Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Rinde van Lon, iMinds-DistriNet, KU Leuven * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.rinde.logistics.pdptw.mas.comm; import static; import static; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import javax.annotation.CheckReturnValue; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import com.github.rinde.logistics.pdptw.mas.Truck; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.GlobalStateObject; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.Measurable; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.SimSolverBuilder; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.Solver; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.SolverTimeMeasurement; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.SolverUser; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.Solvers; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.Solvers.SolveArgs; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.rt.RealtimeSolver; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.rt.RtSimSolver; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.rt.RtSimSolver.EventType; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.rt.RtSimSolver.SolverEvent; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.rt.RtSimSolverBuilder; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.rt.RtSolverModel; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.rt.RtSolverUser; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.rt.RtStAdapters; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.pdp.Parcel; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.time.TickListener; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.time.TimeLapse; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.event.Event; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.event.EventAPI; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.event.Listener; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.pdptw.common.ObjectiveFunction; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.pdptw.common.StatisticsDTO; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.util.StochasticSupplier; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author Rinde van Lon */ public class RtSolverBidder extends AbstractBidder<DoubleBid> implements RtSolverUser, TickListener, Measurable { // 5 minutes private static final long MAX_LOSING_TIME = 5 * 60 * 1000; final ObjectiveFunction objectiveFunction; Optional<RtSimSolver> solverHandle; final Queue<CallForBids> cfbQueue; Listener currentListener; Map<Parcel, Auctioneer<DoubleBid>> parcelAuctioneers; AtomicBoolean reauctioning; AtomicBoolean computing; final BidFunction bidFunction; final boolean reauctionsEnabled; long lastAuctionWinTime; // this field will either be set to the decorator reference (if the bidder is // decorated) or it will not be set, in that case it will refer to 'this'. // This field prevents the decorated bidder from leaking from its decorator. @Nullable Bidder<DoubleBid> decorator; private final RealtimeSolver solver; private final long reauctionCooldownPeriod; RtSolverBidder(ObjectiveFunction objFunc, RealtimeSolver s, BidFunction bidFunc, long cooldown, boolean reauctEnabled) { super(SetFactories.synchronizedFactory(SetFactories.linkedHashSet())); objectiveFunction = objFunc; solver = s; solverHandle = Optional.absent(); bidFunction = bidFunc; cfbQueue = Queues.synchronizedQueue(new LinkedList<CallForBids>()); parcelAuctioneers = new LinkedHashMap<>(); reauctioning = new AtomicBoolean(); computing = new AtomicBoolean(); reauctionCooldownPeriod = cooldown; reauctionsEnabled = reauctEnabled; } public RealtimeSolver getSolver() { return solver; } @Override public void callForBids(final Auctioneer<DoubleBid> auctioneer, final Parcel parcel, final long time) { LOGGER.trace("{} receive callForBids {} {} {}", decorator, auctioneer, parcel, time); cfbQueue.add(CallForBids.create(auctioneer, parcel, time)); parcelAuctioneers.put(parcel, auctioneer); // avoid multiple bids at the same time checkState(solverHandle.isPresent(), "A %s could not be obtained, probably missing a %s.", RtSimSolver.class.getSimpleName(), RtSolverModel.class.getSimpleName()); next(); } @Override public void afterInit() { super.afterInit(); if (decorator == null) { decorator = this; } ((Truck) vehicle.get()).getEventAPI().addListener(new Listener() { @Override public void handleEvent(Event e) { LOGGER.trace("{} Route change -> reauction", vehicle.get()); reauction(); } }, Truck.TruckEvent.ROUTE_CHANGE); } @Override public void endOfAuction(Auctioneer<DoubleBid> auctioneer, Parcel parcel, long time) { final CallForBids endedAuction = CallForBids.create(auctioneer, parcel, time); // we have won if (equals(auctioneer.getWinner())) { lastAuctionWinTime = time; } synchronized (solverHandle.get().getLock()) { synchronized (computing) { if (computing.get()) { // if current computation is about this auction -> cancel it if (endedAuction.equals(cfbQueue.peek())) { LOGGER.trace("{} cancel computation", decorator); computing.set(false); final EventAPI ev = solverHandle.get().getEventAPI(); // in some cases the listener is already removed because it was // called before it could be removed, we can safely ignore this if (ev.containsListener(currentListener, EventType.DONE)) { ev.removeListener(currentListener, EventType.DONE); } solverHandle.get().cancel(); } cfbQueue.remove(endedAuction); next(); } } } if (!equals(auctioneer.getWinner()) && time - lastAuctionWinTime > MAX_LOSING_TIME && !assignedParcels.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.trace("{} We haven't won an auction for a while -> reauction", decorator); // we haven't won an auction for a while reauction(); } } void next() { synchronized (computing) { if (!cfbQueue.isEmpty() && !computing.get()) { while (!cfbQueue.isEmpty() && cfbQueue.peek().getAuctioneer().hasWinner()) { // remove all call for bids which have already finished cfbQueue.remove(); } if (!cfbQueue.isEmpty()) { computeBid(cfbQueue.peek()); } } } } void computeBid(final CallForBids cfb) { checkState(!cfb.getAuctioneer().hasWinner()); checkState(!computing.getAndSet(true)); LOGGER.trace("{} Start computing bid {}", decorator, cfb); final Set<Parcel> parcels = newLinkedHashSet(assignedParcels); parcels.add(cfb.getParcel()); final ImmutableList<Parcel> currentRoute = ImmutableList.copyOf(((Truck) vehicle.get()).getRoute()); final GlobalStateObject state = solverHandle.get().getCurrentState(SolveArgs.create() .useCurrentRoutes(ImmutableList.of(currentRoute)).fixRoutes().useParcels(parcels)); final double baseline = objectiveFunction .computeCost(Solvers.computeStats(state, ImmutableList.of(currentRoute))); final EventAPI ev = solverHandle.get().getEventAPI(); final Bidder<DoubleBid> bidder = decorator; currentListener = new Listener() { boolean exec; // this is called to notify us of the newly computed schedule @Override public void handleEvent(Event e) { synchronized (computing) { final SolverEvent event = (SolverEvent) e; checkState(cfbQueue.peek().equals(cfb)); checkArgument(event.hasScheduleAndState(), "Solver was terminated before it found a solution."); checkState(!exec, "%s handleEvent was already called.", bidder); checkState(ev.containsListener(this, EventType.DONE)); ev.removeListener(this, EventType.DONE); exec = true; // check if we receive the callback of the expected computation, (with // the correct state). If this is not the case, the callback was // probably already done before the listener could be removed. This // can be safely ignored. if (!event.getState().equals(state)) { return; } // submit bid using baseline final ImmutableList<ImmutableList<Parcel>> schedule = solverHandle.get().getCurrentSchedule(); final double newCost = objectiveFunction.computeCost(Solvers.computeStats(state, schedule)); LOGGER.trace("{} Computed new bid: baseline {}, newcost {}", bidder, baseline, newCost); final double bidValue = bidFunction.computeBidValue(currentRoute.size() + 2, newCost - baseline); cfb.getAuctioneer().submit(DoubleBid.create(cfb.getTime(), bidder, cfb.getParcel(), bidValue)); cfbQueue.poll(); checkState(computing.getAndSet(false)); } } @Override public String toString() { return cfb.getParcel() + "-auction-listener-" + bidder; } }; // add callback to solver, such that we get the newly computed schedule as // soon as it is done computing (note, we are NOT interested in intermediary // schedules since we can only propose one bid, therefore we wait for the // best schedule). solverHandle.get().getEventAPI().addListener(currentListener, EventType.DONE); LOGGER.trace("{} Compute new bid, currentRoute {}, parcels {}.", decorator, currentRoute, parcels); solverHandle.get().solve(state); } @Override public void receiveParcel(Auctioneer<DoubleBid> auctioneer, Parcel p, long auctionStartTime) { LOGGER.trace("{} RECEIVE PARCEL {} {} {}", decorator, auctioneer, p, auctionStartTime); super.receiveParcel(auctioneer, p, auctionStartTime); checkArgument(auctioneer.getWinner().equals(decorator)); } @SuppressWarnings({ "null", "unused" }) void reauction() { if (!reauctionsEnabled || assignedParcels.isEmpty()) { return; } LOGGER.trace("{} Considering a reauction, assignedParcels: {}.", decorator, assignedParcels.size()); final ImmutableList<Parcel> currentRoute = ImmutableList.copyOf(((Truck) vehicle.get()).getRoute()); final GlobalStateObject state = solverHandle.get() .getCurrentState(SolveArgs.create().noCurrentRoutes().useParcels(assignedParcels)); final StatisticsDTO stats = Solvers.computeStats(state, ImmutableList.of(currentRoute)); final Parcel lastReceivedParcel = Iterables.getLast(assignedParcels); if (!reauctioning.get()) { // find all swappable parcels, a parcel can be swapped if it is not yet in // cargo (it must occur twice in route for that) // TODO filter out parcels that will be visited within several seconds // (length of auction) final Multiset<Parcel> routeMultiset = LinkedHashMultiset.create(currentRoute); final Set<Parcel> swappableParcels = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (final Parcel ap : assignedParcels) { if (!pdpModel.get().getParcelState(ap).isPickedUp() && !pdpModel.get().getParcelState(ap).isTransitionState() && !state.getVehicles().get(0).getDestination().asSet().contains(ap) && !ap.equals(lastReceivedParcel)) { swappableParcels.add(ap); } } final double baseline = objectiveFunction.computeCost(stats); double lowestCost = baseline; @Nullable Parcel toSwap = null; LOGGER.trace("Compute cost of swapping"); for (final Parcel sp : swappableParcels) { final List<Parcel> newRoute = new ArrayList<>(); newRoute.addAll(currentRoute); newRoute.removeAll(Collections.singleton(sp)); final double cost = objectiveFunction .computeCost(Solvers.computeStats(state, ImmutableList.of(ImmutableList.copyOf(newRoute)))); if (cost < lowestCost) { lowestCost = cost; toSwap = sp; } } // we have found the most expensive parcel in the route, that is, removing // this parcel from the route will yield the greatest cost reduction. if (toSwap != null && !reauctioning.get() && !toSwap.equals(lastReceivedParcel)) { final Auctioneer<DoubleBid> auct = parcelAuctioneers.get(toSwap); if (auct.getLastUnsuccessTime() > 0 && state.getTime() - auct.getLastUnsuccessTime() <= reauctionCooldownPeriod) { LOGGER.trace("Not reauctioning, was unsuccessful too recently"); return; } // try to reauction reauctioning.set(true); LOGGER.trace("Found most expensive parcel for reauction: {}.", toSwap); final double bidValue = bidFunction.computeBidValue(currentRoute.size(), lowestCost - baseline); final DoubleBid initialBid = DoubleBid.create(state.getTime(), decorator, toSwap, bidValue); auct.auctionParcel(decorator, state.getTime(), initialBid, new Listener() { @Override public void handleEvent(Event e) { reauctioning.set(false); } }); } } } @Override public boolean releaseParcel(Parcel p) { LOGGER.trace("{} RELEASE PARCEL {}", decorator, p); // remove the parcel from the route immediately to avoid going there final List<Parcel> currentRoute = new ArrayList<>(((Truck) vehicle.get()).getRoute()); if (currentRoute.contains(p)) { final List<Parcel> original = new ArrayList<>(currentRoute); LOGGER.trace(" > remove parcel from route: {}", currentRoute); currentRoute.removeAll(Collections.singleton(p)); final Truck truck = (Truck) vehicle.get(); truck.setRoute(currentRoute); if (truck.getRoute().contains(p)) { LOGGER.warn("Could not release parcel, cancelling auction."); // set back original route truck.setRoute(original); return false; } } return super.releaseParcel(p); } @Override public void tick(TimeLapse timeLapse) { next(); } @Override public void afterTick(TimeLapse timeLapse) { next(); } @Override public void setSolverProvider(RtSimSolverBuilder builder) { solverHandle = Optional.of(builder.setVehicles(vehicle.asSet()).build(solver)); } @Override public List<SolverTimeMeasurement> getTimeMeasurements() { if (getSolver() instanceof Measurable) { return ((Measurable) getSolver()).getTimeMeasurements(); } throw new IllegalStateException("Solver " + getSolver() + " is not measurable."); } public static Builder realtimeBuilder(ObjectiveFunction objFunc, StochasticSupplier<? extends RealtimeSolver> solverSupplier) { return Builder.createRt(solverSupplier, objFunc); } public static Builder simulatedTimeBuilder(ObjectiveFunction objFunc, StochasticSupplier<? extends Solver> solverSupplier) { return Builder.createSt(solverSupplier, objFunc); } public interface BidFunction { double computeBidValue(int numLocations, double additionalCost); } public enum BidFunctions implements BidFunction { PLAIN { @Override public double computeBidValue(int numLocations, double additionalCost) { return additionalCost; } }, BALANCED { @Override public double computeBidValue(int numLocations, double additionalCost) { return additionalCost + numLocations * additionalCost; } }, BALANCED_LOW { @Override public double computeBidValue(int numLocations, double additionalCost) { return additionalCost + numLocations / MUL * additionalCost; } }, BALANCED_HIGH { @Override public double computeBidValue(int numLocations, double additionalCost) { return additionalCost + MUL * numLocations * additionalCost; } }; static final double MUL = 10d; } @AutoValue abstract static class CallForBids { CallForBids() { } abstract Auctioneer<DoubleBid> getAuctioneer(); abstract Parcel getParcel(); abstract long getTime(); static CallForBids create(Auctioneer<DoubleBid> auctioneer, Parcel parcel, long time) { return new AutoValue_RtSolverBidder_CallForBids(auctioneer, parcel, time); } } @AutoValue public abstract static class Builder implements StochasticSupplier<Bidder<DoubleBid>> { static final BidFunction DEFAULT_BID_FUNCTION = BidFunctions.PLAIN; static final long DEFAULT_COOLDOWN_VALUE = 0L; static final boolean DEFAULT_REAUCTIONS_ENABLED = true; Builder() { } abstract ObjectiveFunction getObjectiveFunction(); abstract BidFunction getBidFunction(); // after an unsuccessful reauction, this period indicates the minimum amount // of time to wait before a new reauction may be started for the same parcel abstract long getReauctionCooldownPeriod(); abstract boolean isReauctionsEnabled(); @Nullable abstract StochasticSupplier<? extends RealtimeSolver> getRtSolverSupplier(); @Nullable abstract StochasticSupplier<? extends Solver> getStSolverSupplier(); @CheckReturnValue public Builder withBidFunction(BidFunction bidFunction) { return create(getObjectiveFunction(), bidFunction, getReauctionCooldownPeriod(), isReauctionsEnabled(), getRtSolverSupplier(), getStSolverSupplier()); } /** * Set the reauction cooldown period. An unsuccessful reauction is defined * as the event where a bidder wins its own reauction, meaning that the * parcel allocation remains unchanged. The reauction cooldown period is * defined as the time that a bidder is not allowed to start a new reauction * for a parcel that was previously reauctioned unsuccessful. This is to * avoid bidders to flood the system with reauctions that are doomed to * fail. * @param periodMs The cooldown period in milliseconds, cannot be negative. * @return A new {@link Builder} instance with the new period. */ @CheckReturnValue public Builder withReauctionCooldownPeriod(long periodMs) { checkArgument(periodMs >= 0L, "A negative cooldown period is not allowed."); return create(getObjectiveFunction(), getBidFunction(), periodMs, isReauctionsEnabled(), getRtSolverSupplier(), getStSolverSupplier()); } /** * Enables or disables the usage of reauctions by {@link RtSolverBidder}s * created by this builder. * @param enabled Whether to enable (<code>true</code>) or disable ( * <code>false</code>) reauctions. Default value: <code>true</code> * . * @return A new {@link Builder} instance with the new reauction setting. */ @CheckReturnValue public Builder withReauctionsEnabled(boolean enabled) { return create(getObjectiveFunction(), getBidFunction(), getReauctionCooldownPeriod(), enabled, getRtSolverSupplier(), getStSolverSupplier()); } @SuppressWarnings("null") @Override public Bidder<DoubleBid> get(long seed) { if (getRtSolverSupplier() != null) { return new RtSolverBidder(getObjectiveFunction(), getRtSolverSupplier().get(seed), getBidFunction(), getReauctionCooldownPeriod(), isReauctionsEnabled()); } else { return new StSolverBidder(new RtSolverBidder(getObjectiveFunction(), RtStAdapters.toRealtime(getStSolverSupplier()).get(seed), getBidFunction(), getReauctionCooldownPeriod(), isReauctionsEnabled())); } } @Override public String toString() { return RtSolverBidder.class.getSimpleName() + (getRtSolverSupplier() != null ? ".realtimeBuilder()" : ".simulatedTimeBuilder()"); } static Builder createRt(StochasticSupplier<? extends RealtimeSolver> sup, ObjectiveFunction objFunc) { return create(objFunc, DEFAULT_BID_FUNCTION, DEFAULT_COOLDOWN_VALUE, DEFAULT_REAUCTIONS_ENABLED, sup, null); } static Builder createSt(StochasticSupplier<? extends Solver> sup, ObjectiveFunction objFunc) { return create(objFunc, DEFAULT_BID_FUNCTION, DEFAULT_COOLDOWN_VALUE, DEFAULT_REAUCTIONS_ENABLED, null, sup); } static Builder create(ObjectiveFunction objectiveFunction, RtSolverBidder.BidFunction bidFunction, long reauctionCooldownPeriod, boolean reauctionsEnabled, @Nullable StochasticSupplier<? extends RealtimeSolver> rtSolverSupplier, @Nullable StochasticSupplier<? extends Solver> stSolverSupplier) { return new AutoValue_RtSolverBidder_Builder(objectiveFunction, bidFunction, reauctionCooldownPeriod, reauctionsEnabled, rtSolverSupplier, stSolverSupplier); } } static final class StSolverBidder extends ForwardingBidder<DoubleBid> implements SolverUser, TickListener { RtSolverBidder delegate; SolverUser stAdapter; StSolverBidder(RtSolverBidder deleg) { deleg.decorator = this; delegate = deleg; stAdapter = RtStAdapters.toSimTime(deleg); } @Override protected RtSolverBidder delegate() { return delegate; } @Override public void setSolverProvider(SimSolverBuilder builder) { stAdapter.setSolverProvider(builder); } @Override public void tick(TimeLapse timeLapse) { delegate().tick(timeLapse); } @Override public void afterTick(TimeLapse timeLapse) { delegate().afterTick(timeLapse); } @Override public String toString() { return StSolverBidder.class.getSimpleName() + "{" + delegate.toString() + "}"; } } }