Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Rinde van Lon, iMinds-DistriNet, KU Leuven * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.rinde.rinsim.scenario.generator; import static; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.measure.Measure; import javax.measure.quantity.Duration; import javax.measure.quantity.Length; import javax.measure.quantity.Velocity; import javax.measure.unit.Unit; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.Model; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.ModelBuilder; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.road.ForwardingRoadModel; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.road.RoadModel; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.road.RoadModelBuilders.PlaneRMB; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.road.RoadModels; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.time.TimeModel; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.geom.Point; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.pdptw.common.AddDepotEvent; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.pdptw.common.AddVehicleEvent; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.scenario.Scenario; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.scenario.Scenario.AbstractBuilder; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.scenario.Scenario.ProblemClass; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.scenario.TimeOutEvent; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.scenario.TimedEvent; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.scenario.generator.Depots.DepotGenerator; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.scenario.generator.Parcels.ParcelGenerator; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.scenario.generator.Vehicles.VehicleGenerator; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.util.TimeWindow; import; import; import; import; /** * A generator of {@link Scenario}s. * @author Rinde van Lon */ // TODO rename to Scenarios? or Generators? public final class ScenarioGenerator { // global properties final Builder builder; final ImmutableSet<ModelBuilder<?, ?>> modelBuilders; private final ParcelGenerator parcelGenerator; private final VehicleGenerator vehicleGenerator; private final DepotGenerator depotGenerator; private final Unit<Velocity> speedUnit; private final Unit<Length> distanceUnit; private final Unit<Duration> timeUnit; ScenarioGenerator(Builder b) { builder = b; parcelGenerator = b.parcelGenerator; vehicleGenerator = b.vehicleGenerator; depotGenerator = b.depotGenerator; modelBuilders = ImmutableSet.copyOf(builder.modelSuppliers); final List<ModelBuilder<RoadModel, ?>> rmBuilders = findBuildersThatBuild(modelBuilders, RoadModel.class); checkArgument(rmBuilders.size() == 1, "Exactly one RoadModel builder must be supplied, found %s builders.", rmBuilders.size()); final ModelBuilder<? extends RoadModel, ?> rmb = rmBuilders.get(0); PlaneRMB planeBuilder; if (rmb instanceof ForwardingRoadModel.Builder) { final ModelBuilder<?, ?> delegate = ((ForwardingRoadModel.Builder<?>) rmb).getDelegateModelBuilder(); checkArgument(delegate instanceof PlaneRMB); planeBuilder = (PlaneRMB) delegate; } else { checkArgument(rmb instanceof PlaneRMB); planeBuilder = (PlaneRMB) rmb; } distanceUnit = planeBuilder.getDistanceUnit(); speedUnit = planeBuilder.getSpeedUnit(); final List<ModelBuilder<TimeModel, ?>> tmBuilders = findBuildersThatBuild(modelBuilders, TimeModel.class); checkArgument(tmBuilders.size() <= 1, "At most one TimeModel builder can be specified."); if (tmBuilders.isEmpty()) { timeUnit = TimeModel.AbstractBuilder.DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT; } else { timeUnit = ((TimeModel.AbstractBuilder<?>) tmBuilders.get(0)).getTimeUnit(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static <T extends Model<?>> List<ModelBuilder<T, ?>> findBuildersThatBuild( Iterable<? extends ModelBuilder<?, ?>> builders, Class<T> type) { final List<ModelBuilder<T, ?>> foundBuilders = new ArrayList<>(); for (final ModelBuilder<?, ?> b : builders) { if (type.isAssignableFrom(b.getModelType())) { foundBuilders.add((ModelBuilder<T, ?>) b); } } return foundBuilders; } /** * @return The speed unit used in generated scenarios. */ public Unit<Velocity> getSpeedUnit() { return speedUnit; } /** * @return The distance unit used in generated scenarios. */ public Unit<Length> getDistanceUnit() { return distanceUnit; } /** * @return The time unit used in generated scenarios. */ public Unit<Duration> getTimeUnit() { return timeUnit; } /** * @return The time window of generated scenarios. */ public TimeWindow getTimeWindow() { return builder.getTimeWindow(); } /** * @return The minimum position found in generated scenarios. */ public Point getMin() { return parcelGenerator.getMin(); } /** * @return The maximum position found in generated scenarios. */ public Point getMax() { return parcelGenerator.getMax(); } /** * @return The {@link ProblemClass} of the generated scenarios. */ public ProblemClass getProblemClass() { return builder.problemClass; } /** * Generates a new {@link Scenario} instance. * @param rng The random number generator used for drawing random numbers. * @param id The id of this specific scenario. * @return A new instance. */ // TODO change rng to seed? public Scenario generate(RandomGenerator rng, String id) { final ImmutableList.Builder<TimedEvent> b = ImmutableList.builder(); // depots final Iterable<? extends AddDepotEvent> depots = depotGenerator.generate(rng.nextLong(), parcelGenerator.getCenter()); b.addAll(depots); // vehicles final ImmutableList<AddVehicleEvent> vehicles = vehicleGenerator.generate(rng.nextLong(), parcelGenerator.getCenter(), builder.getTimeWindow().end()); b.addAll(vehicles); final TravelTimes tm = createTravelTimes(modelBuilders, getTimeUnit(), depots, vehicles); // parcels b.addAll(parcelGenerator.generate(rng.nextLong(), tm, builder.getTimeWindow().end())); // time out b.add(TimeOutEvent.create(builder.getTimeWindow().end())); // create return Scenario.builder(builder, builder.problemClass).addModels(modelBuilders).addEvents( .instanceId(id).build(); } /** * Create a {@link Builder} for constructing {@link ScenarioGenerator}s. * @param problemClass The {@link ProblemClass} of the scenarios that will be * generated by the generator under construction. * @return The builder. */ public static Builder builder(ProblemClass problemClass) { return new Builder(problemClass); } /** * Create a {@link Builder} for constructing {@link ScenarioGenerator}s. * @return The builder. */ public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(Scenario.DEFAULT_PROBLEM_CLASS); } /** * Creates a {@link TravelTimes} instance based on the specified * {@link Scenario}. * @param s The scenario. * @return The travel times. */ @SuppressWarnings("null") public static TravelTimes createTravelTimes(Scenario s) { final Iterable<AddDepotEvent> depots = FluentIterable.from(s.getEvents()).filter(AddDepotEvent.class); final Iterable<AddVehicleEvent> vehicles = FluentIterable.from(s.getEvents()).filter(AddVehicleEvent.class); final List<RoadModel> roadModels = newArrayList(); Unit<Duration> timeUnit = TimeModel.AbstractBuilder.DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT; for (final ModelBuilder<?, ?> mb : s.getModelBuilders()) { if (RoadModel.class.isAssignableFrom(mb.getModelType())) { roadModels.add((RoadModel); } if (TimeModel.class.isAssignableFrom(mb.getModelType())) { timeUnit = ((TimeModel.AbstractBuilder<?>) mb).getTimeUnit(); } } checkArgument(roadModels.size() == 1); return new DefaultTravelTimes(roadModels.get(0), timeUnit, depots, vehicles); } static TravelTimes createTravelTimes(Iterable<? extends ModelBuilder<?, ?>> modelSuppliers, Unit<Duration> tu, Iterable<? extends AddDepotEvent> depots, Iterable<? extends AddVehicleEvent> vehicles) { final RoadModel rm = getRm(modelSuppliers); return new DefaultTravelTimes(rm, tu, depots, vehicles); } @SuppressWarnings("null") static RoadModel getRm(Iterable<? extends ModelBuilder<?, ?>> modelSuppliers) { for (final ModelBuilder<?, ?> sup : modelSuppliers) { if (RoadModel.class.isAssignableFrom(sup.getModelType())) { return (RoadModel); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no RoadModel supplier in " + modelSuppliers + "."); } /** * Builder for creating {@link ScenarioGenerator} instances. * @author Rinde van Lon */ public static class Builder extends AbstractBuilder<Builder> { static final ParcelGenerator DEFAULT_PARCEL_GENERATOR = Parcels.builder().build(); static final VehicleGenerator DEFAULT_VEHICLE_GENERATOR = Vehicles.builder().build(); static final DepotGenerator DEFAULT_DEPOT_GENERATOR = Depots.singleCenteredDepot(); ParcelGenerator parcelGenerator; VehicleGenerator vehicleGenerator; DepotGenerator depotGenerator; final List<ModelBuilder<?, ?>> modelSuppliers; final ProblemClass problemClass; Builder(ProblemClass pc) { super(Optional.<AbstractBuilder<?>>absent()); problemClass = pc; parcelGenerator = DEFAULT_PARCEL_GENERATOR; vehicleGenerator = DEFAULT_VEHICLE_GENERATOR; depotGenerator = DEFAULT_DEPOT_GENERATOR; modelSuppliers = newArrayList(); } // copying constructor Builder(Builder b) { super(Optional.<AbstractBuilder<?>>of(b)); problemClass = b.problemClass; parcelGenerator = b.parcelGenerator; vehicleGenerator = b.vehicleGenerator; depotGenerator = b.depotGenerator; modelSuppliers = newArrayList(b.modelSuppliers); } @Override protected Builder self() { return this; } /** * Set the {@link VehicleGenerator} to use for adding vehicles to the * scenario. * @param vg The vehicle generator. * @return This, as per the builder pattern. */ public Builder vehicles(VehicleGenerator vg) { vehicleGenerator = vg; return this; } /** * Set the {@link ParcelGenerator} to use for adding parcels to the * scenario. * @param pg The parcel generator. * @return This, as per the builder pattern. */ public Builder parcels(ParcelGenerator pg) { parcelGenerator = pg; return this; } /** * Set the {@link DepotGenerator} to use for adding depots to the scenario. * @param ds The depot generator. * @return This, as per the builder pattern. */ public Builder depots(DepotGenerator ds) { depotGenerator = ds; return this; } /** * Add a builder of a {@link Model}. The provided model builder will use * default values provided by the {@link ScenarioGenerator} instance which * is currently being constructed. * @param modelBuilder The model builder to add. * @return This, as per the builder pattern. */ public Builder addModel(ModelBuilder<?, ?> modelBuilder) { modelSuppliers.add(modelBuilder); return this; } /** * @return Constructs a new {@link ScenarioGenerator} instance based on this * builder. */ public ScenarioGenerator build() { return new ScenarioGenerator(new Builder(this)); } } /** * Implementations should provide information about travel times in a * scenario. The travel times are usually extracted from a {@link RoadModel}. * @author Rinde van Lon */ public interface TravelTimes { /** * Computes the travel time between <code>from</code> and <code>to</code> * using the fastest available vehicle. * @param from The origin position. * @param to The destination position. * @return The expected travel time between the two positions. */ long getShortestTravelTime(Point from, Point to); /** * Computes the travel time between <code>from</code> and the nearest depot * using the fastest available vehicle. * @param from The origin position. * @return The expected travel time between the two positions. */ long getTravelTimeToNearestDepot(Point from); } static class DefaultTravelTimes implements TravelTimes { private final RoadModel roadModel; private final Measure<Double, Velocity> vehicleSpeed; private final Unit<Duration> timeUnit; private final ImmutableList<Point> depotLocations; DefaultTravelTimes(RoadModel rm, Unit<Duration> tu, Iterable<? extends AddDepotEvent> depots, Iterable<? extends AddVehicleEvent> vehicles) { roadModel = rm; double max = 0; for (final AddVehicleEvent ave : vehicles) { max = Math.max(max, ave.getVehicleDTO().getSpeed()); } vehicleSpeed = Measure.valueOf(max, roadModel.getSpeedUnit()); final ImmutableList.Builder<Point> depotBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (final AddDepotEvent ade : depots) { depotBuilder.add(ade.getPosition()); } depotLocations =; timeUnit = tu; } @Override public long getShortestTravelTime(Point from, Point to) { final Iterator<Point> path = roadModel.getShortestPathTo(from, to).iterator(); long travelTime = 0L; Point prev =; while (path.hasNext()) { final Point cur =; final Measure<Double, Length> distance = Measure.valueOf(Point.distance(prev, cur), roadModel.getDistanceUnit()); travelTime += RoadModels.computeTravelTime(vehicleSpeed, distance, timeUnit); prev = cur; } return travelTime; } @Override public long getTravelTimeToNearestDepot(Point from) { return getShortestTravelTime(from, findNearestDepot(from)); } private Point findNearestDepot(Point from) { final Iterator<Point> it = depotLocations.iterator(); Point nearestDepot =; final double dist = Point.distance(from, nearestDepot); while (it.hasNext()) { final Point cur =; final double d = Point.distance(from, cur); if (d < dist) { nearestDepot = cur; } } return nearestDepot; } } }