Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Rinde van Lon, iMinds-DistriNet, KU Leuven * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.rinde.rinsim.experiment; import static; import static; import static; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.cli.ArgHandler; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.cli.ArgumentParser; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.cli.Menu; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.cli.NoArgHandler; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.cli.Option; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.cli.Option.OptionArg; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.cli.Option.OptionNoArg; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.experiment.Experiment.Builder; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.experiment.Experiment.Computers; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Defines a command-line interface for {@link Experiment.Builder}. * @author Rinde van Lon */ public final class ExperimentCli { static final String DEFAULT_LABEL = " (default)"; static final String S = "s"; static final String CONFIG_PREFIX = "c"; private ExperimentCli() { } /** * Creates a {@link Menu} for a {@link Experiment.Builder} instance. * @param builder The instance to create a {@link Menu} for. * @return A newly constructed {@link Menu}. */ public static Menu createMenu(Experiment.Builder builder) { return createMenuBuilder(builder).build(); } /** * Creates a {@link com.github.rinde.rinsim.cli.Menu.Builder} for a * {@link Experiment.Builder} instance. Via this instance the command-line * interface menu can be extended. * @param builder The experiment builder to create a menu builder for. * @return A newly constructed menu builder. */ public static Menu.Builder createMenuBuilder(Experiment.Builder builder) { final Map<String, MASConfiguration> cfgMap = createConfigMap(builder); final Menu.Builder menuBuilder = Menu.builder(); menuBuilder.commandLineSyntax("java -jar jarname.jar <options>") .header("RinSim Experiment command line interface.") .footer("For more information see").openGroup() .add(createBatchesOpt(builder), builder, IntHandlers.BATCHES) .add(createThreadsOpt(builder), builder, IntHandlers.THREADS).openGroup() .add(createIncludeOpt(cfgMap), builder, new IncludeHandler(cfgMap)) .add(createExcludeOpt(cfgMap), builder, new ExcludeHandler(cfgMap)).openGroup() .add(createLocalOpt(builder), builder, NoArgHandlers.LOCAL) .add(createJppfOpt(builder), builder, NoArgHandlers.DISTRIBUTED).closeGroup() .add(createDryRunOpt(builder), builder, StringHandler.DRY_RUN) .add(createRepetitionsOpt(builder), builder, IntHandlers.REPS) .add(createSeedRepetitionsOpt(builder), builder, IntHandlers.SEED_REPS) .add(createSeedOption(builder), builder, LongHandlers.SEED) .add(createGuiOpt(builder), builder, BooleanHandler.GUI) .add(createOrderingOption(builder), builder, OrderingHandler.INSTANCE) .add(createWarmupOption(builder), builder, LongHandlers.WARMUP) .add(createCompositeSizeOpt(builder), builder, IntHandlers.COMPOSITE_SIZE) .addHelpOption("h", "help", "Print this message."); if (builder.scenarioProviderBuilder.isPresent()) { menuBuilder.addSubMenu(S, "scenarios.", FileProviderCli.createDefaultMenu(builder.scenarioProviderBuilder.get())); } return menuBuilder; } static OptionArg<Integer> createBatchesOpt(Builder expBuilder) { return Option.builder("b", ArgumentParser.intParser()).longName("batches") .description("Sets the number of batches to use in case of distributed " + "computation, default: ", expBuilder.numBatches, ". This option can not be used together with --threads.") .build(); } static OptionArg<Integer> createCompositeSizeOpt(Builder expBuilder) { return Option.builder("cs", ArgumentParser.intParser()).longName("composite-size") .description( "Sets the composite task size to use in case of distributed computation" + ", default: ", expBuilder.compositeTaskSize) .build(); } static Map<String, MASConfiguration> createConfigMap(Experiment.Builder builder) { final List<MASConfiguration> configs = ImmutableList.copyOf(builder.configurationsSet); final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, MASConfiguration> mapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (int i = 0; i < configs.size(); i++) { mapBuilder.put(CONFIG_PREFIX + Integer.toString(i), configs.get(i)); } return; } static OptionArg<String> createDryRunOpt(Builder builder) { return Option.builder("dr", ArgumentParser.stringParser()).longName("dry-run") .description("Will perform a 'dry run' of the experiment without doing any" + " actual simulations. A detailed description of the " + "experiment setup will be printed. If an additional " + "argument 'v' or 'verbose' is supplied, more details of" + " the experiment will be printed.") .setOptionalArgument().build(); } static OptionArg<List<String>> createExcludeOpt(Map<String, MASConfiguration> configMap) { return Option.builder("e", ArgumentParser.prefixedIntList(CONFIG_PREFIX)).longName("exclude") .description("The following configurations can be excluded from the experiment" + " setup:", createConfigString(configMap), "This option can not be used together with --include.") .build(); } static OptionArg<Boolean> createGuiOpt(Builder builder) { return Option.builder("g", ArgumentParser.booleanParser()).longName("show-gui").description( "Starts the gui for each simulation when 'true' is supplied, hides " + "it when 'false' is supplied. By default the gui is ", builder.showGui ? "" : "not", " shown. The gui can only be shown if the computation is performed " + "locally and the number of threads is set to 1.") .build(); } static OptionArg<List<String>> createIncludeOpt(Map<String, MASConfiguration> configMap) { return Option.builder("i", ArgumentParser.prefixedIntList(CONFIG_PREFIX)).longName("include") .description("The following configurations can be included in the experiment " + "setup:", createConfigString(configMap), "This option can not be used together with --exclude.") .build(); } static String createConfigString(Map<String, MASConfiguration> configMap) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(System.lineSeparator()); Joiner.on(System.lineSeparator()).withKeyValueSeparator(" = ").appendTo(sb, toStringMap(configMap)) .append("\nThe options should be given as a comma ',' separated list. ") .append("If this option is not used all configurations are automatically " + "included. "); return sb.toString(); } static Map<String, String> toStringMap(Map<String, MASConfiguration> configMap) { return Maps.transformValues(configMap, ConfigToName.INSTANCE); } static OptionNoArg createJppfOpt(Builder builder) { return Option.builder("j").longName("jppf") .description("Compute the experiment using the JPPF framework", builder.getComputer() == Computers.DISTRIBUTED ? DEFAULT_LABEL : "", ". This option can not be used together with the --local option.") .build(); } static OptionNoArg createLocalOpt(Builder builder) { return Option.builder("l").longName("local") .description("Compute the experiment locally", builder.getComputer() == Computers.LOCAL ? DEFAULT_LABEL : "", ". This option can not be used together with the --jppf option.") .build(); } static OptionArg<Integer> createRepetitionsOpt(Builder builder) { return Option.builder("r", ArgumentParser.intParser()).longName("repetitions") .description("Sets the number of repetitions of each setting, default: ", builder.repetitions) .build(); } static OptionArg<Integer> createSeedRepetitionsOpt(Builder builder) { return Option.builder("sr", ArgumentParser.intParser()).longName("seed-repetitions").description( "Sets the number of seed repetitions of each setting, default: ", builder.seedRepetitions).build(); } static OptionArg<Long> createSeedOption(Experiment.Builder builder) { return Option.builder(S, ArgumentParser.longParser()).longName("seed") .description("Sets the master random seed, default: ", builder.masterSeed, ".").build(); } static OptionArg<Integer> createThreadsOpt(Experiment.Builder builder) { return Option.builder("t", ArgumentParser.intParser()).longName("threads") .description("Sets the number of threads to use in case of local computation, " + "default: ", builder.numThreads, ". This option can not be used together with --batches.") .build(); } static OptionArg<List<SimulationProperty>> createOrderingOption(Builder builder) { return Option.builder("o", ArgumentParser.enumListParser("list", SimulationProperty.class)) .longName("ordering") .description( "Sets the ordering of simulations as specified by simulation " + "properties, default: ", Joiner.on(",").join(builder.experimentOrdering), ". All options must be specified exactly once.") .build(); } static OptionArg<Long> createWarmupOption(Builder builder) { return Option.builder("w", ArgumentParser.longParser()).longName("warmup") .description("Sets the warmup period (in ms) of the experiment, default: ", builder.warmupPeriodMs, " ms.") .build(); } static Optional<String> execute(Experiment.Builder builder, String[] args) { return createMenu(builder).execute(args); } static Optional<String> safeExecute(Experiment.Builder builder, String[] args) { return createMenu(builder).safeExecute(args); } enum StringHandler implements ArgHandler<Builder, String> { DRY_RUN { @Override public void execute(Builder builder, Optional<String> value) { if (value.isPresent()) { checkArgument("v".equalsIgnoreCase(value.get()) || "verbose".equalsIgnoreCase(value.get()), "only accepts 'v', 'verbose' or no argument, not '%s'.", value.get()); } builder.dryRun(value.isPresent(), System.out, System.err); } } } enum BooleanHandler implements ArgHandler<Builder, Boolean> { GUI { @Override public void execute(Builder builder, Optional<Boolean> value) { builder.showGui(value.isPresent() && value.get()); } } } enum LongHandlers implements ArgHandler<Builder, Long> { SEED { @Override public void execute(Builder builder, Optional<Long> value) { builder.withRandomSeed(value.get()); } }, WARMUP { @Override public void execute(Builder subject, Optional<Long> argument) { subject.withWarmup(argument.get()); } } } enum NoArgHandlers implements NoArgHandler<Builder> { LOCAL { @Override public void execute(Builder builder) { builder.computeLocal(); } }, DISTRIBUTED { @Override public void execute(Builder builder) { builder.computeDistributed(); } } } enum IntHandlers implements ArgHandler<Builder, Integer> { THREADS { @Override public void execute(Builder builder, Optional<Integer> value) { builder.withThreads(value.get()); } }, REPS { @Override public void execute(Builder builder, Optional<Integer> value) { builder.repeat(value.get()); } }, SEED_REPS { @Override public void execute(Builder builder, Optional<Integer> value) { builder.repeatSeed(value.get()); } }, BATCHES { @Override public void execute(Builder subject, Optional<Integer> value) { subject.numBatches(value.get()); } }, COMPOSITE_SIZE { @Override public void execute(Builder subject, Optional<Integer> value) { subject.setCompositeTaskSize(value.get()); } }; } enum OrderingHandler implements ArgHandler<Builder, List<SimulationProperty>> { INSTANCE { @Override public void execute(Builder subject, Optional<List<SimulationProperty>> argument) { subject.withOrdering(argument.get()); } } } enum ConfigToName implements Function<MASConfiguration, String> { INSTANCE { @Override @Nullable public String apply(@Nullable MASConfiguration input) { return verifyNotNull(input).getName(); } } } static class ExcludeHandler extends ConfigHandler { protected ExcludeHandler(Map<String, MASConfiguration> map) { super(map); } @Override void checkNumArgs(List<String> args) { checkArgument(args.size() < configMap.size(), "Too many configurations, at most %s configurations can be excluded.", configMap.size() - 1); } @Override void doExecute(Builder builder, List<MASConfiguration> selectedConfigs) { builder.configurationsSet.removeAll(selectedConfigs); } } static class IncludeHandler extends ConfigHandler { IncludeHandler(Map<String, MASConfiguration> map) { super(map); } @Override void checkNumArgs(List<String> args) { checkArgument(args.size() <= configMap.size(), "Too many configurations, at most %s configurations can be included.", configMap.size()); } @Override void doExecute(Builder builder, List<MASConfiguration> selectedConfigs) { builder.configurationsSet.retainAll(selectedConfigs); } } abstract static class ConfigHandler implements ArgHandler<Builder, List<String>> { final Map<String, MASConfiguration> configMap; ConfigHandler(Map<String, MASConfiguration> map) { configMap = map; } @Override public final void execute(Builder builder, Optional<List<String>> argument) { final List<String> args = argument.get(); final List<MASConfiguration> selectedConfigs = newArrayList(); checkNumArgs(args); for (final String k : args) { checkArgument(configMap.containsKey(k), "The key '%s' is not valid. Valid keys: %s.", k, configMap.keySet()); selectedConfigs.add(configMap.get(k)); } doExecute(builder, selectedConfigs); } abstract void checkNumArgs(List<String> args); abstract void doExecute(Builder builder, List<MASConfiguration> selectedConfigs); } }