assertReplacement(input, regex, replacement, expectedOutput); } @Test public void testReplacement_endOfStream_matchOnEmptyString_noEndlessLoop() throws Exception { String regex = "((XXX)|$)"; String replacement = "YYY"; String input = "XXX"; String expectedOutput = "YYYYYY"; // Java: assertEquals(expectedOutput, input.replaceAll(regex, replacement)); // Streamflyer: assertReplacement(input, regex, replacement, expectedOutput); } @Test public void testReplacement_matchOnEmptyString_noEndlessLoop() throws Exception { String regex = "()"; String replacement = "Y"; String input = "XX"; String expectedOutput = "YXYXY"; // Java: assertEquals(expectedOutput, input.replaceAll(regex, replacement)); // Streamflyer: assertReplacement(input, regex, replacement, expectedOutput); } /** * Defaults: Varies requestedMinimumLengthsOfLookBehind and requestedCapacityOfCharacterBuffers. */ protected void assertReplacement(String input, String regex, String replacement, String expectedOutput) throws Exception { for (int lookBehind = 0; lookBehind <= 2; lookBehind++) { for (int capacityCharBuf = 1; capacityCharBuf <= 18; capacityCharBuf++) { if (containsLookBehind(regex) && lookBehind == 0) { // for a regex with look-behind we need look-behind > 0. // Therefore, we skip this test as the parameter is not // appropriate } else { assertReplacement(input, regex, replacement, lookBehind, capacityCharBuf, expectedOutput, 0); } } } } /** * @param regex * regular expression * @return Returns true if the regular expression contains a look-behind construct (rule of thumb applied). */ private boolean containsLookBehind(String regex) { return regex.contains("(?<=") // || regex.startsWith("^") // || regex.contains("\\b") // || regex.contains("\\B"); } /** * Defaults: Combines tests for {@link ModifyingReader} and {@link ModifyingWriter}. * * @param flags * TODO */ protected void assertReplacement(String input, String regex, String replacement, int minimumLengthOfLookBehind, int requestedCapacityOfCharacterBuffer, String expectedOutput, int flags) throws Exception { // Java: (do we get the same result with Java's Regex package?) assertEquals(expectedOutput, Pattern.compile(regex, flags).matcher(input).replaceAll(replacement)); // Streamflyer: assertReplacementByReader(input, regex, replacement, minimumLengthOfLookBehind, requestedCapacityOfCharacterBuffer, expectedOutput, flags); assertReplacementByWriter(input, regex, replacement, minimumLengthOfLookBehind, requestedCapacityOfCharacterBuffer, expectedOutput, flags); } @Ignore @Test public void testLookBehindAfterReplacement_ExampleFromWebpage1() throws Exception { String regex = "^a"; int flags = 0; String replacement = ""; String input = "aaabb"; String expectedOutput = "aabb"; int lookBehind = 3; int capacityCharBuf = 10; assertReplacement(input, regex, replacement, lookBehind, capacityCharBuf, expectedOutput, flags); } @Ignore @Test public void testLookBehindAfterReplacement_ExampleFromWebpage2() throws Exception { String regex = "(?<=foo)bar"; int flags = 0; String replacement = "foo"; String input = "foobarbar"; String expectedOutput = "foofoobar"; int lookBehind = 3; int capacityCharBuf = 10; assertReplacement(input, regex, replacement, lookBehind, capacityCharBuf, expectedOutput, flags); } // // Q and A - tests that result from questions asked in the discussion group // @Test public void testRemovalAtTheEndOfStream_notUsingMultiLineFlag() throws Exception { String endlessAbc = StringUtils.repeat("abc", 10000); String inputPrefix = endlessAbc + "abc\n" + endlessAbc + "abc\n" + endlessAbc; String regex = "abc$"; int flags = 0; String replacement = ""; String input = inputPrefix + "abc"; String expectedOutput = inputPrefix; int lookBehind = 0; int capacityCharBuf = 3; assertReplacement(input, regex, replacement, lookBehind, capacityCharBuf, expectedOutput, flags); } @Test public void testRemovalAtTheEndOfLine_usingMultiLineFlag() throws Exception { String endlessAbc = StringUtils.repeat("abc", 10000); String regex = "abc$"; int flags = Pattern.MULTILINE; String replacement = ""; String input = endlessAbc + "abc\n" + endlessAbc + "abc\n" + endlessAbc + "abc"; String expectedOutput = endlessAbc + "\n" + endlessAbc + "\n" + endlessAbc; int lookBehind = 0; int capacityCharBuf = 3; assertReplacement(input, regex, replacement, lookBehind, capacityCharBuf, expectedOutput, flags); } @Ignore @Test public void testRemovalAtTheStartOfStream_notUsingMultiLineFlag() throws Exception { String endlessAbc = StringUtils.repeat("abc", 10000); String inputSuffix = "\n" + endlessAbc + "\nabc" + endlessAbc + "\nabc" + endlessAbc; String regex = "^abc"; int flags = 0; String replacement = ""; String input = endlessAbc + "abc\n" + endlessAbc + "abc\n" + endlessAbc + "abc"; String expectedOutput = inputSuffix; int lookBehind = 1; int capacityCharBuf = 3; assertReplacement(input, regex, replacement, lookBehind, capacityCharBuf, expectedOutput, flags); } @Ignore @Test public void testRemovalAtTheStartOfLine_usingMultiLineFlag() throws Exception { String endlessAbc = StringUtils.repeat("abc", 10000); String regex = "^abc"; int flags = Pattern.MULTILINE; String replacement = ""; String input = "\nabc" + endlessAbc + "\nabc" + endlessAbc + "\nabc" + endlessAbc; String expectedOutput = "\n" + endlessAbc + "\n" + endlessAbc + "\n" + endlessAbc; int lookBehind = 1; int capacityCharBuf = 3; assertReplacement(input, regex, replacement, lookBehind, capacityCharBuf, expectedOutput, flags); } // // ... // @Test public void testMatchEmptyStringAtTheEndOfStream_replaceWithNonEmptyString() throws Exception { String regex = "$"; String replacement = "yyy"; String input = "barbarbar"; String expectedOutput = "barbarbaryyy"; int flags = 0; int lookBehind = 0; int capacityCharBuf = 3; assertReplacement(input, regex, replacement, lookBehind, capacityCharBuf, expectedOutput, flags); } @Test public void testMatchEmptyStringAtTheEndOfStream_replaceWithEmptyString() throws Exception { String regex = "$"; String replacement = ""; String input = "barbarbar"; String expectedOutput = "barbarbar"; int flags = 0; int lookBehind = 0; int capacityCharBuf = 3; assertReplacement(input, regex, replacement, lookBehind, capacityCharBuf, expectedOutput, flags); } }