Java tutorial
/* * * * com.github.rutledgepaulv.qbuilders.visitors.PredicateVisitor * * * * * * Copyright (C) 2016 Paul Rutledge <> * * * * * * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * * * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. * * * */ package com.github.rutledgepaulv.qbuilders.visitors; import com.github.rutledgepaulv.qbuilders.nodes.AndNode; import com.github.rutledgepaulv.qbuilders.nodes.ComparisonNode; import com.github.rutledgepaulv.qbuilders.nodes.OrNode; import com.github.rutledgepaulv.qbuilders.operators.ComparisonOperator; import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.BiPredicate; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static; @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public class PredicateVisitor<T> extends AbstractVoidContextNodeVisitor<Predicate<T>> { @Override protected Predicate<T> visit(AndNode node) { return (t) -> node.getChildren().stream().map(this::visitAny).allMatch(p -> p.test(t)); } @Override protected Predicate<T> visit(OrNode node) { return (t) -> node.getChildren().stream().map(this::visitAny).anyMatch(p -> p.test(t)); } @Override protected Predicate<T> visit(ComparisonNode node) { ComparisonOperator operator = node.getOperator(); if (ComparisonOperator.EQ.equals(operator)) { return single(node, this::equality); } else if (ComparisonOperator.NE.equals(operator)) { return single(node, this::inequality); } else if (ComparisonOperator.EX.equals(operator)) { return ((Boolean) node.getValues().iterator().next()) ? exists(node) : doesNotExist(node); } else if (ComparisonOperator.GT.equals(operator)) { return single(node, this::greaterThan); } else if (ComparisonOperator.LT.equals(operator)) { return single(node, this::lessThan); } else if (ComparisonOperator.GTE.equals(operator)) { return single(node, this::greaterThanOrEqualTo); } else if (ComparisonOperator.LTE.equals(operator)) { return single(node, this::lessThanOrEqualTo); } else if (ComparisonOperator.IN.equals(operator)) { return multi(node, this::in); } else if (ComparisonOperator.NIN.equals(operator)) { return multi(node, this::nin); } else if (ComparisonOperator.RE.equals(operator)) { return single(node, this::regex); } else if (ComparisonOperator.SUB_CONDITION_ANY.equals(operator)) { Predicate test = condition(node); // subquery condition is ignored because a predicate has already been built. return single(node, (fieldValue, subQueryCondition) -> this.subquery(fieldValue, test)); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This visitor does not support the operator " + operator + "."); } protected boolean subquery(Object actual, Predicate<Object> func) { if (actual != null && actual.getClass().isArray()) { Object[] values = (Object[]) actual; return stream(values).anyMatch(func); } else if (actual != null && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(actual.getClass())) { Collection<?> values = (Collection<?>) actual; return; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot do a subquery against a single element."); } } protected boolean regex(Object actual, Object query) { Predicate<String> test; if (query instanceof String) { String queryRegex = (String) query; test = Pattern.compile(queryRegex).asPredicate(); } else { return false; } if (actual.getClass().isArray()) { String[] values = (String[]) actual; return; } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(actual.getClass())) { Collection<String> values = (Collection<String>) actual; return; } else if (actual instanceof String) { return test.test((String) actual); } return false; } protected boolean equality(Object actual, Object query) { if (actual != null && actual.getClass().isArray()) { Object[] values = (Object[]) actual; return stream(values).anyMatch(query::equals); } else if (actual != null && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(actual.getClass())) { Collection<?> values = (Collection<?>) actual; return; } else { return query.equals(actual); } } protected boolean inequality(Object actual, Object query) { if (actual != null && actual.getClass().isArray()) { Object[] values = (Object[]) actual; return stream(values).noneMatch(query::equals); } else if (actual != null && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(actual.getClass())) { Collection<?> values = (Collection<?>) actual; return; } else { return !query.equals(actual); } } protected boolean nin(Object actual, Collection<?> queries) { if (actual != null && actual.getClass().isArray()) { Object[] values = (Object[]) actual; return stream(values).noneMatch(queries::contains); } else if (actual != null && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(actual.getClass())) { Collection<?> values = (Collection<?>) actual; return; } else { return !queries.contains(actual); } } protected boolean in(Object actual, Collection<?> queries) { if (actual != null && actual.getClass().isArray()) { Object[] values = (Object[]) actual; return stream(values).anyMatch(queries::contains); } else if (actual != null && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(actual.getClass())) { Collection<?> values = (Collection<?>) actual; return; } else { return queries.contains(actual); } } protected boolean greaterThan(Object actual, Object query) { if (query instanceof Number && actual instanceof Number) { return ((Number) actual).doubleValue() > ((Number) query).doubleValue(); } else if (query instanceof String && actual instanceof String) { return ((String) actual).compareTo((String) query) > 0; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Incompatible types provided."); } } protected boolean greaterThanOrEqualTo(Object actual, Object query) { if (query instanceof Number && actual instanceof Number) { return ((Number) actual).doubleValue() >= ((Number) query).doubleValue(); } else if (query instanceof String && actual instanceof String) { return ((String) actual).compareTo((String) query) >= 0; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Incompatible types provided."); } } protected boolean lessThan(Object actual, Object query) { if (query instanceof Number && actual instanceof Number) { return ((Number) actual).doubleValue() < ((Number) query).doubleValue(); } else if (query instanceof String && actual instanceof String) { return ((String) actual).compareTo((String) query) < 0; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Incompatible types provided."); } } protected boolean lessThanOrEqualTo(Object actual, Object query) { if (query instanceof Number && actual instanceof Number) { return ((Number) actual).doubleValue() <= ((Number) query).doubleValue(); } else if (query instanceof String && actual instanceof String) { return ((String) actual).compareTo((String) query) <= 0; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Incompatible types provided."); } } private Predicate<T> doesNotExist(ComparisonNode node) { return t -> resolveSingleField(t, node.getField().asKey(), node, (one, two) -> Objects.isNull(one)); } private Predicate<T> exists(ComparisonNode node) { return t -> resolveSingleField(t, node.getField().asKey(), node, (one, two) -> Objects.nonNull(one)); } private Predicate<T> single(ComparisonNode node, BiPredicate<Object, Object> func) { return t -> resolveSingleField(t, node.getField().asKey(), node, func); } private Predicate<T> multi(ComparisonNode node, BiPredicate<Object, Collection<?>> func) { return t -> resolveMultiField(t, node.getField().asKey(), node, func); } private boolean resolveSingleField(Object root, String field, ComparisonNode node, BiPredicate<Object, Object> func) { if (root == null || node.getField() == null) { return func.test(null, node.getValues().iterator().next()); } else { String[] splitField = field.split("\\.", 2); Object currentField = getFieldValueFromString(root, splitField[0]); if (splitField.length == 1) { return func.test(currentField, node.getValues().iterator().next()); } else { return recurseSingle(currentField, splitField[1], node, func); } } } private boolean recurseSingle(Object root, String field, ComparisonNode node, BiPredicate<Object, Object> func) { if (root.getClass().isArray()) { return[]) root).anyMatch(t -> resolveSingleField(t, field, node, func)); } if (root instanceof Collection) { return ((Collection<Object>) root).stream().anyMatch(t -> resolveSingleField(t, field, node, func)); } return resolveSingleField(root, field, node, func); } private boolean resolveMultiField(Object root, String field, ComparisonNode node, BiPredicate<Object, Collection<?>> func) { if (root == null || node.getField() == null) { return func.test(null, node.getValues()); } else { String[] splitField = field.split("\\.", 2); Object currentField = getFieldValueFromString(root, splitField[0]); if (splitField.length == 1) { return func.test(currentField, node.getValues()); } else { return recurseMulti(currentField, splitField[1], node, func); } } } private boolean recurseMulti(Object root, String field, ComparisonNode node, BiPredicate<Object, Collection<?>> func) { if (root.getClass().isArray()) { return[]) root).anyMatch(t -> resolveMultiField(t, field, node, func)); } if (root instanceof Collection) { return ((Collection<Object>) root).stream().anyMatch(t -> resolveMultiField(t, field, node, func)); } return resolveMultiField(root, field, node, func); } private Object getFieldValueFromString(Object o, String s) { if (o == null) { return null; } try { return FieldUtils.readField(o, s, true); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { return null; } } }