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 * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Rinde van Lon, iMinds-DistriNet, KU Leuven
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.road;

import static com.github.rinde.rinsim.geom.Graphs.shortestPathEuclideanDistance;
import static com.github.rinde.rinsim.geom.Graphs.unmodifiableGraph;
import static;
import static;
import static;

import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.measure.quantity.Duration;
import javax.measure.unit.Unit;

import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator;

import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.road.GraphRoadModel.Loc;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.time.TimeLapse;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.geom.Connection;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.geom.ConnectionData;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.geom.Graph;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.geom.MultiAttributeData;
import com.github.rinde.rinsim.geom.Point;

 * A {@link RoadModel} that uses a {@link Graph} as road structure.
 * {@link RoadUser}s can only be added on nodes on the graph. This model assumes
 * that the {@link Graph} does <b>not</b> change. Modifying the graph after
 * passing it to the model may break this model, for support for modifications
 * take a look at {@link DynamicGraphRoadModel}. The graph can define
 * {@link Connection} specific speed limits using {@link MultiAttributeData}.
 * @author Rinde van Lon
 * @author Bartosz Michalik changes wrt. models infrastructure
public class GraphRoadModel extends AbstractRoadModel<Loc> {

     * Precision.
    protected static final double DELTA = 0.000001;

     * The graph that is used as road structure.
    protected final Graph<? extends ConnectionData> graph;

     * Creates a new instance using the specified {@link Graph} as road structure.
     * The default units are used as defined by {@link AbstractRoadModel}.
     * @param g The graph which will be used as road structure.
     * @param b The builder that contains the properties.
    protected GraphRoadModel(Graph<? extends ConnectionData> g, RoadModelBuilders.AbstractGraphRMB<?, ?, ?> b) {
        super(b.getDistanceUnit(), b.getSpeedUnit());
        graph = g;

    public void addObjectAt(RoadUser newObj, Point pos) {
        checkArgument(graph.containsNode(pos), "Object must be initiated on a crossroad.");
        super.addObjectAt(newObj, asLoc(pos));

     * Computes the distance that can be traveled on the connection between
     * <code>from</code> and <code>to</code> at the specified <code>speed</code>
     * and using the available <code>time</code>. This method can optionally be
     * overridden to change the move behavior of the model. The return value of
     * the method is interpreted in the following way:
     * <ul>
     * <li><code>if travelableDistance &lt; distance(from,to)</code> then there is
     * either:
     * <ul>
     * <li>not enough time left to travel the whole distance</li>
     * <li>another reason (e.g. an obstacle on the way) that prevents traveling
     * the whole distance</li>
     * </ul>
     * <li><code>if travelableDistance &ge; distance(from,to)</code> then it is
     * possible to travel the whole distance at once.</li>
     * </ul>
     * Note that <code>from</code> and <code>to</code> do not necessarily
     * correspond to the start and end points of a connection. However, it is
     * guaranteed that the two points are <i>on</i> the same connection.
     * @param from The start position for this travel.
     * @param to The destination position for this travel.
     * @param speed The travel speed.
     * @param timeLeft The time available for traveling.
     * @param timeUnit Unit in which <code>timeLeft</code> is expressed.
     * @return The distance that can be traveled, must be &ge; 0.
    protected double computeTravelableDistance(Loc from, Point to, double speed, long timeLeft,
            Unit<Duration> timeUnit) {
        return speed * unitConversion.toInTime(timeLeft, timeUnit);

     * Determines if the {@link #doFollowPath(MovingRoadUser, Queue, TimeLapse)}
     * method should continue moving towards the next hop in path. This method can
     * be overridden to add additional constraints.
     * @param curLoc The current location of the moving object.
     * @param path The path of the moving object.
     * @param time The time available for moving.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the object should keep moving,
     *         <code>false</code> otherwise.
    protected boolean keepMoving(Loc curLoc, Queue<Point> path, TimeLapse time) {
        return time.hasTimeLeft() && !path.isEmpty();

    protected MoveProgress doFollowPath(MovingRoadUser object, Queue<Point> path, TimeLapse time) {
        final Loc objLoc = verifyLocation(objLocs.get(object));
        Loc tempLoc = objLoc;
        final MoveProgress.Builder mpBuilder = MoveProgress.builder(unitConversion, time);

        boolean cont = true;
        long timeLeft = time.getTimeLeft();
        while (timeLeft > 0 && !path.isEmpty() && cont) {
            checkMoveValidity(tempLoc, path.peek());
            // speed in internal speed unit
            final double speed = getMaxSpeed(object, tempLoc, path.peek());
            checkState(speed >= 0, "Found a bug in getMaxSpeed, return value must be >= 0, but is %s.", speed);
            // distance that can be traveled in current conn with timeleft
            final double travelableDistance = computeTravelableDistance(tempLoc, path.peek(), speed, timeLeft,
            checkState(travelableDistance >= 0d,
                    "Found a bug in computeTravelableDistance, return value must be >= 0," + " but is %s.",
            final double connLength = unitConversion.toInDist(computeDistanceOnConnection(tempLoc, path.peek()));
            checkState(connLength >= 0d,
                    "Found a bug in computeDistanceOnConnection, return value must be " + ">= 0, but is %s.",

            double traveledDistance;
            if (travelableDistance >= connLength) {
                // jump to next node in path (this may be a node or a point on a
                // connection)
                tempLoc = verifyLocation(asLoc(path.remove()));
                traveledDistance = connLength;
            } else {
                // travelableDistance < connLength
                cont = false;
                traveledDistance = travelableDistance;
                final Connection<?> conn = getConnection(tempLoc, path.peek());
                tempLoc = verifyLocation(
                        newLoc(conn, tempLoc.relativePos + unitConversion.toExDist(travelableDistance)));
            final long timeSpent = DoubleMath.roundToLong(
                    unitConversion.toExTime(traveledDistance / speed, time.getTimeUnit()), RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN);
            timeLeft -= timeSpent;
        time.consume(time.getTimeLeft() - timeLeft);
        // update location and construct a MoveProgress object
        objLocs.put(object, tempLoc);

     * Check if it is possible to move from <code>objLoc</code> to
     * <code>nextHop</code>.
     * @param objLoc The current location.
     * @param nextHop The destination node.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if it the proposed move is invalid.
    protected void checkMoveValidity(Loc objLoc, Point nextHop) {
        // in case we start from an conn and our next destination is to go to
        // the end of the current conn then its ok. Otherwise more checks are
        // required..
        if (objLoc.isOnConnection() && !nextHop.equals(objLoc.conn.get().to())) {
            // check if next destination is a MidPoint
            checkArgument(nextHop instanceof Loc,
                    "Illegal path for this object, from a position on a connection we can"
                            + " not jump to another connection or go back. From %s, to %s.",
                    objLoc, nextHop);
            final Loc dest = (Loc) nextHop;
            // check for same conn
                    "Illegal path for this object, first point is not on the same " + "connection as the object.");
            // check for relative position
            checkArgument(objLoc.relativePos <= dest.relativePos,
                    "Illegal path for this object, can not move backward over an " + "connection.");
        } else if (!objLoc.isOnConnection() && !nextHop.equals(objLoc) && !graph.hasConnection(objLoc, nextHop)) {
            // in case we start from a node and we are not going to another node
            checkArgument(nextHop instanceof Loc,
                    "Illegal path, first point should be directly connected to object " + "location.");
            final Loc dest = (Loc) nextHop;
            checkArgument(graph.hasConnection(objLoc, dest.conn.get().to()),
                    "Illegal path, first point is on an connection not connected to " + "object location. ");
                    "Illegal path, first point is on a different connection.");

     * Compute distance between the two specified points, both of which need to be
     * on the same connection (or are equal). If points are equal the distance is
     * 0. This method uses length stored in {@link ConnectionData} objects when
     * available.
     * @param from Start of the connection.
     * @param to End of the connection.
     * @return the distance between two points, must be &ge; 0.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when two points are part of the graph but
     *           are not equal or there is no connection between them
    protected double computeDistanceOnConnection(Point from, Point to) {
        if (from.equals(to)) {
            return 0;
        final Connection<?> conn = getConnection(from, to);
        if (isOnConnection(from) && isOnConnection(to)) {
            return Math.abs(((Loc) from).relativePos - ((Loc) to).relativePos);
        } else if (isOnConnection(from)) {
            return conn.getLength() - ((Loc) from).relativePos;
        } else if (isOnConnection(to)) {
            return ((Loc) to).relativePos;
        return conn.getLength();

     * Checks if the point is on a connection.
     * @param p The point to check.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the point is on a connection,
     *         <code>false</code> otherwise.
    protected static boolean isOnConnection(Point p) {
        return p instanceof Loc && ((Loc) p).isOnConnection();

     * Checks whether the specified location is valid.
     * @param l The location to check.
     * @return The location if it is valid.
     * @throws VerifyException if the location is not valid.
    protected Loc verifyLocation(Loc l) {
        verify(l.isOnConnection() || graph.containsNode(l), "Location points to non-existing node: %s.", l);
        verify(!l.isOnConnection() || graph.hasConnection(l.conn.get().from(), l.conn.get().to()),
                "Location points to non-existing connection: %s.", l.conn);
        return l;

     * Compute speed of the object taking into account the speed limits of the
     * object.
     * @param object traveling object
     * @param from the point on the graph object is located
     * @param to the next point on the path it want to reach
     * @return The maximum speed in the internal unit, must be &ge; 0.
    protected double getMaxSpeed(MovingRoadUser object, Point from, Point to) {
        final double objSpeed = unitConversion.toInSpeed(object.getSpeed());
        if (!from.equals(to)) {
            final Connection<?> conn = getConnection(from, to);
            if ( && instanceof MultiAttributeData) {
                final MultiAttributeData maed = (MultiAttributeData);

                if (maed.getMaxSpeed().isPresent()) {
                    return Math.min(unitConversion.toInSpeed(maed.getMaxSpeed().get()), objSpeed);
                return objSpeed;
        return objSpeed;

     * Precondition: the specified {@link Point}s are part of a {@link Connection}
     * which exists in the {@link Graph}. This method figures out which
     * {@link Connection} the two {@link Point}s share.
     * @param from The start point.
     * @param to The end point.
     * @return The {@link Connection} shared by the points.
    protected Connection<?> getConnection(Point from, Point to) {
        final boolean fromIsOnConn = isOnConnection(from);
        final boolean toIsOnConn = isOnConnection(to);
        Connection<?> conn;
        final String errorMsg = "The specified points must be part of the same connection.";
        if (fromIsOnConn) {
            final Loc start = (Loc) from;
            if (toIsOnConn) {
                checkArgument(start.isOnSameConnection((Loc) to), errorMsg);
            } else {
                checkArgument(start.conn.get().to().equals(to), errorMsg);
            conn = start.conn.get();

        } else if (toIsOnConn) {
            final Loc end = (Loc) to;
            checkArgument(end.conn.get().from().equals(from), errorMsg);
            conn = end.conn.get();
        } else {
            checkArgument(graph.hasConnection(from, to),
                    "The specified points (%s and %s) must be part of an existing " + "connection in the graph.",
                    from, to);
            conn = graph.getConnection(from, to);
        return conn;

    public List<Point> getShortestPathTo(Point from, Point to) {
        final List<Point> path = new ArrayList<>();
        Point start = from;
        if (isOnConnection(from)) {
            start = asLoc(from).conn.get().to();

        Point end = to;
        if (isOnConnection(to)) {
            end = asLoc(to).conn.get().from();
        path.addAll(doGetShortestPathTo(start, end));
        if (isOnConnection(to)) {
        return path;

     * Uses the A* algorithm:
     * {@link com.github.rinde.rinsim.geom.Graphs#shortestPathEuclideanDistance}.
     * This method can optionally be overridden by subclasses to define another
     * shortest path algorithm.
     * @param from The start point of the path.
     * @param to The end point of the path.
     * @return The shortest path.
    protected List<Point> doGetShortestPathTo(Point from, Point to) {
        return shortestPathEuclideanDistance(graph, from, to);

     * @return An unmodifiable view on the graph.
    public Graph<? extends ConnectionData> getGraph() {
        return unmodifiableGraph(graph);

     * Retrieves the connection which the specified {@link RoadUser} is at. If the
     * road user is at a node, {@link Optional#absent()} is returned instead.
     * @param obj The object which position is checked.
     * @return A {@link Connection} if <code>obj</code> is on one,
     *         {@link Optional#absent()} otherwise.
    public Optional<? extends Connection<?>> getConnection(RoadUser obj) {
        final Loc point = objLocs.get(obj);
        if (isOnConnection(point)) {
            return Optional.of(graph.getConnection(point.conn.get().from(), point.conn.get().to()));
        return Optional.absent();

     * Creates a new {@link Loc} based on the provided {@link Point}.
     * @param p The point used as input.
     * @return A {@link Loc} with identical position as the specified
     *         {@link Point}.
    protected static Loc asLoc(Point p) {
        if (p instanceof Loc) {
            return (Loc) p;
        return new Loc(p.x, p.y, null, -1, 0);

     * Creates a new {@link Loc} based on the provided {@link Connection} and the
     * relative position. The new {@link Loc} will be placed on the connection
     * with a distance of <code>relativePos</code> to the start of the connection.
     * @param conn The {@link Connection} to use.
     * @param relativePos The relative position measured from the start of the
     *          {@link Connection}.
     * @return A new {@link Loc}
    protected static Loc newLoc(Connection<? extends ConnectionData> conn, double relativePos) {
        final Point diff = Point.diff(, conn.from());
        final double roadLength = conn.getLength();

        final double perc = relativePos / roadLength;
        if (perc + DELTA >= 1) {
            return new Loc(,, null, -1, 0);
        return new Loc(conn.from().x + perc * diff.x, conn.from().y + perc * diff.y, conn, roadLength, relativePos);

    protected Point locObj2point(Loc locObj) {
        return locObj;

    protected Loc point2LocObj(Point point) {
        return asLoc(point);

    public Point getRandomPosition(RandomGenerator rnd) {
        return graph.getRandomNode(rnd);

    public <U> U get(Class<U> type) {
        return type.cast(self);

    public ImmutableList<Point> getBounds() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented.");

     * Location representation in a {@link Graph} for the {@link GraphRoadModel} .
     * @author Rinde van Lon
    protected static final class Loc extends Point {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 7070585967590832300L;
         * The length of the current connection.
        public final double connLength;
         * The relative position of this instance compared to the start of the
         * connection.
        public final double relativePos;
         * The {@link Connection} which this position is on if present.
        public final Optional<? extends Connection<?>> conn;

        Loc(double pX, double pY, @Nullable Connection<? extends ConnectionData> pConn, double pConnLength,
                double pRelativePos) {
            super(pX, pY);
            connLength = pConnLength;
            relativePos = pRelativePos;
            conn = Optional.fromNullable(pConn);

         * @return <code>true</code> if the position is on a connection.
        public boolean isOnConnection() {
            return conn.isPresent();

         * Check if this position is on the same connection as the provided
         * location.
         * @param l The location to compare with.
         * @return <code>true</code> if both {@link Loc}s are on the same
         *         connection, <code>false</code> otherwise.
        public boolean isOnSameConnection(Loc l) {
            return conn.equals(l.conn);