Java tutorial
/* * This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. * * Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either * in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and * by any means. * * In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this software dedicate * any and all copyright interest in the software to the public domain. We make this dedication for * the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend * this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future * rights to this software under copyright law. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT * NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * For more information, please refer to <> */ package com.github.pffy.chinese; import; import java.util.Iterator; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONTokener; /** * - Converts Chinese Characters and Hanyu Pinyin into pinyin with tone marks, tone * marks, or no tones. * * @author The Pffy Authors * @version 1.5 * */ public class HanyuPinyin { private final String HPJSON = "/json/IdxHanyuPinyin.json"; private final String TMJSON = "/json/IdxToneMarks.json"; private final String TNJSON = "/json/IdxToneNumbers.json"; private final String TRJSON = "/json/IdxToneRemoval.json"; private final String TFJSON = "/json/IdxToneFive.json"; private final String FILE_NOT_LOADED = "File not loaded: "; private String output = ""; private String input = ""; private Tone toneMode = Tone.TONE_NUMBERS; private JSONObject hpdx = new JSONObject(); private JSONObject tmdx = new JSONObject(); private JSONObject tndx = new JSONObject(); private JSONObject trdx = new JSONObject(); private JSONObject tfdx = new JSONObject(); /** * Builds this object. */ public HanyuPinyin() { init(); } /** * Builds object and sets input string. * * @param str Chinese character or Hanyu Pinyin input */ public HanyuPinyin(String str) { init(); setInput(str); } /** * Builds object, sets input string, and sets tone mode * * @param str - Chinese character or Hanyu Pinyin input * @param mode - tone mark display mode as Enum */ public HanyuPinyin(String str, Tone mode) { init(); setMode(mode); setInput(str); } /** * Builds object, sets input string, and sets tone mode * * @param str - Chinese character or Hanyu Pinyin input * @param mode - tone mark display mode as n integer * */ public HanyuPinyin(String str, int mode) { init(); setMode(mode); setInput(str); } /** * Returns string implementation of this object * * @return str - Hanyu Pinyin in specified tone mode */ @Override public String toString() { return this.output; } /** * Returns input as a string * * @return str - input string */ public String getInput() { return this.input; } /** * Sets input string for conversion by the object * * @param str - input string for conversion * @return HanyuPinyin - this object */ public final HanyuPinyin setInput(String str) { if (str == null) { this.input = ""; } else { this.input = normalizeUmlaut(str); } convert(); return this; } /** * Returns tone display mode with an enum type Tone * * @return Tone - The enum Type called Tone */ public Tone getMode() { return this.toneMode; } /** * Sets the tone display mode with an Enum type * * @param mode - tone display mode of enum type Tone * @return HanyuPinyin - this object */ public final HanyuPinyin setMode(Tone mode) { if (mode == null) { this.toneMode = Tone.TONE_NUMBERS; } else { this.toneMode = mode; } convert(); return this; } /** * Sets the tone display mode with an integer. * <p> * 2 - TONE_MARKS; 3 - TONES_OFF; otherwise - TONE_NUMBERS * * @param mode - tone display mode as an integer * @return HanyuPinyin - this object */ public final HanyuPinyin setMode(int mode) { switch (mode) { case 2: this.toneMode = Tone.TONE_MARKS; break; case 3: this.toneMode = Tone.TONES_OFF; break; default: this.toneMode = Tone.TONE_NUMBERS; break; } convert(); return this; } // converts input based on class properties private void convert() { String str; Tone tone; Iterator<?> keys; String key; str = input; tone = toneMode; keys = hpdx.keys(); // converts Hanzi to Pinyin while (keys.hasNext()) { key = (String); str = str.replace(key, hpdx.getString(key) + " "); } // converts pinyin display based on tone mode setting switch (tone) { case TONE_MARKS: keys = tmdx.keys(); // converts to tone marks while (keys.hasNext()) { key = (String); str = str.replace(key, tmdx.getString(key) + " "); } keys = tfdx.keys(); // safely removes tone5 while (keys.hasNext()) { key = (String); str = str.replace(key, tfdx.getString(key) + " "); } break; case TONES_OFF: keys = trdx.keys(); // remove all tone numbers and marks while (keys.hasNext()) { key = (String); str = str.replace(key, trdx.getString(key) + " "); } keys = tfdx.keys(); // safely removes tone5 while (keys.hasNext()) { key = (String); str = str.replace(key, tfdx.getString(key) + " "); } break; default: keys = tndx.keys(); // converts marks to numbers while (keys.hasNext()) { key = (String); str = str.replace(key, tndx.getString(key) + " "); } break; } str = atomize(str); this.output = str; } // atomizes pinyin, creating space between pinyin units private String atomize(String str) { Iterator<?> keys; String key; keys = tmdx.keys(); // atomizes pin1yin1 -> pin1 yin1 while (keys.hasNext()) { key = (String); str = str.replace(key, key + " "); } return vacuum(str); } // removes excess space between pinyin units private String vacuum(String str) { return str.replaceAll("[^\\S\\n]{2,}", " "); } // normalizes umlaut u to double-u (uu) private String normalizeUmlaut(String str) { return str.replaceAll("", "uu").replaceAll("u:", "uu"); } // startup method private void init() { try { // load idx files this.hpdx = loadIdx(this.HPJSON); this.tmdx = loadIdx(this.TMJSON); this.tndx = loadIdx(this.TNJSON); this.trdx = loadIdx(this.TRJSON); this.tfdx = loadIdx(this.TFJSON); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(this.FILE_NOT_LOADED + ex.getMessage()); } } // loads JSON idx files into JSONObjects private JSONObject loadIdx(String str) { JSONObject jo; InputStream is; is = HanyuPinyin.class.getResourceAsStream(str); jo = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(is)); return jo; } }