Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Rinde van Lon, iMinds-DistriNet, KU Leuven * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.rinde.opt.localsearch; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomAdaptor; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator; import com.github.rinde.opt.localsearch.Insertions.InsertionIndexGenerator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleLists; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntLists; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2DoubleLinkedOpenHashMap; /** * Class for swap algorithms. Currently supports two variants of 2-opt: * <ul> * <li>Breadth-first 2-opt search: * {@link #bfsOpt2(ImmutableList, IntList, Object, RouteEvaluator, Optional)}. * </li> * <li>Depth-first 2-opt search: * {@link #dfsOpt2(ImmutableList, IntList, Object, RouteEvaluator, RandomGenerator,Optional)} * .</li> * </ul> * @author Rinde van Lon */ public final class Swaps { private static final int CACHE_SIZE = 1000; private Swaps() { } /** * 2-opt local search procedure for schedules. Performs breadth-first search * in 2-swap space, picks <i>best swap</i> and uses that as starting point for * next iteration. Stops as soon as there is no improving swap anymore. This * algorithm is deterministic on the input, that is, the method will have the * same result when provided with the same arguments. * @param schedule The schedule to improve. * @param startIndices Indices indicating which part of the schedule can be * modified. <code>startIndices[j] = n</code> indicates that * <code>schedule[j][n]</code> can be modified but * <code>schedule[j][n-1]</code> not. * @param context The context to the schedule, used by the evaluator to * compute the cost of a swap. * @param evaluator {@link RouteEvaluator} that can compute the cost of a * single route. * @param <C> The context type. * @param <T> The route item type (i.e. the locations that are part of a * route). * @param listener An optional progress listener. If provided, * {@link ProgressListener#notify(ImmutableList, double)} will be * called each time an <i>improving</i> schedule is found. * @return An improved schedule (or the input schedule if no improvement could * be made). * @throws InterruptedException When execution is interrupted. */ public static <C, T> ImmutableList<ImmutableList<T>> bfsOpt2(ImmutableList<ImmutableList<T>> schedule, IntList startIndices, C context, RouteEvaluator<C, T> evaluator, Optional<? extends ProgressListener<T>> listener) throws InterruptedException { return opt2(schedule, startIndices, context, evaluator, false, Optional.<RandomGenerator>absent(), listener); } /** * 2-opt local search procedure for schedules. Performs depth-first search in * 2-swap space, picks <i>first improving</i> (from random ordering of swaps) * swap and uses that as starting point for next iteration. Stops as soon as * there is no improving swap anymore. * @param schedule The schedule to improve. * @param startIndices Indices indicating which part of the schedule can be * modified. <code>startIndices[j] = n</code> indicates that * <code>schedule[j][n]</code> can be modified but * <code>schedule[j][n-1]</code> not. * @param context The context to the schedule, used by the evaluator to * compute the cost of a swap. * @param evaluator {@link RouteEvaluator} that can compute the cost of a * single route. * @param rng The random number generator that is used to randomize the * ordering of the swaps. * @param <C> The context type. * @param <T> The route item type (i.e. the locations that are part of a * route). * @param listener An optional progress listener. If provided, * {@link ProgressListener#notify(ImmutableList, double)} will be * called each time an <i>improving</i> schedule is found. * @return An improved schedule (or the input schedule if no improvement could * be made). * @throws InterruptedException When execution is interrupted. */ public static <C, T> ImmutableList<ImmutableList<T>> dfsOpt2(ImmutableList<ImmutableList<T>> schedule, IntList startIndices, C context, RouteEvaluator<C, T> evaluator, RandomGenerator rng, Optional<? extends ProgressListener<T>> listener) throws InterruptedException { return opt2(schedule, startIndices, context, evaluator, true, Optional.of(rng), listener); } static <C, T> ImmutableList<ImmutableList<T>> opt2(ImmutableList<ImmutableList<T>> schedule, IntList startIndices, C context, RouteEvaluator<C, T> evaluator, boolean depthFirst, Optional<RandomGenerator> rng, Optional<? extends ProgressListener<T>> listener) throws InterruptedException { checkArgument(schedule.size() == startIndices.size()); final Schedule<C, T> baseSchedule = Schedule.create(context, schedule, startIndices, evaluator); final Object2DoubleLinkedOpenHashMap<ImmutableList<T>> routeCostCache = new Object2DoubleLinkedOpenHashMap<>( CACHE_SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < baseSchedule.routes.size(); i++) { routeCostCache.put(baseSchedule.routes.get(i), baseSchedule.objectiveValues.getDouble(i)); } Schedule<C, T> bestSchedule = baseSchedule; boolean isImproving = true; while (isImproving) { isImproving = false; final Schedule<C, T> curBest = bestSchedule; Iterator<Swap<T>> it = swapIterator(curBest); if (depthFirst) { // randomize ordering of swaps final List<Swap<T>> swaps = newArrayList(it); Collections.shuffle(swaps, new RandomAdaptor(rng.get())); it = swaps.iterator(); } while (it.hasNext()) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } final Swap<T> swapOperation =; final Optional<Schedule<C, T>> newSchedule = swap(curBest, swapOperation, bestSchedule.objectiveValue - curBest.objectiveValue, routeCostCache); if (newSchedule.isPresent()) { isImproving = true; bestSchedule = newSchedule.get(); if (listener.isPresent()) { listener.get().notify(bestSchedule.routes, bestSchedule.objectiveValue); } if (depthFirst) { // first improving swap is chosen as new starting point (depth // first). break; } } } } return bestSchedule.routes; } static <C, T> Iterator<Swap<T>> swapIterator(Schedule<C, T> schedule) { final ImmutableList.Builder<Iterator<Swap<T>>> iteratorBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); final Set<T> seen = newLinkedHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < schedule.routes.size(); i++) { final ImmutableList<T> row = schedule.routes.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < row.size(); j++) { final T t = row.get(j); if (j >= schedule.startIndices.getInt(i) && !seen.contains(t)) { iteratorBuilder.add(oneItemSwapIterator(schedule, schedule.startIndices, t, i)); } seen.add(t); } } return Iterators.concat(; } static <C, T> Iterator<Swap<T>> oneItemSwapIterator(Schedule<C, T> schedule, IntList startIndices, T item, int fromRow) { final IntList indices = indices(schedule.routes.get(fromRow), item); final ImmutableList.Builder<Iterator<Swap<T>>> iteratorBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); Range<Integer> range; if (indices.size() == 1) { range = Range.closedOpen(fromRow, fromRow + 1); } else { range = Range.closedOpen(0, schedule.routes.size()); } for (int i = range.lowerEndpoint(); i < range.upperEndpoint(); i++) { int rowSize = schedule.routes.get(i).size(); if (fromRow == i) { rowSize -= indices.size(); } Iterator<IntList> it = new InsertionIndexGenerator(indices.size(), rowSize, startIndices.getInt(i)); // filter out swaps that have existing result if (fromRow == i) { it = Iterators.filter(it, Predicates.not(Predicates.equalTo(indices))); } iteratorBuilder.add(Iterators.transform(it, new IndexToSwapTransform<T>(item, fromRow, i))); } return Iterators.concat(; } static <C, T> Optional<Schedule<C, T>> swap(Schedule<C, T> s, Swap<T> swap, double threshold) { return swap(s, swap, threshold, new Object2DoubleLinkedOpenHashMap<ImmutableList<T>>()); } /** * Swap an item from <code>fromRow</code> to <code>toRow</code>. All * occurrences are removed from <code>fromRow</code> and will be added in * <code>toRow</code> at the specified indices. The modified schedule is only * returned if it improves over the specified <code>threshold</code> value. * The quality of a schedule is determined by its {@link Schedule#evaluator}. * * @param s The schedule to perform the swap on. * @param itemToSwap The item to swap. * @param fromRow The originating row of the item. * @param toRow The destination row for the item. * @param insertionIndices The indices where the item will be inserted in the * new row. The number of indices must equal the number of * occurrences of item in the <code>fromRow</code>. If * <code>fromRow == toRow</code> the insertion indices point to the * indices of the row <b>without</b> the original item in it. * @param threshold The threshold value which decides whether a schedule is * returned. * @return The swapped schedule if the cost of the new schedule is better * (lower) than the threshold, {@link Optional#absent()} otherwise. */ static <C, T> Optional<Schedule<C, T>> swap(Schedule<C, T> s, Swap<T> swap, double threshold, Object2DoubleLinkedOpenHashMap<ImmutableList<T>> cache) { checkArgument(swap.fromRow() >= 0 && swap.fromRow() < s.routes.size(), "fromRow must be >= 0 and < %s, it is %s.", s.routes.size(), swap.fromRow()); checkArgument(swap.toRow() >= 0 && swap.toRow() < s.routes.size(), "toRow must be >= 0 and < %s, it is %s.", s.routes.size(), swap.toRow()); if (swap.fromRow() == swap.toRow()) { // 1. swap within same vehicle // compute cost of original ordering // compute cost of new ordering final double originalCost = s.objectiveValues.getDouble(swap.fromRow()); final ImmutableList<T> newRoute = inListSwap(s.routes.get(swap.fromRow()), swap.toIndices(), swap.item()); final double newCost = computeCost(s, swap.fromRow(), newRoute, cache); final double diff = newCost - originalCost; if (diff < threshold) { // it improves final ImmutableList<ImmutableList<T>> newRoutes = replace(s.routes, asIntList(swap.fromRow()), ImmutableList.of(newRoute)); final double newObjectiveValue = s.objectiveValue + diff; final DoubleList newObjectiveValues = replace(s.objectiveValues, asIntList(swap.fromRow()), asDoubleList(newCost)); return Optional.of(Schedule.create(s.context, newRoutes, s.startIndices, newObjectiveValues, newObjectiveValue, s.evaluator)); } else { return Optional.absent(); } } else { // 2. swap between vehicles // compute cost of removal from original vehicle final double originalCostA = s.objectiveValues.getDouble(swap.fromRow()); final ImmutableList<T> newRouteA = ImmutableList .copyOf(filter(s.routes.get(swap.fromRow()), not(equalTo(swap.item())))); final int itemCount = s.routes.get(swap.fromRow()).size() - newRouteA.size(); checkArgument(itemCount > 0, "The item (%s) is not in row %s, hence it cannot be swapped to another " + "row.", swap.item(), swap.fromRow()); checkArgument(itemCount == swap.toIndices().size(), "The number of occurences in the fromRow (%s) should equal the number " + "of insertion indices (%s).", itemCount, swap.toIndices().size()); final double newCostA = computeCost(s, swap.fromRow(), newRouteA, cache); final double diffA = newCostA - originalCostA; // compute cost of insertion in new vehicle final double originalCostB = s.objectiveValues.getDouble(swap.toRow()); final ImmutableList<T> newRouteB = Insertions.insert(s.routes.get(swap.toRow()), swap.toIndices(), swap.item()); final double newCostB = computeCost(s, swap.toRow(), newRouteB, cache); final double diffB = newCostB - originalCostB; final double diff = diffA + diffB; if (diff < threshold) { final IntList rows = asIntList(swap.fromRow(), swap.toRow()); final ImmutableList<ImmutableList<T>> newRoutes = replace(s.routes, rows, ImmutableList.of(newRouteA, newRouteB)); final double newObjectiveValue = s.objectiveValue + diff; final DoubleList newObjectiveValues = replace(s.objectiveValues, rows, asDoubleList(newCostA, newCostB)); return Optional.of(Schedule.create(s.context, newRoutes, s.startIndices, newObjectiveValues, newObjectiveValue, s.evaluator)); } else { return Optional.absent(); } } } static IntList asIntList(final int... values) { return IntLists.unmodifiable(new IntArrayList(values)); } static DoubleList asDoubleList(double... values) { return DoubleLists.unmodifiable(new DoubleArrayList(values)); } static <C, T> double computeCost(Schedule<C, T> s, int row, ImmutableList<T> newRoute, Object2DoubleLinkedOpenHashMap<ImmutableList<T>> cache) { if (cache.containsKey(newRoute)) { return cache.getAndMoveToFirst(newRoute); } final double newCost = s.evaluator.computeCost(s.context, row, newRoute); cache.putAndMoveToFirst(newRoute, newCost); if (cache.size() > CACHE_SIZE) { cache.removeLastDouble(); } return newCost; } /** * Moves the occurrences of <code>item</code> to their new positions. This * does not change the relative ordering of any other items in the list. * @param originalList The original list that will be swapped. * @param insertionIndices The indices where item should be inserted relative * to the positions of the <code>originalList</code> <b>without</b> * <code>item</code>. The number of indices must equal the number of * occurrences of item in the original list. * @param item The item to swap. * @return The swapped list. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an attempt is made to move the item to * the previous location(s), this would have no effect and is * therefore considered a bug. */ static <T> ImmutableList<T> inListSwap(ImmutableList<T> originalList, IntList insertionIndices, T item) { checkArgument(!originalList.isEmpty(), "The list may not be empty."); final List<T> newList = newArrayList(originalList); final IntList indices = removeAll(newList, item); checkArgument(newList.size() == originalList.size() - insertionIndices.size(), "The number of occurrences (%s) of item should equal the number of " + "insertionIndices (%s), original list: %s, item %s, " + "insertionIndices %s.", indices.size(), insertionIndices.size(), originalList, item, insertionIndices); checkArgument(!indices.equals(insertionIndices), "Attempt to move the item to exactly the same locations as the input. " + "Indices in original list %s, insertion indices %s.", indices, insertionIndices); return Insertions.insert(newList, insertionIndices, item); } /** * Removes all items from list and returns the indices of the removed items. * @param list The list to remove items from. * @param item The item to remove from the list. * @return The indices of the removed items, or an empty list if the item was * not found in list. */ static <T> IntList removeAll(List<T> list, T item) { final Iterator<T> it = list.iterator(); final IntArrayList indices = new IntArrayList(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { if ( { it.remove(); indices.add(i); } i++; } return IntLists.unmodifiable(indices); } /** * Finds all indices of item in the specified list. * @param list The list. * @param item The item. * @return A list of indices. */ static <T> IntList indices(List<T> list, T item) { final IntList indices = new IntArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { if (list.get(i).equals(item)) { indices.add(i); } } return IntLists.unmodifiable(indices); } static <T> void checkIndices(IntList indices, List<T> elements) { checkArgument(indices.size() == elements.size(), "Number of indices (%s) must equal number of elements (%s).", indices.size(), elements.size()); } static <T> ImmutableList<T> replace(ImmutableList<T> list, IntList indices, ImmutableList<T> elements) { checkIndices(indices, elements); final List<T> newL = newArrayList(list); for (int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) { newL.set(indices.getInt(i), elements.get(i)); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(newL); } static DoubleList replace(DoubleList list, IntList indices, DoubleList elements) { checkIndices(indices, elements); final DoubleList newL = new DoubleArrayList(list); for (int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) { newL.set(indices.getInt(i), elements.getDouble(i)); } return DoubleLists.unmodifiable(newL); } @AutoValue abstract static class Swap<T> { abstract T item(); abstract int fromRow(); abstract int toRow(); abstract IntList toIndices(); static <T> Swap<T> create(T i, int from, int to, IntList toInd) { return new AutoValue_Swaps_Swap<T>(i, from, to, toInd); } } static class IndexToSwapTransform<T> implements Function<IntList, Swap<T>> { private final T item; private final int fromRow; private final int toRow; IndexToSwapTransform(T it, int from, int to) { item = it; fromRow = from; toRow = to; } @Nullable @Override public Swap<T> apply(@Nullable IntList input) { return Swap.create(item, fromRow, toRow, checkNotNull(input)); } } }