Java tutorial
package; /* * #%L * es-dms-service * %% * Copyright (C) 2013 es-dms * %% * Copyright 2012-2013 Richard Louapre * * This file is part of ES-DMS. * * The current version of ES-DMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * ES-DMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import static; import static; import; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Singleton; import org.apache.shiro.authz.annotation.RequiresPermissions; import org.apache.shiro.util.ByteSource; import org.elasticsearch.client.Client; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders; import com.github.richardwilly98.esdms.api.Role; import; import com.github.richardwilly98.esdms.api.User; import com.github.richardwilly98.esdms.exception.ServiceException; import; import; @Singleton public class UserProvider extends ProviderItemBase<User> implements UserService { private static final String USER_MAPPING_JSON = "/com/github/richardwilly98/esdms/services/user-mapping.json"; private final static String type = "user"; private final HashService hashService; private final RoleService roleService; @Inject UserProvider(Client client, BootstrapService bootstrapService, HashService hashService, RoleService roleService) throws ServiceException { super(client, bootstrapService, null, UserProvider.type, User.class); this.hashService = hashService; this.roleService = roleService; } @Override protected void loadInitialData() throws ServiceException { User admin = UserService.DefaultUsers.ADMINISTRATOR.getUser(); admin.setHash(computeBase64Hash(admin.getPassword())); super.create(admin); } @Override protected String getMapping() { try { return copyToStringFromClasspath(USER_MAPPING_JSON); } catch (IOException ioEx) { log.error("getMapping failed", ioEx); return null; } } private String computeBase64Hash(char[] password) { String hash = hashService.toBase64(ByteSource.Util.bytes(password).getBytes()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(String.format("computeBase64Hash - %s", hash)); } return hash; } @RequiresPermissions(UserPermissions.Constants.USER_CREATE) @Override public User create(User user) throws ServiceException { try { if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(user.getLogin())) { User userByLogin = null; try { userByLogin = findByLogin(user.getLogin()); } catch (ServiceException sEx) { } finally { if (userByLogin != null) { throw new ServiceException( String.format("A user already exists with same login: %s", user.getLogin())); } } } if (user.getPassword() != null) { String encodedHash = computeBase64Hash(user.getPassword()); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(String.format("From service - hash: %s for login %s", encodedHash, user.getLogin())); } user.setHash(encodedHash); // user.setPassword(null); } if (user.getRoles().isEmpty()) { Role role = roleService.get(RoleService.DefaultRoles.DEFAULT.getRole().getId()); if (role != null) { user.addRole(role); } else { throw new ServiceException(String.format("Could not find default role %s", RoleService.DefaultRoles.DEFAULT.getRole().getId())); } } User newUser = super.create(user); return newUser; } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(String.format("create failed - %s", t)); throw new ServiceException(t.getLocalizedMessage()); } } @RequiresPermissions(UserPermissions.Constants.USER_EDIT) @Override public User update(User user) throws ServiceException { checkArgument(canUserBeUpdated(user), String.format("Cannot update user %s. Missing required system roles", user.getId())); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(user.getLogin())) { User userByLogin = null; try { userByLogin = findByLogin(user.getLogin()); } catch (ServiceException sEx) { } finally { if (userByLogin != null && !user.getId().equals(userByLogin.getId())) { throw new ServiceException( String.format("A user already exists with same login: %s", user.getLogin())); } } } if (user.getPassword() != null) { String encodedHash = computeBase64Hash(user.getPassword()); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(String.format("From service - hash: %s for login %s", encodedHash, user.getLogin())); } user.setHash(encodedHash); // item.setPassword(null); } return super.update(user); } @RequiresPermissions(UserPermissions.Constants.USER_DELETE) @Override public void delete(User item) throws ServiceException { checkArgument(!item.getId().equals(UserService.DEFAULT_ADMIN_LOGIN), String.format("Cannot delete %s user", item.getId())); super.delete(item); } @Override public User findByLogin(String login) throws ServiceException { QueryBuilder query = QueryBuilders.matchQuery("login", login); SearchResult<User> searchResult = search(query, 0, 1); if (searchResult.getTotalHits() == 1) { return Iterables.get(searchResult.getItems(), 0); } if (searchResult.getTotalHits() > 1) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { for (User user : searchResult.getItems()) { log.warn("USER WITH SAME LOGIN: " + user); } } throw new ServiceException(String.format( "Found more than one user with the same login %s. Possible data integrity issue", login)); } throw new ServiceException(String.format("Cannot find user with login %s", login)); } private boolean canUserBeUpdated(User user) { if (user.getId().equals(UserService.DEFAULT_ADMIN_LOGIN)) { for (Role role : RoleService.SystemRoles) { if (!user.getRoles().contains(role)) { return false; } } return true; } else { return true; } } @Override protected void doStart() throws ServiceException { } @Override protected void doStop() throws ServiceException { } }