Java tutorial
/* * Copyright Robert Newson * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.rnewson.couchdb.lucene; import com.github.rnewson.couchdb.lucene.couchdb.*; import com.github.rnewson.couchdb.lucene.util.*; import org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalINIConfiguration; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException; import org.apache.http.client.ResponseHandler; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.index.*; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.ParseException; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.QueryParser; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.QueryParser.Operator; import*; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.mozilla.javascript.ClassShutter; import org.mozilla.javascript.Context; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import*; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import static java.lang.Math.max; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; public final class DatabaseIndexer implements Runnable, ResponseHandler<Void> { private class IndexState { private final DocumentConverter converter; private boolean readerDirty; private String etag; private final Analyzer analyzer; private UpdateSequence pending_seq; private DirectoryReader reader; private final IndexWriter writer; private final Database database; private final View view; public IndexState(final DocumentConverter converter, final IndexWriter writer, final Analyzer analyzer, final Database database, final View view) { this.converter = converter; this.writer = writer; this.analyzer = analyzer; this.database = database; this.view = view; } public synchronized DirectoryReader borrowReader(final boolean staleOk) throws IOException, JSONException { blockForLatest(staleOk); if (reader == null) { etag = newEtag(); } if (reader != null) { reader.decRef(); } reader =, !staleOk); if (readerDirty) { etag = newEtag(); readerDirty = false; } reader.incRef(); return reader; } public IndexSearcher borrowSearcher(final boolean staleOk) throws IOException, JSONException { return new IndexSearcher(borrowReader(staleOk)); } public void returnReader(final IndexReader reader) throws IOException { reader.decRef(); } public void returnSearcher(final IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException { returnReader(searcher.getIndexReader()); } public Query parse(final String query, final Operator operator, final Analyzer analyzer) throws ParseException, JSONException { final QueryParser parser = new CustomQueryParser(Constants.VERSION, Constants.DEFAULT_FIELD, analyzer); parser.setDefaultOperator(operator); parser.setAllowLeadingWildcard(ini.getBoolean("lucene.allowLeadingWildcard", false)); parser.setLowercaseExpandedTerms(ini.getBoolean("lucene.lowercaseExpandedTerms", true)); return parser.parse(query); } public Analyzer analyzer(final String analyzerName) throws JSONException { return analyzerName == null ? this.analyzer : Analyzers.getAnalyzer(analyzerName); } private synchronized void close() throws IOException { if (reader != null) reader.close(); if (writer != null) writer.rollback(); } private synchronized String getEtag() { return etag; } public UUID getUuid() throws JSONException, IOException { return database.getUuid(); } public String getDigest() { return view.getDigest(); } private String newEtag() { return Long.toHexString(now()); } private synchronized boolean notModified(final HttpServletRequest req) { return etag != null && etag.equals(req.getHeader("If-None-Match")); } private void blockForLatest(final boolean staleOk) throws IOException, JSONException { if (staleOk) { return; } final UpdateSequence latest = database.getLastSequence(); synchronized (this) { long timeout = getSearchTimeout(); while (pending_seq.isEarlierThan(latest)) { try { final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); wait(timeout); timeout -= (System.currentTimeMillis() - start); if (timeout <= 0) { throw new IOException("Search timed out."); } } catch (final InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException("Search timed out."); } } } } private synchronized void setPendingSequence(final UpdateSequence seq) { pending_seq = seq; notifyAll(); } @Override public String toString() { return writer.getDirectory().toString(); } } private final class RestrictiveClassShutter implements ClassShutter { public boolean visibleToScripts(final String fullClassName) { return false; } } public static File uuidDir(final File root, final UUID uuid) { return new File(root, uuid.toString()); } public static File viewDir(final File root, final UUID uuid, final String digest, final boolean mkdirs) throws IOException { final File uuidDir = uuidDir(root, uuid); final File viewDir = new File(uuidDir, digest); if (mkdirs) { viewDir.mkdirs(); } return viewDir; } private static long now() { return System.nanoTime(); } private final HttpClient client; private boolean closed; private Context context; private final Database database; private UpdateSequence ddoc_seq; private long lastCommit; private final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); private final Logger logger; private final Map<String, View> paths = new HashMap<String, View>(); private HttpUriRequest req; private final File root; private UpdateSequence since; private final Map<View, IndexState> states = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<View, IndexState>()); private UUID uuid; private final HierarchicalINIConfiguration ini; public DatabaseIndexer(final HttpClient client, final File root, final Database database, final HierarchicalINIConfiguration ini) throws IOException, JSONException { this.client = client; this.root = root; this.database = database; this.ini = ini; this.logger = Logger.getLogger(DatabaseIndexer.class.getName() + "." + database.getInfo().getName()); } public void admin(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException, JSONException { final IndexState state = getState(req, resp); if (state == null) return; final String command = new PathParts(req).getCommand(); if ("_expunge".equals(command)) {"Expunging deletes from " + state); state.writer.forceMergeDeletes(false); resp.setStatus(202); ServletUtils.sendJsonSuccess(req, resp); return; } if ("_optimize".equals(command)) {"Optimizing " + state); state.writer.forceMerge(1, false); resp.setStatus(202); ServletUtils.sendJsonSuccess(req, resp); return; } ServletUtils.sendJsonError(req, resp, 400, "bad_request"); } public void awaitInitialization() { try { latch.await(); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { // Ignore. } } public Void handleResponse(final HttpResponse response) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(entity.getContent(), "UTF-8")); String line; loop: while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { maybeCommit(); // Heartbeat. if (line.length() == 0) { logger.trace("heartbeat"); continue loop; } try { final JSONObject json = new JSONObject(line); if (json.has("error")) { logger.warn("Indexing stopping due to error: " + json); break loop; } if (json.has("last_seq")) {"End of changes detected."); break loop; } final UpdateSequence seq = UpdateSequence.parseUpdateSequence(json.getString("seq")); final String id = json.getString("id"); CouchDocument doc; if (!json.isNull("doc")) { doc = new CouchDocument(json.getJSONObject("doc")); } else { // include_docs=true doesn't work prior to 0.11. try { doc = database.getDocument(id); } catch (final HttpResponseException e) { switch (e.getStatusCode()) { case HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND: doc = CouchDocument.deletedDocument(id); break; default: logger.warn("Failed to fetch " + id); break loop; } } } if (id.startsWith("_design")) { if (seq.isLaterThan(ddoc_seq)) {"Exiting due to design document change."); break loop; } } if (doc.isDeleted()) { for (final IndexState state : states.values()) { state.writer.deleteDocuments(new Term("_id", id)); state.setPendingSequence(seq); state.readerDirty = true; } } else { for (final Entry<View, IndexState> entry : states.entrySet()) { final View view = entry.getKey(); final IndexState state = entry.getValue(); if (seq.isLaterThan(state.pending_seq)) { final Collection<Document> docs; try { docs = state.converter.convert(doc, view.getDefaultSettings(), database); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.warn(id + " caused " + e.getMessage()); continue loop; } state.writer.updateDocuments(new Term("_id", id), docs, view.getAnalyzer()); state.setPendingSequence(seq); state.readerDirty = true; } } } } catch (final JSONException e) { logger.error("JSON exception in changes loop", e); break loop; } } req.abort(); return null; } public void info(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException, JSONException { final IndexState state = getState(req, resp); if (state == null) return; final DirectoryReader reader = state.borrowReader(true); try { final JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); result.put("current", reader.isCurrent()); result.put("disk_size", Utils.directorySize(; result.put("doc_count", reader.numDocs()); result.put("doc_del_count", reader.numDeletedDocs()); result.put("uuid", state.getUuid()); result.put("digest", state.getDigest()); result.put("update_seq", getUpdateSequence(reader.getIndexCommit().getUserData())); final JSONArray fields = new JSONArray(); for (AtomicReaderContext leaf : reader.leaves()) { for (FieldInfo info : leaf.reader().getFieldInfos()) { if ("_")) { continue; } if (info.isIndexed()) { fields.put(; } } } result.put("fields", fields); result.put("version", reader.getVersion()); result.put("ref_count", reader.getRefCount()); final JSONObject info = new JSONObject(); info.put("code", 200); info.put("json", result); ServletUtils.setResponseContentTypeAndEncoding(req, resp); final Writer writer = resp.getWriter(); try { writer.write(result.toString()); } finally { writer.close(); } } finally { state.returnReader(reader); } } public void run() { if (closed) { throw new IllegalStateException("closed!"); } try { init(); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.warn("Exiting after init() raised exception.", e); close(); return; } try { try { final long changes_timeout = ini.getLong("lucene.changes_timeout", -1); req = database.getChangesRequest(since, changes_timeout);"Indexing from update_seq " + since); client.execute(req, this); } finally { close(); } } catch (final SocketException e) { // Ignored because req.abort() does this. } catch (final Exception e) { logger.warn("Exiting due to exception.", e); close(); } } public void search(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException, JSONException { final IndexState state = getState(req, resp); if (state == null) return; final IndexSearcher searcher = state.borrowSearcher(isStaleOk(req)); final String etag = state.getEtag(); final FastVectorHighlighter fvh = new FastVectorHighlighter(true, true); final JSONArray result = new JSONArray(); try { if (state.notModified(req)) { resp.setStatus(304); return; } for (final String queryString : getQueryStrings(req)) { final Analyzer analyzer = state.analyzer(req.getParameter("analyzer")); final Operator operator = "and".equalsIgnoreCase(req.getParameter("default_operator")) ? Operator.AND : Operator.OR; final Query q = state.parse(queryString, operator, analyzer); final JSONObject queryRow = new JSONObject(); queryRow.put("q", q.toString()); if (getBooleanParameter(req, "debug")) { queryRow.put("plan", QueryPlan.toPlan(q)); queryRow.put("analyzer", analyzer.getClass()); } queryRow.put("etag", etag); if (getBooleanParameter(req, "rewrite")) { final Query rewritten_q = q.rewrite(searcher.getIndexReader()); queryRow.put("rewritten_q", rewritten_q.toString()); final JSONObject freqs = new JSONObject(); final Set<Term> terms = new HashSet<Term>(); rewritten_q.extractTerms(terms); for (final Object term : terms) { final int freq = searcher.getIndexReader().docFreq((Term) term); freqs.put(term.toString(), freq); } queryRow.put("freqs", freqs); } else { // Perform the search. final TopDocs td; final StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(); final boolean include_docs = getBooleanParameter(req, "include_docs"); final int highlights = getIntParameter(req, "highlights", 0); final int highlight_length = max(getIntParameter(req, "highlight_length", 18), 18); // min for fast term vector highlighter is 18 final boolean include_termvectors = getBooleanParameter(req, "include_termvectors"); final int limit = getIntParameter(req, "limit", ini.getInt("lucene.limit", 25)); final Sort sort = CustomQueryParser.toSort(req.getParameter("sort")); final int skip = getIntParameter(req, "skip", 0); final Set<String> fieldsToLoad; if (req.getParameter("include_fields") == null) { fieldsToLoad = null; } else { final String[] fields = Utils.splitOnCommas(req.getParameter("include_fields")); final List<String> list = Arrays.asList(fields); fieldsToLoad = new HashSet<String>(list); } if (sort == null) { td =, null, skip + limit); } else { td =, null, skip + limit, sort); } stopWatch.lap("search"); // Fetch matches (if any). final int max = Math.max(0, Math.min(td.totalHits - skip, limit)); final JSONArray rows = new JSONArray(); final String[] fetch_ids = new String[max]; for (int i = skip; i < skip + max; i++) { final Document doc; if (fieldsToLoad == null) { doc = searcher.doc(td.scoreDocs[i].doc); } else { doc = searcher.doc(td.scoreDocs[i].doc, fieldsToLoad); } final JSONObject row = new JSONObject(); final JSONObject fields = new JSONObject(); final JSONObject highlight_rows = new JSONObject(); // Include stored fields. for (final IndexableField f : doc.getFields()) { if (!f.fieldType().stored()) { continue; } final String name =; final Object value; if (f.numericValue() != null) { value = f.numericValue(); } else { value = f.stringValue(); } if (value != null) { if ("_id".equals(name)) { row.put("id", value); } else { if (!fields.has(name)) { fields.put(name, value); } else { final Object obj = fields.get(name); if (obj instanceof String) { final JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(); arr.put(obj); arr.put(value); fields.put(name, arr); } else { assert obj instanceof JSONArray; ((JSONArray) obj).put(value); } } if (highlights > 0) { String[] frags = fvh.getBestFragments(fvh.getFieldQuery(q), searcher.getIndexReader(), td.scoreDocs[i].doc, name, highlight_length, highlights); highlight_rows.put(name, frags); } } } } if (!Float.isNaN(td.scoreDocs[i].score)) { row.put("score", td.scoreDocs[i].score); } // Include sort order (if any). if (td instanceof TopFieldDocs) { final FieldDoc fd = (FieldDoc) ((TopFieldDocs) td).scoreDocs[i]; row.put("sort_order", fd.fields); } // Fetch document (if requested). if (include_docs) { fetch_ids[i - skip] = doc.get("_id"); } if (fields.length() > 0) { row.put("fields", fields); } if (highlight_rows.length() > 0) { row.put("highlights", highlight_rows); } rows.put(row); } // Fetch documents (if requested). if (include_docs && fetch_ids.length > 0) { final List<CouchDocument> fetched_docs = database.getDocuments(fetch_ids); for (int j = 0; j < max; j++) { final CouchDocument doc = fetched_docs.get(j); final JSONObject row = doc == null ? new JSONObject("{\"error\":\"not_found\"}") : doc.asJson(); rows.getJSONObject(j).put("doc", row); } } stopWatch.lap("fetch"); queryRow.put("skip", skip); queryRow.put("limit", limit); queryRow.put("total_rows", td.totalHits); queryRow.put("search_duration", stopWatch.getElapsed("search")); queryRow.put("fetch_duration", stopWatch.getElapsed("fetch")); // Include sort info (if requested). if (td instanceof TopFieldDocs) { queryRow.put("sort_order", CustomQueryParser.toJSON(((TopFieldDocs) td).fields)); } queryRow.put("rows", rows); } result.put(queryRow); } } catch (final ParseException e) { ServletUtils.sendJsonError(req, resp, 400, "Bad query syntax: " + e.getMessage()); return; } finally { state.returnSearcher(searcher); } resp.setHeader("ETag", etag); resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate"); ServletUtils.setResponseContentTypeAndEncoding(req, resp); final Object json = result.length() > 1 ? result : result.getJSONObject(0); final String callback = req.getParameter("callback"); final String body; if (callback != null) { body = String.format("%s(%s)", callback, json); } else { if (json instanceof JSONObject) { final JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) json; body = getBooleanParameter(req, "debug") ? obj.toString(2) : obj.toString(); } else { final JSONArray arr = (JSONArray) json; body = getBooleanParameter(req, "debug") ? arr.toString(2) : arr.toString(); } } final Writer writer = resp.getWriter(); try { writer.write(body); } finally { writer.close(); } } private String[] getQueryStrings(final HttpServletRequest req) { return Utils.splitOnCommas(req.getParameter("q")); } private void close() { this.closed = true; for (final IndexState state : states.values()) { try { state.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.warn("Error while closing.", e); } } states.clear(); if (context != null) { Context.exit(); context = null; } latch.countDown(); } public boolean isClosed() { return closed; } private void commitAll() throws IOException { for (final Entry<View, IndexState> entry : states.entrySet()) { final View view = entry.getKey(); final IndexState state = entry.getValue(); if (state.pending_seq.isLaterThan(getUpdateSequence(state.writer))) { final Map<String, String> userData = new HashMap<String, String>(); userData.put("last_seq", state.pending_seq.toString()); state.writer.setCommitData(userData); state.writer.commit(); + " now at update_seq " + state.pending_seq); } } lastCommit = now(); } private boolean getBooleanParameter(final HttpServletRequest req, final String parameterName) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(req.getParameter(parameterName)); } private int getIntParameter(final HttpServletRequest req, final String parameterName, final int defaultValue) { final String result = req.getParameter(parameterName); return result != null ? Integer.parseInt(result) : defaultValue; } private IndexState getState(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException, JSONException { final View view = paths.get(toPath(req)); if (view == null) { ServletUtils.sendJsonError(req, resp, 400, "no_such_view"); return null; } final IndexState result = states.get(view); if (result == null) { ServletUtils.sendJsonError(req, resp, 400, "no_such_state"); } return result; } private UpdateSequence getUpdateSequence(final Directory dir) throws IOException { if (!DirectoryReader.indexExists(dir)) { return UpdateSequence.START; } final List<IndexCommit> commits = DirectoryReader.listCommits(dir); final IndexCommit latest = commits.get(commits.size() - 1); return getUpdateSequence(latest.getUserData()); } private UpdateSequence getUpdateSequence(final IndexWriter writer) throws IOException { return getUpdateSequence(writer.getDirectory()); } private UpdateSequence getUpdateSequence(final Map<String, String> userData) { if (userData != null && userData.containsKey("last_seq")) { return UpdateSequence.parseUpdateSequence(userData.get("last_seq")); } return UpdateSequence.START; } private void init() throws IOException, JSONException { this.uuid = database.getOrCreateUuid(); this.context = Context.enter(); context.setClassShutter(new RestrictiveClassShutter()); context.setOptimizationLevel(9); this.ddoc_seq = database.getInfo().getUpdateSequence(); this.since = null; for (final DesignDocument ddoc : database.getAllDesignDocuments()) { for (final Entry<String, View> entry : ddoc.getAllViews().entrySet()) { final String name = entry.getKey(); final View view = entry.getValue(); paths.put(toPath(ddoc.getId(), name), view); if (!states.containsKey(view)) { final Directory dir =, true), new SingleInstanceLockFactory()); final UpdateSequence seq = getUpdateSequence(dir); if (since == null) { since = seq; } since = seq.isEarlierThan(since) ? seq : since; logger.debug(dir + " bumped since to " + since); final DocumentConverter converter = new DocumentConverter(context, view); final IndexWriter writer = newWriter(dir); final IndexState state = new IndexState(converter, writer, view.getAnalyzer(), database, view); state.setPendingSequence(seq); states.put(view, state); } } } if (since == null) { since = UpdateSequence.START; } logger.debug("paths: " + paths); this.lastCommit = now(); latch.countDown(); } private boolean isStaleOk(final HttpServletRequest req) { return "ok".equals(req.getParameter("stale")); } private void maybeCommit() throws IOException { if (now() - lastCommit >= getCommitInterval()) { commitAll(); } } private IndexWriter newWriter(final Directory dir) throws IOException { final IndexWriterConfig config = new IndexWriterConfig(Constants.VERSION, Constants.ANALYZER); config.setUseCompoundFile(ini.getBoolean("lucene.useCompoundFile", false)); config.setRAMBufferSizeMB( ini.getDouble("lucene.ramBufferSizeMB", IndexWriterConfig.DEFAULT_RAM_BUFFER_SIZE_MB)); return new IndexWriter(dir, config); } private File viewDir(final View view, final boolean mkdirs) throws IOException { return viewDir(root, uuid, view.getDigest(), mkdirs); } private long getSearchTimeout() { return ini.getLong("lucene.timeout", 5000); } private long getCommitInterval() { final long commitSeconds = max(1L, ini.getLong("lucene.commitEvery", 15)); return SECONDS.toNanos(commitSeconds); } private String toPath(final HttpServletRequest req) { final PathParts parts = new PathParts(req); return toPath(parts.getDesignDocumentName(), parts.getViewName()); } private String toPath(final String ddoc, final String view) { return ddoc + "/" + view; } }