Java tutorial
package; /* * #%L * es-dms-service * %% * Copyright (C) 2013 es-dms * %% * Copyright 2012-2013 Richard Louapre * * This file is part of ES-DMS. * * The current version of ES-DMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * ES-DMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory.jsonBuilder; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.inject.Singleton; import org.apache.shiro.authz.annotation.RequiresPermissions; import org.elasticsearch.action.autotagging.AutoTaggingAction; import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse; import; import; import; import org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateResponse; import org.elasticsearch.client.Client; import org.elasticsearch.common.base.Stopwatch; import org.elasticsearch.common.text.Text; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryStringQueryBuilder; import; import; import com.github.richardwilly98.esdms.DocumentImpl; import com.github.richardwilly98.esdms.RatingImpl; import com.github.richardwilly98.esdms.VersionImpl; import com.github.richardwilly98.esdms.api.Document; import com.github.richardwilly98.esdms.api.Document.DocumentStatus; import com.github.richardwilly98.esdms.api.Document.DocumentSystemAttributes; import com.github.richardwilly98.esdms.api.File; import com.github.richardwilly98.esdms.api.Rating; import com.github.richardwilly98.esdms.api.Version; import com.github.richardwilly98.esdms.exception.ServiceException; import com.github.richardwilly98.esdms.inject.SystemParametersModule; import; import; import; import; import; @Singleton public class DocumentProvider extends ProviderItemBase<Document> implements DocumentService { private static final String DOCUMENT_MAPPING_JSON = "/com/github/richardwilly98/esdms/services/document-mapping.json"; public final static String TYPE = "document"; private final VersionService versionService; @Inject @Named(SystemParametersModule.PREVIEW_LENGTH) public int previewLength; @Inject DocumentProvider(Client client, BootstrapService bootstrapService, VersionService versionService) throws ServiceException { super(client, bootstrapService, null, DocumentProvider.TYPE, Document.class); this.versionService = versionService; } private SimpleDocument getSimpleDocument(Document document) { checkNotNull(document); return new SimpleDocument.Builder().document(document).build(); } private SimpleVersion getSimpleVersion(Version version) { checkNotNull(version); return new SimpleVersion.Builder().version(version).build(); } @Override protected void loadInitialData() throws ServiceException { } @Override protected String getMapping() { try { return copyToStringFromClasspath(DOCUMENT_MAPPING_JSON); } catch (IOException ioEx) { log.error("getMapping failed", ioEx); return null; } } private SimpleDocument updateModifiedDate(SimpleDocument document) { document.setReadOnlyAttribute(DocumentSystemAttributes.MODIFIED_DATE.getKey(), new Date()); return document; } // @RequiresPermissions(PROFILE_READ_PERMISSION) @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Document getMetadata(String id) throws ServiceException { try { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(String.format("getMetadata - %s", id)); } String[] fields = { "id", "name", "attributes", "tags", "ratings" }; Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); GetResponse response = client.prepareGet(index, TYPE, id).setFields(fields).execute().actionGet(); if (!response.isExists()) {"Cannot find item %s", id)); return null; } checkNotNull(response.getField("name")); String name = response.getField("name").getValue().toString(); Map<String, Object> attributes = newHashMap(); if (response.getField("attributes") != null && response.getField("attributes").getValue() instanceof Map<?, ?>) { attributes.putAll((Map<String, Object>) response.getField("attributes").getValue()); } Set<String> tags = newHashSet(); if (response.getField("tags") != null && response.getField("tags").getValues().size() > 0) { for (Object tag : response.getField("tags")) { tags.add(String.valueOf(tag)); } } Set<Rating> ratings = newHashSet(); if (response.getField("ratings") != null && response.getField("ratings").getValues().size() > 0) { for (Object rating : response.getField("ratings").getValues()) { if (rating instanceof Map<?, ?>) { Map<String, Object> r = (Map<String, Object>) rating; String user = String.valueOf(r.get("user")); int score = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(r.get("score"))); Date date = new Date(Long.parseLong(String.valueOf(r.get("date")))); ratings.add(new RatingImpl.Builder().user(user).date(date).score(score).build()); } else { log.error(String.format("Wrong format for rating: %s", rating)); } } } Document document = new DocumentImpl.Builder().versions(getVersions(id)).ratings(ratings).tags(tags) .id(id).name(name).attributes(attributes).roles(null).build(); watch.stop(); log.trace(String.format("Elapsed time for getMetadata: %s", watch)); return document; } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("getMetadata failed", t); throw new ServiceException(t.getLocalizedMessage()); } } private Set<Version> getVersions(String id) throws ServiceException { try { Set<Version> versions = newHashSet(); QueryBuilder query = QueryBuilders.idsQuery(TYPE).addIds(id); SearchResponse searchResponse = client.prepareSearch(index).setTypes(TYPE) .addPartialField("document", "versions", "versions.file") .setSearchType(SearchType.DFS_QUERY_THEN_FETCH).setFrom(0).setSize(1).setQuery(query).execute() .actionGet(); if (searchResponse.getHits().getTotalHits() == 1) { SearchHit hit = searchResponse.getHits().hits()[0]; if (hit.getFields().containsKey("document") && hit.getFields().get("document").getValue() != null) { Map<String, ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>> object = hit.getFields().get("document").getValue(); ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> vs = object.get("versions"); if (vs != null) { for (Map<String, Object> v : vs) { VersionImpl.Builder builder = new VersionImpl.Builder(); for (String key : v.keySet()) { Object value = v.get(key); if (value == null) { continue; } if ("document_id".equals(key)) { builder.documentId(String.valueOf(value)); } if ("version_id".equals(key)) { builder.versionId(Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(value))); } if ("parent_id".equals(key)) { builder.parentId(Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(value))); } if ("id".equals(key)) {; } if ("name".equals(key)) {; } if ("current".equals(key)) { builder.current(Boolean.parseBoolean(String.valueOf(value))); } } versions.add(; } } } } return versions; } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("getVersions failed", t); throw new ServiceException(t.getLocalizedMessage()); } } @RequiresPermissions(DocumentService.DocumentPermissions.Constants.DOCUMENT_CREATE) @Override public Document create(Document item) throws ServiceException { SimpleDocument sd = getSimpleDocument(item); sd.setReadOnlyAttribute(DocumentSystemAttributes.CREATION_DATE.getKey(), new Date()); sd.setReadOnlyAttribute(DocumentSystemAttributes.AUTHOR.getKey(), getCurrentUser()); sd.setReadOnlyAttribute(DocumentSystemAttributes.STATUS.getKey(), DocumentStatus.AVAILABLE.getStatusCode()); return super.create(sd); } @RequiresPermissions(DocumentService.DocumentPermissions.Constants.DOCUMENT_DELETE) @Override public void delete(Document item) throws ServiceException { if (!item.hasStatus(DocumentStatus.DELETED)) { throw new ServiceException( String.format("Precondition failure: document %s not marked for deletion!", item.getId())); } super.delete(item); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * */ @Override public SearchResult<Document> search(String criteria, int first, int pageSize) throws ServiceException { try { QueryBuilder query = new QueryStringQueryBuilder(criteria); SearchResponse searchResponse = client.prepareSearch(index).setTypes(TYPE) .addPartialField("document", null, "versions").setSearchType(SearchType.DFS_QUERY_THEN_FETCH) .setFrom(first).setSize(pageSize).setQuery(query).execute().actionGet(); return parseSearchResult(searchResponse, first, pageSize); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("search failed", t); throw new ServiceException(t.getLocalizedMessage()); } } @Override protected SearchResult<Document> parseSearchResult(SearchResponse searchResponse, int first, int pageSize) throws ServiceException { log.trace("*** parseSearchResult ***"); try { // Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); Set<Document> items = newHashSet(); long totalHits = searchResponse.getHits().totalHits(); long elapsedTime = searchResponse.getTookInMillis(); for (SearchHit hit : searchResponse.getHits().hits()) { String json = convertFieldAsString(hit, "document"); Document item = mapper.readValue(json, Document.class); items.add(item); } SearchResult<Document> searchResult = new SearchResultImpl.Builder<Document>().totalHits(totalHits) .elapsedTime(elapsedTime).items(items).firstIndex(first).pageSize(pageSize).build(); // watch.stop(); // log.debug("Elapsed time to build document list " + // watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); return searchResult; } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("parseSearchResult failed", t); throw new ServiceException(t.getLocalizedMessage()); } } // TODO Should return byte array or stream private String convertFieldAsString(SearchHit hit, String name) throws IOException { XContentBuilder builder = jsonBuilder(); if (hit.getFields().containsKey(name)) { builder.value(hit.getFields().get(name).getValue()); } return builder.string(); } @Override public void checkin(Document document) throws ServiceException { if (document.hasStatus(DocumentStatus.LOCKED)) { SimpleDocument sd = getSimpleDocument(document); sd.removeReadOnlyAttribute(DocumentSystemAttributes.STATUS.getKey()); sd.setReadOnlyAttribute(DocumentSystemAttributes.AUTHOR.getKey(), getCurrentUser()); sd.removeReadOnlyAttribute(DocumentSystemAttributes.LOCKED_BY.getKey()); document = update(sd); } else { throw new ServiceException(String.format("Document %s is not locked.", document.getId())); } } public void markDeleted(Document document) throws ServiceException { if (document.hasStatus(DocumentStatus.AVAILABLE)) { SimpleDocument sd = getSimpleDocument(document); sd.setStatus(DocumentStatus.DELETED); document = update(sd); } else { throw new ServiceException(String.format("Document %s is not marked as available.", document.getId())); } } public void undelete(Document document) throws ServiceException { if (document.hasStatus(DocumentStatus.DELETED)) { SimpleDocument sd = getSimpleDocument(document); sd.setStatus(DocumentStatus.AVAILABLE); document = update(sd); } else { throw new ServiceException(String.format("Document %s is not marked for deletion.", document.getId())); } } @Override public Document update(Document item) throws ServiceException { SimpleDocument document = updateModifiedDate(getSimpleDocument(item)); // Optional<Version> version = Iterables.tryFind(document.getVersions(), // new Predicate<Version>() { // public boolean apply(Version v) { // return v.getFile() != null; // } // }); // log.debug(String.format("update document - %s - found version with content? %s", // item.getId(), version.isPresent())); // if (version.isPresent()) { return super.update(document); // } else { // document.getVersions().clear(); // return updateMetadata(document); // } } // TODO: document and version should be separated in 2 objects linked as // parent / child // That will speed up and metadata update which will not require a full // re-index of the document + version. // Possible downside - queries could be more complex and potentially less // efficient // See: // public Document updateMetadata(Document item) throws ServiceException { try { item.getVersions().clear(); SimpleDocument document = updateModifiedDate(getSimpleDocument(item)); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(String.format("updateMetadata - %s", item.getId())); } Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); // byte[] document = mapper.writeValueAsBytes(item); UpdateResponse response = client.prepareUpdate(index, TYPE, item.getId()).setScript( "ctx._source.remove('attributes'); ctx._source.remove('tags'); ctx._source.remove('ratings');") .execute().actionGet(); response = client.prepareUpdate(index, TYPE, item.getId()).setDoc(mapper.writeValueAsBytes(document)) .execute().actionGet(); log.trace(String.format("Elapsed time for updateMetadata #2: %s", watch)); refreshIndex(); watch.stop(); Document updatedItem = getMetadata(response.getId()); return updatedItem; } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("update failed", t); throw new ServiceException(t.getLocalizedMessage()); } } @Override public void checkout(Document document) throws ServiceException { SimpleDocument sd = getSimpleDocument(document); if (document.hasStatus(DocumentStatus.LOCKED)) { throw new ServiceException(String.format("Document %s already locked.", document.getId())); } sd.setStatus(DocumentStatus.LOCKED); sd.setReadOnlyAttribute(DocumentSystemAttributes.LOCKED_BY.getKey(), getCurrentUser()); update(sd); } @Override public String preview(Document document, /* int versionId, */ String criteria, int size) throws ServiceException { try { log.trace("*** preview - length " + previewLength + " ***"); // TODO: Replace by QueryBuilder String query = jsonBuilder().startObject().startObject("bool").startArray("must").startObject() .startObject("queryString").field("query", criteria).array("fields", "_all", "file").endObject() .endObject().startObject().startObject("queryString").field("query", document.getId()) .field("default_field", "id").endObject().endObject().endArray().endObject().endObject() .string(); log.debug("query: " + query); // TODO: This query must be in 2 cuts: // 1. Try to retrieve highlight fragment. // 2. If highlight is not available retrieve versions.file SearchRequestBuilder srb = client.prepareSearch(index).setTypes(TYPE) .setSearchType(SearchType.QUERY_AND_FETCH) // .addField("versions.file") .setNoFields().setQuery(query).setHighlighterPreTags("<span class='highlight-tag'>") .setHighlighterPostTags("</span>").setHighlighterOrder("score") .addHighlightedField("versions.file.content", size, 1).setHighlighterNoMatchSize(size); log.trace("++ Search request: " + srb); SearchResponse searchResponse = srb.execute().actionGet(); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("totalHits: " + searchResponse.getHits().totalHits()); } String preview = null; for (SearchHit hit : searchResponse.getHits().hits()) { for (String key : hit.getHighlightFields().keySet()) { HighlightField field = hit.getHighlightFields().get(key); for (Text text : field.fragments()) { if (preview == null) { preview = text.string(); } } } if (preview == null) { log.warn("Preview should never be null since ES 0.90.6"); //"Preview is empty. Try to fetch file.summary from current version."); // preview = // hit.getFields().get("versions.file").getValue().toString(); // if (preview != null && preview.length() > size) { // preview = preview.substring(0, size - 1); // } // log.trace(String.format("summary: %s", preview)); } } return preview; } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("preview failed", t); throw new ServiceException(t.getLocalizedMessage()); } } private void updateVersion(SimpleVersion version) throws ServiceException { if (version.getFile() == null) { throw new ServiceException( String.format("Version %s does not have content!!!", version.getVersionId())); } if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(version.getId())) { versionService.create(version); } else { versionService.update(version); } } private void updateVersions(SimpleDocument document) throws ServiceException { for (Version version : document.getVersions().toArray(new Version[0])) { if (!version.isCurrent()) { if (version.getFile() == null) { throw new ServiceException( String.format("Version %s does not have content!!!", version.getVersionId())); } SimpleVersion sv = getSimpleVersion(version); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(sv.getId())) { versionService.create(sv); } else { versionService.update(sv); } sv.setFile(null); document.updateVersion(sv); } } } @Override public void detectTags(Document document, int max) throws ServiceException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(String.format("*** detectTags document: %s - count: %s ***", document, max)); } checkNotNull(document); refreshIndex(true); client.prepareExecute(AutoTaggingAction.INSTANCE).setIndex(index).setType(type).setId(document.getId()) .setField("tags").setContent("versions.file.content").setMax(max).get(); } @Override public void addVersion(Document document, Version version) throws ServiceException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(String.format("*** addVersion document: %s - version: %s ***", document, version)); } checkNotNull(document); checkNotNull(version); SimpleDocument sd = getSimpleDocument(document); SimpleVersion sv = getSimpleVersion(version); if (document.getCurrentVersion() != null) { // Move current version to archived index log.debug("Moving current version to archive: " + document.getCurrentVersion()); SimpleVersion currentVersion = getSimpleVersion(document.getCurrentVersion()); // Make sure to fetch content if null if (currentVersion.getFile() == null) { currentVersion.setFile(getVersionContent(document, currentVersion.getVersionId())); } currentVersion.setCurrent(false); if (sv.getParentId() == 0) { sv.setParentId(currentVersion.getVersionId()); } updateVersion(currentVersion); currentVersion.setFile(null); sd.updateVersion(currentVersion); } sd.addVersion(sv); log.debug("addVersion - updateVersions: " + sd); // updateVersions(sd); update(sd); } public void deleteVersion(Document document, Version version) throws ServiceException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(String.format("*** deleteVersion document: %s - version: %s ***", document, version)); } checkNotNull(document); checkNotNull(version); if (document.getVersions().size() == 1) { throw new ServiceException("Cannot delete the last version of a document. Use DocumentService.delete"); } SimpleDocument sd = getSimpleDocument(document); SimpleVersion sv; if (!version.isCurrent()) { versionService.delete(version); } else { if (version.getParentId() > 0) { String id = document.getVersion(version.getParentId()).getId(); if (id != null) { Version lastVersion = versionService.get(id); sv = getSimpleVersion(lastVersion); sv.setCurrent(true); sv.setId(null); sd.updateVersion(sv); versionService.delete(lastVersion); } } else { throw new ServiceException( String.format("Version %s is current but does not have parent", version)); } } // Change parent of version where parent is the deleted version int parentId = version.getParentId(); final int versionId = version.getVersionId(); Set<Version> filteredVersions = Sets.filter(document.getVersions(), new Predicate<Version>() { @Override public boolean apply(Version version) { return (version.getParentId() == versionId); } }); for (Version v : filteredVersions.toArray(new Version[0])) { sv = getSimpleVersion(v); sv.setParentId(parentId); sd.updateVersion(sv); } sd.deleteVersion(version); // updateVersions(sd); update(sd); } public Version getVersion(Document document, int versionId) throws ServiceException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(String.format("*** getVersion document: %s - versionId: %s ***", document, versionId)); } checkNotNull(document); checkArgument(versionId > 0, "versionId must be positive."); Version version = document.getVersion(versionId); if (version == null) { throw new ServiceException(String.format("Version %s not found.", versionId)); } if (!version.isCurrent()) { return versionService.get(version.getId()); } else { return version; } } @Override public Set<Version> getVersions(Document document) throws ServiceException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(String.format("*** getVersions document: %s ***", document)); } Set<Version> versions = newHashSet(); for (Version version : document.getVersions()) { if (version.isCurrent()) { versions.add(version); } else { versions.add(versionService.get(version.getId())); } } return versions; } @Override public File getVersionContent(Document document, int versionId) throws ServiceException { checkNotNull(document); checkArgument(versionId > 0, "versionId must be positive."); log.debug(String.format("getVersionContent - %s - %s", document.getId(), versionId)); log.debug(document); Version version = document.getVersion(versionId); log.debug(version); if (version == null) { throw new ServiceException(String.format("Version %s not found.", versionId)); } if (version.isCurrent()) { if (version.getFile() == null) { return get(document.getId()).getCurrentVersion().getFile(); } else { return version.getFile(); } } else { version = versionService.get(version.getId()); if (version == null || version.getFile() == null) { throw new ServiceException(String.format("Version %s or its contents not found.", versionId)); } return version.getFile(); } } @Override public void setCurrentVersion(Document document, int versionId) throws ServiceException { checkNotNull(document); checkArgument(versionId > 0, "versionId must be positive."); Version version = document.getVersion(versionId); if (version == null) { throw new ServiceException(String.format("Version %s not found.", versionId)); } SimpleDocument sd = getSimpleDocument(document); SimpleVersion sv = getSimpleVersion(document.getCurrentVersion()); if (sv.getFile() == null) { sv.setFile(getVersionContent(document, sv.getVersionId())); } sv.setCurrent(false); updateVersion(sv); sv.setFile(null); sd.updateVersion(sv); sv = getSimpleVersion(version); sv.setCurrent(true); if (sv.getFile() == null) { sv.setFile(getVersionContent(document, sv.getVersionId())); } sd.updateVersion(sv); // updateVersions(sd); update(sd); } @Override public void setVersionContent(Document document, int versionId, File file) throws ServiceException { checkNotNull(document); checkArgument(versionId > 0, "versionId must be positive."); checkNotNull(file); Version version = document.getVersion(versionId); if (version == null) { throw new ServiceException(String.format("Version %s not found.", versionId)); } SimpleDocument sd = getSimpleDocument(document); SimpleVersion sv = getSimpleVersion(version); sv.setFile(file); sd.updateVersion(sv); updateVersions(sd); update(sd); } @Override protected void doStart() throws ServiceException { } @Override protected void doStop() throws ServiceException { } }